HARNESS_EXPORT stdx::expected< void, std::error_code > | mysql_harness::delete_dir (const std::string &dir) noexcept |
| Removes a directory. More...
HARNESS_EXPORT stdx::expected< void, std::error_code > | mysql_harness::delete_file (const std::string &path) noexcept |
| Removes a file. More...
HARNESS_EXPORT stdx::expected< void, std::error_code > | mysql_harness::delete_dir_recursive (const std::string &dir) noexcept |
| Removes directory and all its contents. More...
HARNESS_EXPORT std::string | mysql_harness::get_tmp_dir (const std::string &name="router") |
| Creates a temporary directory with partially-random name and returns its path. More...
HARNESS_EXPORT std::string | mysql_harness::get_plugin_dir (const std::string &runtime_dir) |
HARNESS_EXPORT std::string | mysql_harness::get_tests_data_dir (const std::string &runtime_dir) |
HARNESS_EXPORT int | mysql_harness::mkdir (const std::string &dir, perm_mode mode, bool recursive=false) |
| Creates a directory *. More...
void HARNESS_EXPORT | mysql_harness::make_file_public (const std::string &file_name) |
| Changes file access permissions to be fully accessible by all users. More...
void HARNESS_EXPORT | mysql_harness::make_file_private (const std::string &file_name, const bool read_only_for_local_service=true) |
| Changes file access permissions to be accessible only by a limited set of users. More...
void HARNESS_EXPORT | mysql_harness::make_file_readonly (const std::string &file_name) |
| Changes file access permissions to be read only. More...
void HARNESS_EXPORT | mysql_harness::check_file_access_rights (const std::string &file_name) |
| Verifies access permissions of a file. More...