char * | anonymous_namespace{sdi.cc}::generic_buf_handle (Byte_buffer *buf, size_t sz) |
char * | dd::buf_handle (Sdi_wcontext *wctx, size_t sz) |
| Return a non-owning pointer to a char buffer which can be used for e.g. More...
const String_type & | dd::lookup_schema_name (Sdi_wcontext *wctx) |
| Returns const reference to string holding schema name to use in SDI. More...
template<typename T > |
String_type | dd::generic_serialize (THD *thd, const char *dd_object_type, size_t dd_object_type_size, const T &dd_obj, const String_type *schema_name) |
const String_type & | dd::lookup_tablespace_name (Sdi_wcontext *wctx, dd::Object_id id) |
| Look up the tablespace name for a tablespace id. More...
template<typename T > |
void | dd::generic_track_object (dd_vector< T * > *tvp, T *t) |
void | dd::track_object (Sdi_rcontext *rctx, Column *column_object) |
| Register Column objects being deserialized so that it will be possible to resolve references to it after deserialization has finished. More...
void | dd::track_object (Sdi_rcontext *rctx, Index *index_object) |
| Register Index objects being deserialized so that it will be possible to resolve references to it after deserialization has finished. More...
Index * | dd::get_by_opx (Sdi_rcontext *rctx, const Index *, uint opx) |
| Return an non-owning raw pointer to the deserialized Index object with ordinal position index opx (ordinal position opx+1). More...
Column * | dd::get_by_opx (Sdi_rcontext *rctx, const Column *, uint opx) |
| Return an non-owning raw pointer to the deserialized Column object with ordinal position index opx (ordinal position opx+1). More...
char * | dd::buf_handle (Sdi_rcontext *rctx, size_t sz) |
| Return a non-owning pointer to a char buffer which can be used for e.g. More...
template<typename T > |
bool | dd::generic_lookup_ref (THD *thd, MDL_key::enum_mdl_namespace mdlns, const String_type &name, dd::Object_id *idp) |
bool | dd::lookup_schema_ref (Sdi_rcontext *rctx, const String_type &name, Object_id *idp) |
| Return the the Object_id of a schema name in the current data dictionary. More...
bool | dd::lookup_tablespace_ref (Sdi_rcontext *rctx, const String_type &name, Object_id *idp) |
| Return the the Object_id of a tablespace name in the current data dictionary. More...
template<typename DDT > |
static handlerton * | dd::anonymous_namespace{sdi.cc}::resolve_hton (THD *thd, const DDT &ddt) |
| Templated convenience wrapper which first attempts to resolve the handlerton using the data dictionary object's engine() string. More...
template<class AKT , class CLOS > |
bool | dd::anonymous_namespace{sdi.cc}::with_schema (THD *thd, const AKT &key, CLOS &&clos) |
| Covenience function for acquiring the schema and invoking a closure which uses the schema object. More...
template<class CHAR_IT > |
bool | dd::anonymous_namespace{sdi.cc}::equal_prefix_chars (CHAR_IT &&begin1, CHAR_IT &&end1, CHAR_IT &&begin2, CHAR_IT &&end2, size_t n, const CHARSET_INFO *csi=system_charset_info) |
| Predicate which returns true if an n-character prefix of two character ranges are equal. More...
template<class DDT > |
bool | dd::anonymous_namespace{sdi.cc}::equal_prefix_chars_name (const DDT &a, const DDT &b, size_t prefix_chars) |
| Convenience function for comparing a prefix of the names of two DD objects. More...
bool | dd::sdi::store (THD *thd, const Table *t) |
| Stores the SDI for a table. More...
bool | dd::sdi::store (THD *thd, const Tablespace *ts) |
| Stores the SDI for a table space. More...
bool | dd::sdi::drop (THD *thd, const Table *t) |
| Remove SDI for a table. More...
bool | dd::sdi::drop_after_update (THD *thd, const Table *old_t, const Table *new_t) |
| Table cleanup hook. More...
template<typename DDT > |
bool | dd::sdi::anonymous_namespace{sdi.cc}::drop_all_impl (THD *thd, const DDT *tp) |
bool | dd::sdi::drop_all_for_table (THD *, const Table *) |
| Drop all SDIs from all tablespaces associated with table. More...
bool | dd::sdi::drop_all_for_part (THD *, const Partition *) |
| Drop all SDIs from all tablespaces associated with partition or sub-partition. More...
dd::Sdi_wcontext | sdi_unittest::drv_wctx (nullptr, &drv_s) |
dd::Sdi_wcontext * | sdi_unittest::get_wctx () |
dd::Sdi_rcontext * | sdi_unittest::get_rctx () |
bool | sdi_unittest::equal_prefix_chars_driver (const dd::String_type &a, const dd::String_type &b, size_t prefix) |
Sdi_type | dd::serialize (THD *thd, const Table &table, const String_type &schema_name) |
| Serialize a Table object. More...
Sdi_type | dd::serialize (const Tablespace &tablespace) |
| Serialize a Tablespace object. More...
bool | dd::CheckDefaultCompatibility (const RJ_Document &doc) |
| Default checker which implements the traditional (strict) compatibility check: MYSQL_VERSION less than or equal, dd_version equal, and sdi_version equal. More...
template<class Dd_type > |
bool | dd::generic_deserialize (THD *thd, const Sdi_type &sdi, const String_type &object_type_name, Dd_type *dst, const SdiCompatibilityChecker &comp_checker, String_type *schema_name_from_sdi) |
bool | dd::deserialize (THD *thd, const Sdi_type &sdi, Table *dst_table, SdiCompatibilityChecker comp_checker, String_type *deser_schema_name) |
| Deserialize a dd::Table object. More...
bool | dd::deserialize (THD *thd, const Sdi_type &sdi, Tablespace *dst_tablespace, SdiCompatibilityChecker comp_checker) |
| Deserialize a dd::Tablespace object. More...