MySQL 9.1.0
Source Code Documentation
sql_executor.h File Reference

Classes for query execution. More...

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "my_alloc.h"
#include "my_inttypes.h"
#include "my_table_map.h"
#include "sql/sql_lex.h"
#include "sql/sql_opt_exec_shared.h"
#include "sql/table.h"
#include "sql/temp_table_param.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


class  Semijoin_mat_exec
 Executor structure for the materialized semi-join info, which contains. More...
class  QEP_TAB
struct  PendingCondition
struct  PendingInvalidator
 Cache invalidator iterators we need to apply, but cannot yet due to outer joins. More...


enum  Copy_func_type : int {


void setup_tmptable_write_func (QEP_TAB *tab, Opt_trace_object *trace)
 Setup write_func of QEP_tmp_table object. More...
bool copy_fields (Temp_table_param *param, const THD *thd, bool reverse_copy=false)
 Make a copy of all simple SELECT'ed fields. More...
bool copy_funcs (Temp_table_param *, const THD *thd, Copy_func_type type=CFT_ALL)
 Copy result of functions to record in tmp_table. More...
bool construct_lookup (THD *thd, TABLE *table, Index_lookup *ref)
 Copy the lookup key into the table ref's key buffer. More...
int report_handler_error (TABLE *table, int error)
 Help function when we get some an error from the table handler. More...
int join_read_const_table (JOIN_TAB *tab, POSITION *pos)
 Reads content of constant table. More...
int do_sj_dups_weedout (THD *thd, SJ_TMP_TABLE *sjtbl)
 SemiJoinDuplicateElimination: Weed out duplicate row combinations. More...
int update_item_cache_if_changed (List< Cached_item > &list)
size_t compute_ria_idx (const mem_root_deque< Item * > &fields, size_t i, size_t added_non_hidden_fields, size_t border)
 Compute the position mapping from fields to ref_item_array, cf. More...
bool change_to_use_tmp_fields (mem_root_deque< Item * > *fields, THD *thd, Ref_item_array ref_item_array, mem_root_deque< Item * > *res_fields, size_t added_non_hidden_fields, bool windowing=false)
 Change all funcs and sum_funcs to fields in tmp table, and create new list of all items. More...
bool change_to_use_tmp_fields_except_sums (mem_root_deque< Item * > *fields, THD *thd, Query_block *select, Ref_item_array ref_item_array, mem_root_deque< Item * > *res_fields, size_t added_non_hidden_fields)
 Change all sum_func refs to fields to point at fields in tmp table. More...
bool prepare_sum_aggregators (Item_sum **func_ptr, bool need_distinct)
bool setup_sum_funcs (THD *thd, Item_sum **func_ptr)
 Call setup() for all sum functions. More...
bool make_group_fields (JOIN *main_join, JOIN *curr_join)
 allocate group fields or take prepared (cached). More...
bool check_unique_fields (TABLE *table)
 Check whether a row is already present in the tmp table. More...
ulonglong calc_row_hash (TABLE *table)
 Generate hash for unique_constraint for all visible fields of a table. More...
ulonglong calc_field_hash (const Field *field, ulonglong *hash)
 Generate hash for a field. More...
int read_const (TABLE *table, Index_lookup *ref)
bool table_rec_cmp (TABLE *table)
 Compare GROUP BY in from tmp table's record[0] and record[1]. More...
bool set_record_buffer (TABLE *table, double expected_rows_to_fetch)
 Allocate a data buffer that the storage engine can use for fetching batches of records. More...
void init_tmptable_sum_functions (Item_sum **func_ptr)
void update_tmptable_sum_func (Item_sum **func_ptr, TABLE *tmp_table)
 Update record 0 in tmp_table from record 1. More...
bool has_rollup_result (Item *item)
 Checks if an item has a ROLLUP NULL which needs to be written to temp table. More...
bool is_rollup_group_wrapper (const Item *item)
Itemunwrap_rollup_group (Item *item)
ItemCreateConjunction (List< Item > *items)
 Create an AND conjunction of all given items. More...
unique_ptr_destroy_only< RowIteratorPossiblyAttachFilterIterator (unique_ptr_destroy_only< RowIterator > iterator, const std::vector< Item * > &conditions, THD *thd)
void SplitConditions (Item *condition, QEP_TAB *current_table, std::vector< Item * > *predicates_below_join, std::vector< PendingCondition > *predicates_above_join, std::vector< PendingCondition > *join_conditions, plan_idx semi_join_table_idx, qep_tab_map left_tables)
AccessPathMoveCompositeIteratorsFromTablePath (THD *thd, AccessPath *path, const Query_block &query_block)
 For a MATERIALIZE access path, move any non-basic iterators (e.g. More...
AccessPathGetAccessPathForDerivedTable (THD *thd, Table_ref *table_ref, TABLE *table, bool rematerialize, Mem_root_array< const AccessPath * > *invalidators, bool need_rowid, AccessPath *table_path)
void ConvertItemsToCopy (const mem_root_deque< Item * > &items, Field **fields, Temp_table_param *param)
 For historical reasons, derived table materialization and temporary table materialization didn't specify the fields to materialize in the same way. More...
std::string RefToString (const Index_lookup &ref, const KEY &key, bool include_nulls)
bool MaterializeIsDoingDeduplication (TABLE *table)
 (end of group Query_Executor) More...
bool ExtractConditions (Item *condition, Mem_root_array< Item * > *condition_parts)
 Split AND conditions into their constituent parts, recursively. More...
AccessPathcreate_table_access_path (THD *thd, TABLE *table, AccessPath *range_scan, Table_ref *table_ref, POSITION *position, bool count_examined_rows)
 create_table_access_path is used to scan by using a number of different methods. More...
unique_ptr_destroy_only< RowIteratorinit_table_iterator (THD *thd, TABLE *table, AccessPath *range_scan, Table_ref *table_ref, POSITION *position, bool ignore_not_found_rows, bool count_examined_rows)
 Creates an iterator for the given table, then calls Init() on the resulting iterator. More...
unique_ptr_destroy_only< RowIteratorinit_table_iterator (THD *thd, TABLE *table, bool ignore_not_found_rows, bool count_examined_rows)
 A short form for when there's no range scan, recursive CTEs or cost information; just a unique_result or a simple table scan. More...
AccessPathConnectJoins (plan_idx upper_first_idx, plan_idx first_idx, plan_idx last_idx, QEP_TAB *qep_tabs, THD *thd, CallingContext calling_context, std::vector< PendingCondition > *pending_conditions, std::vector< PendingInvalidator > *pending_invalidators, std::vector< PendingCondition > *pending_join_conditions, qep_tab_map *unhandled_duplicates, table_map *conditions_depend_on_outer_tables)
void set_count_examined_rows (AccessPath *path, bool count_examined_rows)
 For the given access path, set "count_examined_rows" to the value specified. More...

Detailed Description

Classes for query execution.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ CallingContext


◆ Copy_func_type

enum Copy_func_type : int

In non-windowing step, copies functions.


In windowing step, copies framing window function, including all grouping aggregates, e.g.



In windowing step, copies non framing window function, e.g.

ROW_NUMBER, RANK, DENSE_RANK, except those that are two_pass cf. copy_two_pass_window_functions which are treated separately.


In windowing step, copies window functions that need frame cardinality, that is we need to read all rows of a partition before we can compute the wf's value for the the first row in the partition.


In windowing step, copies framing window functions that read only one row per frame.


In first windowing step, copies non-window functions which do not rely on window functions, i.e.

those that have Item::has_wf() == false.


In final windowing step, copies all non-wf functions.

Must be called after all wfs have been evaluated, as non-wf functions may reference wf, e.g. 1+RANK.


Copies all window functions.


Copies Item_field only (typically because other functions might depend on those fields).

Function Documentation

◆ ConnectJoins()

AccessPath * ConnectJoins ( plan_idx  upper_first_idx,
plan_idx  first_idx,
plan_idx  last_idx,
QEP_TAB qep_tabs,
THD thd,
CallingContext  calling_context,
std::vector< PendingCondition > *  pending_conditions,
std::vector< PendingInvalidator > *  pending_invalidators,
std::vector< PendingCondition > *  pending_join_conditions,
qep_tab_map unhandled_duplicates,
table_map conditions_depend_on_outer_tables 

◆ create_table_access_path()

AccessPath * create_table_access_path ( THD thd,
TABLE table,
AccessPath range_scan,
Table_ref table_ref,
POSITION position,
bool  count_examined_rows 

create_table_access_path is used to scan by using a number of different methods.

Which method to use is set-up in this call so that you can create an iterator from the returned access path and fetch rows through said iterator afterwards.

thdThread handle
tableTable the data [originally] comes from
range_scanAccessPath to scan the table with, or nullptr
table_refPosition for the table, must be non-nullptr for WITH RECURSIVE
positionPlace to get cost information from, or nullptr
count_examined_rowsSee AccessPath::count_examined_rows.

◆ init_table_iterator() [1/2]

unique_ptr_destroy_only< RowIterator > init_table_iterator ( THD thd,
TABLE table,
AccessPath range_scan,
Table_ref table_ref,
POSITION position,
bool  ignore_not_found_rows,
bool  count_examined_rows 

Creates an iterator for the given table, then calls Init() on the resulting iterator.

Unlike create_table_iterator(), this can create iterators for sort buffer results (which are set in the TABLE object during query execution). Returns nullptr on failure.

◆ init_table_iterator() [2/2]

unique_ptr_destroy_only< RowIterator > init_table_iterator ( THD thd,
TABLE table,
bool  ignore_not_found_rows,
bool  count_examined_rows 

A short form for when there's no range scan, recursive CTEs or cost information; just a unique_result or a simple table scan.

Normally, you should prefer just instantiating an iterator yourself – this is for legacy use only.

◆ MaterializeIsDoingDeduplication()

bool MaterializeIsDoingDeduplication ( TABLE table)

(end of group Query_Executor)

◆ PossiblyAttachFilterIterator()

unique_ptr_destroy_only< RowIterator > PossiblyAttachFilterIterator ( unique_ptr_destroy_only< RowIterator iterator,
const std::vector< Item * > &  conditions,
THD thd 

◆ set_count_examined_rows()

void set_count_examined_rows ( AccessPath path,
bool  count_examined_rows 

For the given access path, set "count_examined_rows" to the value specified.

For index merge scans, we set "count_examined_rows" for all the child paths too.

pathAccess path (A range scan)
count_examined_rowsSee AccessPath::count_examined_rows.

◆ SplitConditions()

void SplitConditions ( Item condition,
QEP_TAB current_table,
std::vector< Item * > *  predicates_below_join,
std::vector< PendingCondition > *  predicates_above_join,
std::vector< PendingCondition > *  join_conditions,
plan_idx  semi_join_table_idx,
qep_tab_map  left_tables 