WL#10416: Ellipsoidal ST_Length

Affects: Server-8.0   —   Status: Complete

ST_Length currently only supports computations in Cartesian spatial reference systems (SRSs). This WL extends ST_Length to detect that its parameter is in a geographic (ellipsoidal) SRS and to compute the length on the ellipsoid.

Projected SRSs and SRID 0 will still return the same result as before. If the SRID refers to a geographic SRS, the result will be different.

ST_Length MUST return NULL if its argument is NULL.
If the argument is not a syntactically well-formed geometry, ST_Length MUST raise ER_GIS_INVALID_DATA during function evaluation.
ST_Length MUST return NULL if its argument is a geometry that is not a linestring or a multilinestring.
ST_Length MUST NOT return NULL if the parameter is a linestring or a multilinestring.
If the argument is in an undefined SRS, ST_Length MUST raise ER_SRS_NOT_FOUND during function evaluation.
If the argument is geometrically invalid, ST_Length MUST either return a length result or raise an error. If a length is returned, the value is undefined, i.e., it may be any number.
If the argument is a valid linestring in a Cartesian SRS, ST_Length MUST return the Cartesian length of the linestring.
If the argument is a valid multilinestring in a Cartesian SRS, ST_Length MUST return the sum of the Cartesian length of the linestrings.
If the argument is a valid linestring in a geographic SRS, ST_Length MUST return the geodetic length of the linestring in that SRS. The result MUST be in meters.
If the argument is a valid multilinestring in a geographic SRS, ST_Length MUST return the sum of the geodetic length of the linestrings in that SRS. The result MUST be in meters.
If a length computation results in +Inf, ST_Length MUST raise ER_DATA_OUT_OF_RANGE during function evaluation.
If the argument is a geometry in a geographic SRS and a longitude value is not in the range (-180,180] (in degrees -- other limits in other units), ST_Length MUST raise ER_LONGITUDE_OUT_OF_RANGE.(*)
If the argument is a geometry in a geographic SRS and a latitude value is not in the range [-90,90] (in degrees -- other limits in other units), ST_Length MUST raise ER_LATITUDE_OUT_OF_RANGE.(*)

(*) The exact limits will deviate slightly because of floating point arithmetics.

No new files.
No new syntax.
No new commands.
No new tools.
The semantics of interface SQL01 are changed: If the linestring is in a geographic SRS, ST_Length will return the geodetic length of the the linestring, or raise an error if the coordinates are out of bounds. Other calculations will remain as they are today.
No new errors or warnings.
  • See WL#9347 for an example of how to implement geography support. Follow the same pattern.
  • Rename the item from Item_func_glength to Item_func_st_length.
  • Make sure resolve_type() sets maybe_null correctly.
  • Re-implement val_real() based on the pattern from Item_func_distance::val_real().