bool | anonymous_namespace{graph_simplification.cc}::IsSubjoin (Hyperedge a, Hyperedge b) |
| Returns whether A is already a part of B, ie., whether it is impossible to execute B before A. More...
bool | anonymous_namespace{graph_simplification.cc}::CombiningWouldViolateConflictRules (const Mem_root_array< ConflictRule > &conflict_rules, const int *in_component, int left_component, int right_component) |
int | anonymous_namespace{graph_simplification.cc}::GetComponent (const NodeMap *components, const int *in_component, NodeMap tables) |
template<class Func > |
void | anonymous_namespace{graph_simplification.cc}::ConnectComponentsThroughJoins (const JoinHypergraph &graph, const OnlineCycleFinder &cycles, Func &&callback_on_join, NodeMap *components, int *in_component, NodeMap *lateral_dependencies) |
| Helper algorithm for GetCardinality() and GraphIsJoinable(); given a set of components (each typically connecting a single table at the start), connects them incrementally up through joins and calls a given callback every time we do it. More...
double | anonymous_namespace{graph_simplification.cc}::GetCardinality (THD *thd, NodeMap tables_to_join, const JoinHypergraph &graph, const OnlineCycleFinder &cycles) |
| For a given set of tables, try to estimate the cardinality of joining them together. More...
double | anonymous_namespace{graph_simplification.cc}::GetCardinalitySingleJoin (THD *thd, NodeMap left, NodeMap right, double left_rows, double right_rows, const JoinHypergraph &graph, const JoinPredicate &pred) |
| A special, much faster version of GetCardinality() that can be used when joining two partitions along a known edge. More...
OnlineCycleFinder | anonymous_namespace{graph_simplification.cc}::FindJoinDependencies (const Hypergraph &graph, MEM_ROOT *mem_root) |
| Initialize a DAG containing all inferred join dependencies from the hypergraph. More...
bool | anonymous_namespace{graph_simplification.cc}::IsQueryGraphSimpleEnough (THD *thd, const JoinHypergraph &graph, int subgraph_pair_limit, MEM_ROOT *mem_root, int *seen_subgraph_pairs) |
JoinStatus | anonymous_namespace{graph_simplification.cc}::SimulateJoin (THD *thd, JoinStatus left, JoinStatus right, const JoinPredicate &pred) |
| Simulate the (total) costs and cardinalities of joining two sets of tables, without actually having an AccessPath for each (which is a bit heavyweight for just cost and cardinality). More...
JoinStatus | anonymous_namespace{graph_simplification.cc}::SimulateJoin (THD *thd, double left_rows, JoinStatus right, const JoinPredicate &pred) |
JoinStatus | anonymous_namespace{graph_simplification.cc}::SimulateJoin (THD *thd, JoinStatus left, double right_rows, const JoinPredicate &pred) |
JoinStatus | anonymous_namespace{graph_simplification.cc}::SimulateJoin (THD *thd, double left_rows, double right_rows, const JoinPredicate &pred) |
bool | anonymous_namespace{graph_simplification.cc}::GraphIsJoinable (const JoinHypergraph &graph, const OnlineCycleFinder &cycles) |
| See if a given hypergraph is impossible to join, in any way. More...
void | SetNumberOfSimplifications (int num_simplifications, GraphSimplifier *simplifier) |
void | SimplifyQueryGraph (THD *thd, int subgraph_pair_limit, JoinHypergraph *graph, GraphSimplifier *simplifier) |
| Repeatedly apply simplifications (in the order of most to least safe) to the given hypergraph, until it is below “subgraph_pair_limit” subgraph pairs or we can simplify it no more. More...