WL#3584: Global Transaction Identifiers (GTIDs)
Affects: Server-5.6
Status: Complete
==== SUMMARY ==== Implement globally unique positions of transactions in the binary log. Purpose: solve several problems with automatic fail-over, circular replication, and fault tolerance. ==== PROBLEMS ==== P1 The binary log is missing information required to do automatic failover. Currently, failover requires manual intervention. P2 Failover in a circular topology requires extra manual intervention to prevent binary log events from replicating forever in the circle and cause data corruption. P3 The current format of binary log positions (filename + byte offset) has multiple problems: - local to the machine: a transaction changes position when logged on slave - hard to use - tied to a specific implementation - the position of one transaction cannot be used to predict the position of the next transaction without inspecting the binary log - not fault tolerant: if user specifies an invalid position, then the position is accepted and can cause data corruption The purpose of this worklog is to fix the above problems. As side-effects, this will also fix a number of bugs (see references). ==== SOLUTION ==== S1 Introduce Global Transaction Identifiers (GTIDs). GTIDs are simply the server_uuid together with a sequence number: UGID = (server_uuid, sequence_number) Every transaction has its own GTID. GTIDs are propagated to slaves without transformation (so that they are indeed global). S2 Ensure that a (slave) server never executes a transaction more than once. ==== REFERENCES ==== - Jan's ideas: http://jan.kneschke.de/2007/8/8/mysql-proxy-and-a-global-transaction-id - One of the things we want to make simpler is the current procedure for fail-over in circular replication (Guilhem's text): http://dev.mysql.com/news-and-events/newsletter/2003-05/a0000000127.html - Google's patch: http://code.google.com/p/google-mysql-tools/wiki/GlobalTransactionIds https://code.launchpad.net/~jtolmer/mysql-server/global-trx-ids - Related blogs: http://www.techcrunch.com/2008/05/31/hey-twitter-i-have-a-few-questions-too/ http://mysqldatabaseadministration.blogspot.com/2008/05/michael-arrington- asks-twitter-few.html http://blog.twitter.com/2008/05/its-not-rocket-science-but-its-our-work.html - Other work at MySQL related to binlog positions: WL#4047 Function to get last binary log position WL#3835 Slave tables to track progress of replication WL#3735 Replication begin/end log markers
WL#3610: Multi-master upgrade 5.1
WL#4621: Recovery process to synchronize the master.info, the relay-log.info and the relay-log after a failure.
WL#5825: Using C++ Standard Library with MySQL code
WL#4621: Recovery process to synchronize the master.info, the relay-log.info and the relay-log after a failure.
WL#5825: Using C++ Standard Library with MySQL code
The full high-level specification is in the attached file wl3584-hls-N.odt / wl3584-hls-N.pdf. The highest-numbered file is the latest version. Old versions are kept for reference.
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