MySQL 9.1.0
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include Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for include:


directory  detail


file  api0api.h [code]
 InnoDB Native API.
file  api0misc.h [code]
 InnoDB Native API.
file  arch0arch.h [code]
 Common interface for redo log and dirty page archiver system.
file  arch0log.h [code]
 Innodb interface for log archive.
file  arch0page.h [code]
 Innodb interface for modified page archive.
file  arch0recv.h [code]
 Interface for crash recovery for page archiver system.
file  btr0btr.h [code]
 The B-tree.
file  btr0btr.ic
 The B-tree.
file  btr0cur.h [code]
 The index tree cursor.
file  btr0cur.ic
 The index tree cursor.
file  btr0load.h [code]
 The B-tree bulk load.
file  btr0mtib.h [code]
 Multi Threaded Index Build (MTIB) using BUF_BLOCK_MEMORY and dedicated Bulk_flusher threads.
file  btr0pcur.h [code]
 The index tree persistent cursor.
file  btr0sea.h [code]
 The index tree adaptive search.
file  btr0sea.ic
 The index tree adaptive search.
file  btr0types.h [code]
 The index tree general types.
file  buf0block_hint.h [code]
file  buf0buddy.h [code]
 Binary buddy allocator for compressed pages.
file  buf0buddy.ic
 Binary buddy allocator for compressed pages.
file  buf0buf.h [code]
 The database buffer pool high-level routines.
file  buf0buf.ic
 The database buffer buf_pool.
file  buf0checksum.h [code]
 Buffer pool checksum functions, also linked from /extra/
file  buf0dblwr.h [code]
 Doublewrite buffer module.
file  buf0dump.h [code]
 Implements a buffer pool dump/load.
file  buf0flu.h [code]
 The database buffer pool flush algorithm.
file  buf0flu.ic
 The database buffer pool flush algorithm.
file  buf0lru.h [code]
 The database buffer pool LRU replacement algorithm.
file  buf0rea.h [code]
 The database buffer read.
file  buf0stats.h [code]
 Buffer pool stats.
file  buf0types.h [code]
 The database buffer pool global types for the directory.
file  clone0api.h [code]
 Innodb Clone Interface.
file  clone0clone.h [code]
 Innodb Clone System.
file  clone0desc.h [code]
 Innodb clone descriptors.
file  clone0monitor.h [code]
 Performance Schema stage instrumentation to monitor clone progress.
file  clone0repl.h [code]
 GTID persistence interface.
file  clone0snapshot.h [code]
 Database Physical Snapshot.
file  data0data.h [code]
 SQL data field and tuple.
file  data0data.ic
 SQL data field and tuple.
file  data0type.h [code]
 Data types.
file  data0type.ic
 Data types.
file  data0types.h [code]
 Some type definitions.
file  db0err.h [code]
 Global error codes for the database.
file  ddl0bulk.h [code]
 BULK Data Load.
file  ddl0ddl.h [code]
 DDL context.
file  ddl0fts.h [code]
 Create Full Text Index with (parallel) merge sort.
file  ddl0impl-buffer.h [code]
 DDL buffer infrastructure.
file  ddl0impl-builder.h [code]
 DDL index builder data interface.
file  ddl0impl-compare.h [code]
 DDL key comparison.
file  ddl0impl-cursor.h [code]
 DDL scan cursor interface.
file  ddl0impl-file-reader.h [code]
 For scanning the temporary file.
file  ddl0impl-loader.h [code]
 DDL index loader interface.
file  ddl0impl-merge.h [code]
 DDL cluster merge sort data structures.
file  ddl0impl-rtree.h [code]
 DDL RTree insert interface.
file  ddl0impl.h [code]
 DDL implementation include file.
file  dict0boot.h [code]
 Data dictionary creation and booting.
file  dict0boot.ic
 Data dictionary creation and booting.
file  dict0crea.h [code]
 Database object creation.
file  dict0crea.ic
 Database object creation.
file  dict0dd.h [code]
 Data dictionary interface.
file  dict0dd.ic
 Data dictionary access.
file  dict0dict.h [code]
 Data dictionary system.
file  dict0dict.ic
 Data dictionary system.
file  dict0inst.h [code]
 Instant DDL interface.
file  dict0load.h [code]
 Loads to the memory cache database object definitions from dictionary tables.
file  dict0mem.h [code]
 Data dictionary memory object creation.
file  dict0mem.ic
 Data dictionary memory object creation.
file  dict0priv.h [code]
 Data dictionary private functions.
file  dict0priv.ic
 Data dictionary system private include file.
file  dict0sdi-decompress.h [code]
file  dict0sdi.h [code]
file  dict0stats.h [code]
 Code used for calculating and manipulating table statistics.
file  dict0stats.ic
 Code used for calculating and manipulating table statistics.
file  dict0stats_bg.h [code]
 Code used for background table and index stats gathering.
file  dict0stats_bg.ic
 Code used for background table and index stats gathering.
file  dict0types.h [code]
 Data dictionary global types.
file  dict0upgrade.h [code]
file  dyn0buf.h [code]
 The dynamically allocated buffer implementation.
file  dyn0types.h [code]
 The dynamically allocated buffer types and constants.
file  eval0eval.h [code]
 SQL evaluator: evaluates simple data structures, like expressions, in a query graph.
file  eval0eval.ic
 SQL evaluator: evaluates simple data structures, like expressions, in a query graph.
file  eval0proc.h [code]
 Executes SQL stored procedures and their control structures.
file  eval0proc.ic
 Executes SQL stored procedures and their control structures.
file  fil0fil.h [code]
 The low-level file system.
file  fil0types.h [code]
 The low-level file system page header & trailer offsets.
file  fsp0file.h [code]
 Tablespace data file implementation.
file  fsp0fsp.h [code]
 File space management.
file  fsp0fsp.ic
 File space management.
file  fsp0space.h [code]
 General shared tablespace implementation.
file  fsp0sysspace.h [code]
 Multi file, shared, system tablespace implementation.
file  fsp0types.h [code]
file  fts0ast.h [code]
 The FTS query parser (AST) abstract syntax tree routines.
file  fts0fts.h [code]
 Full text search header file.
file  fts0opt.h [code]
 Full Text Search optimize thread.
file  fts0pars.h [code]
file  fts0plugin.h [code]
 Full text search plugin header file.
file  fts0priv.h [code]
 Full text search internal header file.
file  fts0priv.ic
 Full text search internal header file.
file  fts0tokenize.h [code]
 Full Text Search plugin tokenizer refer to MyISAM.
file  fts0types.h [code]
 Full text search types file.
file  fts0types.ic
 Full text search types.
file  fts0vlc.ic
 Full text variable length integer encoding/decoding.
file  fut0fut.h [code]
 File-based utilities.
file  fut0fut.ic
 File-based utilities.
file  fut0lst.h [code]
 File-based list utilities.
file  fut0lst.ic
 File-based list utilities.
file  gis0geo.h [code]
 The r-tree define from MyISAM.
file  gis0rtree.h [code]
 R-tree header file.
file  gis0rtree.ic
 R-tree Inline code.
file  gis0type.h [code]
 R-tree header file.
file  ha0ha.h [code]
 The hash table with external chains.
file  ha0ha.ic
 The hash table with external chains.
file  ha0storage.h [code]
 Hash storage.
file  ha0storage.ic
 Hash storage.
file  ha_prototypes.h [code]
 Prototypes for global functions in that are called by InnoDB C code.
file  handler0alter.h [code]
file  hash0hash.h [code]
 The simple hash table utility.
file  hash0hash.ic
 The simple hash table utility.
file  ib0mutex.h [code]
 Policy based mutexes.
file  ibuf0ibuf.h [code]
 Insert buffer.
file  ibuf0ibuf.ic
 Insert buffer.
file  ibuf0types.h [code]
 Insert buffer global types.
file  lob0bulk.h [code]
 For bulk loading large objects.
file  lob0del.h [code]
file  lob0first.h [code]
file  lob0impl.h [code]
file  lob0index.h [code]
file  lob0inf.h [code]
file  lob0ins.h [code]
file  lob0lob.h [code]
 Implements the large objects (LOB) module.
file  lob0pages.h [code]
file  lob0undo.h [code]
 Undo logging small changes to BLOBs.
file  lob0util.h [code]
file  lob0zip.h [code]
file  lock0guards.h [code]
file  lock0iter.h [code]
 Lock queue iterator type and function prototypes.
file  lock0latches.h [code]
file  lock0lock.h [code]
 The transaction lock system.
file  lock0lock.ic
 The transaction lock system.
file  lock0prdt.h [code]
 The predicate lock system.
file  lock0priv.h [code]
 Lock module internal structures and methods.
file  lock0priv.ic
 Lock module internal inline methods.
file  lock0types.h [code]
 The transaction lock system global types.
file  log0buf.h [code]
 Redo log functions related to the log buffer.
file  log0chkp.h [code]
 Redo log functions related to checkpointing and log free check.
file  log0constants.h [code]
 Redo log constant values.
file  log0consumer.h [code]
 Redo log functions and types related to the log consumption.
file  log0ddl.h [code]
 DDL log.
file  log0encryption.h [code]
 Redo log - encryption.
file  log0files_capacity.h [code]
 Redo log management of capacity.
file  log0files_dict.h [code]
 In-memory dictionary of log files (keeps their meta data).
file  log0files_finder.h [code]
file  log0files_governor.h [code]
 Redo log management of log files.
file  log0files_io.h [code]
 The log0files_io.
file  log0log.h [code]
 Redo log - the main header.
file  log0meb.h [code]
file  log0pfs.h [code]
 Redo log functions related to PFS tables for redo log.
file  log0pre_8_0_30.h [code]
 Redo log functions and constants related to redo formats before 8.0.30.
file  log0recv.h [code]
file  log0recv.ic
file  log0sys.h [code]
 Redo log - the log_sys.
file  log0test.h [code]
 Redo log - helper for unit tests.
file  log0types.h [code]
 Redo log basic types.
file  log0write.h [code]
file  mach0data.h [code]
 Utilities for converting data from the database file to the machine format.
file  mach0data.ic
 Utilities for converting data from the database file to the machine format.
file  mem0mem.h [code]
 The memory management.
file  mem0mem.ic
 The memory management.
file  mtr0log.h [code]
 Mini-transaction logging routines.
file  mtr0log.ic
 Mini-transaction logging routines.
file  mtr0mtr.h [code]
 Mini-transaction buffer.
file  mtr0mtr.ic
 Mini-transaction buffer.
file  mtr0types.h [code]
 Mini-transaction buffer global types.
file  os0atomic.h [code]
 Macros for using atomics.
file  os0enc.h [code]
 Page encryption infrastructure.
file  os0event.h [code]
 The interface to the operating system condition variables.
file  os0event.ic
 Inlined implementation for os_event_*.
file  os0file.h [code]
 The interface to the operating system file io.
file  os0file.ic
 The interface to the operating system file io.
file  os0numa.h [code]
 NUMA API wrapper over various operating system specific APIs.
file  os0once.h [code]
 A class that aids executing a given function exactly once in a multi-threaded environment.
file  os0proc.h [code]
 The interface to the operating system process control primitives.
file  os0thread-create.h [code]
 The interface to the threading wrapper.
file  os0thread.h [code]
 The interface to the operating system process and thread control primitives.
file  page0cur.h [code]
 The page cursor.
file  page0cur.ic
 The page cursor.
file  page0page.h [code]
 Index page routines.
file  page0page.ic
 Index page routines.
file  page0size.h [code]
 A class describing a page size.
file  page0types.h [code]
 Index page routines.
file  page0zip.h [code]
 Compressed page interface.
file  page0zip.ic
 Compressed page interface.
file  pars0grm.h [code]
file  pars0opt.h [code]
 Simple SQL optimizer.
file  pars0pars.h [code]
 SQL parser.
file  pars0pars.ic
 SQL parser.
file  pars0sym.h [code]
 SQL parser symbol table.
file  pars0types.h [code]
 SQL parser global types.
file  que0que.h [code]
 Query graph.
file  que0que.ic
 Query graph.
file  que0types.h [code]
 Query graph global types.
file  read0read.h [code]
 Cursor read.
file  read0types.h [code]
 Cursor read.
file  rem0cmp.h [code]
 Comparison services for records.
file  rem0cmp.ic
 Comparison services for records.
file  rem0lrec.h [code]
 Record manager.
file  rem0rec.h [code]
 Record manager.
file  rem0rec.ic
 Record manager.
file  rem0types.h [code]
 Record manager global types.
file  rem0wrec.h [code]
 Record manager wrapper declaration.
file  row0ext.h [code]
 Caching of externally stored column prefixes.
file  row0ext.ic
 Caching of externally stored column prefixes.
file  row0import.h [code]
 Header file for import tablespace functions.
file  row0ins.h [code]
 Insert into a table.
file  row0log.h [code]
 Modification log for online index creation and online table rebuild.
file  row0log.ic
 Modification log for online index creation and online table rebuild.
file  row0mysql.h [code]
 Interface between Innobase row operations and MySQL.
file  row0pread-adapter.h [code]
 Parallel read adapter interface.
file  row0pread-histogram.h [code]
 Parallel read histogram interface.
file  row0pread.h [code]
 Parallel read interface.
file  row0purge.h [code]
 Purge obsolete records.
file  row0quiesce.h [code]
 Header file for tablespace quiesce functions.
file  row0row.h [code]
 General row routines.
file  row0row.ic
 General row routines.
file  row0sel.h [code]
file  row0sel.ic
file  row0types.h [code]
 Row operation global types.
file  row0uins.h [code]
 Fresh insert undo.
file  row0umod.h [code]
 Undo modify of a row.
file  row0undo.h [code]
 Row undo.
file  row0upd.h [code]
 Update of a row.
file  row0upd.ic
 Update of a row.
file  row0vers.h [code]
 Row versions.
file  row0vers.ic
 Row versions.
file  sess0sess.h [code]
 InnoDB session state tracker.
file  srv0conc.h [code]
 InnoDB concurrency manager header file.
file  srv0dynamic_procedures.h [code]
 Helper for managing dynamic SQL procedures.
file  srv0mon.h [code]
 Server monitor counter related defines.
file  srv0mon.ic
 Server monitoring system.
file  srv0shutdown.h [code]
 Shutdowns the Innobase database server.
file  srv0srv.h [code]
 The server main program.
file  srv0start.h [code]
 Starts the Innobase database server.
file  srv0tmp.h [code]
file  sync0arr.h [code]
 The wait array used in synchronization primitives.
file  sync0arr.ic
 The wait array for synchronization primitives.
file  sync0arr_impl.h [code]
 The wait array used in synchronization primitives, implementation details.
file  sync0debug.h [code]
 Debug checks for latches, header file.
file  sync0policy.h [code]
 Policies for mutexes.
file  sync0policy.ic
 Policy for mutexes.
file  sync0rw.h [code]
 The read-write lock (for threads, not for database transactions)
file  sync0rw.ic
 The read-write lock (for threads)
file  sync0sharded_rw.h [code]
 The sharded read-write lock (for threads).
file  sync0sync.h [code]
 Mutex, the basic synchronization primitive.
file  sync0types.h [code]
 Global types for sync.
file  trx0i_s.h [code]
 INFORMATION SCHEMA innodb_trx, innodb_locks and innodb_lock_waits tables cache structures and public functions.
file  trx0purge.h [code]
 Purge old versions.
file  trx0purge.ic
 Purge old versions.
file  trx0rec.h [code]
 Transaction undo log record.
file  trx0rec.ic
 Transaction undo log record.
file  trx0roll.h [code]
 Transaction rollback.
file  trx0roll.ic
 Transaction rollback.
file  trx0rseg.h [code]
 Rollback segment.
file  trx0rseg.ic
 Rollback segment.
file  trx0sys.h [code]
 Transaction system.
file  trx0sys.ic
 Transaction system.
file  trx0trx.h [code]
 The transaction.
file  trx0trx.ic
 The transaction.
file  trx0types.h [code]
 Transaction system global type definitions.
file  trx0undo.h [code]
 Transaction undo log.
file  trx0undo.ic
 Transaction undo log.
file  trx0xa.h [code]
file  univ.i
 Version control for database, common definitions, and include files.
file  usr0sess.h [code]
file  usr0types.h [code]
 Users and sessions global types.
file  ut0bitset.h [code]
 Utilities for bitset operations.
file  ut0bool_scope_guard.h [code]
 The ut_bool_scope_guard class which sets boolean to true for the duration of scope.
file  ut0byte.h [code]
 Utilities for byte operations.
file  ut0byte.ic
 Utilities for byte operations.
file  ut0class_life_cycle.h [code]
 Utilities related to class lifecycle.
file  ut0core.h [code]
file  ut0counter.h [code]
 Counter utility class.
file  ut0cpu_cache.h [code]
 Utilities related to CPU cache.
file  ut0crc32.h [code]
 CRC32 implementation.
file  ut0dbg.h [code]
 Debug utilities for Innobase.
file  ut0guarded.h [code]
 The ut::Guarded template which protects access to another class with mutex.
file  ut0link_buf.h [code]
file  ut0list.h [code]
 A double-linked list.
file  ut0list.ic
 A double-linked list.
file  ut0lock_free_hash.h [code]
 Lock free hash implementation.
file  ut0log.h [code]
 Base of InnoDB utilities.
file  ut0lst.h [code]
 List utilities.
file  ut0math.h [code]
 Math functions.
file  ut0mem.h [code]
 Memory primitives.
file  ut0mem.ic
 Memory primitives.
file  ut0mpmcbq.h [code]
file  ut0mutex.h [code]
 Policy based mutexes.
file  ut0mutex.ic
 Mutex implementation include file.
file  ut0new.h [code]
 Dynamic memory allocation routines and custom allocators specifically crafted to support memory instrumentation through performance schema memory engine (PFS).
file  ut0object_cache.h [code]
 Manage a cache of objects.
file  ut0pool.h [code]
 Object pool.
file  ut0rbt.h [code]
 Various utilities.
file  ut0rnd.h [code]
 Random numbers and hashing.
file  ut0seq_lock.h [code]
 Implements a sequential lock structure for non-locking atomic read/write operations on a complex structure.
file  ut0sharded_bitset.h [code]
file  ut0stage.h [code]
 Supplementary code to performance schema stage instrumentation.
file  ut0stateful_latching_rules.h [code]
 The Stateful_latching_rules class template which can be used to describe possible states, latches required to transition between them, and then validate if transitions performed by application take required latches, and that queries for the state are performed when holding enough latches to prevent state from changing.
file  ut0test.h [code]
file  ut0todo_counter.h [code]
file  ut0tuple.h [code]
 std::tuple helper utilities.
file  ut0ut.h [code]
 Various utilities.
file  ut0ut.ic
 Various utilities.
file  ut0vec.h [code]
 A vector of pointers to data items.
file  ut0vec.ic
 A vector of pointers to data items.
file  ut0wqueue.h [code]
 A work queue.
file  zlob0first.h [code]
file  zlob0index.h [code]
file  zlob0read.h [code]