Gives access to options impacting shell behavior.
The options object acts as a dictionary, it may contain the following attributes:
- autocomplete.nameCache: true if auto-refresh of DB object name cache is enabled. The \rehash command can be used for manual refresh.
- batchContinueOnError: read-only, boolean value to indicate if the execution of an SQL script in batch mode shall continue if errors occur
- connectTimeout: float, default connection timeout used by Shell sessions, in seconds
- credentialStore.excludeFilters: array of URLs for which automatic password storage is disabled, supports glob characters '*' and '?'
- credentialStore.helper: name of the credential helper to use to fetch/store passwords; a special value "default" is supported to use platform default helper; a special value "<disabled>" is supported to disable the credential store
- credentialStore.savePasswords: controls automatic password storage, allowed values: "always", "prompt" or "never"
- dba.connectTimeout: float, default connection timeout used for sessions created in AdminAPI operations, in seconds
- dba.connectivityChecks: bool, checks SSL settings and network connectivity between instances when creating a cluster, replicaset or clusterset, or adding an instance to one
- dba.gtidWaitTimeout: timeout value in seconds to wait for GTIDs to be synchronized
- dba.logSql: 0..2, log SQL statements executed by AdminAPI operations: 0 - logging disabled; 1 - log statements other than SELECT and SHOW; 2 - log all statements. Option takes precedence over --log-sql in Dba.* context, if enabled.
- dba.restartWaitTimeout: timeout in seconds to wait for MySQL server to come back after a restart during clone recovery
- dba.versionCompatibilityChecks: bool, checks version compatibility for asynchronous replication when managing a ReplicaSet, ClusterSet, or a Cluster with Read-Replicas.
- defaultCompress: Enable compression in client/server protocol by default in global shell sessions.
- defaultMode: shell mode to use when shell is started, allowed values: "js", "py", "sql" or "none"
- devapi.dbObjectHandles: true to enable schema collection and table name aliases in the db object, for DevAPI operations
- history.autoSave: true to save command history when exiting the shell
- history.maxSize: number of entries to keep in command history
- history.sql.ignorePattern: colon separated list of glob patterns to filter out of the command history in SQL mode
- history.sql.syslog: true to log filtered interactive commands to the system log, filtering of commands depends on the value of history.sql.ignorePattern
- interactive: read-only, boolean value that indicates if the shell is running in interactive mode
- logFile: read-only, path to the log file. Use --log-file to change the location.
- logLevel: current log level, allowed values are integers between 1 and 8, or one of: "none", "internal", "error", "warning", "info", "debug", "debug2", "debug3". If value is prefixed with '@', log messages are also written to the stderr.
- logSql: Log SQL statements: off - none of SQL statements will be logged; error (default) - SQL statement with error message will be logged only when error occurs; on - all SQL statements will be logged except these which match any of logSql.ignorePattern and logSql.ignorePatternUnsafe glob pattern; all - all SQL statements will be logged except these which match any of logSql.ignorePatternUnsafe glob pattern; unfiltered - all SQL statements will be logged
- logSql.ignorePattern: Colon separated list of glob patterns to filter out SQL queries to be logged when logSql is set to "on". Default: *SELECT*:*SHOW*
- logSql.ignorePatternUnsafe: Colon separated list of glob patterns to filter out SQL queries to be logged when logSql is set to "all". Default: *IDENTIFIED*:*PASSWORD*
- mysqlPluginDir: Directory for client-side authentication plugins
- oci.configFile: Path to OCI (Oracle Cloud Infrastructure) configuration file
- oci.profile: Specify which section in oci.configFile will be used as profile settings
- outputFormat: Deprecated, use resultFormat instead
- pager: string which specifies the external command which is going to be used to display the paged output
- passwordsFromStdin: boolean value that indicates if the shell should read passwords from stdin instead of the tty
- resultFormat: controls the type of output produced for SQL results
- sandboxDir: default path where the new sandbox instances for InnoDB cluster will be deployed
- showColumnTypeInfo: display column type information in SQL mode. Please be aware that output may depend on the protocol you are using to connect to the server, e.g. DbType field is approximated when using X protocol.
- showWarnings: boolean value to indicate whether warnings shall be included when printing a SQL result
- ssh.bufferSize integer, default 10240 bytes, used for tunnel data transfer
- ssh.configFile string, default empty, custom path for SSH configuration. If not defined, the standard SSH paths will be used (~/.ssh/config).
- useWizards: read-only, boolean value to indicate if interactive prompting and wizards are enabled by default in AdminAPI and others. Use --no-wizard to disable.
- verbose: 0..4, verbose output level. If >0, additional output that may help diagnose issues is printed to the screen. Larger values mean more verbose. Default is 0.
The resultFormat option supports the following values to modify the format of printed query results:
- table: tabular format with a ascii character frame (default)
- tabbed: tabular format with no frame, columns separated by tabs
- vertical: displays the outputs vertically, one line per column value
- json: same as json/pretty
- ndjson: newline delimited JSON, same as json/raw
- json/array: one JSON document per line, inside an array
- json/pretty: pretty printed JSON
- json/raw: one JSON document per line