MySQL 9.0.1
Source Code Documentation
dim.h File Reference

Provides simple, yet useful dependency injection mechanism. More...

#include "harness_export.h"
#include "unique_ptr.h"
#include <functional>
#include <mutex>
#include <string>

Go to the source code of this file.


class  mysql_harness::DIM


namespace  mysqlrouter
namespace  mysql_harness
namespace  mysql_harness::logging

Detailed Description

Provides simple, yet useful dependency injection mechanism.


Let's start with showing usage, for example class Foo:

class Foo {
void do_something();

We want DIM to make instance(s) of this class available throughout our application.

Scenario 1: when Foo is a singleton

void init_code() {
DIM::instance().set_Foo([](){ return new Foo; });
void use_code() {
Foo& foo = DIM::instance().get_Foo();
// each call works on the same object

Scenario 2: when Foo is not a singleton

void init_code() {
DIM::instance().set_Foo([](){ return new Foo; });
void use_code() {
// each call generates a new object
UniquePtr<Foo> foo1 = DIM::instance().new_Foo();
UniquePtr<Foo> foo2 = DIM::instance().new_Foo();
UniquePtr<Foo> foo3 = DIM::instance().new_Foo();

Scenario 3: when Foo already exists (typically used in unit tests)

Foo foo_that_lives_forever;
void init_code() {
return &foo_that_lives_forever;
[](Foo*) {}); // so that DIM does not try to delete it
void use_code() {
Foo& foo = DIM::instance().get_Foo();

Convenient, isn't it? But to make all this happen, class Foo (boilerplate code) has to be added to DIM class.


Adding a new managed object is done in 4 steps:

  1. add class forward declaration
  2. add object factory + deleter setter
  3. add singleton object getter or object creator. Adding both usually makes no sense
  4. add factory and deleter function objects

Here is the (relevant part of) class DIM for class Foo:

// [step 1]
// forward declarations
class Foo;
class DIM {
// ... constructors, instance(), other support methods ...
// [step 2]
// factory + deleter setter
void set_Foo(const std::function<Foo*(void)>& factory,
const std::function<void(Foo*)>& deleter =
std::default_delete<Foo>()) {
factory_Foo_ = factory; deleter_Foo_ = deleter;
// [step 3]
// singleton object getter
// (shown here, but normally mutually-exclusive with next method)
Foo& get_Foo() const {
return get_generic<Foo>(factory_Foo_, deleter_Foo_);
// object creator
// (shown here, but normally mutually-exclusive with previous method)
UniquePtr<Foo> new_Foo() const {
return new_generic(factory_Foo_, deleter_Foo_);
// factory and deleter function objects [step 4]
std::function<Foo*(void)> factory_Foo_;
std::function<void(Foo*)> deleter_Foo_;


// forward declarations [step 1]
class Foo;
class Bar;
class Baz;
class DIM {
// ... constructors, instance(), other support methods ...
// Example: Foo depends on Bar and Baz,
// Bar depends on Baz and some int,
// Baz depends on nothing
// factory + deleter setters [step 2]
void set_Foo(const std::function<Foo*(void)>& factory,
const std::function<void(Foo*)>& deleter =
std::default_delete<Foo>()) {
factory_Foo_ = factory; deleter_Foo_ = deleter;
void set_Bar(const std::function<Bar*(void)>& factory,
const std::function<void(Bar*)>& deleter =
std::default_delete<Bar>()) {
factory_Bar_ = factory; deleter_Bar_ = deleter;
void set_Baz(const std::function<Baz*(void)>& factory,
const std::function<void(Baz*)>& deleter =
std::default_delete<Baz>()) {
factory_Baz_ = factory; deleter_Baz_ = deleter;
// singleton object getters
// (all are shown, but normally mutually-exclusive
// with next group) [step 3]
Foo& get_Foo() const {
return get_generic<Foo>(factory_Foo_, deleter_Foo_);
Bar& get_Bar() const {
return get_generic<Bar>(factory_Bar_, deleter_Bar_);
Baz& get_Baz() const {
return get_generic<Baz>(factory_Baz_, deleter_Baz_);
// object creators
// (all are shown, but normally mutually-exclusive
// with previous group) [step 3]
UniquePtr<Foo> new_Foo() const {
return new_generic(factory_Foo_, deleter_Foo_);
UniquePtr<Bar> new_Bar() const {
return new_generic(factory_Bar_, deleter_Bar_);
UniquePtr<Baz> new_Baz() const {
return new_generic(factory_Baz_, deleter_Baz_);
// factory and deleter function objects [step 4]
std::function<Foo*(void)> factory_Foo_;
std::function<void(Foo*)> deleter_Foo_;
std::function<Bar*(void)> factory_Bar_;
std::function<void(Bar*)> deleter_Bar_;
std::function<Baz*(void)> factory_Baz_;
std::function<void(Baz*)> deleter_Baz_;
// actual classes
struct Baz {
Baz() {}
struct Bar {
Bar(Baz, int) {}
struct Foo {
Foo(Bar, Baz) {}
void do_something() {}
// usage
int main() {
int n = 3306;
// init code
DIM& dim = DIM::instance();
dim.set_Foo([&dim]() {
return new Foo(dim.get_Bar(), dim.get_Baz()); });
dim.set_Bar([&dim, n]() {
return new Bar(dim.get_Baz(), n); });
dim.set_Baz([]() {
return new Baz; });
// use code (as singleton)
// will automatically instantiate Bar and Baz as well
// use code (as new object)
UniquePtr<Foo> foo = dim.new_Foo();
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int n

Object Reset

There's also an option to reset an object managed by DIM, should you need it. Normally, on the first call to get_Foo(), it will call the factory_Foo_() to create the object before returning it. On subsequent calls, it will just return that Foo object previously created. But what if you needed to reset that object? And perhaps to create it via another Foo factory method, or with different parameters?

For such case, we can define reset_Foo() method, which will reset the Foo object back to nullptr. The Foo object can no longer be kept inside of get_Foo(), because it has to be modifiable via reset_Foo(). Here's the code:

// Foo-related members.
// instance_Foo_ is new here, it now stores the Foo object
// (previously, this object was stored as a static variable
// inside of get_Foo()
std::function<Foo*(void)> factory_Foo_;
std::function<void(Foo*)> deleter_Foo_;
UniquePtr<Foo> instance_Foo_; // <---- new member
// getter now relies on get_external_generic() to manage the Foo object
Foo& get_Foo() {
return get_external_generic(instance_Foo_,
// this is our new function.
// After calling it, set_Foo() can be used again
// to set the factory method, which will be
// triggered on subsequent call to get_Foo() to
// create the new Foo object
void reset_Foo() { reset_generic(instance_Foo_); }
// set_Foo remains unaltered
void set_Foo(const std::function<Foo*(void)>& factory,
const std::function<void(Foo*)>& deleter =
std::default_delete<Foo>()) {
factory_Foo_ = factory;
deleter_Foo_ = deleter;


// init code
DIM& dim = DIM::instance();
dim.set_Foo([]() { return new Foo(42); });
// use code
// automatically calls set_Foo() which returns new Foo(42)
// does not call set_Foo() anymore
// does not call set_Foo() anymore
// sets new creating function
dim.set_Foo([]() {
return new Foo(555);
// but the new set_Foo() is still not called
// automatically calls (new) set_Foo(), which returns new Foo(555)