MySQL 9.2.0
Source Code Documentation
dict0dd.h File Reference

Data dictionary interface. More...

#include "dict0dict.h"
#include "dict0mem.h"
#include "dict0types.h"
#include "my_compiler.h"
#include "univ.i"
#include "dd/cache/dictionary_client.h"
#include "dd/dd.h"
#include "dd/dd_schema.h"
#include "dd/dd_table.h"
#include "dd/dictionary.h"
#include "dd/properties.h"
#include "dd/types/column.h"
#include "dd/types/foreign_key.h"
#include "dd/types/foreign_key_element.h"
#include "dd/types/index.h"
#include "dd/types/index_element.h"
#include "dd/types/partition.h"
#include "dd/types/partition_index.h"
#include "dd/types/table.h"
#include "dd/types/tablespace.h"
#include "dd/types/tablespace_file.h"
#include "dd_table_share.h"
#include "sess0sess.h"
#include "mysql_version.h"
#include "dict0dd.ic"

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  innodb_dd_table_t
 Hard-coded data dictionary information. More...
class  DD_instant_col_val_coder
 Class to decode or encode a stream of default value for instant table. More...


using Columns = std::vector< Field * >


enum  dd_table_keys {
 InnoDB private keys for dd::Table. More...
enum  dd_column_keys {
 InnoDB private keys for dd::Column. More...
 InnoDB private keys for dd::Partition. More...
enum  dd_space_keys {
 InnoDB private keys for dd::Tablespace. More...
enum  dd_space_states {
 Values for InnoDB private key "state" for dd::Tablespace. More...
enum  dd_index_keys {
 InnoDB private keys for dd::Index or dd::Partition_index. More...


bool dd_is_valid_row_version (uint32_t version)
 Determine if give version is a valid row version. More...
bool dd_column_is_added (const dd::Column *dd_col)
 Determine if column is INSTANT ADD. More...
bool dd_column_is_dropped (const dd::Column *dd_col)
 Determine if column is INSTANT DROP. More...
uint32_t dd_column_get_version_added (const dd::Column *dd_col)
 Get the row version in which column is INSTANT ADD. More...
uint32_t dd_column_get_version_dropped (const dd::Column *dd_col)
 Get the row version in which column is INSTANT DROP. More...
static const dd::String_type index_file_name_key ("index_file_name")
 dd::Partition::options() key for INDEX DIRECTORY More...
static const dd::String_type data_file_name_key ("data_file_name")
 dd::Partition::options() key for DATA DIRECTORY More...
static const dd::String_type dd_tables_name ("mysql/tables")
 Table names needed to process I_S queries. More...
static const dd::String_type dd_partitions_name ("mysql/table_partitions")
static const dd::String_type dd_tablespaces_name ("mysql/tablespaces")
static const dd::String_type dd_indexes_name ("mysql/indexes")
static const dd::String_type dd_columns_name ("mysql/columns")
uint32_t dd_get_total_indexes_num ()
bool dd_part_is_first (const dd::Partition *dd_part)
 Determine if a dd::Partition is the first leaf partition in the table. More...
bool dd_table_is_partitioned (const dd::Table &table)
 Determine if a dd::Table is partitioned table. More...
bool dd_instant_columns_consistent (const dd::Table &dd_table)
 Check if the instant columns are consistent with the se_private_data in dd::Table. More...
void dd_visit_keys_with_too_long_parts (const TABLE *table, const size_t max_part_len, std::function< void(const KEY &)> visitor)
 Scan through all the keys to identify the key parts which are greater than the maximum size supported by the table record format. More...
bool dd_table_is_upgraded_instant (const dd::Table &table)
 Determine if a dd::Table has any INSTANT ADD column(s) in V1. More...
bool dd_table_has_instant_add_cols (const dd::Table &table)
 Determine if dd::Table has INSTANT ADD columns. More...
bool dd_table_has_instant_drop_cols (const dd::Table &table)
 Determine if dd::Table has INSTANT DROPPED columns. More...
static bool is_system_column (const char *col_name)
void dd_table_get_column_counters (const dd::Table &table, uint32_t &i_c, uint32_t &c_c, uint32_t &t_c, uint32_t &current_row_version)
 Set different column counters. More...
bool dd_table_has_row_versions (const dd::Table &table)
 Determine if a dd::Table has row versions. More...
bool dd_table_has_instant_cols (const dd::Table &table)
 Determine if a dd::Table has any INSTANTly ADDed/DROPped column. More...
bool dd_part_has_instant_cols (const dd::Partition &part)
 Determine if a dd::Partition has any instant column. More...
bool dd_table_part_has_instant_cols (const dd::Table &table)
 Determine if any partition of the table still has instant columns. More...
bool dd_is_discarded (const dd::Table &table)
 Determine if dd::Table is discarded. More...
bool dd_is_discarded (const dd::Partition &partition)
 Determine if dd::Partition is discarded. More...
void dd_set_discarded (dd::Table &table, bool discard)
 Sets appropriate discard attribute of dd::Table Please note that this function must not be called on partitioned tables. More...
void dd_set_discarded (dd::Partition &partition, bool discard)
 Sets appropriate discard attribute of dd::Partition Please note that this function can be only called on leaf_partitions. More...
template<typename Table , typename Index >
const Index * dd_first (const Table *table)
 Get the first index of a table or partition. More...
const dd::Indexdd_first_index (const dd::Table *table)
 Get the first index of a table. More...
const dd::Partition_indexdd_first_index (const dd::Partition *partition)
 Get the first index of a partition. More...
bool dd_part_is_stored (const dd::Partition *part)
 Determine if a partition is materialized. More...
dd::Object_id dd_get_space_id (const dd::Table &table)
 Get the explicit dd::Tablespace::id of a table. More...
dd::Object_id dd_get_space_id (const dd::Partition &partition)
 Get the explicit dd::Tablespace::id of a partition. More...
void dd_set_autoinc (dd::Properties &se_private_data, uint64_t autoinc)
 Set the AUTO_INCREMENT attribute. More...
uint64_t dd_get_version (const dd::Table *dd_table)
 Get the version attribute. More...
void dd_copy_autoinc (const dd::Properties &src, dd::Properties &dest)
 Copy the AUTO_INCREMENT and version attribute if exist. More...
void dd_copy_instant_n_cols (dd::Table &new_table, const dd::Table &old_table)
 Copy the metadata of a table definition if there was an instant ADD COLUMN happened. More...
template<typename Table >
void dd_copy_private (Table &new_table, const Table &old_table)
 Copy the engine-private parts of a table or partition definition when the change does not affect InnoDB. More...
void dd_copy_table_columns (const Alter_inplace_info *ha_alter_info, dd::Table &new_table, const dd::Table &old_table, dict_table_t *dict_table)
 Copy the engine-private parts of column definitions of a table. More...
void dd_copy_table (const Alter_inplace_info *ha_alter_info, dd::Table &new_table, const dd::Table &old_table)
 Copy the metadata of a table definition, including the INSTANT ADD COLUMN information. More...
void dd_part_adjust_table_id (dd::Table *new_table)
 Adjust TABLE_ID for partitioned table after ALTER TABLE ... PARTITION. More...
bool dd_drop_instant_columns (const dd::Table *old_dd_table, dd::Table *new_dd_table, dict_table_t *new_table, const Columns &cols_to_drop, const Columns &cols_to_add, Alter_inplace_info *ha_alter_info)
 Drop column instantly. More...
bool dd_add_instant_columns (const dd::Table *old_dd_table, dd::Table *new_dd_table, dict_table_t *new_table, const Columns &cols_to_add)
 Add column default values for new instantly added columns. More...
dberr_t dd_clear_instant_table (dd::Table &dd_table, bool clear_version)
 Clear the instant ADD COLUMN information of a table. More...
void dd_clear_instant_part (dd::Partition &dd_part)
 Clear the instant ADD COLUMN information of a partition, to make it as a normal partition. More...
bool dd_match_default_value (const dd::Column *dd_col, const dict_col_t *col)
 Compare the default values between imported column and column defined in the server. More...
void dd_write_default_value (const dict_col_t *col, dd::Column *dd_col)
 Write default value of a column to dd::Column. More...
void dd_import_instant_add_columns (const dict_table_t *table, dd::Table *dd_table)
 Import all metadata which is related to instant ADD COLUMN of a table to dd::Table. More...
template<typename Table >
void dd_write_table (dd::Object_id dd_space_id, Table *dd_table, const dict_table_t *table)
 Write metadata of a table to dd::Table. More...
template<typename Table >
void dd_set_table_options (Table *dd_table, const dict_table_t *table)
 Set options of dd::Table according to InnoDB table object. More...
void dd_update_v_cols (dd::Table *dd_table, table_id_t id)
 Update virtual columns with new se_private_data, currently, only table_id is set. More...
void dd_write_tablespace (dd::Tablespace *dd_space, space_id_t space_id, uint32_t fsp_flags, dd_space_states state)
 Write metadata of a tablespace to dd::Tablespace. More...
void dd_add_fts_doc_id_index (dd::Table &new_table, const dd::Table &old_table)
 Add fts doc id column and index to new table when old table has hidden fts doc id without fulltext index. More...
template<typename Index >
const dict_index_tdd_find_index (const dict_table_t *table, Index *dd_index)
 Find the specified dd::Index or dd::Partition_index in an InnoDB table. More...
static bool dd_mdl_acquire (THD *thd, MDL_ticket **mdl, const char *db, const char *table)
 Acquire a shared metadata lock. More...
void dd_mdl_release (THD *thd, MDL_ticket **mdl)
 Release a metadata lock. More...
THDdd_thd_for_undo (const trx_t &trx)
 Returns thd associated with the trx or current_thd. More...
bool dd_mdl_for_undo (const trx_t &trx)
 Check if current undo needs a MDL or not. More...
dberr_t dd_table_load_fk_from_dd (dict_table_t *m_table, const dd::Table *dd_table, const char **col_names, dict_err_ignore_t ignore_err, bool dict_locked)
 Load foreign key constraint info for the dd::Table object. More...
const rec_tdd_startscan_system (THD *thd, MDL_ticket **mdl, btr_pcur_t *pcur, mtr_t *mtr, const char *system_table_name, dict_table_t **table)
 Scan a new dd system table, like mysql.tables... More...
const char * dd_process_dd_tables_rec_and_mtr_commit (mem_heap_t *heap, const rec_t *rec, dict_table_t **table, dict_table_t *dd_tables, MDL_ticket **mdl, mtr_t *mtr)
 Process one mysql.tables record and get the dict_table_t. More...
const char * dd_process_dd_partitions_rec_and_mtr_commit (mem_heap_t *heap, const rec_t *rec, dict_table_t **table, dict_table_t *dd_tables, MDL_ticket **mdl, mtr_t *mtr)
 Process one mysql.table_partitions record and get the dict_table_t. More...
bool dd_process_dd_columns_rec (mem_heap_t *heap, const rec_t *rec, dict_col_t *col, table_id_t *table_id, char **col_name, ulint *nth_v_col, const dict_table_t *dd_columns, mtr_t *mtr)
 Process one mysql.columns record and get info to dict_col_t. More...
bool dd_process_dd_virtual_columns_rec (mem_heap_t *heap, const rec_t *rec, table_id_t *table_id, ulint **pos, ulint **base_pos, ulint *n_row, dict_table_t *dd_columns, mtr_t *mtr)
 Process one mysql.columns record for virtual columns. More...
const rec_tdd_getnext_system_rec (btr_pcur_t *pcur, mtr_t *mtr)
 Get next record of new DD system tables. More...
bool dd_process_dd_indexes_rec (mem_heap_t *heap, const rec_t *rec, const dict_index_t **index, MDL_ticket **mdl, dict_table_t **parent, MDL_ticket **parent_mdl, dict_table_t *dd_indexes, mtr_t *mtr)
 Process one mysql.indexes record and get the dict_index_t. More...
bool dd_process_dd_indexes_rec_simple (mem_heap_t *heap, const rec_t *rec, space_index_t *index_id, space_id_t *space_id, dict_table_t *dd_indexes)
 Process one mysql.indexes record and get brief info to dict_index_t. More...
bool dd_process_dd_tablespaces_rec (mem_heap_t *heap, const rec_t *rec, space_id_t *space_id, char **name, uint32_t *flags, uint32_t *server_version, uint32_t *space_version, bool *is_encrypted, uint64_t *autoextend_size, dd::String_type *state, dict_table_t *dd_spaces)
 Process one mysql.tablespaces record and get info. More...
template<typename Table >
void dd_get_and_save_data_dir_path (dict_table_t *table, const Table *dd_table, bool dict_mutex_own)
 Make sure the data_dir_path is saved in dict_table_t if DATA DIRECTORY was used. More...
template<typename Table >
void dd_get_and_save_space_name (dict_table_t *table, const Table *dd_table, bool dict_mutex_own)
 Make sure the tablespace name is saved in dict_table_t if the table uses a general tablespace. More...
void dd_get_meta_data_filename (dict_table_t *table, dd::Table *dd_table, char *filename, ulint max_len)
 Get the meta-data filename from the table name for a single-table tablespace. More...
dberr_t dd_table_load_fk (dd::cache::Dictionary_client *client, const char *tbl_name, const char **col_names, dict_table_t *m_table, const dd::Table *dd_table, THD *thd, bool dict_locked, bool check_charsets, dict_names_t *fk_tables)
 Load foreign key constraint for the table. More...
dberr_t dd_table_check_for_child (dd::cache::Dictionary_client *client, const char *tbl_name, const char **col_names, dict_table_t *m_table, bool check_charsets, dict_err_ignore_t ignore_err, dict_names_t *fk_tables)
 Load foreign key constraint for the table. More...
int acquire_uncached_table (THD *thd, dd::cache::Dictionary_client *client, const dd::Table *dd_table, const char *name, TABLE_SHARE *ts, TABLE *td)
 Open uncached table definition based on a Global DD object. More...
void release_uncached_table (TABLE_SHARE *ts, TABLE *td)
 free uncached table definition. More...
int dd_table_open_on_dd_obj (THD *thd, dd::cache::Dictionary_client *client, const dd::Table &dd_table, const dd::Partition *dd_part, const char *tbl_name, dict_table_t *&table, const TABLE *td)
 Instantiate an InnoDB in-memory table metadata (dict_table_t) based on a Global DD object or MYSQL table definition. More...
dict_table_tdd_table_open_on_id (table_id_t table_id, THD *thd, MDL_ticket **mdl, bool dict_locked, bool check_corruption)
 Open a persistent InnoDB table based on InnoDB table id, and hold Shared MDL lock on it. More...
void dd_table_close (dict_table_t *table, THD *thd, MDL_ticket **mdl, bool dict_locked)
 Close an internal InnoDB table handle. More...
bool dd_table_discard_tablespace (THD *thd, const dict_table_t *table, dd::Table *table_def, bool discard)
 Set the discard flag for a non-partitioned dd table. More...
dict_table_tdd_table_open_on_name (THD *thd, MDL_ticket **mdl, const char *name, bool dict_locked, ulint ignore_err, int *error=nullptr)
 Open an internal handle to a persistent InnoDB table by name. More...
static dict_table_tdd_table_open_on_id_in_mem (table_id_t table_id, bool dict_locked)
 Returns a cached table object based on table id. More...
static dict_table_tdd_table_open_on_name_in_mem (const char *name, bool dict_locked)
 Returns a cached table object based on table name. More...
template<typename Table >
dict_table_tdd_open_table (dd::cache::Dictionary_client *client, const TABLE *table, const char *norm_name, const Table *dd_table, THD *thd)
 Open or load a table definition based on a Global DD object. More...
void dd_open_fk_tables (dict_names_t &fk_list, bool dict_locked, THD *thd)
 Open foreign tables reference a table. More...
dberr_t dd_tablespace_rename (dd::Object_id dd_space_id, bool is_system_cs, const char *new_space_name, const char *new_path)
 Update the tablespace name and file name for rename operation. More...
dberr_t dd_update_table_and_partitions_after_dir_change (dd::Object_id object_id, std::string path)
 Update the data directory flag in dd::Table key strings. More...
bool dd_create_tablespace (dd::cache::Dictionary_client *dd_client, const char *dd_space_name, space_id_t space_id, uint32_t flags, const char *filename, bool discarded, dd::Object_id &dd_space_id)
 Create metadata for specified tablespace, acquiring exclusive MDL first. More...
bool dd_create_implicit_tablespace (dd::cache::Dictionary_client *dd_client, space_id_t space_id, const char *space_name, const char *filename, bool discarded, dd::Object_id &dd_space_id)
 Create metadata for implicit tablespace. More...
bool dd_get_tablespace_size_option (dd::cache::Dictionary_client *dd_client, const dd::Object_id dd_space_id, uint64_t *autoextend_size)
 Get the autoextend_size attribute for a tablespace. More...
bool dd_drop_tablespace (dd::cache::Dictionary_client *dd_client, dd::Object_id dd_space_id)
 Drop a tablespace. More...
innodb_session_t *& thd_to_innodb_session (THD *thd)
 Obtain the private handler of InnoDB session specific data. More...
static const dd::Columndd_find_column (const dd::Table *dd_table, const char *name)
 Look up a column in a table using the system_charset_info collation. More...
static dd::Columndd_add_hidden_column (dd::Table *dd_table, const char *name, uint length, dd::enum_column_types type)
 Add a hidden column when creating a table. More...
static void dd_add_hidden_element (dd::Index *index, const dd::Column *column)
 Add a hidden index element at the end. More...
static dd::Indexdd_set_hidden_unique_index (dd::Index *index, const char *name, const dd::Column *column)
 Initialize a hidden unique B-tree index. More...
static bool create_table_check_doc_id_col (THD *thd, const TABLE *form, ulint *doc_id_col)
 Check whether there exist a column named as "FTS_DOC_ID", which is reserved for InnoDB FTS Doc ID. More...
static const char * get_row_format_name (enum row_type row_format)
 Return a display name for the row format. More...
static const char * dd_tablespace_get_filename (const dd::Tablespace *dd_space)
 Get the file name of a tablespace. More...
template<typename Table >
bool dd_table_match (const dict_table_t *table, const Table *dd_table)
 Check if the InnoDB table is consistent with dd::Table. More...
bool dd_create_fts_index_table (const dict_table_t *parent_table, dict_table_t *table, const CHARSET_INFO *charset)
 Create dd table for fts aux index table. More...
bool dd_create_fts_common_table (const dict_table_t *parent_table, dict_table_t *table, bool is_config)
 Create dd table for fts aux common table. More...
bool dd_drop_fts_table (const char *name, bool file_per_table)
 Drop dd table & tablespace for fts aux table. More...
bool dd_rename_fts_table (const dict_table_t *table, const char *old_name)
 Rename dd table & tablespace files for fts aux table. More...
char * dd_get_referenced_table (const char *name, const char *database_name, ulint database_name_len, const char *table_name, ulint table_name_len, dict_table_t **table, MDL_ticket **mdl, mem_heap_t *heap)
 Open a table from its database and table name, this is currently used by foreign constraint parser to get the referenced table. More...
void dd_tablespace_set_state (THD *thd, dd::Object_id dd_space_id, std::string space_name, dd_space_states state)
 Set the 'state' value in dd:tablespace::se_private_data starting with an object id and the space name. More...
void dd_tablespace_set_state (dd::Tablespace *dd_space, dd_space_states state)
 Set the 'state' value in dd:tablespace::se_private_data. More...
bool dd_tablespace_set_id_and_state (const char *space_name, space_id_t space_id, dd_space_states state)
 Set Space ID and state attribute in se_private_data of mysql.tablespaces for the named tablespace. More...
void dd_tablespace_get_state (const dd::Tablespace *dd_space, dd::String_type *state, space_id_t space_id=SPACE_UNKNOWN)
 Get state attribute value in dd::Tablespace::se_private_data. More...
void dd_tablespace_get_state (const dd::Properties *p, dd::String_type *state, space_id_t space_id=SPACE_UNKNOWN)
 Get state attribute value in dd::Tablespace::se_private_data. More...
dd_space_states dd_tablespace_get_state_enum (const dd::Tablespace *dd_space, space_id_t space_id=SPACE_UNKNOWN)
 Get the enum for the state of the undo tablespace from either dd::Tablespace::se_private_data or undo::Tablespace. More...
dd_space_states dd_tablespace_get_state_enum (const dd::Properties *p, space_id_t space_id=SPACE_UNKNOWN)
 Get the enum for the state of a tablespace from either dd::Tablespace::se_private_data or undo::Tablespace. More...
dd_space_states dd_tablespace_get_state_enum_legacy (const dd::Properties *p, space_id_t space_id=SPACE_UNKNOWN)
 Get the enum for the state of a tablespace. More...
bool dd_tablespace_is_discarded (const dd::Tablespace *dd_space)
 Get the discarded state from se_private_data of tablespace. More...
bool dd_implicit_alter_tablespace (dd::cache::Dictionary_client *dd_client, dd::Object_id dd_space_id, HA_CREATE_INFO *create_info)
 Set the autoextend_size attribute for an implicit tablespace. More...
bool dd_tablespace_get_mdl (const char *space_name, MDL_ticket **mdl_ticket=nullptr, bool foreground=true)
 Get the MDL for the named tablespace. More...
void dd_tablespace_set_discard (dd::Tablespace *dd_space, bool discard)
 Set discard attribute value in se_private_dat of tablespace. More...
bool dd_tablespace_get_discard (const dd::Tablespace *dd_space)
 Get discard attribute value stored in se_private_dat of tablespace. More...
void dd_release_mdl (MDL_ticket *mdl_ticket)
 Release the MDL held by the given ticket. More...
bool copy_dropped_columns (const dd::Table *old_dd_table, dd::Table *new_dd_table, uint32_t current_row_version)
 Copy metadata of already dropped columns from old table def to new table def. More...
bool dd_set_tablespace_compression (dd::cache::Dictionary_client *client, const char *algorithm, dd::Object_id dd_space_id)
 Set Innodb tablespace compression option from DD. More...
bool dd_tablespace_update_cache (THD *thd)
 Update all InnoDB tablespace cache objects. More...
bool dd_is_table_in_encrypted_tablespace (const dict_table_t *table)
void dd_parse_default_value (const dd::Properties &se_private_data, dict_col_t *col, mem_heap_t *heap)
 Parse the default value from dd::Column::se_private to dict_col_t. More...
void fill_dict_dropped_columns (const dd::Table *dd_table, dict_table_t *dict_table, uint32_t &current_row_version, mem_heap_t *heap)
 Add definition of INSTANT dropped column in table cache. More...
bool is_renamed (const Alter_inplace_info *ha_alter_info, const char *old_name, std::string &new_name)
 Check if given column is renamed during ALTER. More...
bool is_dropped (const Alter_inplace_info *ha_alter_info, const char *column_name)
 Check if given column is dropped during ALTER. More...
void get_field_types (const dd::Table *dd_tab, const dict_table_t *m_table, const Field *field, unsigned &col_len, ulint &mtype, ulint &prtype)
 Get the mtype, prtype and len for a field. More...


constexpr bool DD_SUCCESS = false
 DD functions return false for success and true for failure because that is the way the server functions are defined. More...
constexpr bool DD_FAILURE = true
static constexpr char handler_name [] = "InnoDB"
 Handler name for InnoDB. More...
static const char innobase_hton_name [] = "InnoDB"
static constexpr char autoextend_size_str [] = "autoextend_size"
 String constant for AUTOEXTEND_SIZE option string. More...
constexpr uint32_t DICT_MAX_DD_TABLES = 1024
 Maximum hardcoded data dictionary tables. More...
 Server version that the tablespace created. More...
 The tablespace version that the tablespace created. More...
static constexpr char reserved_implicit_name [] = "innodb_file_per_table"
 InnoDB implicit tablespace name or prefix, which should be same to dict_sys_t::s_file_per_table_name. More...
const char *const dd_space_key_strings [DD_SPACE__LAST]
 InnoDB private key strings for dd::Tablespace. More...
const char *const dd_space_state_values [DD_SPACE_STATE__LAST+1]
 InnoDB private value strings for key string "state" in dd::Tablespace. More...
const char *const dd_table_key_strings [DD_TABLE__LAST]
 InnoDB private key strings for dd::Table. More...
const char *const dd_column_key_strings [DD_COLUMN__LAST]
 InnoDB private key strings for dd::Column,. More...
const char *const dd_partition_key_strings [DD_PARTITION__LAST]
 InnoDB private key strings for dd::Partition. More...
const char *const dd_index_key_strings [DD_INDEX__LAST]
 InnoDB private key strings for dd::Index or dd::Partition_index. More...
const innodb_dd_table_t innodb_dd_table []
 The hard-coded data dictionary tables. More...
static constexpr size_t innodb_dd_table_size = UT_ARR_SIZE(innodb_dd_table)
 Number of hard-coded data dictionary tables. More...

Detailed Description

Data dictionary interface.

Typedef Documentation

◆ Columns

using Columns = std::vector<Field *>

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ dd_column_keys

InnoDB private keys for dd::Column.

About the DD_INSTANT_COLUMN_DEFAULT*, please note that if it's a partitioned table, not every default value is needed for every partition. For example, after ALTER TABLE ... PARTITION, maybe some partitions only need part or even none of the default values. Let's say there are two partitions, p1 and p2. p1 needs 10 default values while p2 needs 2. If another ALTER ... PARTITION makes p1 a fresh new partition which doesn't need the default values any more, currently, the extra 8(10 - 2) default values are not removed form dd::Column::se_private_data.


Default value when it was added instantly.


Default value is null or not.


Row version when this column was added instantly.


Row version when this column was dropped instantly.


Column physical position on row when it was created.



◆ dd_index_keys

InnoDB private keys for dd::Index or dd::Partition_index.


Index identifier.


Space id.


Table id.


Root page number.


Creating transaction ID.



◆ dd_partition_keys

InnoDB private keys for dd::Partition.


Row format for this partition.


Columns before first instant ADD COLUMN.

This is necessary for each partition because different partition may have different instant column numbers, especially, for a newly truncated partition, it can have no instant columns. So partition level one should be always >= table level one.


Discard flag.

Please don't use it directly, and instead use dd_is_discarded and dd_set_discarded functions. Discard flag is defined for both dd::Table and dd::Partition and it's easy to confuse. The functions will choose right implementation for you, depending on whether the argument is dd::Table or dd::Partition.



◆ dd_space_keys

InnoDB private keys for dd::Tablespace.


Tablespace flags.


Tablespace identifier.


Discard attribute.


Server version.




Current state attribute.



◆ dd_space_states

Values for InnoDB private key "state" for dd::Tablespace.


Normal IBD tablespace.


Discarded IBD tablespace.


Corrupted IBD tablespace.


Active undo tablespace.


Inactive undo tablespace being truncated, selected explicitly by ALTER UNDO TABLESPACE SET INACTIVE.

Note: the DD is not updated when an undo space is selected for truncation implicitly by the purge thread.


Inactive undo tablespace being truncated, selected explicitly by ALTER UNDO TABLESPACE SET INACTIVE.



◆ dd_table_keys

InnoDB private keys for dd::Table.


Auto-increment counter.


DATA DIRECTORY (static metadata)


Dynamic metadata version.


Discard flag.

Please don't use it directly, and instead use dd_is_discarded and dd_set_discarded functions. Discard flag is defined for both dd::Table and dd::Partition and it's easy to confuse. The functions will choose right implementation for you, depending on whether the argument is dd::Table or dd::Partition.


Columns before first instant ADD COLUMN, used only for V1.



Function Documentation

◆ acquire_uncached_table()

int acquire_uncached_table ( THD thd,
dd::cache::Dictionary_client client,
const dd::Table dd_table,
const char *  name,

Open uncached table definition based on a Global DD object.

[in]thdthread THD
[in]clientdata dictionary client
[in]dd_tableGlobal DD table object
[in]nameTable Name
[out]tsMySQL table share
[out]tdMySQL table definition
Return values
errornumber on error
0on success

◆ copy_dropped_columns()

bool copy_dropped_columns ( const dd::Table old_dd_table,
dd::Table new_dd_table,
uint32_t  current_row_version 

Copy metadata of already dropped columns from old table def to new table def.

param[in] old_dd_table old table definition param[in,out] new_dd_table new table definition

Return values

◆ create_table_check_doc_id_col()

static bool create_table_check_doc_id_col ( THD thd,
const TABLE form,
ulint doc_id_col 

Check whether there exist a column named as "FTS_DOC_ID", which is reserved for InnoDB FTS Doc ID.

[in]thdMySQL thread handle
[in]forminformation on table columns and indexes
[out]doc_id_colDoc ID column number if there exist a FTS_DOC_ID column, ULINT_UNDEFINED if column is of the wrong type/name/size
true if there exist a "FTS_DOC_ID" column

◆ data_file_name_key()

static const dd::String_type data_file_name_key ( "data_file_name"  )

dd::Partition::options() key for DATA DIRECTORY

◆ dd_add_fts_doc_id_index()

void dd_add_fts_doc_id_index ( dd::Table new_table,
const dd::Table old_table 

Add fts doc id column and index to new table when old table has hidden fts doc id without fulltext index.

[in,out]new_tableNew dd table
[in]old_tableOld dd table

◆ dd_add_hidden_column()

static dd::Column * dd_add_hidden_column ( dd::Table dd_table,
const char *  name,
uint  length,
dd::enum_column_types  type 

Add a hidden column when creating a table.

[in,out]dd_tabletable containing user columns and indexes
[in]namehidden column name
[in]lengthlength of the column, in bytes
[in]typecolumn type
the added column, or NULL if there already was a column by that name

◆ dd_add_hidden_element()

static void dd_add_hidden_element ( dd::Index index,
const dd::Column column 

Add a hidden index element at the end.

[in,out]indexcreated index metadata
[in]columncolumn of the index

◆ dd_add_instant_columns()

bool dd_add_instant_columns ( const dd::Table old_dd_table,
dd::Table new_dd_table,
dict_table_t new_table,
const Columns cols_to_add 

Add column default values for new instantly added columns.

[in]old_dd_tableOld dd::Table
[in,out]new_dd_tableNew dd::Table
[in,out]new_tableNew InnoDB table object
[in]cols_to_addcolumns to be added INSTANTly
Return values

◆ dd_clear_instant_part()

void dd_clear_instant_part ( dd::Partition dd_part)

Clear the instant ADD COLUMN information of a partition, to make it as a normal partition.


◆ dd_clear_instant_table()

dberr_t dd_clear_instant_table ( dd::Table dd_table,
bool  clear_version 

Clear the instant ADD COLUMN information of a table.

[in]clear_versiontrue if version metadata is to be cleared
DB_SUCCESS or error code

◆ dd_column_get_version_added()

uint32_t dd_column_get_version_added ( const dd::Column dd_col)

Get the row version in which column is INSTANT ADD.

◆ dd_column_get_version_dropped()

uint32_t dd_column_get_version_dropped ( const dd::Column dd_col)

Get the row version in which column is INSTANT DROP.

◆ dd_column_is_added()

bool dd_column_is_added ( const dd::Column dd_col)

Determine if column is INSTANT ADD.

◆ dd_column_is_dropped()

bool dd_column_is_dropped ( const dd::Column dd_col)

Determine if column is INSTANT DROP.

◆ dd_columns_name()

static const dd::String_type dd_columns_name ( "mysql/columns"  )

◆ dd_copy_autoinc()

void dd_copy_autoinc ( const dd::Properties src,
dd::Properties dest 

Copy the AUTO_INCREMENT and version attribute if exist.

[in]srcdd::Table::se_private_data to copy from
[out]destdd::Table::se_private_data to copy to

◆ dd_copy_instant_n_cols()

void dd_copy_instant_n_cols ( dd::Table new_table,
const dd::Table old_table 

Copy the metadata of a table definition if there was an instant ADD COLUMN happened.

This should be done when it's not an ALTER TABLE with rebuild.

[in,out]new_tableNew table definition
[in]old_tableOld table definition

◆ dd_copy_private()

template<typename Table >
void dd_copy_private ( Table &  new_table,
const Table &  old_table 

Copy the engine-private parts of a table or partition definition when the change does not affect InnoDB.

This mainly copies the common private data between dd::Table and dd::Partition

Template Parameters
Tabledd::Table or dd::Partition
[in,out]new_tableCopy of old table or partition definition
[in]old_tableOld table or partition definition

◆ dd_copy_table()

void dd_copy_table ( const Alter_inplace_info ha_alter_info,
dd::Table new_table,
const dd::Table old_table 

Copy the metadata of a table definition, including the INSTANT ADD COLUMN information.

This should be done when it's not an ALTER TABLE with rebuild. Basically, check dd::Table::se_private_data and dd::Column::se_private_data.

[in]ha_alter_infoalter info
[in,out]new_tableCopy of old table definition
[in]old_tableOld table definition

◆ dd_copy_table_columns()

void dd_copy_table_columns ( const Alter_inplace_info ha_alter_info,
dd::Table new_table,
const dd::Table old_table,
dict_table_t dict_table 

Copy the engine-private parts of column definitions of a table.

[in]ha_alter_infoalter info
[in,out]new_tableCopy of old table
[in]old_tableOld table
[in]dict_tableInnoDB table cache

◆ dd_create_fts_common_table()

bool dd_create_fts_common_table ( const dict_table_t parent_table,
dict_table_t table,
bool  is_config 

Create dd table for fts aux common table.

[in]parent_tableparent table of fts table
[in,out]tablefts table
[in]is_configflag whether it's fts aux configure table
true on success, false on failure

◆ dd_create_fts_index_table()

bool dd_create_fts_index_table ( const dict_table_t parent_table,
dict_table_t table,
const CHARSET_INFO charset 

Create dd table for fts aux index table.

[in]parent_tableparent table of fts table
[in,out]tablefts table
[in]charsetfts index charset
true on success, false on failure

◆ dd_create_implicit_tablespace()

bool dd_create_implicit_tablespace ( dd::cache::Dictionary_client dd_client,
space_id_t  space_id,
const char *  space_name,
const char *  filename,
bool  discarded,
dd::Object_id dd_space_id 

Create metadata for implicit tablespace.

[in,out]dd_clientdata dictionary client
[in]space_idInnoDB tablespace ID
[in]space_nametablespace name to be set for the newly created tablespace
[in]filenametablespace filename
[in]discardedtrue if this tablespace was discarded
[in,out]dd_space_iddd tablespace id
Return values
falseon success
trueon failure

◆ dd_create_tablespace()

bool dd_create_tablespace ( dd::cache::Dictionary_client dd_client,
const char *  dd_space_name,
space_id_t  space_id,
uint32_t  flags,
const char *  filename,
bool  discarded,
dd::Object_id dd_space_id 

Create metadata for specified tablespace, acquiring exclusive MDL first.

[in,out]dd_clientdata dictionary client
[in,out]dd_space_namedd tablespace name
[in]space_idInnoDB tablespace ID
[in]flagsInnoDB tablespace flags
[in]filenamefilename of this tablespace
[in]discardedtrue if this tablespace was discarded
Return values
falseon success
trueon failure

◆ dd_drop_fts_table()

bool dd_drop_fts_table ( const char *  name,
bool  file_per_table 

Drop dd table & tablespace for fts aux table.

[in]nametable name
[in]file_per_tableflag whether use file per table
true on success, false on failure.

◆ dd_drop_instant_columns()

bool dd_drop_instant_columns ( const dd::Table old_dd_table,
dd::Table new_dd_table,
dict_table_t new_table,
const Columns cols_to_drop,
const Columns cols_to_add,
Alter_inplace_info ha_alter_info 

Drop column instantly.

It actually updates dropped columns metadata.

[in]old_dd_tableOld dd::Table
[in,out]new_dd_tableNew dd::Table
[in,out]new_tableNew InnoDB table objecta
[in]cols_to_droplist of columns to be dropped
[in]cols_to_addlist of columns to be added
[in]ha_alter_infoalter info
Return values

◆ dd_drop_tablespace()

bool dd_drop_tablespace ( dd::cache::Dictionary_client dd_client,
dd::Object_id  dd_space_id 

Drop a tablespace.

[in,out]dd_clientdata dictionary client
[in]dd_space_iddd tablespace id
Return values
falseOn success
trueOn failure

◆ dd_find_column()

static const dd::Column * dd_find_column ( const dd::Table dd_table,
const char *  name 

Look up a column in a table using the system_charset_info collation.

[in]dd_tabledata dictionary table
[in]namecolumn name
the column
Return values
nullptrif not found

◆ dd_find_index()

template<typename Index >
const dict_index_t * dd_find_index ( const dict_table_t table,
Index *  dd_index 

Find the specified dd::Index or dd::Partition_index in an InnoDB table.

Template Parameters
Indexdd::Index or dd::Partition_index
[in]tableInnoDB table object
[in]dd_indexIndex to search
the dict_index_t object related to the index

◆ dd_first()

template<typename Table , typename Index >
const Index * dd_first ( const Table *  table)

Get the first index of a table or partition.

Template Parameters
Tabledd::Table or dd::Partition
Indexdd::Index or dd::Partition_index
[in]tabletable containing user columns and indexes
the first index
Return values
NULLif there are no indexes

◆ dd_first_index() [1/2]

const dd::Partition_index * dd_first_index ( const dd::Partition partition)

Get the first index of a partition.

[in]partitionpartition or subpartition
the first index
Return values
NULLif there are no indexes

◆ dd_first_index() [2/2]

const dd::Index * dd_first_index ( const dd::Table table)

Get the first index of a table.

[in]tabletable containing user columns and indexes
the first index
Return values
NULLif there are no indexes

◆ dd_get_and_save_data_dir_path()

template<typename Table >
void dd_get_and_save_data_dir_path ( dict_table_t table,
const Table *  dd_table,
bool  dict_mutex_own 

Make sure the data_dir_path is saved in dict_table_t if DATA DIRECTORY was used.

Try to read it from the fil_system first, then from new dd.

Template Parameters
Tabledd::Table or dd::Partition
[in,out]tableTable object
[in]dd_tableDD table object
[in]dict_mutex_owntrue if dict_sys->mutex is owned already

◆ dd_get_and_save_space_name()

template<typename Table >
void dd_get_and_save_space_name ( dict_table_t table,
const Table *  dd_table,
bool  dict_mutex_own 

Make sure the tablespace name is saved in dict_table_t if the table uses a general tablespace.

Try to read it from the fil_system_t first, then from DD.

[in]tableTable object
[in]dd_tableGlobal DD table or partition object
[in]dict_mutex_owntrue if dict_sys->mutex is owned already

◆ dd_get_meta_data_filename()

void dd_get_meta_data_filename ( dict_table_t table,
dd::Table dd_table,
char *  filename,
ulint  max_len 

Get the meta-data filename from the table name for a single-table tablespace.

[in,out]tabletable object
[in]dd_tableDD table object
[in]max_lenfilename max length

◆ dd_get_referenced_table()

char * dd_get_referenced_table ( const char *  name,
const char *  database_name,
ulint  database_name_len,
const char *  table_name,
ulint  table_name_len,
dict_table_t **  table,
MDL_ticket **  mdl,
mem_heap_t heap 

Open a table from its database and table name, this is currently used by foreign constraint parser to get the referenced table.

[in]nameforeign key table name
[in]database_nametable db name
[in]database_name_lendb name length
[in]table_nametable db name
[in]table_name_lentable name length
[in,out]tabletable object or NULL
[in,out]mdlmdl on table
[in,out]heapheap memory
complete table name with database and table name, allocated from heap memory passed in

◆ dd_get_space_id() [1/2]

dd::Object_id dd_get_space_id ( const dd::Partition partition)

Get the explicit dd::Tablespace::id of a partition.

[in]partitionpartition or subpartition
the explicit dd::Tablespace::id
Return values
dd::INVALID_OBJECT_IDif there is no explicit tablespace

◆ dd_get_space_id() [2/2]

dd::Object_id dd_get_space_id ( const dd::Table table)

Get the explicit dd::Tablespace::id of a table.

[in]tablenon-partitioned table
the explicit dd::Tablespace::id
Return values
dd::INVALID_OBJECT_IDif there is no explicit tablespace

◆ dd_get_tablespace_size_option()

bool dd_get_tablespace_size_option ( dd::cache::Dictionary_client dd_client,
const dd::Object_id  dd_space_id,
uint64_t *  autoextend_size 

Get the autoextend_size attribute for a tablespace.

[in]dd_clientData dictionary client
[in]dd_space_idTablespace ID
[out]autoextend_sizeValue of autoextend_size attribute
Return values
falseOn success
trueOn failure

◆ dd_get_total_indexes_num()

uint32_t dd_get_total_indexes_num ( )
total number of indexes of all DD Tables.
total number of indexes of all DD tables

◆ dd_get_version()

uint64_t dd_get_version ( const dd::Table dd_table)

Get the version attribute.

table dynamic metadata version if exists, otherwise 0

◆ dd_getnext_system_rec()

const rec_t * dd_getnext_system_rec ( btr_pcur_t pcur,
mtr_t mtr 

Get next record of new DD system tables.

[in,out]pcurPersistent cursor
Return values

◆ dd_implicit_alter_tablespace()

bool dd_implicit_alter_tablespace ( dd::cache::Dictionary_client dd_client,
dd::Object_id  dd_space_id,
HA_CREATE_INFO create_info 

Set the autoextend_size attribute for an implicit tablespace.

[in,out]dd_clientData dictionary client
[in]dd_space_idDD tablespace id
[in]create_infoHA_CREATE_INFO object
false On success
true On failure

◆ dd_import_instant_add_columns()

void dd_import_instant_add_columns ( const dict_table_t table,
dd::Table dd_table 

Import all metadata which is related to instant ADD COLUMN of a table to dd::Table.

This is used for IMPORT.

[in]tableInnoDB table object

◆ dd_indexes_name()

static const dd::String_type dd_indexes_name ( "mysql/indexes"  )

◆ dd_instant_columns_consistent()

bool dd_instant_columns_consistent ( const dd::Table dd_table)

Check if the instant columns are consistent with the se_private_data in dd::Table.

true if consistent, otherwise false

◆ dd_is_discarded() [1/2]

bool dd_is_discarded ( const dd::Partition partition)

Determine if dd::Partition is discarded.

Please note that only leaf partitions can be marked as discarded (that is, if partition has subpartitions, then only subpartitions can be marked as discarded)

Function can be safely called on a partition, even if it has subpartitions - it will just return false.

true if partition is marked as discarded
false if partition is not marked as discarded

◆ dd_is_discarded() [2/2]

bool dd_is_discarded ( const dd::Table table)

Determine if dd::Table is discarded.

Please note that in case of partitioned Table, only it's leaf partitions can be marked as discarded. However, it's fine to call this function on partitioned Table - it will just return false

[in]tablenon-partitioned dd::Table
true if table is marked as discarded
false if table is not marked as discarded

◆ dd_is_table_in_encrypted_tablespace()

bool dd_is_table_in_encrypted_tablespace ( const dict_table_t table)

◆ dd_is_valid_row_version()

bool dd_is_valid_row_version ( uint32_t  version)

Determine if give version is a valid row version.

◆ dd_match_default_value()

bool dd_match_default_value ( const dd::Column dd_col,
const dict_col_t col 

Compare the default values between imported column and column defined in the server.

Note that it's absolutely OK if there is no default value in the column defined in server, since it can be filled in later.

[in]colInnoDB column object
true The default values match
Return values
falseNot match

◆ dd_mdl_acquire()

static bool dd_mdl_acquire ( THD thd,
MDL_ticket **  mdl,
const char *  db,
const char *  table 

Acquire a shared metadata lock.

[in,out]thdcurrent thread
[out]mdlmetadata lock
[in]dbschema name
[in]tabletable name
Return values
falseif acquired, or trylock timed out
trueif failed (my_error() will have been called)

◆ dd_mdl_for_undo()

bool dd_mdl_for_undo ( const trx_t trx)

Check if current undo needs a MDL or not.

true if MDL is necessary, otherwise false

◆ dd_mdl_release()

void dd_mdl_release ( THD thd,
MDL_ticket **  mdl 

Release a metadata lock.

[in,out]thdcurrent thread
[in,out]mdlmetadata lock

◆ dd_open_fk_tables()

void dd_open_fk_tables ( dict_names_t fk_list,
bool  dict_locked,
THD thd 

Open foreign tables reference a table.

[in]fk_listforeign key name list
[in]dict_lockeddict_sys mutex is locked or not
[in]thdthread THD

◆ dd_open_table()

template<typename Table >
dict_table_t * dd_open_table ( dd::cache::Dictionary_client client,
const TABLE table,
const char *  norm_name,
const Table *  dd_table,
THD thd 

Open or load a table definition based on a Global DD object.

Template Parameters
Tabledd::Table or dd::Partition
[in,out]clientdata dictionary client
[in]tableMySQL table definition
[in]norm_nameTable Name
[in]dd_tableGlobal DD table or partition object
[in]thdthread THD
ptr to dict_table_t filled, otherwise, nullptr

◆ dd_parse_default_value()

void dd_parse_default_value ( const dd::Properties se_private_data,
dict_col_t col,
mem_heap_t heap 

Parse the default value from dd::Column::se_private to dict_col_t.

[in,out]colInnoDB column object
[in,out]heapHeap to store the default value

◆ dd_part_adjust_table_id()

void dd_part_adjust_table_id ( dd::Table new_table)

Adjust TABLE_ID for partitioned table after ALTER TABLE ... PARTITION.

This makes sure that the TABLE_ID stored in dd::Column::se_private_data is correct if the first partition got changed

[in,out]new_tableNew dd::Table

◆ dd_part_has_instant_cols()

bool dd_part_has_instant_cols ( const dd::Partition part)

Determine if a dd::Partition has any instant column.

true If it's a partitioned table with instant columns
false Not a partitioned table with instant columns

◆ dd_part_is_first()

bool dd_part_is_first ( const dd::Partition dd_part)

Determine if a dd::Partition is the first leaf partition in the table.

True If it's the first partition
Return values
FalseNot the first one

◆ dd_part_is_stored()

bool dd_part_is_stored ( const dd::Partition part)

Determine if a partition is materialized.

whether the partition is materialized

◆ dd_partitions_name()

static const dd::String_type dd_partitions_name ( "mysql/table_partitions"  )

◆ dd_process_dd_columns_rec()

bool dd_process_dd_columns_rec ( mem_heap_t heap,
const rec_t rec,
dict_col_t col,
table_id_t table_id,
char **  col_name,
ulint nth_v_col,
const dict_table_t dd_columns,
mtr_t mtr 

Process one mysql.columns record and get info to dict_col_t.

[in,out]heapTemp memory heap
[in]recmysql.columns record
[in,out]coldict_col_t to fill
[in,out]table_idTable id
[in,out]col_nameColumn name
[in,out]nth_v_colNth v column
[in]dd_columnsdict_table_t obj of mysql.columns
Return values
trueif column is filled

◆ dd_process_dd_indexes_rec()

bool dd_process_dd_indexes_rec ( mem_heap_t heap,
const rec_t rec,
const dict_index_t **  index,
MDL_ticket **  mdl,
dict_table_t **  parent,
MDL_ticket **  parent_mdl,
dict_table_t dd_indexes,
mtr_t mtr 

Process one mysql.indexes record and get the dict_index_t.

[in]heapTemp memory heap
[in,out]recmysql.indexes record
[in,out]indexdict_index_t to fill
[in]mdlMDL on index->table
[in,out]parentParent table if it's fts aux table.
[in,out]parent_mdlMDL on parent if it's fts aux table.
[in]dd_indexesdict_table_t obj of mysql.indexes
Return values
trueif index is filled

◆ dd_process_dd_indexes_rec_simple()

bool dd_process_dd_indexes_rec_simple ( mem_heap_t heap,
const rec_t rec,
space_index_t index_id,
space_id_t space_id,
dict_table_t dd_indexes 

Process one mysql.indexes record and get brief info to dict_index_t.

[in]heaptemp memory heap
[in,out]recmysql.indexes record
[in,out]index_idindex id
[in,out]space_idspace id
[in]dd_indexesdict_table_t obj of mysql.indexes
Return values
trueif index is filled

◆ dd_process_dd_partitions_rec_and_mtr_commit()

const char * dd_process_dd_partitions_rec_and_mtr_commit ( mem_heap_t heap,
const rec_t rec,
dict_table_t **  table,
dict_table_t dd_tables,
MDL_ticket **  mdl,
mtr_t mtr 

Process one mysql.table_partitions record and get the dict_table_t.

[in]heapTemp memory heap
[in,out]recmysql.table_partitions record
[in,out]tabledict_table_t to fill
[in]dd_tablesdict_table_t obj of dd partition table
[in]mdlMDL on the table
Return values
errormessage, or NULL on success

◆ dd_process_dd_tables_rec_and_mtr_commit()

const char * dd_process_dd_tables_rec_and_mtr_commit ( mem_heap_t heap,
const rec_t rec,
dict_table_t **  table,
dict_table_t dd_tables,
MDL_ticket **  mdl,
mtr_t mtr 

Process one mysql.tables record and get the dict_table_t.

[in]heapTemp memory heap
[in,out]recmysql.tables record
[in,out]tabledict_table_t to fill
[in]dd_tablesdict_table_t obj of dd system table
[in]mdlMDL on the table
Return values
errormessage, or NULL on success

◆ dd_process_dd_tablespaces_rec()

bool dd_process_dd_tablespaces_rec ( mem_heap_t heap,
const rec_t rec,
space_id_t space_id,
char **  name,
uint32_t *  flags,
uint32_t *  server_version,
uint32_t *  space_version,
bool *  is_encrypted,
uint64_t *  autoextend_size,
dd::String_type state,
dict_table_t dd_spaces 

Process one mysql.tablespaces record and get info.

[in]heaptemp memory heap
[in]recmysql.tablespaces record
[out]space_idspace id
[out]namespace name
[out]flagsspace flags
[out]server_versionserver version
[out]space_versionspace version
[out]is_encryptedtrue if tablespace is encrypted
[out]autoextend_sizeautoextend_size attribute value
[out]statespace state
[in]dd_spacesdict_table_t obj of mysql.tablespaces
true if data is retrieved

◆ dd_process_dd_virtual_columns_rec()

bool dd_process_dd_virtual_columns_rec ( mem_heap_t heap,
const rec_t rec,
table_id_t table_id,
ulint **  pos,
ulint **  base_pos,
ulint n_row,
dict_table_t dd_columns,
mtr_t mtr 

Process one mysql.columns record for virtual columns.

[in]heaptemp memory heap
[in,out]recmysql.columns record
[in,out]table_idTable id
[in,out]base_posBase column position
[in,out]n_rowNumber of rows
[in]dd_columnsdict_table_t obj of mysql.columns
Return values
trueif virtual info is filled

◆ dd_release_mdl()

void dd_release_mdl ( MDL_ticket mdl_ticket)

Release the MDL held by the given ticket.

[in]mdl_tickettablespace MDL ticket

◆ dd_rename_fts_table()

bool dd_rename_fts_table ( const dict_table_t table,
const char *  old_name 

Rename dd table & tablespace files for fts aux table.

[in]tabledict table
[in]old_nameold innodb table name
true on success, false on failure.

◆ dd_set_autoinc()

void dd_set_autoinc ( dd::Properties se_private_data,
uint64_t  autoinc 

Set the AUTO_INCREMENT attribute.

[in]autoincthe auto-increment value

◆ dd_set_discarded() [1/2]

void dd_set_discarded ( dd::Partition partition,
bool  discard 

Sets appropriate discard attribute of dd::Partition Please note that this function can be only called on leaf_partitions.

[in]partitionleaf dd::Partition
[in]discardtrue if Table is discarded, false otherwise

◆ dd_set_discarded() [2/2]

void dd_set_discarded ( dd::Table table,
bool  discard 

Sets appropriate discard attribute of dd::Table Please note that this function must not be called on partitioned tables.

[in]tablenon-partitioned dd::Table
[in]discardtrue if Table is discarded, false otherwise

◆ dd_set_hidden_unique_index()

static dd::Index * dd_set_hidden_unique_index ( dd::Index index,
const char *  name,
const dd::Column column 

Initialize a hidden unique B-tree index.

[in,out]indexcreated index metadata
[in]namename of the index
[in]columncolumn of the index
the initialized index

◆ dd_set_table_options()

template<typename Table >
void dd_set_table_options ( Table *  dd_table,
const dict_table_t table 

Set options of dd::Table according to InnoDB table object.

Template Parameters
Tabledd::Table or dd::Partition
[in,out]dd_tabledd::Table or dd::Partition
[in]tableInnoDB table object

◆ dd_set_tablespace_compression()

bool dd_set_tablespace_compression ( dd::cache::Dictionary_client client,
const char *  algorithm,
dd::Object_id  dd_space_id 

Set Innodb tablespace compression option from DD.

[in,out]clientdictionary client
[in]algorithmcompression algorithm
[in]dd_space_idDD tablespace ID.
true, if failed to set compression.

◆ dd_startscan_system()

const rec_t * dd_startscan_system ( THD thd,
MDL_ticket **  mdl,
btr_pcur_t pcur,
mtr_t mtr,
const char *  system_table_name,
dict_table_t **  table 

Scan a new dd system table, like mysql.tables...

[in,out]mdlMDL lock
[in,out]pcurPersistent cursor
[in]system_table_nameWhich dd system table to open
[in,out]tabledict_table_t obj of dd system table
Return values
thefirst rec of the dd system table

◆ dd_table_check_for_child()

dberr_t dd_table_check_for_child ( dd::cache::Dictionary_client client,
const char *  tbl_name,
const char **  col_names,
dict_table_t m_table,
bool  check_charsets,
dict_err_ignore_t  ignore_err,
dict_names_t fk_tables 

Load foreign key constraint for the table.

Note, it could also open the foreign table, if this table is referenced by the foreign table

[in,out]clientdata dictionary client
[in]tbl_nameTable Name
[in]col_namescolumn names, or NULL
[out]m_tableInnoDB table handle
[in]check_charsetswhether to check charset compatibility
[in,out]fk_tablesname list for tables that refer to this table
DB_SUCCESS if successfully load FK constraint

◆ dd_table_close()

void dd_table_close ( dict_table_t table,
THD thd,
MDL_ticket **  mdl,
bool  dict_locked 

Close an internal InnoDB table handle.

[in,out]tableInnoDB table handle
[in,out]thdcurrent MySQL connection (for mdl)
[in,out]mdlmetadata lock (will be set NULL)
[in]dict_lockedwhether we hold dict_sys mutex

◆ dd_table_discard_tablespace()

bool dd_table_discard_tablespace ( THD thd,
const dict_table_t table,
dd::Table table_def,
bool  discard 

Set the discard flag for a non-partitioned dd table.

[in,out]thdcurrent thread
[in]tableInnoDB table
[in,out]table_defMySQL dd::Table to update
[in]discarddiscard flag
true if success
Return values
falseif fail.

◆ dd_table_get_column_counters()

void dd_table_get_column_counters ( const dd::Table table,
uint32_t &  i_c,
uint32_t &  c_c,
uint32_t &  t_c,
uint32_t &  current_row_version 

Set different column counters.

[out]i_cinitial column count
[out]c_ccurrent column count
[out]t_ctotal column count
[in]current_row_versioncurrent row version

◆ dd_table_has_instant_add_cols()

bool dd_table_has_instant_add_cols ( const dd::Table table)

Determine if dd::Table has INSTANT ADD columns.

[in]tabletable definition
true if table has INSTANT ADD column(s), false otherwise

◆ dd_table_has_instant_cols()

bool dd_table_has_instant_cols ( const dd::Table table)

Determine if a dd::Table has any INSTANTly ADDed/DROPped column.

true if table has instant column(s), false otherwise

◆ dd_table_has_instant_drop_cols()

bool dd_table_has_instant_drop_cols ( const dd::Table table)

Determine if dd::Table has INSTANT DROPPED columns.

[in]tabletable definition
true if table has INSTANT DROP column(s), false otherwise

◆ dd_table_has_row_versions()

bool dd_table_has_row_versions ( const dd::Table table)

Determine if a dd::Table has row versions.

true if table has row versions, false otherwise

◆ dd_table_is_partitioned()

bool dd_table_is_partitioned ( const dd::Table table)

Determine if a dd::Table is partitioned table.

True If partitioned table
Return values
Falsenon-partitioned table

◆ dd_table_is_upgraded_instant()

bool dd_table_is_upgraded_instant ( const dd::Table table)

Determine if a dd::Table has any INSTANT ADD column(s) in V1.

true if table has instant column(s) in V1, false otherwise

◆ dd_table_load_fk()

dberr_t dd_table_load_fk ( dd::cache::Dictionary_client client,
const char *  tbl_name,
const char **  col_names,
dict_table_t m_table,
const dd::Table dd_table,
THD thd,
bool  dict_locked,
bool  check_charsets,
dict_names_t fk_tables 

Load foreign key constraint for the table.

Note, it could also open the foreign table, if this table is referenced by the foreign table

[in,out]clientdata dictionary client
[in]tbl_nameTable Name
[in]col_namescolumn names, or NULL
[out]m_tableInnoDB table handle
[in]dd_tableGlobal DD table
[in]thdthread THD
[in]dict_lockedTrue if dict_sys->mutex is already held, otherwise false
[in]check_charsetswhether to check charset compatibility
[in,out]fk_tablesname list for tables that refer to this table
DB_SUCCESS if successfully load FK constraint

◆ dd_table_load_fk_from_dd()

dberr_t dd_table_load_fk_from_dd ( dict_table_t m_table,
const dd::Table dd_table,
const char **  col_names,
dict_err_ignore_t  ignore_err,
bool  dict_locked 

Load foreign key constraint info for the dd::Table object.

[out]m_tableInnoDB table handle
[in]dd_tableGlobal DD table
[in]col_namescolumn names, or NULL
[in]dict_lockedTrue if dict_sys->mutex is already held, otherwise false
DB_SUCCESS if successfully load FK constraint

◆ dd_table_match()

template<typename Table >
bool dd_table_match ( const dict_table_t table,
const Table *  dd_table 

Check if the InnoDB table is consistent with dd::Table.

Template Parameters
Tabledd::Table or dd::Partition
[in]tableInnoDB table
[in]dd_tabledd::Table or dd::Partition
true if match
Return values
falseif not match

◆ dd_table_open_on_dd_obj()

int dd_table_open_on_dd_obj ( THD thd,
dd::cache::Dictionary_client client,
const dd::Table dd_table,
const dd::Partition dd_part,
const char *  tbl_name,
dict_table_t *&  table,
const TABLE td 

Instantiate an InnoDB in-memory table metadata (dict_table_t) based on a Global DD object or MYSQL table definition.

[in]thdthread THD
[in,out]clientdata dictionary client
[in]dd_tableGlobal DD table object
[in]dd_partGlobal DD partition or subpartition, or NULL
[in]tbl_nametable name, or NULL if not known
[out]tableInnoDB table (NULL if not found or loadable)
[in]tdMYSQL table definition
error code
Return values
0on success

◆ dd_table_open_on_id()

dict_table_t * dd_table_open_on_id ( table_id_t  table_id,
THD thd,
MDL_ticket **  mdl,
bool  dict_locked,
bool  check_corruption 

Open a persistent InnoDB table based on InnoDB table id, and hold Shared MDL lock on it.

[in]table_idtable identifier
[in,out]thdcurrent MySQL connection (for mdl)
[in,out]mdlmetadata lock (*mdl set if table_id was found) mdl=NULL if we are resurrecting table IX locks in recovery
[in]dict_lockeddict_sys mutex is held
[in]check_corruptioncheck if the table is corrupted or not.
Return values
NULLif the table does not exist or cannot be opened

◆ dd_table_open_on_id_in_mem()

static dict_table_t * dd_table_open_on_id_in_mem ( table_id_t  table_id,
bool  dict_locked 

Returns a cached table object based on table id.

This function does NOT move the table to the front of MRU, because currently it is called in contexts where we don't really mean to "use" the table, and believe that it would actually hurt performance if we moved it to the front, such as:

  1. The table would be evicted soon anyway.
  2. A batch of FTS tables would be opened from background thread, and it is not proper to move these tables to mru.
  3. All tables in memory will be accessed sequentially, so it is useless to move.
    [in]table_idtable id
    [in]dict_lockedtrue=data dictionary locked
    table, NULL if does not exist

◆ dd_table_open_on_name()

dict_table_t * dd_table_open_on_name ( THD thd,
MDL_ticket **  mdl,
const char *  name,
bool  dict_locked,
ulint  ignore_err,
int *  error 

Open an internal handle to a persistent InnoDB table by name.

[in,out]thdcurrent thread
[out]mdlmetadata lock
[in]nameInnoDB table name
[in]dict_lockedhas dict_sys mutex locked
[in]ignore_errwhether to ignore err
[out]errorpointer to error
handle to non-partitioned table
Return values
NULLif the table does not exist

◆ dd_table_open_on_name_in_mem()

static dict_table_t * dd_table_open_on_name_in_mem ( const char *  name,
bool  dict_locked 

Returns a cached table object based on table name.

[in]nametable name
[in]dict_lockedtrue=data dictionary locked
table, NULL if does not exist

◆ dd_table_part_has_instant_cols()

bool dd_table_part_has_instant_cols ( const dd::Table table)

Determine if any partition of the table still has instant columns.

[in]tabledd::Table of the partitioned table
true If any partition still has instant columns
false No one has instant columns

◆ dd_tables_name()

static const dd::String_type dd_tables_name ( "mysql/tables"  )

Table names needed to process I_S queries.

◆ dd_tablespace_get_discard()

bool dd_tablespace_get_discard ( const dd::Tablespace dd_space)

Get discard attribute value stored in se_private_dat of tablespace.

[in]dd_spacedd::Tablespace object
Return values
trueif Tablespace is discarded
falseif attribute doesn't exist or if the tablespace is not discarded

◆ dd_tablespace_get_filename()

static const char * dd_tablespace_get_filename ( const dd::Tablespace dd_space)

Get the file name of a tablespace.

[in]dd_spaceTablespace metadata
file name

◆ dd_tablespace_get_mdl()

bool dd_tablespace_get_mdl ( const char *  space_name,
MDL_ticket **  mdl_ticket = nullptr,
bool  foreground = true 

Get the MDL for the named tablespace.

The mdl_ticket pointer can be provided if it is needed by the caller. If foreground is set to false, then the caller must explicitly release that ticket with dd_release_mdl(). Otherwise, it will ne released with the transaction.

[in]space_nametablespace name
[in]mdl_tickettablespace MDL ticket, default to nullptr
[in]foregroundtrue, if the caller is foreground thread. Default is true. For foreground, the lock duration is MDL_TRANSACTION. Otherwise, it is MDL_EXPLICIT.

◆ dd_tablespace_get_state() [1/2]

void dd_tablespace_get_state ( const dd::Properties p,
dd::String_type state,
space_id_t  space_id = SPACE_UNKNOWN 

Get state attribute value in dd::Tablespace::se_private_data.

[in]pdd::Properties for dd::Tablespace::se_private_data
[in,out]statetablespace state attribute
[in]space_idtablespace ID

◆ dd_tablespace_get_state() [2/2]

void dd_tablespace_get_state ( const dd::Tablespace dd_space,
dd::String_type state,
space_id_t  space_id = SPACE_UNKNOWN 

Get state attribute value in dd::Tablespace::se_private_data.

[in]dd_spacedd::Tablespace object
[in,out]statetablespace state attribute
[in]space_idtablespace ID

◆ dd_tablespace_get_state_enum() [1/2]

dd_space_states dd_tablespace_get_state_enum ( const dd::Properties p,
space_id_t  space_id = SPACE_UNKNOWN 

Get the enum for the state of a tablespace from either dd::Tablespace::se_private_data or undo::Tablespace.

[in]pdd::Properties for dd::Tablespace::se_private_data
[in]space_idtablespace ID
enumerated value associated with the key 'state'

◆ dd_tablespace_get_state_enum() [2/2]

dd_space_states dd_tablespace_get_state_enum ( const dd::Tablespace dd_space,
space_id_t  space_id = SPACE_UNKNOWN 

Get the enum for the state of the undo tablespace from either dd::Tablespace::se_private_data or undo::Tablespace.

[in]dd_spacedd::Tablespace object
[in]space_idtablespace ID
enumerated value associated with the key 'state'

◆ dd_tablespace_get_state_enum_legacy()

dd_space_states dd_tablespace_get_state_enum_legacy ( const dd::Properties p,
space_id_t  space_id = SPACE_UNKNOWN 

Get the enum for the state of a tablespace.

Try the old 'discarded' key value for IBD spaces or undo::Tablespace.

[in]pdd::Properties for dd::Tablespace::se_private_data
[in]space_idtablespace ID
enumerated value associated with the key 'state'

◆ dd_tablespace_is_discarded()

bool dd_tablespace_is_discarded ( const dd::Tablespace dd_space)

Get the discarded state from se_private_data of tablespace.

[in]dd_spacedd::Tablespace object

◆ dd_tablespace_rename()

dberr_t dd_tablespace_rename ( dd::Object_id  dd_space_id,
bool  is_system_cs,
const char *  new_space_name,
const char *  new_path 

Update the tablespace name and file name for rename operation.

[in]dd_space_iddd tablespace id
[in]is_system_cstrue, if space name is in system characters set. While renaming during bootstrap we have it in system cs. Otherwise, in file system cs.
[in]new_space_namedd_tablespace name
[in]new_pathnew data file path
Return values
DB_SUCCESSon success.

◆ dd_tablespace_set_discard()

void dd_tablespace_set_discard ( dd::Tablespace dd_space,
bool  discard 

Set discard attribute value in se_private_dat of tablespace.

[in]dd_spacedd::Tablespace object
[in]discardtrue if discarded, else false

◆ dd_tablespace_set_id_and_state()

bool dd_tablespace_set_id_and_state ( const char *  space_name,
space_id_t  space_id,
dd_space_states  state 

Set Space ID and state attribute in se_private_data of mysql.tablespaces for the named tablespace.

[in]space_nametablespace name
[in]space_idtablespace id
[in]statevalue to set for key 'state'

◆ dd_tablespace_set_state() [1/2]

void dd_tablespace_set_state ( dd::Tablespace dd_space,
dd_space_states  state 

Set the 'state' value in dd:tablespace::se_private_data.

The caller will update the transaction.

[in,out]dd_spacedd::Tablespace object
[in]statevalue to set for key 'state'

◆ dd_tablespace_set_state() [2/2]

void dd_tablespace_set_state ( THD thd,
dd::Object_id  dd_space_id,
std::string  space_name,
dd_space_states  state 

Set the 'state' value in dd:tablespace::se_private_data starting with an object id and the space name.

Update the transaction when complete.

[in]thdcurrent thread
[in]space_nametablespace name
[in]statevalue to set for key 'state'.

◆ dd_tablespace_update_cache()

bool dd_tablespace_update_cache ( THD thd)

Update all InnoDB tablespace cache objects.

This step is done post dictionary trx rollback, binlog recovery and DDL_LOG apply. So DD is consistent. Update the cached tablespace objects, if they differ from the dictionary.

[in,out]thdthread handle
Return values
trueon error
falseon success

◆ dd_tablespaces_name()

static const dd::String_type dd_tablespaces_name ( "mysql/tablespaces"  )

◆ dd_thd_for_undo()

THD * dd_thd_for_undo ( const trx_t trx)

Returns thd associated with the trx or current_thd.

trx->mysql_thd or current_thd

◆ dd_update_table_and_partitions_after_dir_change()

dberr_t dd_update_table_and_partitions_after_dir_change ( dd::Object_id  object_id,
std::string  path 

Update the data directory flag in dd::Table key strings.

[in]object_iddd tablespace object id
[in]pathpath where the ibd file is located currently
Return values
DB_SUCCESSon success.

◆ dd_update_v_cols()

void dd_update_v_cols ( dd::Table dd_table,
table_id_t  id 

Update virtual columns with new se_private_data, currently, only table_id is set.

[in]idInnoDB table ID to set

◆ dd_visit_keys_with_too_long_parts()

void dd_visit_keys_with_too_long_parts ( const TABLE table,
const size_t  max_part_len,
std::function< void(const KEY &)>  visitor 

Scan through all the keys to identify the key parts which are greater than the maximum size supported by the table record format.

tableMySQL table definition.
max_part_lenMaximum index part length allowed.
visitorFunction wrapper to invoke lambda expression.

◆ dd_write_default_value()

void dd_write_default_value ( const dict_col_t col,
dd::Column dd_col 

Write default value of a column to dd::Column.

[in]coldefault value of this column to write
[in,out]dd_colwhere to store the default value

◆ dd_write_table()

template<typename Table >
void dd_write_table ( dd::Object_id  dd_space_id,
Table *  dd_table,
const dict_table_t table 

Write metadata of a table to dd::Table.

Template Parameters
Tabledd::Table or dd::Partition
[in]dd_space_idTablespace id, which server allocates
[in,out]dd_tabledd::Table or dd::Partition
[in]tableInnoDB table object

◆ dd_write_tablespace()

void dd_write_tablespace ( dd::Tablespace dd_space,
space_id_t  space_id,
uint32_t  fsp_flags,
dd_space_states  state 

Write metadata of a tablespace to dd::Tablespace.

[in]space_idInnoDB tablespace ID
[in]fsp_flagsInnoDB tablespace flags
[in]stateInnoDB tablespace state

◆ fill_dict_dropped_columns()

void fill_dict_dropped_columns ( const dd::Table dd_table,
dict_table_t dict_table,
uint32_t &  current_row_version,
mem_heap_t heap 

Add definition of INSTANT dropped column in table cache.

[in]dd_tableTable definition
[in,out]dict_tableTable cache

◆ get_field_types()

void get_field_types ( const dd::Table dd_tab,
const dict_table_t m_table,
const Field field,
unsigned &  col_len,
ulint mtype,
ulint prtype 

Get the mtype, prtype and len for a field.

[in]dd_tabdd table definition
[in]m_tableinnodb table cache
[in]fieldMySQL field

◆ get_row_format_name()

static const char * get_row_format_name ( enum row_type  row_format)

Return a display name for the row format.

[in]row_formatRow Format
row format name

◆ index_file_name_key()

static const dd::String_type index_file_name_key ( "index_file_name"  )

dd::Partition::options() key for INDEX DIRECTORY

◆ is_dropped()

bool is_dropped ( const Alter_inplace_info ha_alter_info,
const char *  column_name 

Check if given column is dropped during ALTER.

[in]ha_alter_infoalter info
[in]column_nameColumn name
true if column is dropped, false otherwise.

◆ is_renamed()

bool is_renamed ( const Alter_inplace_info ha_alter_info,
const char *  old_name,
std::string &  new_name 

Check if given column is renamed during ALTER.

[in]ha_alter_infoalter info
[in]old_namecolumn old name
[out]new_namecolumn new name
true if column is renamed, false otherwise.

◆ is_system_column()

static bool is_system_column ( const char *  col_name)

◆ release_uncached_table()

void release_uncached_table ( TABLE_SHARE ts,

free uncached table definition.

[in]tsMySQL table share
[in]tdMySQL table definition

◆ thd_to_innodb_session()

innodb_session_t *& thd_to_innodb_session ( THD thd)

Obtain the private handler of InnoDB session specific data.

[in,out]thdMySQL thread handler.
reference to private handler

Variable Documentation

◆ autoextend_size_str

constexpr char autoextend_size_str[] = "autoextend_size"

String constant for AUTOEXTEND_SIZE option string.

◆ dd_column_key_strings

const char* const dd_column_key_strings[DD_COLUMN__LAST]
Initial value:
= {
"default", "default_null", "version_added", "version_dropped",

InnoDB private key strings for dd::Column,.

See also


constexpr bool DD_FAILURE = true

◆ dd_index_key_strings

const char *const dd_index_key_strings
Initial value:
= {
"id", "space_id", "table_id", "root", "trx_id"}

InnoDB private key strings for dd::Index or dd::Partition_index.

See also

◆ dd_partition_key_strings

const char* const dd_partition_key_strings[DD_PARTITION__LAST]
Initial value:
= {
"format", "instant_col", "discard"}

InnoDB private key strings for dd::Partition.

See also



The tablespace version that the tablespace created.



Server version that the tablespace created.

◆ dd_space_key_strings

const char* const dd_space_key_strings[DD_SPACE__LAST]
Initial value:
= {
"flags", "id", "discard", "server_version", "space_version", "state"}

InnoDB private key strings for dd::Tablespace.

See also

◆ dd_space_state_values

const char* const dd_space_state_values[DD_SPACE_STATE__LAST+1]
Initial value:
= {

InnoDB private value strings for key string "state" in dd::Tablespace.

See also


constexpr bool DD_SUCCESS = false

DD functions return false for success and true for failure because that is the way the server functions are defined.

◆ dd_table_key_strings

const char* const dd_table_key_strings[DD_TABLE__LAST]
Initial value:
= {
"autoinc", "data_directory", "version", "discard", "instant_col"}

InnoDB private key strings for dd::Table.

See also


constexpr uint32_t DICT_MAX_DD_TABLES = 1024

Maximum hardcoded data dictionary tables.

◆ handler_name

constexpr char handler_name[] = "InnoDB"

Handler name for InnoDB.

◆ innobase_hton_name

const char innobase_hton_name[] = "InnoDB"

◆ innodb_dd_table

const innodb_dd_table_t innodb_dd_table[]

The hard-coded data dictionary tables.

◆ innodb_dd_table_size

constexpr size_t innodb_dd_table_size = UT_ARR_SIZE(innodb_dd_table)

Number of hard-coded data dictionary tables.

◆ reserved_implicit_name

constexpr char reserved_implicit_name[] = "innodb_file_per_table"

InnoDB implicit tablespace name or prefix, which should be same to dict_sys_t::s_file_per_table_name.