MySQL 9.1.0
Source Code Documentation File Reference

General row routines. More...

#include "row0row.h"
#include <sys/types.h>
#include "btr0btr.h"
#include "data0type.h"
#include "dict0boot.h"
#include "dict0dict.h"
#include "ha_prototypes.h"
#include "lob0lob.h"
#include "mach0data.h"
#include "que0que.h"
#include "read0read.h"
#include "rem0cmp.h"
#include "row0ext.h"
#include "row0mysql.h"
#include "row0upd.h"
#include "trx0purge.h"
#include "trx0rec.h"
#include "trx0roll.h"
#include "trx0rseg.h"
#include "trx0trx.h"
#include "trx0undo.h"
#include "ut0mem.h"


dtuple_trow_build_index_entry_low (const dtuple_t *row, const row_ext_t *ext, const dict_index_t *index, mem_heap_t *heap, ulint flag)
 When an insert or purge to a table is performed, this function builds the entry to be inserted into or purged from an index on the table. More...
static dtuple_trow_build_low (ulint type, const dict_index_t *index, const rec_t *rec, const ulint *offsets, const dict_table_t *col_table, const dtuple_t *add_cols, const dict_add_v_col_t *add_v, const ulint *col_map, row_ext_t **ext, mem_heap_t *heap)
 An inverse function to row_build_index_entry. More...
dtuple_trow_build (ulint type, const dict_index_t *index, const rec_t *rec, const ulint *offsets, const dict_table_t *col_table, const dtuple_t *add_cols, const ulint *col_map, row_ext_t **ext, mem_heap_t *heap)
 An inverse function to row_build_index_entry. More...
dtuple_trow_build_w_add_vcol (ulint type, const dict_index_t *index, const rec_t *rec, const ulint *offsets, const dict_table_t *col_table, const dtuple_t *add_cols, const dict_add_v_col_t *add_v, const ulint *col_map, row_ext_t **ext, mem_heap_t *heap)
 An inverse function to row_build_index_entry. More...
dtuple_trow_rec_to_index_entry_low (const rec_t *rec, const dict_index_t *index, const ulint *offsets, mem_heap_t *heap)
 Converts an index record to a typed data tuple. More...
dtuple_trow_rec_to_index_entry (const rec_t *rec, const dict_index_t *index, const ulint *offsets, mem_heap_t *heap)
 Converts an index record to a typed data tuple. More...
dtuple_trow_build_row_ref (ulint type, const dict_index_t *index, const rec_t *rec, mem_heap_t *heap)
 Builds from a secondary index record a row reference with which we can search the clustered index record. More...
void row_build_row_ref_in_tuple (dtuple_t *ref, const rec_t *rec, const dict_index_t *index, ulint *offsets)
 Builds from a secondary index record a row reference with which we can search the clustered index record. More...
bool row_search_on_row_ref (btr_pcur_t *pcur, ulint mode, dict_table_t *table, const dtuple_t *ref, mtr_t *mtr)
 Searches the clustered index record for a row, if we have the row reference. More...
rec_trow_get_clust_rec (ulint mode, const rec_t *rec, const dict_index_t *index, dict_index_t **clust_index, mtr_t *mtr)
 Fetches the clustered index record for a secondary index record. More...
uint64_t row_parse_int_from_field (const dfield_t *field)
 Parse the integer data from specified field, which could be DATA_INT, DATA_FLOAT or DATA_DOUBLE. More...
uint64_t row_get_autoinc_counter (const dtuple_t *row, ulint n)
 Read the autoinc counter from the clustered index row. More...
enum row_search_result row_search_index_entry (dict_index_t *index, const dtuple_t *entry, ulint mode, btr_pcur_t *pcur, mtr_t *mtr)
 Searches an index record. More...
static ulint row_raw_format_int (const char *data, ulint data_len, ulint prtype, char *buf, ulint buf_size, bool *format_in_hex)
 Formats the raw data in "data" (in InnoDB on-disk format) that is of type DATA_INT using "prtype" and writes the result to "buf". More...
static ulint row_raw_format_str (const char *data, ulint data_len, ulint prtype, char *buf, ulint buf_size, bool *format_in_hex)
 Formats the raw data in "data" (in InnoDB on-disk format) that is of type DATA_(CHAR|VARCHAR|MYSQL|VARMYSQL) using "prtype" and writes the result to "buf". More...
ulint row_raw_format (const char *data, ulint data_len, const dict_field_t *dict_field, char *buf, ulint buf_size)
 Formats the raw data in "data" (in InnoDB on-disk format) using "dict_field" and writes the result to "buf". More...

Detailed Description

General row routines.

Created 4/20/1996 Heikki Tuuri

Function Documentation

◆ row_build()

dtuple_t * row_build ( ulint  type,
const dict_index_t index,
const rec_t rec,
const ulint offsets,
const dict_table_t col_table,
const dtuple_t add_cols,
const ulint col_map,
row_ext_t **  ext,
mem_heap_t heap 

An inverse function to row_build_index_entry.

Builds a row from a record in a clustered index.

[in]typeROW_COPY_POINTERS or ROW_COPY_DATA; the latter copies also the data fields to heap while the first only places pointers to data fields on the index page, and thus is more efficient.
[in]indexClustered index.
[in]recRecord in the clustered index; NOTE: in the case ROW_COPY_POINTERS the data fields in the row will point directly into this record, therefore, the buffer page of this record must be at least s-latched and the latch held as long as the row dtuple is used!
[in]offsetsrec_get_offsets(rec,index) or nullptr, in which case this function will invoke rec_get_offsets().
[in]col_tableTable, to check which externally stored columns occur in the ordering columns of an index, or nullptr if index->table should be consulted instead; the user columns in this table should be the same columns as in index->table.
[in]add_colsDefault values of added columns, or nullptr.
[in]col_mapMapping of old column numbers to new ones, or nullptr.
[out]extcache of externally stored column prefixes, or nullptr.
[in]heapMemory heap from which the memory needed is allocated.
own: row built; see the NOTE below!

◆ row_build_index_entry_low()

dtuple_t * row_build_index_entry_low ( const dtuple_t row,
const row_ext_t ext,
const dict_index_t index,
mem_heap_t heap,
ulint  flag 

When an insert or purge to a table is performed, this function builds the entry to be inserted into or purged from an index on the table.

[in]rowRow which should be inserted or purged.
[in]extExternally stored column prefixes, or nullptr.
[in]indexIndex on the table.
[in]heapMemory heap from which the memory for the index entry is allocated.
index entry which should be inserted or purged
Return values
NULLif the externally stored columns in the clustered index record are unavailable and ext != nullptr, or row is missing some needed columns.

◆ row_build_low()

static dtuple_t * row_build_low ( ulint  type,
const dict_index_t index,
const rec_t rec,
const ulint offsets,
const dict_table_t col_table,
const dtuple_t add_cols,
const dict_add_v_col_t add_v,
const ulint col_map,
row_ext_t **  ext,
mem_heap_t heap 

An inverse function to row_build_index_entry.

Builds a row from a record in a clustered index, with possible indexing on ongoing addition of new virtual columns.

[in]indexclustered index
[in]recrecord in the clustered index
[in]offsetsrec_get_offsets(rec,index) or NULL
[in]col_tabletable, to check which externally stored columns occur in the ordering columns of an index, or NULL if index->table should be consulted instead
[in]add_colsdefault values of added columns, or NULL
[in]add_vnew virtual columns added along with new indexes
[in]col_mapmapping of old column numbers to new ones, or NULL
[in]extcache of externally stored column prefixes, or NULL
[in]heapmemory heap from which the memory needed is allocated
own: row built;

◆ row_build_row_ref()

dtuple_t * row_build_row_ref ( ulint  type,
const dict_index_t index,
const rec_t rec,
mem_heap_t heap 

Builds from a secondary index record a row reference with which we can search the clustered index record.

own: row reference built; see the NOTE below!
typein: ROW_COPY_DATA, or ROW_COPY_POINTERS: the former copies also the data fields to heap, whereas the latter only places pointers to data fields on the index page
indexin: secondary index
recin: record in the index; NOTE: in the case ROW_COPY_POINTERS the data fields in the row will point directly into this record, therefore, the buffer page of this record must be at least s-latched and the latch held as long as the row reference is used!
heapin: memory heap from which the memory needed is allocated

◆ row_build_row_ref_in_tuple()

void row_build_row_ref_in_tuple ( dtuple_t ref,
const rec_t rec,
const dict_index_t index,
ulint offsets 

Builds from a secondary index record a row reference with which we can search the clustered index record.

[in,out]refRow reference built; see the note below!
[in,out]recRecord in the index; note: the data fields in ref will point directly into this record, therefore, the buffer page of this record must be at least s-latched and the latch held as long as the row reference is used!
[in]indexSecondary index
[in]offsetsRec_get_offsets(rec, index) or null

◆ row_build_w_add_vcol()

dtuple_t * row_build_w_add_vcol ( ulint  type,
const dict_index_t index,
const rec_t rec,
const ulint offsets,
const dict_table_t col_table,
const dtuple_t add_cols,
const dict_add_v_col_t add_v,
const ulint col_map,
row_ext_t **  ext,
mem_heap_t heap 

An inverse function to row_build_index_entry.

Builds a row from a record in a clustered index, with possible indexing on ongoing addition of new virtual columns.

[in]indexclustered index
[in]recrecord in the clustered index
[in]offsetsrec_get_offsets(rec,index) or NULL
[in]col_tabletable, to check which externally stored columns occur in the ordering columns of an index, or NULL if index->table should be consulted instead
[in]add_colsdefault values of added columns, or NULL
[in]add_vnew virtual columns added along with new indexes
[in]col_mapmapping of old column numbers to new ones, or NULL
[in]extcache of externally stored column prefixes, or NULL
[in]heapmemory heap from which the memory needed is allocated
own: row built

◆ row_get_autoinc_counter()

uint64_t row_get_autoinc_counter ( const dtuple_t row,
ulint  n 

Read the autoinc counter from the clustered index row.

[in]rowrow to read the autoinc counter
[in]nautoinc counter is in the nth field
the autoinc counter read

◆ row_get_clust_rec()

rec_t * row_get_clust_rec ( ulint  mode,
const rec_t rec,
const dict_index_t index,
dict_index_t **  clust_index,
mtr_t mtr 

Fetches the clustered index record for a secondary index record.

The latches on the secondary index record are preserved.

record or NULL, if no record found
modein: BTR_MODIFY_LEAF, ...
recin: record in a secondary index
indexin: secondary index
clust_indexout: clustered index
mtrin: mtr

◆ row_parse_int_from_field()

uint64_t row_parse_int_from_field ( const dfield_t field)

Parse the integer data from specified field, which could be DATA_INT, DATA_FLOAT or DATA_DOUBLE.

We could return 0 if 1) the value is less than 0 and the type is not unsigned or 2) the field is null.

[in]fieldfield to read the int value
the integer value read from the field, 0 for negative signed int or NULL field

◆ row_raw_format()

ulint row_raw_format ( const char *  data,
ulint  data_len,
const dict_field_t dict_field,
char *  buf,
ulint  buf_size 

Formats the raw data in "data" (in InnoDB on-disk format) using "dict_field" and writes the result to "buf".

Not more than "buf_size" bytes are written to "buf". The result is always NUL-terminated (provided buf_size is positive) and the number of bytes that were written to "buf" is returned (including the terminating NUL).

number of bytes that were written
datain: raw data
data_lenin: raw data length in bytes
dict_fieldin: index field
bufout: output buffer
buf_sizein: output buffer size in bytes

◆ row_raw_format_int()

static ulint row_raw_format_int ( const char *  data,
ulint  data_len,
ulint  prtype,
char *  buf,
ulint  buf_size,
bool *  format_in_hex 

Formats the raw data in "data" (in InnoDB on-disk format) that is of type DATA_INT using "prtype" and writes the result to "buf".

If the data is in unknown format, then nothing is written to "buf", 0 is returned and "format_in_hex" is set to true, otherwise "format_in_hex" is left untouched. Not more than "buf_size" bytes are written to "buf". The result is always '\0'-terminated (provided buf_size > 0) and the number of bytes that were written to "buf" is returned (including the terminating '\0').

number of bytes that were written
datain: raw data
data_lenin: raw data length in bytes
prtypein: precise type
bufout: output buffer
buf_sizein: output buffer size in bytes
format_in_hexout: should the data be formatted in hex

◆ row_raw_format_str()

static ulint row_raw_format_str ( const char *  data,
ulint  data_len,
ulint  prtype,
char *  buf,
ulint  buf_size,
bool *  format_in_hex 

Formats the raw data in "data" (in InnoDB on-disk format) that is of type DATA_(CHAR|VARCHAR|MYSQL|VARMYSQL) using "prtype" and writes the result to "buf".

If the data is in binary format, then nothing is written to "buf", 0 is returned and "format_in_hex" is set to true, otherwise "format_in_hex" is left untouched. Not more than "buf_size" bytes are written to "buf". The result is always '\0'-terminated (provided buf_size > 0) and the number of bytes that were written to "buf" is returned (including the terminating '\0').

number of bytes that were written
datain: raw data
data_lenin: raw data length in bytes
prtypein: precise type
bufout: output buffer
buf_sizein: output buffer size in bytes
format_in_hexout: should the data be formatted in hex

◆ row_rec_to_index_entry()

dtuple_t * row_rec_to_index_entry ( const rec_t rec,
const dict_index_t index,
const ulint offsets,
mem_heap_t heap 

Converts an index record to a typed data tuple.

NOTE that externally stored (often big) fields are NOT copied to heap.

own: index entry built
recin: record in the index
indexin: index
offsetsin: rec_get_offsets(rec)
heapin: memory heap from which the memory needed is allocated

◆ row_rec_to_index_entry_low()

dtuple_t * row_rec_to_index_entry_low ( const rec_t rec,
const dict_index_t index,
const ulint offsets,
mem_heap_t heap 

Converts an index record to a typed data tuple.

index entry built; does not set info_bits, and the data fields in the entry will point directly to rec
recin: record in the index
indexin: index
offsetsin: rec_get_offsets(rec, index)
heapin: memory heap from which the memory needed is allocated

◆ row_search_index_entry()

enum row_search_result row_search_index_entry ( dict_index_t index,
const dtuple_t entry,
ulint  mode,
btr_pcur_t pcur,
mtr_t mtr 

Searches an index record.

whether the record was found or buffered
indexin: index
entryin: index entry
modein: BTR_MODIFY_LEAF, ...
pcurin/out: persistent cursor, which must be closed by the caller
mtrin: mtr

◆ row_search_on_row_ref()

bool row_search_on_row_ref ( btr_pcur_t pcur,
ulint  mode,
dict_table_t table,
const dtuple_t ref,
mtr_t mtr 

Searches the clustered index record for a row, if we have the row reference.

true if found
pcurout: persistent cursor, which must be closed by the caller
modein: BTR_MODIFY_LEAF, ...
tablein: table
refin: row reference
mtrin/out: mtr