MySQL Connector/C++ 9.2.0
MySQL connector library for C and C++ applications
Connector/C++ X DevAPI Example

Connector/C++ implements the X DevAPI, as described in the X DevAPI User Guide. The X DevAPI allows one to work with the document store of MySQL Server 8 or later, communicating over the X protocol. It is also possible to execute plain SQL queries using this API.

To get started, check out some of the main X DevAPI classes:

A more complete example of code that access MySQL Document Store using the X DevAPI is presented below. See also the list of X DevAPI classes.

Sample code which uses Connector/C++ with X DevAPI

The following Connector/C++ application connects to a MySQL Server over X protocol, creates a document collection, adds a few documents to it, queries the collection and displays the result. The sample code can be found in file testapp/ in the source distribution of Connector/C++. See Using Connector/C++ for instructions on how to build the sample code.

Code which uses X DevAPI should include the <mysqlx/xdevapi.h> header. The API is declared within the mysqlx namespace:

#include <mysqlx/xdevapi.h>
#include <iostream>
using ::std::cout;
using ::std::endl;
using namespace ::mysqlx;
The main header for MySQL Connector/C++ DevAPI.

To create a mysqlx::Session object pass a connection string in URI format such as "mysqlx://mike:s3cr3t!@localhost:13009". It specifies the host and port of the MySQL Server (port can be skipped in which case the default port will be used) and the MySQL account credentials.

int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
try {
const char *url = (argc > 1 ? argv[1] : "mysqlx://root@");
cout << "Creating session on " << url
<< " ..." << endl;
Session sess(url);

If the session could not be established the mysqlx::Session constructor throws an error derived from mysqlx::Error class (which also derives from std::exception). Otherwise the session is ready to be used once created.

There are alternative ways of specifying session options, for example:
Session s1("mysqlx://mike:s3cr3t!@localhost:13009");
Session s2("localhost", 13009, "mike", "s3cr3t!");
Session s3(13009, "mike", "s3cr3t!"); // session on localhost
Session s4(
SessionOption::USER, "mike",
SessionOption::PWD, "s3cr3t!",
SessionOption::HOST, "localhost",
SessionOption::PORT, 13009
In general the mysqlx::Session constructor uses its arguments to create a mysqlx::SessionSettings instance – see documentation of that class for possible arguments to the constructor. Enumeration mysqlx::SessionOption defines all session options recognized by the connector.

Next a test schema is created and a c1 collection within that schema. They are represented by mysqlx::Schema and mysqlx::Collection objects, respectively:

cout << "Session accepted, creating collection..." << endl;
Schema sch = sess.createSchema("test", true);
Collection coll= sch.createCollection("c1", true);

The true parameter to the `Session::createSchema()`/`Schema::createCollection()` method specifies that the schema/collection should be re-used if it already exists (rather than throwing an error which is the default behavior).

It is also possible to create a mysqlx::Collection object directly, without explicitly creating a mysqlx::Schema instance:
Collection coll = sess.getSchema("test").createCollection("c1",true)

Before adding documents to the collection, all the existing documents are removed first using the `Collection::remove()` method. The argument to this method is an expression which selects documents to be removed, in this case expression "true" selects all documents:


Note that the remove() method returns an operation that must be explicitly executed to take effect. When executed, operation returns a result (ignored here; the results are used later).

To insert documents use the `Collection::add()` method. Documents are described by JSON strings. Note that double quotes are required around field names and they must be escaped inside C strings unless the R"(...)" raw string literal syntax is used as in the example below. Note also how internal code block is used to delete the result when it is no longer needed:

Result add;
add= coll.add(R"({ "name": "foo", "age": 1 })").execute();
std::vector<string> ids = add.getGeneratedIds();
cout << "- added doc with id: " << ids[0] << endl;
add= coll.add(R"({ "name": "bar", "age": 2, "toys": [ "car", "ball" ] })")
ids = add.getGeneratedIds();
if (ids.size() != 0)
cout << "- added doc with id: " << ids[0] << endl;
cout << "- added doc" << endl;
add= coll.add(R"({
"name": "baz",
"age": 3,
"date": { "day": 20, "month": "Apr" }
ids = add.getGeneratedIds();
if (ids.size() != 0)
cout << "- added doc with id: " << ids[0] << endl;
cout << "- added doc" << endl;
add= coll.add(R"({ "_id": "myuuid-1", "name": "foo", "age": 7 })")
ids = add.getGeneratedIds();
if (ids.size() != 0)
cout << "- added doc with id: " << ids[0] << endl;
cout << "- added doc" << endl;

Result of the add() operation is stored in the add variable to be able to read identifiers of the inserted documents that were assigned by the server. They are returned by the getGeneratedIds() method of the mysqlx::Result class.

Server does not generate identifiers for documents which have an "_id" field – in that case the value of the "_id" field is used as document's identifier. These explicit identifiers are not reported by getGeneratedIds() method.
It is possible to chain several add() calls as follows: coll.add(doc1).add(doc2)...add(docN).execute(). It is also possible to pass several documents to a single add() call: coll.add(doc1, ..., docN).execute(). Another option is to pass to Collection::add() an STL container with several documents.

To query documents of a collection use the `Collection::find()` method which takes a Boolean expression that selects documents as its argument:

cout << "Fetching documents..." << endl;
DocResult docs = coll.find("age > 1 and name like 'ba%'").execute();

The result of the find() operation is stored in a variable of type mysqlx::DocResult which gives access to the returned documents that satisfy the selection criteria. These documents can be iterated using a range-for loop:

int i = 0;
for (DbDoc doc : docs)
cout << "doc#" << i++ << ": " << doc << endl;
An alternative is to fetch documents one-by-one using the `DocResult::fetchOne()` method, for example like this:
DbDoc doc = docs.fetchOne();
for (int i = 0; doc; ++i, doc = docs.fetchOne()) { ... }

Given a mysqlx::DbDoc object it is possible to iterate over its fields as follows:

for (Field fld : doc)
cout << " field `" << fld << "`: " << doc[fld] << endl;

Note how DbDoc::operator[] is used to access values of document fields:

string name = doc["name"];
cout << " name: " << name << endl;

The value of a field is automatically converted to a corresponding C++ type. If the C++ type does not match the type of the field value, conversion error is thrown.

Fields which are sub-documents can be converted to the mysqlx::DbDoc type. The following code demonstrates how to process the "date" field which is a sub-document. Methods `DbDoc::hasField()` and `DbDoc::fieldType()` are used to examine existence and type of a field within a document.

if (doc.hasField("date") && Value::DOCUMENT == doc.fieldType("date"))
cout << "- date field" << endl;
DbDoc date = doc["date"];
for (Field fld : date)
cout << " date `" << fld << "`: " << date[fld] << endl;
string month = doc["date"]["month"];
int day = date["day"];
cout << " month: " << month << endl;
cout << " day: " << day << endl;

In case of arrays currently no conversion to C++ types is defined. However, individual elements of an array value can be accessed using operator[] or they can be iterated using a range-for loop.

if (doc.hasField("toys") && Value::ARRAY == doc.fieldType("toys"))
cout << "- toys:" << endl;
for (auto toy : doc["toys"])
cout << " " << toy << endl;

Any errors thrown by Connector/C++ derive from the mysqlx::Error type and can be processed as follows:

catch (const mysqlx::Error &err)
Base class for connector errors.
Definition: common.h:84
cout << "ERROR: " << err << endl;
return 1;

The complete code of the example is presented below:

* Copyright (c) 2015, 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is designed to work with certain software (including
* but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms, as
* designated in a particular file or component or in included license
* documentation. The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional
* permission to link the program and your derivative works with the
* separately licensed software that they have either included with
* the program or referenced in the documentation.
* Without limiting anything contained in the foregoing, this file,
* which is part of Connector/C++, is also subject to the
* Universal FOSS Exception, version 1.0, a copy of which can be found at
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* See the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include <mysqlx/xdevapi.h>
#include <iostream>
using ::std::cout;
using ::std::endl;
using namespace ::mysqlx;
int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
try {
const char *url = (argc > 1 ? argv[1] : "mysqlx://root@");
cout << "Creating session on " << url
<< " ..." << endl;
Session sess(url);
RowResult res = sess.sql("show variables like 'version'").execute();
std::stringstream version;
version << res.fetchOne().get(1).get<string>();
int major_version;
version >> major_version;
if (major_version < 8)
cout << "Can work only with MySQL Server 8 or later" << endl;
cout << "Done!" << endl;
return 0;
cout << "Session accepted, creating collection..." << endl;
Schema sch = sess.createSchema("test", true);
Collection coll= sch.createCollection("c1", true);
cout << "Inserting documents..." << endl;
Result add;
add= coll.add(R"({ "name": "foo", "age": 1 })").execute();
std::vector<string> ids = add.getGeneratedIds();
cout << "- added doc with id: " << ids[0] << endl;
add= coll.add(R"({ "name": "bar", "age": 2, "toys": [ "car", "ball" ] })")
ids = add.getGeneratedIds();
if (ids.size() != 0)
cout << "- added doc with id: " << ids[0] << endl;
cout << "- added doc" << endl;
add= coll.add(R"({
"name": "baz",
"age": 3,
"date": { "day": 20, "month": "Apr" }
ids = add.getGeneratedIds();
if (ids.size() != 0)
cout << "- added doc with id: " << ids[0] << endl;
cout << "- added doc" << endl;
add= coll.add(R"({ "_id": "myuuid-1", "name": "foo", "age": 7 })")
ids = add.getGeneratedIds();
if (ids.size() != 0)
cout << "- added doc with id: " << ids[0] << endl;
cout << "- added doc" << endl;
cout << "Fetching documents..." << endl;
DocResult docs = coll.find("age > 1 and name like 'ba%'").execute();
int i = 0;
for (DbDoc doc : docs)
cout << "doc#" << i++ << ": " << doc << endl;
for (Field fld : doc)
cout << " field `" << fld << "`: " << doc[fld] << endl;
string name = doc["name"];
cout << " name: " << name << endl;
if (doc.hasField("date") && Value::DOCUMENT == doc.fieldType("date"))
cout << "- date field" << endl;
DbDoc date = doc["date"];
for (Field fld : date)
cout << " date `" << fld << "`: " << date[fld] << endl;
string month = doc["date"]["month"];
int day = date["day"];
cout << " month: " << month << endl;
cout << " day: " << day << endl;
if (doc.hasField("toys") && Value::ARRAY == doc.fieldType("toys"))
cout << "- toys:" << endl;
for (auto toy : doc["toys"])
cout << " " << toy << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "Done!" << endl;
catch (const mysqlx::Error &err)
cout << "ERROR: " << err << endl;
return 1;
catch (std::exception &ex)
cout << "STD EXCEPTION: " << ex.what() << endl;
return 1;
catch (const char *ex)
cout << "EXCEPTION: " << ex << endl;
return 1;

A sample output produced by this code:

Creating session on localhost, port 13009 ...
Session accepted, creating collection...
Inserting documents...
- added doc with id: AA71B4BF6B72E511BD76001E684A06F0
- added doc with id: 2885B4BF6B72E511BD76001E684A06F0
- added doc with id: 3492B4BF6B72E511BD76001E684A06F0
- added doc with id: myuuid-1
Fetching documents...
doc#0: {"_id": "AEFD9C44EB77E5116134001E684A06F0", "age": 3, "date": {"day": 20, "month": "Apr"}, "name": "baz"}
field `_id`: AEFD9C44EB77E5116134001E684A06F0
field `age`: 3
field `date`: <document>
field `name`: baz
name: baz
- date field
date `day`: 20
date `month`: Apr
month: Apr
day: 20
doc#1: {"_id": "A0ABC08DAABAD1110C120800273BD115", "age": 2, "name": "bar", "toys": ["car", "ball"]}
field `_id`: A0ABC08DAABAD1110C120800273BD115
field `age`: 2
field `name`: bar
field `toys`: <array with 2 element(s)>
name: bar
- toys: