| Plugin_array (PSI_memory_key psi_key) |
| Class construction. More...
bool | exists (plugin_ref plugin) |
| Check, whether the plugin specified by the plugin argument has been already added into the array. More...
| Prealloced_array (PSI_memory_key psi_key) |
| Prealloced_array (PSI_memory_key psi_key, size_t initial_size) |
| Initializes (parts of) the array with default values. More...
| Prealloced_array (const Prealloced_array &that) |
| An object instance "owns" its array, so we do deep copy here. More...
| Prealloced_array (Prealloced_array &&that) |
| Prealloced_array (PSI_memory_key psi_key, const_iterator first, const_iterator last) |
| Range constructor. More...
| Prealloced_array (std::initializer_list< plugin_ref > elems) |
Prealloced_array & | operator= (const Prealloced_array &that) |
| Copies all the elements from 'that' into this container. More...
Prealloced_array & | operator= (Prealloced_array &&that) |
| ~Prealloced_array () |
| Runs DTOR on all elements if needed. More...
size_t | capacity () const |
size_t | element_size () const |
bool | empty () const |
size_t | size () const |
plugin_ref & | at (size_t n) |
const plugin_ref & | at (size_t n) const |
plugin_ref & | operator[] (size_t n) |
const plugin_ref & | operator[] (size_t n) const |
plugin_ref & | back () |
const plugin_ref & | back () const |
plugin_ref & | front () |
const plugin_ref & | front () const |
iterator | begin () |
| begin : Returns a pointer to the first element in the array. More...
const_iterator | begin () const |
iterator | end () |
const_iterator | end () const |
const_iterator | cbegin () const |
| Returns a constant pointer to the first element in the array. More...
const_iterator | cend () const |
| Returns a constant pointer to the past-the-end element in the array. More...
bool | assign_at (size_t n, const value_type &val) |
| Assigns a value to an arbitrary element, even where n >= size(). More...
bool | reserve (size_t n) |
| Reserves space for array elements. More...
void | claim_memory_ownership (bool claim) |
| Claim memory ownership. More...
bool | push_back (const plugin_ref &element) |
| Copies an element into the back of the array. More...
bool | push_back (plugin_ref &&element) |
| Copies (or moves, if possible) an element into the back of the array. More...
bool | emplace_back (Args &&...args) |
| Constructs an element at the back of the array. More...
void | pop_back () |
| Removes the last element in the array, effectively reducing the container size by one. More...
iterator | insert (const_iterator position, const value_type &val) |
| The array is extended by inserting a new element before the element at the specified position. More...
iterator | insert (const_iterator position, value_type &&val) |
| The array is extended by inserting a new element before the element at the specified position. More...
iterator | emplace (const_iterator position, Args &&...args) |
| The array is extended by inserting a new element before the element at the specified position. More...
std::pair< iterator, bool > | insert_unique (const value_type &val) |
| Similar to std::set<>::insert() Extends the array by inserting a new element, but only if it cannot be found in the array already. More...
size_type | erase_unique (const value_type &val) |
| Similar to std::set<>::erase() Removes a single element from the array by value. More...
size_type | count_unique (const value_type &val) const |
| Similar to std::set<>::count() More...
iterator | erase (const_iterator position) |
| Removes a single element from the array. More...
iterator | erase (size_t ix) |
| Removes a single element from the array. More...
iterator | erase (const_iterator first, const_iterator last) |
| Removes a range of elements from the array. More...
void | erase_at_end (const_iterator first) |
| Removes tail elements from the array. More...
void | swap (Prealloced_array &rhs) |
| Exchanges the content of the container by the content of rhs, which is another vector object of the same type. More...
void | shrink_to_fit () |
| Requests the container to reduce its capacity to fit its size. More...
void | resize (size_t n, const plugin_ref &val=plugin_ref()) |
| Resizes the container so that it contains n elements. More...
void | clear () |
| Removes (and destroys) all elements. More...