MySQL Shell API 9.0.1
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ReplicaSet Class Reference

Represents an InnoDB ReplicaSet. More...


Undefined addInstance (String instance, Dictionary options)
 Adds an instance to the replicaset. More...
Dictionary describe ()
 Describe the structure of the ReplicaSet. More...
Undefined disconnect ()
 Disconnects all internal sessions used by the replicaset object. More...
String getName ()
 Returns the name of the replicaset. More...
Dictionary listRouters (Dictionary options)
 Lists the Router instances. More...
Undefined setRoutingOption (String router, String option, String value)
 Changes the value of either a global ReplicaSet Routing option or of a single Router instance. More...
Dictionary routerOptions (Dictionary options)
 Lists the configuration options of the ReplicaSet's Routers. More...
Dictionary routingOptions (String router)
 Lists the ReplicaSet Routers configuration options. More...
Undefined rejoinInstance (String instance, Dictionary options)
 Rejoins an instance to the replicaset. More...
Undefined removeInstance (String instance, Dictionary options)
 Removes an Instance from the replicaset. More...
Dictionary status (Dictionary options)
 Describe the status of the ReplicaSet. More...
Undefined setPrimaryInstance (String instance, Dictionary options)
 Performs a safe PRIMARY switchover, promoting the given instance. More...
Undefined forcePrimaryInstance (String instance, Dictionary options)
 Performs a failover in a replicaset with an unavailable PRIMARY. More...
Undefined dissolve (Dictionary options)
 Dissolves the ReplicaSet. More...
Undefined rescan (Dictionary options)
 Rescans the ReplicaSet. More...
Boolean removeRouterMetadata (RouterDef routerDef)
 Removes metadata for a router instance. More...
Undefined setupAdminAccount (String user, Dictionary options)
 Create or upgrade an InnoDB ReplicaSet admin account. More...
Undefined setupRouterAccount (String user, Dictionary options)
 Create or upgrade a MySQL account to use with MySQL Router. More...
Undefined setOption (String option, String value)
 Changes the value of an option for the whole ReplicaSet. More...
Undefined setInstanceOption (String instance, String option, String value)
 Changes the value of an option in a ReplicaSet member. More...
Dictionary execute (String cmd, Object instances, Dictionary options)
 Executes a SQL statement at selected instances of the ReplicaSet. More...
shcore::Value options ()
 Lists the ReplicaSet configuration options. More...


String name
 Returns the name of the replicaset.

Detailed Description

Represents an InnoDB ReplicaSet.

The ReplicaSet object is used to manage MySQL server topologies that use asynchronous replication. It can be created using the dba.createReplicaSet() or dba.getReplicaSet() functions.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addInstance()

Undefined addInstance ( String  instance,
Dictionary  options 

Adds an instance to the replicaset.

instancehost:port of the target instance to be added.
optionsOptional dictionary with options for the operation.

This function adds the given MySQL instance as a read-only SECONDARY replica of the current PRIMARY of the replicaset. Replication will be configured between the added instance and the PRIMARY. Replication will use an automatically created MySQL account with a random password.

Once the instance is added to the replicaset, the function will wait for it to apply all pending transactions. The transaction sync may timeout if the transaction backlog is large. The timeout option may be used to increase that time.

The Shell connects to the target instance using the same username and password used to obtain the replicaset handle object. All instances of the replicaset are expected to have this same admin account with the same grants and passwords. A custom admin account with the required grants can be created while an instance is configured with dba.configureReplicaSetInstance(), but the root user may be used too.

The PRIMARY of the replicaset must be reachable and available during this operation.


The following pre-requisites are expected for instances added to a replicaset. They will be automatically checked by addInstance(), which will stop if any issues are found.

  • binary log and replication related options must have been validated and/or configured by dba.configureReplicaSetInstance()

If the selected recovery method is incremental:

  • transaction set in the instance being added must not contain transactions that don't exist in the PRIMARY
  • transaction set in the instance being added must not be missing transactions that have been purged from the binary log of the PRIMARY

If clone is available, the pre-requisites listed above can be overcome by using clone as the recovery method.


The options dictionary may contain the following values:

  • dryRun: if true, performs checks and logs changes that would be made, but does not execute them
  • label: an identifier for the instance being added, used in the output of status()
  • recoveryMethod: Preferred method of state recovery. May be auto, clone or incremental. Default is auto.
  • recoveryProgress: Integer value to indicate the recovery process verbosity level.
  • cloneDonor: host:port of an existing replicaSet member to clone from. IPv6 addresses are not supported for this option.
  • timeout: timeout in seconds for transaction sync operations; 0 disables timeout and force the Shell to wait until the transaction sync finishes. Defaults to 0.
  • certSubject: instance's certificate subject to use when 'memberAuthType' contains "CERT_SUBJECT" or "CERT_SUBJECT_PASSWORD".
  • replicationConnectRetry: integer that specifies the interval in seconds between the reconnection attempts that the replica makes after the connection to the source times out.
  • replicationRetryCount: integer that sets the maximum number of reconnection attempts that the replica makes after the connection to the source times out.
  • replicationHeartbeatPeriod: decimal that controls the heartbeat interval, which stops the connection timeout occurring in the absence of data if the connection is still good.
  • replicationCompressionAlgorithms: string that specifies the permitted compression algorithms for connections to the replication source.
  • replicationZstdCompressionLevel: integer that specifies the compression level to use for connections to the replication source server that use the zstd compression algorithm.
  • replicationBind: string that determines which of the replica's network interfaces is chosen for connecting to the source.
  • replicationNetworkNamespace: string that specifies the network namespace to use for TCP/IP connections to the replication source server.

The recoveryMethod option supports the following values:

  • incremental: waits until the new instance has applied missing transactions from the PRIMARY
  • clone: uses MySQL clone to provision the instance, which completely replaces the state of the target instance with a full snapshot of another ReplicaSet member. Requires MySQL 8.0.17 or newer.
  • auto: compares the transaction set of the instance with that of the PRIMARY to determine if incremental recovery is safe to be automatically chosen as the most appropriate recovery method. A prompt will be shown if not possible to safely determine a safe way forward. If interaction is disabled, the operation will be canceled instead.

If recoveryMethod is not specified 'auto' will be used by default.

The recoveryProgress option supports the following values:

  • 0: do not show any progress information.
  • 1: show detailed static progress information.
  • 2: show detailed dynamic progress information using progress bars.

The cloneDonor option is used to override the automatic selection of a donor to be used when clone is selected as the recovery method. By default, a SECONDARY member will be chosen as donor. If no SECONDARY members are available the PRIMARY will be selected. The option accepts values in the format: 'host:port'. IPv6 addresses are not supported.

◆ describe()

shcore::Value describe ( void  )

Describe the structure of the ReplicaSet.

A JSON object describing the structure of the ReplicaSet.

This function describes the structure of the ReplicaSet including all its Instances.

The returned JSON object contains the following attributes:

  • name: the ReplicaSet name
  • topology: a list of dictionaries describing each instance belonging to the ReplicaSet.

Each instance dictionary contains the following attributes:

  • address: the instance address in the form of host:port
  • label: the instance name identifier
  • instanceRole: the instance role (either "PRIMARY" or "REPLICA")

◆ disconnect()

void disconnect ( )

Disconnects all internal sessions used by the replicaset object.


Disconnects the internal MySQL sessions used by the replicaset to query for metadata and replication information.

◆ getName()

String getName ( )

Returns the name of the replicaset.

name of the replicaset.

◆ listRouters()

String listRouters ( Dictionary  options)

Lists the Router instances.

optionsOptional dictionary with options for the operation.
A JSON object listing the Router instances associated to the ReplicaSet.

This function lists and provides information about all Router instances registered for the ReplicaSet.

For each router, the following information is provided, when available:

  • hostname: Hostname.
  • lastCheckIn: Timestamp of the last statistics update (check-in).
  • roPort: Read-only port (Classic protocol).
  • roXPort: Read-only port (X protocol).
  • rwPort: Read-write port (Classic protocol).
  • rwSplitPort: Read-write split port (Classic protocol).
  • rwXPort: Read-write port (X protocol).
  • upgradeRequired: If true, it indicates Router is incompatible with the Cluster's metadata version and must be upgraded.
  • version: Version.

Whenever a Metadata Schema upgrade is necessary, the recommended process is to upgrade MySQL Router instances to the latest version before upgrading the Metadata itself, in order to minimize service disruption.

The options dictionary may contain the following attributes:

  • onlyUpgradeRequired: boolean, enables filtering so only router instances that support older version of the Metadata Schema and require upgrade are included.

◆ setRoutingOption()

Undefined setRoutingOption ( String  router,
String  option,
String  value 

Changes the value of either a global ReplicaSet Routing option or of a single Router instance.

routeroptional identifier of the target router instance (e.g.
optionThe Router option to be changed.
valueThe value that the option shall get (or null to unset).

The accepted options are:

  • tags: Associates an arbitrary JSON object with custom key/value pairs with the ReplicaSet metadata.
  • stats_updates_frequency: Number of seconds between updates that the Router is to make to its statistics in the InnoDB Cluster metadata.

The stats_updates_frequency option accepts positive integers and sets the frequency of updates of Router stats (timestamp, version, etc.), in seconds, in the Metadata. If set to 0 (default), no periodic updates are done. Router will round up the value to be a multiple of Router's TTL, i.e.:

  • If lower than TTL its gets rounded up to TTL, e.g. TTL=30, and stats_updates_frequency=1, effective frequency is 30 seconds.
  • If not a multiple of TTL it will be rounded up and adjusted according to the TTL, e.g. TTL=5, stats_updates_frequency=11, effective frequency is 15 seconds; TTL=5, stats_updates_frequency=13, effective frequency is 15 seconds.

If the value is null, the option value is cleared and the default value (0) takes effect.

◆ routerOptions()

Dictionary routerOptions ( Dictionary  options)

Lists the configuration options of the ReplicaSet's Routers.

optionsDictionary with options for the operation.
A JSON object with the list of Router configuration options.

This function lists the Router configuration options of the ReplicaSet (global), and the Router instances. By default, only the options that can be changed from Shell (dynamic options) are displayed. Router instances with different configurations than the global ones will include the differences under their dedicated description.

The options dictionary may contain the following attributes:

  • extended: Verbosity level of the command output.
  • router: Identifier of the Router instance to be displayed.

The extended option supports Integer or Boolean values:

  • 0: Includes only options that can be changed from Shell (default);
  • 1: Includes all ReplicaSet global options and, per Router, only the options that have a different value than the corresponding global one.
  • 2: Includes all Cluster and Router options.
  • Boolean: equivalent to assign either 0 (false) or 1 (true).

◆ routingOptions()

Dictionary routingOptions ( String  router)

Lists the ReplicaSet Routers configuration options.

routerOptional identifier of the router instance to query for the options.
A JSON object describing the configuration options of all router instances of the ReplicaSet and its global options or just the given Router.
This function is deprecated and will be removed in a future release of MySQL Shell. Use ReplicaSet.routerOptions() instead.

This function lists the Router configuration options of all Routers of the ReplicaSet or the target Router.

◆ rejoinInstance()

Undefined rejoinInstance ( String  instance,
Dictionary  options 

Rejoins an instance to the replicaset.

instancehost:port of the target instance to be rejoined.
optionsOptional dictionary with options for the operation.

This function rejoins the given MySQL instance to the replicaset, making it a read-only SECONDARY replica of the current PRIMARY. Only instances previously added to the replicaset can be rejoined, otherwise the <ReplicaSet>.addInstance() function must be used to add a new instance. This can also be used to update the replication channel of instances (even if they are already ONLINE) if it does not have the expected state, source and settings.

The PRIMARY of the replicaset must be reachable and available during this operation.


The following pre-requisites are expected for instances rejoined to a replicaset. They will be automatically checked by rejoinInstance(), which will stop if any issues are found.

If the selected recovery method is incremental:

  • transaction set in the instance being rejoined must not contain transactions that don't exist in the PRIMARY
  • transaction set in the instance being rejoined must not be missing transactions that have been purged from the binary log of the PRIMARY
  • executed transactions set (GTID_EXECUTED) in the instance being rejoined must not be empty.

If clone is available, the pre-requisites listed above can be overcome by using clone as the recovery method.


The options dictionary may contain the following values:

  • dryRun: if true, performs checks and logs changes that would be made, but does not execute them
  • recoveryMethod: Preferred method of state recovery. May be auto, clone or incremental. Default is auto.
  • recoveryProgress: Integer value to indicate the recovery process verbosity level.
  • cloneDonor: host:port of an existing replicaSet member to clone from. IPv6 addresses are not supported for this option.
  • timeout: timeout in seconds for transaction sync operations; 0 disables timeout and force the Shell to wait until the transaction sync finishes. Defaults to 0.

The recoveryMethod option supports the following values:

  • incremental: waits until the rejoining instance has applied missing transactions from the PRIMARY
  • clone: uses MySQL clone to provision the instance, which completely replaces the state of the target instance with a full snapshot of another ReplicaSet member. Requires MySQL 8.0.17 or newer.
  • auto: compares the transaction set of the instance with that of the PRIMARY to determine if incremental recovery is safe to be automatically chosen as the most appropriate recovery method. A prompt will be shown if not possible to safely determine a safe way forward. If interaction is disabled, the operation will be canceled instead.

If recoveryMethod is not specified 'auto' will be used by default.

The recoveryProgress option supports the following values:

  • 0: do not show any progress information.
  • 1: show detailed static progress information.
  • 2: show detailed dynamic progress information using progress bars.

The cloneDonor option is used to override the automatic selection of a donor to be used when clone is selected as the recovery method. By default, a SECONDARY member will be chosen as donor. If no SECONDARY members are available the PRIMARY will be selected. The option accepts values in the format: 'host:port'. IPv6 addresses are not supported.

◆ removeInstance()

Undefined removeInstance ( String  instance,
Dictionary  options 

Removes an Instance from the replicaset.

instancehost:port of the target instance to be removed
optionsOptional dictionary with options for the operation.

This function removes an Instance from the replicaset and stops it from replicating. The instance must not be the PRIMARY and it is expected to be reachable.

The PRIMARY of the replicaset must be reachable and available during this operation.


The instance definition is the connection data for the instance.

The options dictionary may contain the following attributes:

  • force: boolean, indicating if the instance must be removed (even if only from metadata) in case it cannot be reached. By default, set to false.
  • timeout: maximum number of seconds to wait for the instance to sync up with the PRIMARY. 0 means no timeout and <0 will skip sync.

The force option (set to true) is required to remove instances that are unreachable. Removed instances are normally synchronized with the rest of the replicaset, so that their own copy of the metadata will be consistent and the instance will be suitable for being added back to the replicaset. When the force option is set during removal, that step will be skipped.

◆ status()

String status ( Dictionary  options)

Describe the status of the ReplicaSet.

optionsOptional dictionary with options.
A JSON object describing the status of the ReplicaSet.

This function will connect to each member of the ReplicaSet and query their state, producing a status report of the ReplicaSet as a whole, as well as of its individual members.


The following options may be given to control the amount of information gathered and returned.

  • extended: Can be 0, 1 or 2. Default is 0.

Option 'extended' may have the following values:

  • 0 - regular level of details. Only basic information about the status of the instance and replication is included, in addition to non-default or unexpected replication settings and status.
  • 1 - includes Metadata Version, server UUID and the raw information used to derive the status of the instance, size of the applier queue, value of system variables that protect against unexpected writes etc.
  • 2 - includes important replication related configuration settings, such as SSL, worker threads, replication delay and heartbeat delay.

◆ setPrimaryInstance()

Undefined setPrimaryInstance ( String  instance,
Dictionary  options 

Performs a safe PRIMARY switchover, promoting the given instance.

instancehost:port of the target instance to be promoted.
optionsDictionary with additional options.

This command will perform a safe switchover of the PRIMARY of a replicaset. The current PRIMARY will be demoted to a SECONDARY and made read-only, while the promoted instance will be made a read-write master. All other SECONDARY instances will be updated to replicate from the new PRIMARY.

During the switchover, the promoted instance will be synchronized with the old PRIMARY, ensuring that all transactions present in the PRIMARY are applied before the topology change is committed. If that synchronization step takes too long or is not possible in any of the SECONDARY instances, the switch will be aborted. These problematic SECONDARY instances must be either repaired or removed from the replicaset for the fail over to be possible.

For a safe switchover to be possible, all replicaset instances must be reachable from the shell and have consistent transaction sets. If the PRIMARY is not available, a failover must be performed instead, using forcePrimaryInstance().


The following options may be given:

  • dryRun: if true, will perform checks and log operations that would be performed, but will not execute them. The operations that would be performed can be viewed by enabling verbose output in the shell.
  • timeout: integer value with the maximum number of seconds to wait until the instance being promoted catches up to the current PRIMARY (default value is retrieved from the 'dba.gtidWaitTimeout' shell option).

◆ forcePrimaryInstance()

Undefined forcePrimaryInstance ( String  instance,
Dictionary  options 

Performs a failover in a replicaset with an unavailable PRIMARY.

instancehost:port of the target instance to be promoted. If blank, a suitable instance will be selected automatically.
optionsDictionary with additional options.

This command will perform a failover of the PRIMARY of a replicaset in disaster scenarios where the current PRIMARY is unavailable and cannot be restored. If given, the target instance will be promoted to a PRIMARY, while other reachable SECONDARY instances will be switched to the new PRIMARY. The target instance must have the most up-to-date GTID_EXECUTED set among reachable instances, otherwise the operation will fail. If a target instance is not given (or is null), the most up-to-date instance will be automatically selected and promoted.

After a failover, the old PRIMARY will be considered invalid by the new PRIMARY and can no longer be part of the replicaset. If the instance is still usable, it must be removed from the replicaset and re-added as a new instance. If there were any SECONDARY instances that could not be switched to the new PRIMARY during the failover, they will also be considered invalid.

a failover is a potentially destructive action and should only be used as a last resort measure.

Data loss is possible after a failover, because the old PRIMARY may have had transactions that were not yet replicated to the SECONDARY being promoted. Moreover, if the instance that was presumed to have failed is still able to process updates, for example because the network where it is located is still functioning but unreachable from the shell, it will continue diverging from the promoted clusters. Recovering or re-conciliating diverged transaction sets requires manual intervention and may some times not be possible, even if the failed MySQL servers can be recovered. In many cases, the fastest and simplest way to recover from a disaster that required a failover is by discarding such diverged transactions and re-provisioning a new instance from the newly promoted PRIMARY.


The following options may be given:

  • dryRun: if true, will perform checks and log operations that would be performed, but will not execute them. The operations that would be performed can be viewed by enabling verbose output in the shell.
  • timeout: integer value with the maximum number of seconds to wait until the instance being promoted catches up to the current PRIMARY.
  • invalidateErrorInstances: if false, aborts the failover if any instance other than the old master is unreachable or has errors. If true, such instances will not be failed over and be invalidated.

◆ dissolve()

Undefined dissolve ( Dictionary  options)

Dissolves the ReplicaSet.

optionsDictionary with options for the operation.

This function stops and deletes asynchronous replication channels and unregisters all members from the ReplicaSet metadata.

It keeps all the user's data intact.


The options dictionary may contain the following attributes:

  • force: set to true to confirm that the dissolve operation must be executed, even if some members of the ReplicaSet cannot be reached or the timeout was reached when waiting for members to catch up with replication changes. By default, set to false.
  • timeout: maximum number of seconds to wait for pending transactions to be applied in each reachable instance of the ReplicaSet (default value is retrieved from the 'dba.gtidWaitTimeout' shell option).

The force option (set to true) must only be used to dissolve a ReplicaSet with instances that are permanently not available (no longer reachable) or never to be reused again in a ReplicaSet. This allows a ReplicaSet to be dissolved and remove it from the metadata, including instances than can no longer be recovered. Otherwise, the instances must be brought back ONLINE and the ReplicaSet dissolved without the force option to avoid errors trying to reuse the instances and add them back to a ReplicaSet.

◆ rescan()

Undefined rescan ( Dictionary  options)

Rescans the ReplicaSet.

optionsDictionary with options for the operation.

This function re-scans the ReplicaSet for new (already part of the replication topology but not managed in the ReplicaSet) and obsolete (no longer part of the topology) replication members/instances, as well as change to the instances configurations.


The options dictionary may contain the following attributes:

  • addUnmanaged: if true, all newly discovered instances will be automatically added to the metadata. Defaults to false.
  • removeObsolete: if true, all obsolete instances will be automatically removed from the metadata. Defaults to false.

◆ removeRouterMetadata()

String removeRouterMetadata ( RouterDef  routerDef)

Removes metadata for a router instance.

routerDefidentifier of the router instance to be removed (e.g.

MySQL Router automatically registers itself within the InnoDB cluster metadata when bootstrapped. However, that metadata may be left behind when instances are uninstalled or moved over to a different host. This function may be used to clean up such instances that no longer exist.

The <ReplicaSet>.listRouters() function may be used to list registered router instances, including their identifier.

◆ setupAdminAccount()

Undefined setupAdminAccount ( String  user,
Dictionary  options 

Create or upgrade an InnoDB ReplicaSet admin account.

userName of the InnoDB ReplicaSet administrator account.
optionsDictionary with options for the operation.

This function creates/upgrades a MySQL user account with the necessary privileges to administer an InnoDB ReplicaSet.

This function also allows a user to upgrade an existing admin account with the necessary privileges before a dba.upgradeMetadata() call.

The mandatory argument user is the name of the MySQL account we want to create or upgrade to be used as Administrator account. The accepted format is username[@host] where the host part is optional and if not provided defaults to ''.

The options dictionary may contain the following attributes:

  • password: The password for the InnoDB ReplicaSet administrator account.
  • passwordExpiration: Password expiration setting for the account. May be set to the number of days for expiration, 'NEVER' to disable expiration and 'DEFAULT' to use the system default.
  • requireCertIssuer: Optional SSL certificate issuer for the account.
  • requireCertSubject: Optional SSL certificate subject for the account.
  • dryRun: boolean value used to enable a dry run of the account setup process. Default value is False.
  • update: boolean value that must be enabled to allow updating the privileges and/or password of existing accounts. Default value is False.

If the user account does not exist, either the password, requireCertIssuer or requireCertSubject are mandatory.

If the user account exists, the update option must be enabled.

If dryRun is used, the function will display information about the permissions to be granted to `user` account without actually creating and/or performing any changes to it.

To change authentication options for an existing account, set `update` to `true`. It is possible to change password without affecting certificate options or vice-versa but certificate options can only be changed together.

◆ setupRouterAccount()

Undefined setupRouterAccount ( String  user,
Dictionary  options 

Create or upgrade a MySQL account to use with MySQL Router.

userName of the account to create/upgrade for MySQL Router.
optionsDictionary with options for the operation.

This function creates/upgrades a MySQL user account with the necessary privileges to be used by MySQL Router.

This function also allows a user to upgrade existing MySQL router accounts with the necessary privileges after a dba.upgradeMetadata() call.

The mandatory argument user is the name of the MySQL account we want to create or upgrade to be used by MySQL Router. The accepted format is username[@host] where the host part is optional and if not provided defaults to ''.

The options dictionary may contain the following attributes:

  • password: The password for the MySQL Router account.
  • passwordExpiration: Password expiration setting for the account. May be set to the number of days for expiration, 'NEVER' to disable expiration and 'DEFAULT' to use the system default.
  • requireCertIssuer: Optional SSL certificate issuer for the account.
  • requireCertSubject: Optional SSL certificate subject for the account.
  • dryRun: boolean value used to enable a dry run of the account setup process. Default value is False.
  • update: boolean value that must be enabled to allow updating the privileges and/or password of existing accounts. Default value is False.

If the user account does not exist, either the password, requireCertIssuer or requireCertSubject are mandatory.

If the user account exists, the update option must be enabled.

If dryRun is used, the function will display information about the permissions to be granted to `user` account without actually creating and/or performing any changes to it.

To change authentication options for an existing account, set `update` to `true`. It is possible to change password without affecting certificate options or vice-versa but certificate options can only be changed together.

◆ setOption()

Undefined setOption ( String  option,
String  value 

Changes the value of an option for the whole ReplicaSet.

optionThe option to be changed.
valueThe value that the option shall get.

This function changes an option for the ReplicaSet.

The accepted options are:

  • replicationAllowedHost string value to use as the host name part of internal replication accounts. Existing accounts will be re-created with the new value.
  • tag:<option>: built-in and user-defined tags to be associated to the Cluster.


Tags make it possible to associate custom key/value pairs to a ReplicaSet, storing them in its metadata. Custom tag names can be any string starting with letters and followed by letters, numbers and _. Tag values may be any JSON value. If the value is null, the tag is deleted.

◆ setInstanceOption()

Undefined setInstanceOption ( String  instance,
String  option,
String  value 

Changes the value of an option in a ReplicaSet member.

instancehost:port of the target instance.
optionThe option to be changed.
valueThe value that the option shall get.

This function changes an option for a member of the ReplicaSet.

The accepted options are:

  • tag:<option>: built-in and user-defined tags to be associated to the Cluster.
  • replicationConnectRetry: integer that specifies the interval in seconds between the reconnection attempts that the replica makes after the connection to the source times out.
  • replicationRetryCount: integer that sets the maximum number of reconnection attempts that the replica makes after the connection to the source times out.
  • replicationHeartbeatPeriod: decimal that controls the heartbeat interval, which stops the connection timeout occurring in the absence of data if the connection is still good.
  • replicationCompressionAlgorithms: string that specifies the permitted compression algorithms for connections to the replication source.
  • replicationZstdCompressionLevel: integer that specifies the compression level to use for connections to the replication source server that use the zstd compression algorithm.
  • replicationBind: string that determines which of the replica's network interfaces is chosen for connecting to the source.
  • replicationNetworkNamespace: string that specifies the network namespace to use for TCP/IP connections to the replication source server.
Changing any of the "replication*" options won't immediately update the replication channel. Only on the next call to rejoinInstance() will the updated options take effect.
Any of the "replication*" options accepts 'null', which sets the corresponding option to its default value on the next call to rejoinInstance().


Tags make it possible to associate custom key/value pairs to a ReplicaSet, storing them in its metadata. Custom tag names can be any string starting with letters and followed by letters, numbers and _. Tag values may be any JSON value. If the value is null, the tag is deleted.

The following pre-defined tags are available:

  • _hidden: bool - instructs the router to exclude the instance from the list of possible destinations for client applications.
  • _disconnect_existing_sessions_when_hidden: bool - instructs the router to disconnect existing connections from instances that are marked to be hidden.
    '_hidden' and '_disconnect_existing_sessions_when_hidden' can be useful to shut down the instance and perform maintenance on it without disrupting incoming application traffic.

◆ execute()

Dictionary execute ( String  cmd,
Object  instances,
Dictionary  options 

Executes a SQL statement at selected instances of the ReplicaSet.

cmdThe SQL statement to execute.
instancesThe instances where cmd should be executed.
optionsDictionary with options for the operation.
A JSON object with a list of results / information regarding the executing of the SQL statement on each of the target instances.

This function allows a single MySQL SQL statement to be executed on multiple instances of the ReplicaSet.

The 'instances' parameter can be either a string (keyword) or a list of instance addresses where cmd should be executed. If a string, the allowed keywords are:

  • "all" / "a": all reachable instances.
  • "primary" / "p": the primary instance
  • "secondaries" / "s": the secondary instances.

The options dictionary may contain the following attributes:

  • exclude: similar to the instances parameter, it can be either a string (keyword) or a list of instance addresses to exclude from the instances specified in instances. It accepts the same keywords, except "all".
  • timeout: integer value with the maximum number of seconds to wait for cmd to execute in each target instance. Default value is 0 meaning it doesn't timeout.
  • dryRun: boolean if true, all validations and steps for executing cmd are performed, but no cmd is actually executed on any instance.

To calculate the final list of instances where cmd should be executed, the function starts by parsing the instances parameter and then subtract from that list the ones specified in the exclude option. For example, if instances is "all" and exclude is "["foo"]", then all (primary and secondary) instances are targeted, except for "foo".

◆ options()

shcore::Value options ( )

Lists the ReplicaSet configuration options.

A JSON object describing the configuration options of the ReplicaSet.

This function lists the configuration options for the ReplicaSet and its instances.