MySQL 9.1.0
Source Code Documentation
item_geofunc.h File Reference
#include <assert.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <cstddef>
#include <vector>
#include "field_types.h"
#include "my_inttypes.h"
#include "my_sys.h"
#include "mysql/components/services/bits/psi_bits.h"
#include "mysql_com.h"
#include "mysqld_error.h"
#include "prealloced_array.h"
#include "sql/enum_query_type.h"
#include "sql/field.h"
#include "sql/gis/buffer_strategies.h"
#include "sql/gis/srid.h"
#include "sql/parse_location.h"
#include "sql/inplace_vector.h"
#include "sql/item.h"
#include "sql/item_cmpfunc.h"
#include "sql/item_func.h"
#include "sql/item_json_func.h"
#include "sql/item_strfunc.h"
#include "sql/spatial.h"
#include "sql_string.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


class  BG_result_buf_mgr
 We have to hold result buffers in functions that return a GEOMETRY string, because such a function's result geometry's buffer is directly used and set to String result object. More...
class  BG_geometry_collection
 A utility class to flatten any hierarchy of geometry collection into one with no nested geometry collections. More...
class  Item_geometry_func
class  Item_func_geometry_from_text
class  Item_func_geometry_from_wkb
class  Item_func_as_wkt
class  Item_func_as_wkb
class  Item_func_geometry_type
class  Item_func_geomfromgeojson
 This handles one function: More...
class  Item_func_as_geojson
 This class handles the following function: More...
class  Item_func_geohash
 This class handles two forms of the same function: More...
class  Item_func_latlongfromgeohash
 This is a superclass for Item_func_longfromgeohash and Item_func_latfromgeohash, since they share almost all code. More...
class  Item_func_latfromgeohash
 This handles the <double> = ST_LATFROMGEOHASH(<string>) function. More...
class  Item_func_longfromgeohash
 This handles the <double> = ST_LONGFROMGEOHASH(<string>) function. More...
class  Item_func_centroid
class  Item_func_convex_hull
class  Item_func_envelope
class  Item_func_make_envelope
class  Item_func_validate
class  Item_func_st_simplify
 Item that implements function ST_Simplify, which simplifies a geometry using the Douglas-Peucker algorithm. More...
class  Item_func_point
class  Item_func_pointfromgeohash
 This handles the <point> = ST_POINTFROMGEOHASH(<string>, <srid>) function. More...
class  Item_func_spatial_decomp
class  Item_func_spatial_decomp_n
class  Item_func_spatial_collection
class  Item_func_spatial_mbr_rel
class  Item_func_spatial_relation
class  Item_func_st_contains
class  Item_func_st_crosses
class  Item_func_st_disjoint
class  Item_func_st_equals
class  Item_func_st_intersects
class  Item_func_mbrcontains
class  Item_func_mbrcoveredby
class  Item_func_mbrcovers
class  Item_func_mbrdisjoint
class  Item_func_mbrequals
class  Item_func_mbrintersects
class  Item_func_mbroverlaps
class  Item_func_mbrtouches
class  Item_func_mbrwithin
class  Item_func_st_overlaps
class  Item_func_st_touches
class  Item_func_st_within
class  Item_func_spatial_operation
 Spatial operations. More...
class  Item_func_st_difference
class  Item_func_st_intersection
class  Item_func_st_symdifference
class  Item_func_st_union
class  Item_func_buffer_strategy
class  Item_func_isempty
class  Item_func_st_issimple
class  Item_func_isclosed
class  Item_func_isvalid
class  Item_func_dimension
class  Item_func_coordinate_mutator
 The abstract superclass for all geometry coordinate mutator functions (ST_X, ST_Y, ST_Latitude and ST_Longitude with two parameters). More...
class  Item_func_coordinate_observer
 The abstract superclass for all geometry coordinate oberserver functions (ST_X, ST_Y, ST_Latitude, ST_Longitude with one parameter). More...
class  Item_func_st_latitude_mutator
 This class implements the two-parameter ST_Latitude function which sets the latitude of a geographic point. More...
class  Item_func_st_latitude_observer
 This class implements the one-parameter ST_Latitude function which returns the latitude coordinate of a geographic point. More...
class  Item_func_st_longitude_mutator
 This class implements the two-parameter ST_Longitude function which sets the longitude coordinate of a point. More...
class  Item_func_st_longitude_observer
 This class implements the one-parameter ST_Longitude function which returns the longitude coordinate of a geographic point. More...
class  Item_func_st_x_mutator
 This class implements the two-parameter ST_X function which sets the X coordinate of a point. More...
class  Item_func_st_x_observer
 This class implements the one-parameter ST_X function which returns the X coordinate of a point. More...
class  Item_func_st_y_mutator
 This class implements the two-parameter ST_Y function which sets the Y coordinate of a point. More...
class  Item_func_st_y_observer
 This class implements the one-parameter ST_Y function which returns the Y coordinate of a point. More...
class  Item_func_swap_xy
class  Item_func_numgeometries
class  Item_func_numinteriorring
class  Item_func_numpoints
class  Item_func_st_area
class  Item_func_st_buffer
class  Item_func_st_length
class  Item_func_st_srid_mutator
 This class implements the two-parameter ST_SRID function which sets the SRID of a geometry. More...
class  Item_func_st_srid_observer
 This class implements the one-parameter ST_SRID function which returns the SRID of a geometry. More...
class  Item_func_distance
class  Item_func_st_frechet_distance
class  Item_func_st_hausdorff_distance
class  Item_func_st_distance_sphere
class  Item_func_lineinterpolate
class  Item_func_lineinterpolatepoint
class  Item_func_lineinterpolatepoints
class  Item_func_st_pointatdistance
class  Item_func_st_transform
 This class implements ST_Transform function that transforms a geometry from one SRS to another. More...
class  Item_typecast_geometry
class  Item_typecast_point
class  Item_typecast_linestring
class  Item_typecast_polygon
class  Item_typecast_multipoint
class  Item_typecast_multilinestring
class  Item_typecast_multipolygon
class  Item_typecast_geometrycollection


namespace  dd
 The version of the current data dictionary table definitions.
namespace  gis


static const int MAX_CRS_WIDTH = (22 + MAX_INT_WIDTH + 1)
 Max width of long CRS URN supported + max width of SRID + '\0'. More...

Variable Documentation


const int MAX_CRS_WIDTH = (22 + MAX_INT_WIDTH + 1)

Max width of long CRS URN supported + max width of SRID + '\0'.