WL#6899: Reduce lock_sys_t::mutex contention when converting implicit lock to an explicit lock

Status: Complete

Converting a transaction's implicit lock to an explicit lock is costly. It impacts 
both the lock_sys_t::mutex and the trx_sys_t::mutex. The cost comes from the the 
check that determines whether a transaction that inserted a new record is still 
active. If it is determined to be active then an explicit record lock needs to be 
created for the active transaction. The current design does the following:

 Acquire the lock_sys_t::mutex
 Acquire the trx_sys_t::mutex
 Scan the trx_sys_t::rw_trx_list for trx_id_t (only RW transactions can insert)
 Release the trx_sys_t::mutex
 Return handle if transaction found
 if handle found then
   do an implicit to explicit record conversion
 Release the lock_sys_t::mutex

The above pseudo code should make it clear that as the trx_sys_t::rw_trx_list 
grows it has a proportional cost on the lock_sys_t::mutex and that causes a sharp 
drop in TPS at higher concurrency e.g., 1K RW threads in Sysbench.

The solution is:

 Acquire the trx_sys_t::mutex
 Scan the trx_sys_t::rw_trx_list for trx_id_t (only RW transactions can insert)
 if handle found then
   Acquire the trx_t::mutex
   Increment trx_t::n_ref_count
   Release the trx_t::mutex
 Release the trx_sys_t::mutex
 Return handle if transaction found
 if handle found then
   Acquire the lock_sys_t::mutex
   do an implicit to explicit record conversion
   Release the lock_sys_t::mutex
   Acquire the trx_t::mutex
   Decrement trx_t::n_ref_count
   Release the trx_t::mutex

During commit we do the following check:

 Acquire the trx_t::mutex
 if trx_t::n_ref_count > 0
   while (trx_t::n_ref_count > 0)
     Release the trx_t::mutex
     Acquire the trx_t::n_ref_count
   end while
When converting an implicit lock to an explicit lock we first acquire the 
lock_sys_t::mutex and then traverse over the trx_sys_t::rw_trx_list to check if 
the transaction is active. We also acquire the trx_sys_t::mutex before we traverse 
the list to maintain correctness. As the list grows this puts a lot of pressure on 
the lock_sys_t::mutex. The lock_sys_t::mutex is needed to ensure that if an active 
transaction instance is found it is not committed or rolled back while we are 
holding a pointer to it. During commit/rollback we will acquire the 
lock_sys_t::mutex before we release any locks.

The fix is to use a reference count on the trx_t instance. When we find a 
transaction in the trx_sys_t::rw_trx_list we will acquire the trx_t::mutex 
andincrement the reference count.

In lock_rec_convert_impl_to_expl() we will first check and increment the reference 
count of the transaction if found. Only if the transaction is found do we need to 
acquire the lock_sys_t::mutex. Later after converting the implicit lock to an 
explicit lock we decrement the reference count.

In lock_trx_release_locks() after changing the trx_t state 
TRX_STATE_COMMITTED_IN_MEMORY we will wait on this ref count to become zero before 
we release any locks.

Use the same technique in row_vers_impl_x_locked_low(), modify it so that it 
returns the trx instance and not the trx_id. This should save excessive scanning 
of the rw_trx_list.
Add a reference count field to trx_t:

        ulint           n_ref_count;    /*!< Count of references, protected
                                        by trx_t::mutex. We can't release the
                                        locks nor commit the transaction until
                                        this reference is 0.  We can change
                                        the state to COMMITTED_IN_MEMORY to
                                        signify that it is no longer
                                        "active". */

Add 3 new functions that use this field:

Increase the reference count. If the transaction is in state
TRX_STATE_COMMITTED_IN_MEMORY then the transaction is considered
committed and the reference count is not incremented.
@param trx              Transaction that is being referenced
@param do_ref_count     Increment the reference iff this is true
@return transaction instance if it is not committed */
        trx_t*          trx,
        bool            do_ref_count);

Release the transaction. Decrease the reference count.
@param trx      Transaction that is being released */
        trx_t*          trx);

Check if the transaction is being referenced. */
#define trx_is_referenced(t)    ((t)->n_ref_count > 0)

When a running transaction needs to do an implicit to explicit conversion record 
conversion for another transaction it has to first check whether the other 
transaction that owns the implicit record lock is still active. This check 
requires traversal of the trx_sys_t::rw_trx_list while holding the 
trx_sys_t::mutex. A transaction cannot commit while this mutex is being held. 
During the traversal if an active transaction instance is found for the 
corresponding trx_id_t that owns the implicit record lock, acquire the 
trx_t::mutex then increment the trx_t::n_ref_count. This will guarantee that the 
transaction cannot be committed until the trx_t::n_ref_count drops to zero. The 
decrement of the trx_t::n_ref_count is done while holding the trx_t::mutex too.

Before we release a read-write transaction's locks we check the reference count 
and do a busy wait for the trx_t::n_ref_count to drop to 0. The assumption behind 
the busy wait is that the implicit to explicit conversion is a short operation and  
that the busy wait should be sufficient.