typedef struct PFS_string | PFS_string |
typedef struct PSI_field | PSI_field |
| This is an opaque structure to denote field in plugin/component code. More...
typedef struct PSI_table_handle | PSI_table_handle |
| This is an opaque structure to denote table handle in plugin/component code. More...
typedef struct PSI_pos | PSI_pos |
| This is an opaque structure to denote cursor position in plugin/component code. More...
typedef struct PSI_key_reader | PSI_key_reader |
| This is an opaque structure to denote Key Reader in plugin/component code. More...
typedef struct PSI_index_handle | PSI_index_handle |
| This is an opaque structure to denote Index Handle in plugin/component code. More...
typedef struct PSI_long | PSI_long |
typedef struct PSI_ulong | PSI_ulong |
typedef struct PSI_longlong | PSI_longlong |
typedef struct PSI_ulonglong | PSI_ulonglong |
typedef struct PSI_double | PSI_double |
typedef struct PSI_plugin_key_integer | PSI_plugin_key_integer |
typedef PSI_plugin_key_integer | PSI_plugin_key_tinyint |
typedef PSI_plugin_key_integer | PSI_plugin_key_smallint |
typedef PSI_plugin_key_integer | PSI_plugin_key_mediumint |
typedef struct PSI_plugin_key_uinteger | PSI_plugin_key_uinteger |
typedef PSI_plugin_key_uinteger | PSI_plugin_key_utinyint |
typedef PSI_plugin_key_uinteger | PSI_plugin_key_usmallint |
typedef PSI_plugin_key_uinteger | PSI_plugin_key_umediumint |
typedef struct PSI_plugin_key_bigint | PSI_plugin_key_bigint |
typedef struct PSI_plugin_key_ubigint | PSI_plugin_key_ubigint |
typedef struct PSI_plugin_key_string | PSI_plugin_key_string |
typedef int(* | rnd_next_t) (PSI_table_handle *handle) |
| Api to read the next record. More...
typedef int(* | rnd_init_t) (PSI_table_handle *handle, bool scan) |
| API to initialize for random scan or read. More...
typedef int(* | rnd_pos_t) (PSI_table_handle *handle) |
| API to read row from a position which is set in table handle. More...
typedef int(* | index_init_t) (PSI_table_handle *handle, unsigned int idx, bool sorted, PSI_index_handle **index) |
| API to initialize index(es). More...
typedef int(* | index_read_t) (PSI_index_handle *index, PSI_key_reader *reader, unsigned int idx, int find_flag) |
| API to read keys in index. More...
typedef int(* | index_next_t) (PSI_table_handle *handle) |
| API to read next record with matching index. More...
typedef void(* | reset_position_t) (PSI_table_handle *handle) |
| API to reset cursor position. More...
typedef int(* | read_column_value_t) (PSI_table_handle *handle, PSI_field *field, unsigned int index) |
| API to read a column value from table. More...
typedef int(* | write_column_value_t) (PSI_table_handle *handle, PSI_field *field, unsigned int index) |
| API to write a column value in table. More...
typedef int(* | write_row_values_t) (PSI_table_handle *handle) |
| API to write a record in table. More...
typedef int(* | update_column_value_t) (PSI_table_handle *handle, PSI_field *field, unsigned int index) |
| API to update a column value in table. More...
typedef int(* | update_row_values_t) (PSI_table_handle *handle) |
| API to write a record in table. More...
typedef int(* | delete_row_values_t) (PSI_table_handle *handle) |
| API to delete record from table. More...
typedef PSI_table_handle *(* | open_table_t) (PSI_pos **pos) |
| API to Open a table handle in plugin/component code and reset position pointer when a new table handle in opened in Performance Schema. More...
typedef void(* | close_table_t) (PSI_table_handle *handle) |
| API to Close a table handle in plugin/component code and reset position pointer when a table handle in closed in Performance Schema. More...
typedef struct PFS_engine_table_proxy | PFS_engine_table_proxy |
typedef int(* | delete_all_rows_t) (void) |
| API to delete/truncate all the rows in a table. More...
typedef unsigned long long(* | get_row_count_t) (void) |
| API to give number of rows in a table. More...
typedef struct PFS_engine_table_share_proxy | PFS_engine_table_share_proxy |
typedef struct s_mysql_pfs_plugin_table_v1 | mysql_service_pfs_plugin_table_v1_t |
| Definition of pfs_plugin_table_v1 service and its methods. More...
typedef struct s_mysql_pfs_plugin_column_tiny_v1 | mysql_service_pfs_plugin_column_tiny_v1_t |
typedef struct s_mysql_pfs_plugin_column_small_v1 | mysql_service_pfs_plugin_column_small_v1_t |
typedef struct s_mysql_pfs_plugin_column_medium_v1 | mysql_service_pfs_plugin_column_medium_v1_t |
typedef struct s_mysql_pfs_plugin_column_integer_v1 | mysql_service_pfs_plugin_column_integer_v1_t |
typedef struct s_mysql_pfs_plugin_column_bigint_v1 | mysql_service_pfs_plugin_column_bigint_v1_t |
typedef struct s_mysql_pfs_plugin_column_decimal_v1 | mysql_service_pfs_plugin_column_decimal_v1_t |
typedef struct s_mysql_pfs_plugin_column_float_v1 | mysql_service_pfs_plugin_column_float_v1_t |
typedef struct s_mysql_pfs_plugin_column_double_v1 | mysql_service_pfs_plugin_column_double_v1_t |
typedef struct s_mysql_pfs_plugin_column_string_v2 | mysql_service_pfs_plugin_column_string_v2_t |
typedef struct s_mysql_pfs_plugin_column_blob_v1 | mysql_service_pfs_plugin_column_blob_v1_t |
typedef struct s_mysql_pfs_plugin_column_enum_v1 | mysql_service_pfs_plugin_column_enum_v1_t |
typedef struct s_mysql_pfs_plugin_column_date_v1 | mysql_service_pfs_plugin_column_date_v1_t |
typedef struct s_mysql_pfs_plugin_column_time_v1 | mysql_service_pfs_plugin_column_time_v1_t |
typedef struct s_mysql_pfs_plugin_column_datetime_v1 | mysql_service_pfs_plugin_column_datetime_v1_t |
typedef struct s_mysql_pfs_plugin_column_timestamp_v1 | mysql_service_pfs_plugin_column_timestamp_v1_t |
typedef struct s_mysql_pfs_plugin_column_timestamp_v2 | mysql_service_pfs_plugin_column_timestamp_v2_t |
typedef struct s_mysql_pfs_plugin_column_year_v1 | mysql_service_pfs_plugin_column_year_v1_t |
typedef struct s_mysql_pfs_plugin_column_text_v1 | mysql_service_pfs_plugin_column_text_v1_t |