MySQL 9.2.0
Source Code Documentation
Collaboration diagram for Transaction Instrumentation (ABI):


struct  PSI_transaction_locker_state_v1
 State data storage for get_thread_transaction_locker_v1_t, get_thread_transaction_locker_v1_t. More...
struct  PSI_transaction_bootstrap
 Entry point for the performance schema interface. More...
struct  PSI_transaction_service_v1
 Performance Schema Transaction Interface, version 1. More...


 Performance Schema Transaction Interface number for version 1. More...
 Performance Schema Transaction Interface number for the most recent version. More...


typedef struct PSI_transaction_locker PSI_transaction_locker
typedef struct PSI_transaction_locker_state_v1 PSI_transaction_locker_state_v1
typedef struct PSI_transaction_locker *(* get_thread_transaction_locker_v1_t) (struct PSI_transaction_locker_state_v1 *state, const void *xid, const unsigned long long *trxid, int isolation_level, bool read_only, bool autocommit)
 Get a transaction instrumentation locker. More...
typedef void(* start_transaction_v1_t) (struct PSI_transaction_locker *locker, const char *src_file, unsigned int src_line)
 Start a new transaction event. More...
typedef void(* set_transaction_xid_v1_t) (struct PSI_transaction_locker *locker, const void *xid, int xa_state)
 Set the transaction xid. More...
typedef void(* set_transaction_xa_state_v1_t) (struct PSI_transaction_locker *locker, int xa_state)
 Set the state of the XA transaction. More...
typedef void(* set_transaction_gtid_v1_t) (struct PSI_transaction_locker *locker, const void *sid, const void *gtid_spec)
 Set the transaction gtid. More...
typedef void(* set_transaction_trxid_v1_t) (struct PSI_transaction_locker *locker, const unsigned long long *trxid)
 Set the transaction trx_id. More...
typedef void(* inc_transaction_savepoints_v1_t) (struct PSI_transaction_locker *locker, unsigned long count)
 Increment a transaction event savepoint count. More...
typedef void(* inc_transaction_rollback_to_savepoint_v1_t) (struct PSI_transaction_locker *locker, unsigned long count)
 Increment a transaction event rollback to savepoint count. More...
typedef void(* inc_transaction_release_savepoint_v1_t) (struct PSI_transaction_locker *locker, unsigned long count)
 Increment a transaction event release savepoint count. More...
typedef void(* end_transaction_v1_t) (struct PSI_transaction_locker *locker, bool commit)
 Commit or rollback the transaction. More...
typedef struct PSI_transaction_locker_state_v1 PSI_transaction_locker_state
typedef struct PSI_transaction_bootstrap PSI_transaction_bootstrap
typedef struct PSI_transaction_service_v1 PSI_transaction_service_t


MYSQL_PLUGIN_IMPORT PSI_transaction_service_tpsi_transaction_service

Detailed Description

Macro Definition Documentation



Performance Schema Transaction Interface number for the most recent version.

The most current version is PSI_TRANSACTION_VERSION_1



Performance Schema Transaction Interface number for version 1.

This version is supported.

Typedef Documentation

◆ end_transaction_v1_t

typedef void(* end_transaction_v1_t) (struct PSI_transaction_locker *locker, bool commit)

Commit or rollback the transaction.

lockerthe transaction locker for this event
committrue if transaction was committed, false if rolled back

◆ get_thread_transaction_locker_v1_t

typedef struct PSI_transaction_locker *(* get_thread_transaction_locker_v1_t) (struct PSI_transaction_locker_state_v1 *state, const void *xid, const unsigned long long *trxid, int isolation_level, bool read_only, bool autocommit)

Get a transaction instrumentation locker.

statedata storage for the locker
xidthe xid for this transaction
trxidthe InnoDB transaction id
isolation_levelisolation level for this transaction
read_onlytrue if transaction access mode is read-only
autocommittrue if transaction is autocommit
a transaction locker, or NULL

◆ inc_transaction_release_savepoint_v1_t

typedef void(* inc_transaction_release_savepoint_v1_t) (struct PSI_transaction_locker *locker, unsigned long count)

Increment a transaction event release savepoint count.

lockerthe transaction locker
countthe increment value

◆ inc_transaction_rollback_to_savepoint_v1_t

typedef void(* inc_transaction_rollback_to_savepoint_v1_t) (struct PSI_transaction_locker *locker, unsigned long count)

Increment a transaction event rollback to savepoint count.

lockerthe transaction locker
countthe increment value

◆ inc_transaction_savepoints_v1_t

typedef void(* inc_transaction_savepoints_v1_t) (struct PSI_transaction_locker *locker, unsigned long count)

Increment a transaction event savepoint count.

lockerthe transaction locker
countthe increment value

◆ PSI_transaction_bootstrap

◆ PSI_transaction_locker

◆ PSI_transaction_locker_state

◆ PSI_transaction_locker_state_v1

◆ PSI_transaction_service_t

◆ set_transaction_gtid_v1_t

typedef void(* set_transaction_gtid_v1_t) (struct PSI_transaction_locker *locker, const void *sid, const void *gtid_spec)

Set the transaction gtid.

lockerthe transaction locker for this event
sidthe source id for the transaction, mapped from sidno
gtid_specthe gtid specifier for the transaction

◆ set_transaction_trxid_v1_t

typedef void(* set_transaction_trxid_v1_t) (struct PSI_transaction_locker *locker, const unsigned long long *trxid)

Set the transaction trx_id.

lockerthe transaction locker for this event
trxidthe storage engine transaction ID

◆ set_transaction_xa_state_v1_t

typedef void(* set_transaction_xa_state_v1_t) (struct PSI_transaction_locker *locker, int xa_state)

Set the state of the XA transaction.

lockerthe transaction locker for this event
xa_statethe new state of the xa transaction

◆ set_transaction_xid_v1_t

typedef void(* set_transaction_xid_v1_t) (struct PSI_transaction_locker *locker, const void *xid, int xa_state)

Set the transaction xid.

lockerthe transaction locker for this event
xidthe id of the XA transaction
xa_statethe state of the XA transaction

◆ start_transaction_v1_t

typedef void(* start_transaction_v1_t) (struct PSI_transaction_locker *locker, const char *src_file, unsigned int src_line)

Start a new transaction event.

lockerthe transaction locker for this event
src_filesource file name
src_linesource line number

Variable Documentation

◆ psi_transaction_service

MYSQL_PLUGIN_IMPORT PSI_transaction_service_t* psi_transaction_service