bool | resourcegroups::platform::is_platform_supported () |
| Check if platform supports binding CPUS to thread. More...
bool | resourcegroups::platform::bind_to_cpu (cpu_id_t cpu_id) |
| Bind current thread to run on CPU cpu_id. More...
bool | resourcegroups::platform::bind_to_cpu (cpu_id_t cpu_id, my_thread_os_id_t thread_id) |
| Bind thread specified by thread_id to run on CPU cpu_id. More...
bool | resourcegroups::platform::bind_to_cpus (const std::vector< cpu_id_t > &cpu_ids) |
| Bind current thread to run on the list of CPUS specified in cpu_ids. More...
bool | resourcegroups::platform::bind_to_cpus (const std::vector< cpu_id_t > &cpu_ids, my_thread_os_id_t thread_id) |
| Bind thread specified by thread_id to run on list of CPUs specified by cpu_ids. More...
bool | resourcegroups::platform::unbind_thread () |
| Unbind current thread to run on all CPUs. More...
bool | resourcegroups::platform::unbind_thread (my_thread_os_id_t thread_id) |
| Unbind thread specified by thread_id to run on all CPUs. More...
int | resourcegroups::platform::thread_priority (my_thread_os_id_t thread_id) |
| Get priority of thread specified by thread_id. More...
bool | resourcegroups::platform::set_thread_priority (int priority) |
| Set priority of current thread. More...
bool | resourcegroups::platform::set_thread_priority (int priority, my_thread_os_id_t thread_id) |
| Set priority of thread specified by thread_id. More...
uint32_t | resourcegroups::platform::num_vcpus_using_affinity () |
| Find number of VCPUs as seen by the current process based on the affinity between each process and VCPU. More...
uint32_t | resourcegroups::platform::num_vcpus_using_config () |
| Get the number of VCPUS based on system configuration. More...
uint32_t | resourcegroups::platform::num_vcpus () |
| Get the number of VCPU. More...
bool | resourcegroups::platform::can_thread_priority_be_set () |
| Check if thread priority setting is allowed on the platform or not. More...
bool | resourcegroups::platform::is_valid_thread_priority (int priority) |
| Check if thread priority value is valid. More...
int | resourcegroups::platform::min_thread_priority_value () |
| Get the minimum priority value. More...
int | resourcegroups::platform::max_thread_priority_value () |
| Get the maximum priority value. More...