MySQL Shell API 8.0.40
Unified development interface for MySQL Products
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Cluster Class Reference

Represents an InnoDB Cluster. More...


None add_instance (InstanceDef instance, dict options)
 Adds an Instance to the cluster. More...
dict check_instance_state (InstanceDef instance)
 Verifies the instance gtid state in relation to the cluster. More...
ClusterSet create_cluster_set (str domainName, dict options)
 Creates a MySQL InnoDB ClusterSet from an existing standalone InnoDB Cluster. More...
ClusterSet get_cluster_set ()
 Returns an object representing a ClusterSet. More...
dict describe ()
 Describe the structure of the cluster. More...
None disconnect ()
 Disconnects all internal sessions used by the cluster object. More...
None dissolve (dict options)
 Dissolves the cluster. More...
None force_quorum_using_partition_of (InstanceDef instance, str password)
 Restores the cluster from quorum loss. More...
str get_name ()
 Retrieves the name of the cluster. More...
dict list_routers (dict options)
 Lists the Router instances. More...
dict rejoin_instance (InstanceDef instance, dict options)
 Rejoins an Instance to the cluster. More...
None remove_instance (InstanceDef instance, dict options)
 Removes an Instance from the cluster. More...
None rescan (dict options)
 Rescans the cluster. More...
None reset_recovery_accounts_password (dict options)
 Reset the password of the recovery accounts of the cluster. More...
dict status (dict options)
 Describe the status of the cluster. More...
None switch_to_single_primary_mode (InstanceDef instance)
 Switches the cluster to single-primary mode. More...
None switch_to_multi_primary_mode ()
 Switches the cluster to multi-primary mode. More...
None set_primary_instance (InstanceDef instance, dict options)
 Elects a specific cluster member as the new primary. More...
dict options (dict options)
 Lists the cluster configuration options. More...
None set_option (str option, str value)
 Changes the value of an option for the whole Cluster. More...
None set_instance_option (InstanceDef instance, str option, str value)
 Changes the value of an option in a Cluster member. More...
bool remove_router_metadata (RouterDef routerDef)
 Removes metadata for a router instance. More...
None setup_admin_account (str user, dict options)
 Create or upgrade an InnoDB Cluster admin account. More...
None setup_router_account (str user, dict options)
 Create or upgrade a MySQL account to use with MySQL Router. More...
None fence_all_traffic ()
 Fences a Cluster from All Traffic. More...
None fence_writes ()
 Fences a Cluster from Write Traffic. More...
None unfence_writes ()
 Unfences a Cluster. More...


str name
 Retrieves the name of the cluster.

Detailed Description

Represents an InnoDB Cluster.

The cluster object is the entry point to manage and monitor a MySQL InnoDB Cluster.

Member Function Documentation

◆ add_instance()

None add_instance ( InstanceDef  instance,
dict  options 

Adds an Instance to the cluster.

instanceConnection options for the target instance to be added.
optionsOptional dictionary with options for the operation.

This function adds an Instance to a InnoDB cluster.

For additional information about MySQL connection data, see Connection Data.

The options dictionary may contain the following attributes:

  • label: an identifier for the instance being added
  • recoveryMethod: Preferred method of state recovery. May be auto, clone or incremental. Default is auto.
  • waitRecovery: Integer value to indicate if the command shall wait for the recovery process to finish and its verbosity level. Deprecated.
  • recoveryProgress: Integer value to indicate the recovery process verbosity level.
  • password: the instance connection password
  • memberSslMode: SSL mode used on the instance
  • ipWhitelist: The list of hosts allowed to connect to the instance for group replication. Deprecated.
  • ipAllowlist: The list of hosts allowed to connect to the instance for group replication. Only valid if communicationStack=XCOM.
  • localAddress: string value with the Group Replication local address to be used instead of the automatically generated one.
  • groupSeeds: string value with a comma-separated list of the Group Replication peer addresses to be used instead of the automatically generated one. Deprecated and ignored.
  • interactive: boolean value used to disable/enable the wizards in the command execution, i.e. prompts and confirmations will be provided or not according to the value set. The default value is equal to MySQL Shell wizard mode. Deprecated.
  • exitStateAction: string value indicating the group replication exit state action.
  • memberWeight: integer value with a percentage weight for automatic primary election on failover.
  • autoRejoinTries: integer value to define the number of times an instance will attempt to rejoin the cluster after being expelled.
  • certSubject: instance's certificate subject to use when 'memberAuthType' contains "CERT_SUBJECT".

The password may be contained on the instance definition, however, it can be overwritten if it is specified on the options.

The recoveryMethod option supports the following values:

  • incremental: uses distributed state recovery, which applies missing transactions copied from another cluster member. Clone will be disabled.
  • clone: clone: uses built-in MySQL clone support, which completely replaces the state of the target instance with a full snapshot of another cluster member before distributed recovery starts. Requires MySQL 8.0.17 or newer.
  • auto: let Group Replication choose whether or not a full snapshot has to be taken, based on what the target server supports and the group_replication_clone_threshold sysvar. This is the default value. A prompt will be shown if not possible to safely determine a safe way forward. If interaction is disabled, the operation will be canceled instead.

The waitRecovery option supports the following values:

  • 0: do not wait and let the recovery process to finish in the background.
  • 1: block until the recovery process to finishes.
  • 2: block until the recovery process finishes and show progress information.
  • 3: block until the recovery process finishes and show progress using progress bars.

The recoveryProgress option supports the following values:

  • 0: do not show any progress information.
  • 1: show detailed static progress information.
  • 2: show detailed dynamic progress information using progress bars.

By default, if the standard output on which the Shell is running refers to a terminal, the waitRecovery option has the value of 3. Otherwise, it has the value of 2.

The exitStateAction option supports the following values:

  • ABORT_SERVER: if used, the instance shuts itself down if it leaves the cluster unintentionally or exhausts its auto-rejoin attempts.
  • READ_ONLY: if used, the instance switches itself to super-read-only mode if it leaves the cluster unintentionally or exhausts its auto-rejoin attempts.
  • OFFLINE_MODE: if used, the instance switches itself to offline mode if it leaves the cluster unintentionally or exhausts its auto-rejoin attempts. Requires MySQL 8.0.18 or newer.

If exitStateAction is not specified READ_ONLY will be used by default.

The ipAllowlist format is a comma separated list of IP addresses or subnet CIDR notation, for example:, By default the value is set to AUTOMATIC, allowing addresses from the instance private network to be automatically set for the allowlist.

This option is only used and allowed when communicationStack is set to XCOM.

The localAddress and groupSeeds are advanced options and their usage is discouraged since incorrect values can lead to Group Replication errors.

The value for localAddress is used to set the Group Replication system variable 'group_replication_local_address'. The localAddress option accepts values in the format: 'host:port' or 'host:' or ':port'. If the specified value does not include a colon (:) and it is numeric, then it is assumed to be the port, otherwise it is considered to be the host. When the host is not specified, the default value is the value of the system variable 'report_host' if defined (i.e., not 'NULL'), otherwise it is the hostname value. When the port is not specified, the default value is the port of the target instance if the communication stack in use by the Cluster is 'MYSQL', otherwise, port * 10 + 1 when the communication stack is 'XCOM'. In case the automatically determined default port value is invalid (> 65535) then an error is thrown.

The groupSeeds option is deprecated as of MySQL Shell 8.0.28 and is ignored. 'group_replication_group_seeds' is automatically set based on the current topology.

The value for exitStateAction is used to configure how Group Replication behaves when a server instance leaves the group unintentionally (for example after encountering an applier error) or exhausts its auto-rejoin attempts. When set to ABORT_SERVER, the instance shuts itself down. When set to READ_ONLY the server switches itself to super-read-only mode. When set to OFFLINE_MODE it switches itself to offline mode. In this mode, connected client users are disconnected on their next request and connections are no longer accepted, with the exception of client users that have the CONNECTION_ADMIN or SUPER privilege. The exitStateAction option accepts case-insensitive string values, being the accepted values: OFFLINE_MODE (or 2), ABORT_SERVER (or 1) and READ_ONLY (or 0).

The default value is READ_ONLY.

The value for memberWeight is used to set the Group Replication system variable 'group_replication_member_weight'. The memberWeight option accepts integer values. Group Replication limits the value range from 0 to 100, automatically adjusting it if a lower/bigger value is provided.

Group Replication uses a default value of 50 if no value is provided.

The value for autoRejoinTries is used to set the Group Replication system variable 'group_replication_autorejoin_tries' and configure how many times an instance will try to rejoin a Group Replication group after being expelled. In scenarios where network glitches happen but recover quickly, setting this option prevents users from having to manually add the expelled node back to the group. The autoRejoinTries option accepts positive integer values and, since 8.0.21, defaults to 3.

The memberSslMode option will be removed in a future release.
The ipWhitelist option will be removed in a future release. Please use the ipAllowlist option instead.
The groupSeeds option will be removed in a future release.
The waitRecovery option will be removed in a future release. Please use the recoveryProgress option instead.
The interactive option will be removed in a future release.
The password option will be removed in a future release.

◆ check_instance_state()

None check_instance_state ( InstanceDef  instance)

Verifies the instance gtid state in relation to the cluster.

instanceAn instance definition.
resultset A JSON object with the status.
This function is deprecated and will be removed in a future release of MySQL Shell.

Analyzes the instance executed GTIDs with the executed/purged GTIDs on the cluster to determine if the instance is valid for the cluster.

The instance definition is the connection data for the instance.

For additional information about MySQL connection data, see Connection Data.

The returned JSON object contains the following attributes:

  • state: the state of the instance
  • reason: the reason for the state reported

The state of the instance can be one of the following:

  • ok: if the instance transaction state is valid for the cluster
  • error: if the instance transaction state is not valid for the cluster

The reason for the state reported can be one of the following:

  • new: if the instance doesn't have any transactions
  • recoverable: if the instance executed GTIDs are not conflicting with the executed GTIDs of the cluster instances
  • diverged: if the instance executed GTIDs diverged with the executed GTIDs of the cluster instances
  • lost_transactions: if the instance has more executed GTIDs than the executed GTIDs of the cluster instances

◆ create_cluster_set()

ClusterSet create_cluster_set ( str  domainName,
dict  options 

Creates a MySQL InnoDB ClusterSet from an existing standalone InnoDB Cluster.

domainNameAn identifier for the ClusterSet's logical dataset.
optionsOptional dictionary with additional parameters described below.
The created ClusterSet object.

Creates a ClusterSet object from an existing cluster, with the given data domain name.

Several checks and validations are performed to ensure that the target Cluster complies with the requirements for ClusterSets and if so, the Metadata schema will be updated to create the new ClusterSet and the target Cluster becomes the PRIMARY cluster of the ClusterSet.

InnoDB ClusterSet

A ClusterSet is composed of a single PRIMARY InnoDB Cluster that can have one or more replica InnoDB Clusters that replicate from the PRIMARY using asynchronous replication.

ClusterSets allow InnoDB Cluster deployments to achieve fault-tolerance at a whole Data Center / region or geographic location, by creating REPLICA clusters in different locations (Data Centers), ensuring Disaster Recovery is possible.

If the PRIMARY InnoDB Cluster becomes completely unavailable, it's possible to promote a REPLICA of that cluster to take over its duties with minimal downtime or data loss.

All Cluster operations are available at each individual member (cluster) of the ClusterSet. The AdminAPI ensures all updates are performed at the PRIMARY and controls the command availability depending on the individual status of each Cluster.

Please note that InnoDB ClusterSets don't have the same consistency and data loss guarantees as InnoDB Clusters. To read more about ClusterSets, see \? ClusterSet or refer to the MySQL manual.


The following is a non-exhaustive list of requirements to create a ClusterSet:

  • The target cluster must not already be part of a ClusterSet.
  • MySQL 8.0.27 or newer.
  • The target cluster's Metadata schema version is 2.1.0 or newer.
  • Unmanaged replication channels are not allowed.


The options dictionary can contain the following values:

  • dryRun: boolean if true, all validations and steps for creating a ClusterSet are executed, but no changes are actually made. An exception will be thrown when finished.
  • clusterSetReplicationSslMode: SSL mode for the ClusterSet replication channels.
  • replicationAllowedHost: string value to use as the host name part of internal replication accounts (i.e. 'mysql_innodb_cs_###'@'hostname'). Default is %. It must be possible for any member of the ClusterSet to connect to any other member using accounts with this hostname value.

The clusterSetReplicationSslMode option supports the following values:

  • DISABLED: TLS encryption is disabled for the ClusterSet replication channels.
  • REQUIRED: TLS encryption is enabled for the ClusterSet replication channels.
  • VERIFY_CA: like REQUIRED, but additionally verify the peer server TLS certificate against the configured Certificate Authority (CA) certificates.
  • VERIFY_IDENTITY: like VERIFY_CA, but additionally verify that the peer server certificate matches the host to which the connection is attempted.
  • AUTO: TLS encryption will be enabled if supported by the instance, otherwise disabled.

If clusterSetReplicationSslMode is not specified, it defaults to the value of the cluster's memberSslMode option.

◆ get_cluster_set()

std::shared_ptr< ClusterSet > get_cluster_set ( )

Returns an object representing a ClusterSet.

The ClusterSet object to which the current cluster belongs to.

The returned object is identical to the one returned by create_cluster_set() and can be used to manage the ClusterSet.

The function will work regardless of whether the target cluster is a PRIMARY or a REPLICA Cluster, but its copy of the metadata is expected to be up-to-date.

This function will also work if the PRIMARY Cluster is unreachable or unavailable, although ClusterSet change operations will not be possible, except for failover with force_primary_cluster().

◆ describe()

shcore::Value describe ( void  )

Describe the structure of the cluster.

A JSON object describing the structure of the cluster.

This function describes the structure of the cluster including all its information, ReplicaSets and Instances.

The returned JSON object contains the following attributes:

  • clusterName: the cluster name
  • defaultReplicaSet: the default ReplicaSet object

The defaultReplicaSet JSON object contains the following attributes:

  • name: the ReplicaSet name
  • topology: a list of dictionaries describing each instance belonging to the ReplicaSet.
  • topologyMode: the InnoDB Cluster topology mode.

Each instance dictionary contains the following attributes:

  • address: the instance address in the form of host:port
  • label: the instance name identifier
  • role: the instance role
  • version: the instance version (only available for instances >= 8.0.11)

◆ disconnect()

void disconnect ( )

Disconnects all internal sessions used by the cluster object.


Disconnects the internal MySQL sessions used by the cluster to query for metadata and replication information.

◆ dissolve()

None dissolve ( dict  options)

Dissolves the cluster.

optionsOptional parameters as described below.

This function stops group replication and unregisters all members from the cluster metadata.

It keeps all the user's data intact.

The options dictionary may contain the following attributes:

  • force: boolean value used to confirm that the dissolve operation must be executed, even if some members of the cluster cannot be reached or the timeout was reached when waiting for members to catch up with replication changes. By default, set to false.
  • interactive: boolean value used to disable/enable the wizards in the command execution, i.e. prompts and confirmations will be provided or not according to the value set. The default value is equal to MySQL Shell wizard mode. Deprecated.

The force option (set to true) must only be used to dissolve a cluster with instances that are permanently not available (no longer reachable) or never to be reused again in a cluster. This allows to dissolve a cluster and remove it from the metadata, including instances than can no longer be recovered. Otherwise, the instances must be brought back ONLINE and the cluster dissolved without the force option to avoid errors trying to reuse the instances and add them back to a cluster.

The interactive option will be removed in a future release.

◆ force_quorum_using_partition_of()

None force_quorum_using_partition_of ( InstanceDef  instance,
str  password 

Restores the cluster from quorum loss.

instanceAn instance definition to derive the forced group from.
passwordOptional string with the password for the connection.

This function restores the cluster back into operational status from a loss of quorum scenario. Such a scenario can occur if a group is partitioned or more crashes than tolerable occur.

The instance definition is the connection data for the instance.

For additional information about MySQL connection data, see Connection Data.

Note that this operation is DANGEROUS as it can create a split-brain if incorrectly used and should be considered a last resort. Make absolutely sure that there are no partitions of this group that are still operating somewhere in the network, but not accessible from your location.

When this function is used, all the members that are ONLINE from the point of view of the given instance definition will be added to the group.

The password option will be removed in a future release.

◆ get_name()

str get_name ( )

Retrieves the name of the cluster.

The name of the cluster.

◆ list_routers()

str list_routers ( dict  options)

Lists the Router instances.

optionsOptional dictionary with options for the operation.
A JSON object listing the Router instances associated to the cluster.

This function lists and provides information about all Router instances registered for the cluster.

Whenever a Metadata Schema upgrade is necessary, the recommended process is to upgrade MySQL Router instances to the latest version before upgrading the Metadata itself, in order to minimize service disruption.

The options dictionary may contain the following attributes:

  • onlyUpgradeRequired: boolean, enables filtering so only router instances that support older version of the Metadata Schema and require upgrade are included.

◆ rejoin_instance()

Dict rejoin_instance ( InstanceDef  instance,
dict  options 

Rejoins an Instance to the cluster.

instanceAn instance definition.
optionsOptional dictionary with options for the operation.
A JSON object with the result of the operation.

This function rejoins an Instance to the cluster.

The instance definition is the connection data for the instance.

For additional information about MySQL connection data, see Connection Data.

The options dictionary may contain the following attributes:

  • password: the instance connection password
  • memberSslMode: SSL mode used on the instance
  • interactive: boolean value used to disable/enable the wizards in the command execution, i.e. prompts and confirmations will be provided or not according to the value set. The default value is equal to MySQL Shell wizard mode. Deprecated.
  • ipWhitelist: The list of hosts allowed to connect to the instance for group replication. Deprecated.
  • ipAllowlist: The list of hosts allowed to connect to the instance for group replication. Only valid if communicationStack=XCOM.
  • localAddress: string value with the Group Replication local address to be used instead of the automatically generated one.

The password may be contained on the instance definition, however, it can be overwritten if it is specified on the options.

The ipAllowlist format is a comma separated list of IP addresses or subnet CIDR notation, for example:, By default the value is set to AUTOMATIC, allowing addresses from the instance private network to be automatically set for the allowlist.

This option is only used and allowed when communicationStack is set to XCOM.

The localAddress is an advanced option and its usage is discouraged since incorrect values can lead to Group Replication errors.

The value for localAddress is used to set the Group Replication system variable 'group_replication_local_address'. The localAddress option accepts values in the format: 'host:port' or 'host:' or ':port'. If the specified value does not include a colon (:) and it is numeric, then it is assumed to be the port, otherwise it is considered to be the host. When the host is not specified, the default value is the value of the system variable 'report_host' if defined (i.e., not 'NULL'), otherwise it is the hostname value. When the port is not specified, the default value is the port of the target instance if the communication stack in use by the Cluster is 'MYSQL', otherwise, port * 10 + 1 when the communication stack is 'XCOM'. In case the automatically determined default port value is invalid (> 65535) then an error is thrown.

The memberSslMode option will be removed in a future release.
The ipWhitelist option will be removed in a future release. Please use the ipAllowlist option instead.
The interactive option will be removed in a future release.
The password option will be removed in a future release.

◆ remove_instance()

None remove_instance ( InstanceDef  instance,
dict  options 

Removes an Instance from the cluster.

instanceAn instance definition.
optionsOptional dictionary with options for the operation.

This function removes an Instance from the cluster.

The instance definition is the connection data for the instance.

For additional information about MySQL connection data, see Connection Data.

The options dictionary may contain the following attributes:

  • password: the instance connection password
  • force: boolean, indicating if the instance must be removed (even if only from metadata) in case it cannot be reached. By default, set to false.
  • interactive: boolean value used to disable/enable the wizards in the command execution, i.e. prompts and confirmations will be provided or not according to the value set. The default value is equal to MySQL Shell wizard mode. Deprecated.

The password may be contained in the instance definition, however, it can be overwritten if it is specified on the options.

The force option (set to true) must only be used to remove instances that are permanently not available (no longer reachable) or never to be reused again in a cluster. This allows to remove from the metadata an instance than can no longer be recovered. Otherwise, the instance must be brought back ONLINE and removed without the force option to avoid errors trying to add it back to a cluster.

The interactive option will be removed in a future release.
The password option will be removed in a future release.

◆ rescan()

None rescan ( dict  options)

Rescans the cluster.

optionsOptional Dictionary with options for the operation.

This function rescans the cluster for new and obsolete Group Replication members/instances, as well as changes in the used topology mode (i.e., single-primary and multi-primary).

The options dictionary may contain the following attributes:

  • addInstances: List with the connection data of the new active instances to add to the metadata, or "auto" to automatically add missing instances to the metadata.
  • interactive: boolean value used to disable/enable the wizards in the command execution, i.e. prompts and confirmations will be provided or not according to the value set. The default value is equal to MySQL Shell wizard mode. Deprecated.
  • removeInstances: List with the connection data of the obsolete instances to remove from the metadata, or "auto" to automatically remove obsolete instances from the metadata.
  • updateTopologyMode: boolean value used to indicate if the topology mode (single-primary or multi-primary) in the metadata should be updated (true) or not (false) to match the one being used by the cluster. By default, the metadata is not updated (false). Deprecated.
  • upgradeCommProtocol: boolean. Set to true to upgrade the Group Replication communication protocol to the highest version possible.
  • updateViewChangeUuid: boolean value used to indicate if the command should generate and set a value for Group Replication View Change UUID in the whole Cluster. Required for InnoDB ClusterSet usage.
  • repairMetadata: boolean. Set to true to repair the Metadata if detected to be inconsistent.

The value for addInstances and removeInstances is used to specify which instances to add or remove from the metadata, respectively. Both options accept list connection data. In addition, the "auto" value can be used for both options in order to automatically add or remove the instances in the metadata, without having to explicitly specify them.

'repairMetadata' is used to eliminate any inconsistencies detected in the Metadata. These inconsistencies may arise from a few scenarios, such as the failure of one or more commands. Clusters detected in the ClusterSet Metadata that do not qualify as valid members will be removed.

The updateTopologyMode option will be removed in a future release.
The interactive option will be removed in a future release.

◆ reset_recovery_accounts_password()

None reset_recovery_accounts_password ( dict  options)

Reset the password of the recovery accounts of the cluster.

optionsDictionary with options for the operation.

This function resets the passwords for all internal recovery user accounts used by the Cluster. It can be used to reset the passwords of the recovery user accounts when needed for any security reasons. For example: periodically to follow some custom password lifetime policy, or after some security breach event.

The options dictionary may contain the following attributes:

  • force: boolean, indicating if the operation will continue in case an error occurs when trying to reset the passwords on any of the instances, for example if any of them is not online. By default, set to false.
  • interactive: boolean value used to disable/enable the wizards in the command execution, i.e. prompts and confirmations will be provided or not according to the value set. The default value is equal to MySQL Shell wizard mode. Deprecated.

The use of the force option (set to true) is not recommended. Use it only if really needed when instances are permanently not available (no longer reachable) or never going to be reused again in a cluster. Prefer to bring the non available instances back ONLINE or remove them from the cluster if they will no longer be used.

The interactive option will be removed in a future release.

◆ status()

str status ( dict  options)

Describe the status of the cluster.

optionsOptional dictionary with options.
A JSON object describing the status of the cluster.

This function describes the status of the cluster including its ReplicaSets and Instances. The following options may be given to control the amount of information gathered and returned.

  • extended: verbosity level of the command output.
  • queryMembers: if true, connect to each Instance of the ReplicaSets to query for more detailed stats about the replication machinery.
The queryMembers option will be removed in a future release. Please use the extended option instead.

The extended option supports Integer or Boolean values:

  • 0: disables the command verbosity (default);
  • 1: includes information about the Metadata Version, Group Protocol Version, Group name, cluster member UUIDs, cluster member roles and states as reported byGroup Replication and the list of fenced system variables;
  • 2: includes information about transactions processed by connection and applier;
  • 3: includes more detailed stats about the replication machinery of each cluster member;
  • Boolean: equivalent to assign either 0 (false) or 1 (true).

◆ switch_to_single_primary_mode()

None switch_to_single_primary_mode ( InstanceDef  instance)

Switches the cluster to single-primary mode.

instanceOptional An instance definition.

This function changes a cluster running in multi-primary mode to single-primary mode.

The instance definition is the connection data for the instance.

For additional information about MySQL connection data, see Connection Data.

The instance definition is optional and is the identifier of the cluster member that shall become the new primary.

If the instance definition is not provided, the new primary will be the instance with the highest member weight (and the lowest UUID in case of a tie on member weight).

◆ switch_to_multi_primary_mode()

void switch_to_multi_primary_mode ( void  )

Switches the cluster to multi-primary mode.


This function changes a cluster running in single-primary mode to multi-primary mode.

◆ set_primary_instance()

None set_primary_instance ( InstanceDef  instance,
dict  options 

Elects a specific cluster member as the new primary.

instanceAn instance definition.
optionsOptional dictionary with options for the operation.

This function forces the election of a new primary, overriding any election process.

The instance definition is the connection data for the instance.

For additional information about MySQL connection data, see Connection Data.

The instance definition is mandatory and is the identifier of the cluster member that shall become the new primary.

The options dictionary may contain the following attributes:

  • runningTransactionsTimeout: integer value to define the time period, in seconds, that the primary election waits for ongoing transactions to complete. After the timeout is reached, any ongoing transaction is rolled back allowing the operation to complete.

◆ options()

str options ( dict  options)

Lists the cluster configuration options.

optionsOptional Dictionary with options.
A JSON object describing the configuration options of the cluster.

This function lists the cluster configuration options for its ReplicaSets and Instances. The following options may be given to control the amount of information gathered and returned.

  • all: if true, includes information about all group_replication system variables.

◆ set_option()

None set_option ( str  option,
str  value 

Changes the value of an option for the whole Cluster.

optionThe option to be changed.
valueThe value that the option shall get.

This function changes an option for the Cluster.

The accepted options are:

  • tag:<option>: built-in and user-defined tags to be associated to the Cluster.
  • clusterName: string value to define the cluster name.
  • exitStateAction: string value indicating the group replication exit state action.
  • memberWeight: integer value with a percentage weight for automatic primary election on failover.
  • failoverConsistency: string value indicating the consistency guarantees that the cluster provides.
  • consistency: string value indicating the consistency guarantees that the cluster provides.
  • expelTimeout: integer value to define the time period in seconds that cluster members should wait for a non-responding member before evicting it from the cluster.
  • autoRejoinTries: integer value to define the number of times an instance will attempt to rejoin the cluster after being expelled.
  • ipAllowlist: The list of hosts allowed to connect to the instance for group replication. Only valid if communicationStack=XCOM.
  • disableClone: boolean value used to disable the clone usage on the cluster.
  • replicationAllowedHost string value to use as the host name part of internal replication accounts. Existing accounts will be re-created with the new value.
  • transactionSizeLimit: integer value to configure the maximum transaction size in bytes which the Cluster accepts
The failoverConsistency option will be removed in a future release. Please use the consistency option instead.
The transactionSizeLimit option is not supported on Replica Clusters of InnoDB ClusterSets.

The value for the configuration option is used to set the Group Replication system variable that corresponds to it.

The exitStateAction option supports the following values:

  • ABORT_SERVER: if used, the instance shuts itself down if it leaves the cluster unintentionally or exhausts its auto-rejoin attempts.
  • READ_ONLY: if used, the instance switches itself to super-read-only mode if it leaves the cluster unintentionally or exhausts its auto-rejoin attempts.
  • OFFLINE_MODE: if used, the instance switches itself to offline mode if it leaves the cluster unintentionally or exhausts its auto-rejoin attempts. Requires MySQL 8.0.18 or newer.

If exitStateAction is not specified READ_ONLY will be used by default.

The consistency option supports the following values:

  • BEFORE_ON_PRIMARY_FAILOVER: if used, new queries (read or write) to the new primary will be put on hold until after the backlog from the old primary is applied.
  • EVENTUAL: if used, read queries to the new primary are allowed even if the backlog isn't applied.

If consistency is not specified, EVENTUAL will be used by default.

The value for exitStateAction is used to configure how Group Replication behaves when a server instance leaves the group unintentionally (for example after encountering an applier error) or exhausts its auto-rejoin attempts. When set to ABORT_SERVER, the instance shuts itself down. When set to READ_ONLY the server switches itself to super-read-only mode. When set to OFFLINE_MODE it switches itself to offline mode. In this mode, connected client users are disconnected on their next request and connections are no longer accepted, with the exception of client users that have the CONNECTION_ADMIN or SUPER privilege. The exitStateAction option accepts case-insensitive string values, being the accepted values: OFFLINE_MODE (or 2), ABORT_SERVER (or 1) and READ_ONLY (or 0).

The default value is READ_ONLY.

The value for memberWeight is used to set the Group Replication system variable 'group_replication_member_weight'. The memberWeight option accepts integer values. Group Replication limits the value range from 0 to 100, automatically adjusting it if a lower/bigger value is provided.

Group Replication uses a default value of 50 if no value is provided.

The value for consistency is used to set the Group Replication system variable 'group_replication_consistency' and configure the transaction consistency guarantee which a cluster provides.

When set to BEFORE_ON_PRIMARY_FAILOVER, whenever a primary failover happens in single-primary mode (default), new queries (read or write) to the newly elected primary that is applying backlog from the old primary, will be hold before execution until the backlog is applied. When set to EVENTUAL, read queries to the new primary are allowed even if the backlog isn't applied but writes will fail (if the backlog isn't applied) due to super-read-only mode being enabled. The client may return old values.

When set to BEFORE, each transaction (RW or RO) waits until all preceding transactions are complete before starting its execution. This ensures that each transaction is executed on the most up-to-date snapshot of the data, regardless of which member it is executed on. The latency of the transaction is affected but the overhead of synchronization on RW transactions is reduced since synchronization is used only on RO transactions.

When set to AFTER, each RW transaction waits until its changes have been applied on all of the other members. This ensures that once this transaction completes, all following transactions read a database state that includes its changes, regardless of which member they are executed on. This mode shall only be used on a group that is used for predominantly RO operations to ensure that subsequent reads fetch the latest data which includes the latest writes. The overhead of synchronization on every RO transaction is reduced since synchronization is used only on RW transactions.

When set to BEFORE_AND_AFTER, each RW transaction waits for all preceding transactions to complete before being applied and until its changes have been applied on other members. A RO transaction waits for all preceding transactions to complete before execution takes place. This ensures the guarantees given by BEFORE and by AFTER. The overhead of synchronization is higher.

The consistency option accepts case-insensitive string values, being the accepted values: EVENTUAL (or 0), BEFORE_ON_PRIMARY_FAILOVER (or 1), BEFORE (or 2), AFTER (or 3), and BEFORE_AND_AFTER (or 4).

The default value is EVENTUAL.

The value for expelTimeout is used to set the Group Replication system variable 'group_replication_member_expel_timeout' and configure how long Group Replication will wait before expelling from the group any members suspected of having failed. On slow networks, or when there are expected machine slowdowns, increase the value of this option. The expelTimeout option accepts positive integer values and, since 8.0.21, defaults to 5 seconds.

The value for autoRejoinTries is used to set the Group Replication system variable 'group_replication_autorejoin_tries' and configure how many times an instance will try to rejoin a Group Replication group after being expelled. In scenarios where network glitches happen but recover quickly, setting this option prevents users from having to manually add the expelled node back to the group. The autoRejoinTries option accepts positive integer values and, since 8.0.21, defaults to 3.

The value for transactionSizeLimit is used to set the Group Replication system variable 'group_replication_transaction_size_limit' and configures the maximum transaction size in bytes which the Cluster accepts. Transactions larger than this size are rolled back by the receiving member and are not broadcast to the Cluster.

The transactionSizeLimit option accepts positive integer values and, if set to zero, there is no limit to the size of transactions the Cluster accepts

All members added or rejoined to the Cluster will use the same value.

The ipAllowlist format is a comma separated list of IP addresses or subnet CIDR notation, for example:, By default the value is set to AUTOMATIC, allowing addresses from the instance private network to be automatically set for the allowlist.

This option is only used and allowed when communicationStack is set to XCOM.


Tags make it possible to associate custom key/value pairs to a Cluster, storing them in its metadata. Custom tag names can be any string starting with letters and followed by letters, numbers and _. Tag values may be any JSON value. If the value is null, the tag is deleted.

◆ set_instance_option()

None set_instance_option ( InstanceDef  instance,
str  option,
str  value 

Changes the value of an option in a Cluster member.

instanceAn instance definition.
optionThe option to be changed.
valueThe value that the option shall get.

This function changes an option for a member of the cluster.

The instance definition is the connection data for the instance.

For additional information about MySQL connection data, see Connection Data.

The accepted options are:

  • tag:<option>: built-in and user-defined tags to be associated to the Cluster.
  • exitStateAction: string value indicating the group replication exit state action.
  • memberWeight: integer value with a percentage weight for automatic primary election on failover.
  • autoRejoinTries: integer value to define the number of times an instance will attempt to rejoin the cluster after being expelled.
  • ipAllowlist: The list of hosts allowed to connect to the instance for group replication. Only valid if communicationStack=XCOM.
  • label a string identifier of the instance.

The exitStateAction option supports the following values:

  • ABORT_SERVER: if used, the instance shuts itself down if it leaves the cluster unintentionally or exhausts its auto-rejoin attempts.
  • READ_ONLY: if used, the instance switches itself to super-read-only mode if it leaves the cluster unintentionally or exhausts its auto-rejoin attempts.
  • OFFLINE_MODE: if used, the instance switches itself to offline mode if it leaves the cluster unintentionally or exhausts its auto-rejoin attempts. Requires MySQL 8.0.18 or newer.

If exitStateAction is not specified READ_ONLY will be used by default.

The value for exitStateAction is used to configure how Group Replication behaves when a server instance leaves the group unintentionally (for example after encountering an applier error) or exhausts its auto-rejoin attempts. When set to ABORT_SERVER, the instance shuts itself down. When set to READ_ONLY the server switches itself to super-read-only mode. When set to OFFLINE_MODE it switches itself to offline mode. In this mode, connected client users are disconnected on their next request and connections are no longer accepted, with the exception of client users that have the CONNECTION_ADMIN or SUPER privilege. The exitStateAction option accepts case-insensitive string values, being the accepted values: OFFLINE_MODE (or 2), ABORT_SERVER (or 1) and READ_ONLY (or 0).

The default value is READ_ONLY.

The value for memberWeight is used to set the Group Replication system variable 'group_replication_member_weight'. The memberWeight option accepts integer values. Group Replication limits the value range from 0 to 100, automatically adjusting it if a lower/bigger value is provided.

Group Replication uses a default value of 50 if no value is provided.

The value for autoRejoinTries is used to set the Group Replication system variable 'group_replication_autorejoin_tries' and configure how many times an instance will try to rejoin a Group Replication group after being expelled. In scenarios where network glitches happen but recover quickly, setting this option prevents users from having to manually add the expelled node back to the group. The autoRejoinTries option accepts positive integer values and, since 8.0.21, defaults to 3.

The ipAllowlist format is a comma separated list of IP addresses or subnet CIDR notation, for example:, By default the value is set to AUTOMATIC, allowing addresses from the instance private network to be automatically set for the allowlist.

This option is only used and allowed when communicationStack is set to XCOM.


Tags make it possible to associate custom key/value pairs to a Cluster, storing them in its metadata. Custom tag names can be any string starting with letters and followed by letters, numbers and _. Tag values may be any JSON value. If the value is null, the tag is deleted.

The following pre-defined tags are available:

  • _hidden: bool - instructs the router to exclude the instance from the list of possible destinations for client applications.
  • _disconnect_existing_sessions_when_hidden: bool - instructs the router to disconnect existing connections from instances that are marked to be hidden.
    '_hidden' and '_disconnect_existing_sessions_when_hidden' can be useful to shut down the instance and perform maintenance on it without disrupting incoming application traffic.

◆ remove_router_metadata()

str remove_router_metadata ( RouterDef  routerDef)

Removes metadata for a router instance.

routerDefidentifier of the router instance to be removed (e.g.

MySQL Router automatically registers itself within the InnoDB cluster metadata when bootstrapped. However, that metadata may be left behind when instances are uninstalled or moved over to a different host. This function may be used to clean up such instances that no longer exist.

The Cluster.list_routers() function may be used to list registered router instances, including their identifier.

◆ setup_admin_account()

None setup_admin_account ( str  user,
dict  options 

Create or upgrade an InnoDB Cluster admin account.

userName of the InnoDB cluster administrator account.
optionsDictionary with options for the operation.

This function creates/upgrades a MySQL user account with the necessary privileges to administer an InnoDB cluster.

This function also allows a user to upgrade an existing admin account with the necessary privileges before a dba.upgrade_metadata() call.

The mandatory argument user is the name of the MySQL account we want to create or upgrade to be used as Administrator account. The accepted format is username[@host] where the host part is optional and if not provided defaults to ''.

The options dictionary may contain the following attributes:

  • password: The password for the InnoDB cluster administrator account.
  • interactive: boolean value used to disable/enable the wizards in the command execution, i.e. prompts and confirmations will be provided or not according to the value set. The default value is equal to MySQL Shell wizard mode. Deprecated.

If the user account does not exist, either the password, requireCertIssuer or requireCertSubject are mandatory.

If the user account exists, the update option must be enabled.

The interactive option can be used to explicitly enable or disable the interactive prompts that help the user through the account setup process.

The interactive option will be removed in a future release.

◆ setup_router_account()

None setup_router_account ( str  user,
dict  options 

Create or upgrade a MySQL account to use with MySQL Router.

userName of the account to create/upgrade for MySQL Router.
optionsDictionary with options for the operation.

This function creates/upgrades a MySQL user account with the necessary privileges to be used by MySQL Router.

This function also allows a user to upgrade existing MySQL router accounts with the necessary privileges after a dba.upgrade_metadata() call.

The mandatory argument user is the name of the MySQL account we want to create or upgrade to be used by MySQL Router. The accepted format is username[@host] where the host part is optional and if not provided defaults to ''.

The options dictionary may contain the following attributes:

  • password: The password for the MySQL Router account.
  • interactive: boolean value used to disable/enable the wizards in the command execution, i.e. prompts and confirmations will be provided or not according to the value set. The default value is equal to MySQL Shell wizard mode. Deprecated.

If the user account does not exist, either the password, requireCertIssuer or requireCertSubject are mandatory.

If the user account exists, the update option must be enabled.

The interactive option will be removed in a future release.

◆ fence_all_traffic()

void fence_all_traffic ( )

Fences a Cluster from All Traffic.


This function fences a Cluster from all Traffic by ensuring the Group Replication is completely shut down and all members are Read-Only and in Offline mode, preventing regular client connections from connecting to it.

Use this function when performing a PRIMARY Cluster failover in a ClusterSet to prevent a split-brain.

The Cluster will be put OFFLINE but Cluster members will not be shut down. This is the equivalent of a graceful shutdown of Group Replication. To restore the Cluster use dba.reboot_cluster_from_complete_outage().

◆ fence_writes()

void fence_writes ( )

Fences a Cluster from Write Traffic.


This function fences a Cluster member of a ClusterSet from all Write Traffic by ensuring all of its members are Read-Only regardless of any topology change on it. The Cluster will be put into READ ONLY mode and all members will remain available for reads. To unfence the Cluster so it restores its normal functioning and can accept all traffic use Cluster.unfenceWrites().

Use this function when performing a PRIMARY Cluster failover in a ClusterSet to allow only read traffic in the previous Primary Cluster in the event of a split-brain.

The function is not permitted on standalone Clusters.

◆ unfence_writes()

void unfence_writes ( )

Unfences a Cluster.


This function unfences a Cluster that was previously fenced to Write traffic with Cluster.fence_writes().

This function does not unfence Clusters that have been fenced to ALL traffic. Those Cluster are completely shut down and can only be restored using dba.reboot_cluster_from_complete_outage().