Here is a list of all namespace members with links to the namespace documentation for each member:
- r -
- RAND_EVENT : mysql::binlog::event
- random_64() : ut
- random_64_fast() : ut
- random_from_interval() : ut
- random_from_interval_fast() : ut
- random_from_interval_gen() : ut
- random_seed : ut::detail
- random_string() : stdx::io
- Range : ddl
- range_reference_t : stdx::ranges
- range_value_t : stdx::ranges
- RangeNotSatisfiable : http::base::status_code
- RB_BATCH_ID_SIZE : dblwr
- RB_DATA_LEN_SIZE : dblwr
- RB_OFF_BATCH_ID : dblwr
- RB_OFF_DATA_LEN : dblwr
- RB_OFF_UNUSED : dblwr
- read() : lob, net::impl::file, net::impl::socket, net
- read_bio_to_string() : anonymous_namespace{}
- read_column_value() : binlog::service::iterators::tests
- read_frame_buffer_row() : anonymous_namespace{}
- read_from_1() : ut::detail
- read_from_2() : ut::detail
- read_from_4() : ut::detail
- read_from_8() : ut::detail
- read_key() : pfs_plugin_column_bigint_v1_all_empty
- read_key_string() : pfs_plugin_column_string_v2_all_empty
- read_key_unsigned() : pfs_plugin_column_bigint_v1_all_empty
- read_offset_or_size() : json_binary
- read_only : classic_protocol::cursor::pos, classic_protocol::cursor
- read_secret() : keyring_operations_helper
- read_variable_length() : json_binary
- read_varlen_bytes() : mysql::serialization::detail
- read_varlen_bytes_signed() : mysql::serialization::detail
- read_varlen_bytes_unsigned() : mysql::serialization::detail
- read_view() : dd
- real_engine_name() : anonymous_namespace{}
- realloc() : ut::detail, ut
- realloc_withkey() : ut
- rebuild() : dict_name
- rebuild_space() : dict_name
- rec_check_lobref_space_id() : lob
- rec_lock_check_conflict() : locksys
- rec_lock_has_to_wait() : locksys
- rec_queue_latch_and_validate() : locksys
- rec_queue_validate_latched() : locksys
- recover() : dblwr::recv
- recover_innodb_upon_upgrade() : dd::bootstrap
- recover_one_external_trx() : anonymous_namespace{}
- recover_one_ht() : xa::recovery
- recover_one_internal_trx() : anonymous_namespace{}
- recover_prepared_in_tc_one_ht() : xa::recovery
- recovery_statistics : anonymous_namespace{}
- recreate_table() : dd
- recv() : net::impl::socket
- recvmsg() : net::impl::socket
- redo_log_archive_active : meb
- redo_log_archive_admin_mutex : meb
- redo_log_archive_consume_complete : meb
- redo_log_archive_consume_event : meb
- redo_log_archive_consume_flushed : meb
- redo_log_archive_consume_running : meb
- redo_log_archive_consumer() : meb
- redo_log_archive_consumer_thread_key : meb
- redo_log_archive_deinit() : meb
- redo_log_archive_dirs : meb
- redo_log_archive_file_handle : meb
- redo_log_archive_file_key : meb
- redo_log_archive_file_pathname : meb
- redo_log_archive_flush() : meb
- redo_log_archive_init() : meb
- redo_log_archive_initialized : meb
- redo_log_archive_is_active() : meb
- redo_log_archive_produce() : meb
- redo_log_archive_produce_blocks : meb
- redo_log_archive_queue : meb
- redo_log_archive_recorded_error : meb
- redo_log_archive_session : meb
- redo_log_archive_session_end() : meb
- redo_log_archive_session_ending : meb
- redo_log_archive_start() : meb
- redo_log_archive_stop() : meb
- redo_log_archive_thd : meb
- redo_log_archive_tmp_block : meb
- redo_log_consumer_advance() : meb
- redo_log_consumer_register() : meb
- redo_log_consumer_unregister() : meb
- reduced_load() : dblwr::recv
- reduced_open() : dblwr
- ref() : dd::anonymous_namespace{}
- REFERENCES() : consts
- refresh_callback() : anonymous_namespace{}
- reg_srv : innobase::component_services
- regex_pattern_matches() : mysql_harness::utility
- regexp_lib_charset : regexp
- register_gr_status_service() : gr::status_service
- register_handler() : mysql_harness::logging
- register_instruments() : reference_caching
- register_memory() : psi_memory_v2_empty
- register_pfs_tables() : binlog::service::iterators::tests
- register_privilege() : meb
- register_router_v2() : mysqlrouter::anonymous_namespace{}
- register_status_variables() : binlog::service::iterators::tests
- register_table() : anonymous_namespace{}
- register_variable() : mysql_service_simple_error_log_spc
- register_view() : anonymous_namespace{}
- RegisterFilename() : file_info
- RegisterHandle() : anonymous_namespace{}
- RegisterReplica : classic_protocol::borrowed::message::client, classic_protocol::message::client
- registry_type_t : components
- reinit_expected() : stdx::impl
- reinstall_firewall_procedures() : dd::upgrade::anonymous_namespace{}
- reinterpret_as_degrees() : gis
- RELAY : binlog::monitoring
- release_mdl() : dd
- release_service_handles() : binlog::service::iterators::tests
- Reload : classic_protocol::borrowed::message::client, classic_protocol::message::client
- RELOAD() : consts
- remove() : dd::sdi_file, helper::container, reference_caching::channel_ignore_list, stdx::filesystem
- remove_duplicates() : dd::anonymous_namespace{}, gis
- remove_from_trx_locks() : locksys
- remove_I_S_view_metadata() : dd::info_schema
- remove_if() : helper::container
- remove_key() : innobase::encryption
- remove_legacy_upgrade_info_file() : dd::upgrade::anonymous_namespace{}
- remove_matching_grants() : anonymous_namespace{}
- remove_overlapping_mpt_mls() : gis
- remove_overlapping_mpt_mls_mpy() : gis
- remove_sdi_file_if_exists() : dd::sdi_file
- remove_template() : keyring_common::service_implementation
- RemoveElement() : hypergraph
- rename_check_constraints() : dd
- rename_file() : mysqlrouter
- rename_foreign_keys() : dd
- rename_histogram() : histograms
- rename_histograms() : histograms
- rename_matching_grants() : anonymous_namespace{}
- rename_tablespace_mdl_hook() : dd
- Render : Vt100
- render() : Vt100
- ReorderConditions() : anonymous_namespace{}
- replace() : lob
- replace_inline() : lob
- REPLACEMENT_HAS_MORE_MARKERS : rewriter_messages
- REPLACEMENT_PARSE_ERROR : rewriter_messages
- repopulate_charsets_and_collations() : anonymous_namespace{}
- report_error_as_tablespace_missing() : dd
- report_error_except_ignore_dup() : anonymous_namespace{}
- report_fk_index_error() : anonymous_namespace{}
- report_gtid_encoding_error() : anonymous_namespace{}
- report_trx_recovery_error() : anonymous_namespace{}
- report_unsupported_option() : mysql_harness
- reqd_priv_str : Backup_comp_constants
- requested_handlerton() : anonymous_namespace{}
- RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge : http::base::status_code
- RequestRowId() : pack_rows
- RequestTimeout : http::base::status_code
- requires_registration : mfa_consts
- reserve() : json_binary
- reset() : Vt100
- reset_files() : dblwr
- reset_framing_wf_states() : anonymous_namespace{}
- reset_hash_map() : anonymous_namespace{}
- reset_keyring() : mysql_harness
- reset_master : classic_protocol::reload_cmds::pos, classic_protocol::reload_cmds
- reset_non_framing_wf_state() : anonymous_namespace{}
- reset_slave : classic_protocol::reload_cmds::pos, classic_protocol::reload_cmds
- reset_tables_and_tablespaces() : dd
- reset_wf_states() : anonymous_namespace{}
- reset_xa_connection() : anonymous_namespace{}
- ResetConnection : classic_protocol::borrowed::message::client, classic_protocol::message::client
- ResetContent : http::base::status_code
- resolve_histogram_fields() : histograms
- resolve_hton() : dd::anonymous_namespace{}
- resolve_parser_result() : options_parser
- resolver_category() : net::ip
- resolver_errc : net::ip
- resource_group_exists() : dd
- ResplitConditions() : anonymous_namespace{}
- restart_dictionary() : dd::bootstrap
- restore_cursor_pos() : Vt100
- restrict_fk_on_non_standard_key_check() : anonymous_namespace{}
- Restrictions() : consts
- Result : temptable
- result_to_string() : temptable
- results_map : histograms
- Ret_t : ib
- retrieve_auto_update_histogram_settings() : histograms
- RetryOnEintr() : mysys_priv
- Return_status : mysql::utils
- reverse() : mysql_harness::utility
- rewrite_query() : anonymous_namespace{}
- rfc7919_ffdhe2048_p : anonymous_namespace{dh_ecdh_config.h}
- rfc7919_ffdhe3072_p : anonymous_namespace{dh_ecdh_config.h}
- rfc7919_ffdhe8192_p : anonymous_namespace{dh_ecdh_config.h}
- rfc7919_g : anonymous_namespace{dh_ecdh_config.h}
- Rgb : Vt100
- right_trim() : mysql_harness
- Ring_direction : gis
- RJ_Allocator : dd
- RJ_Document : dd
- RJ_Encoding : dd
- RJ_PrettyWriter : dd
- RJ_StringBuffer : dd
- RJ_Value : dd
- RJ_Writer : dd
- rlimit_core_is_ignored() : anonymous_namespace{}
- rmdir() : stdx::filesystem::impl
- rnd_init() : binlog::service::iterators::tests
- rnd_next() : binlog::service::iterators::tests
- roll() : hardware
- rollback() : lob
- rollback_detached_by_xid() : trx_coordinator
- rollback_from_undolog() : lob
- rollback_in_engines() : trx_coordinator
- rollback_one_ht() : anonymous_namespace{}
- ROTATE_EVENT : mysql::binlog::event
- RotateLeft() : anonymous_namespace{}
- RotateRight() : anonymous_namespace{}
- round_to_next_multiple() : ut::detail
- RoutingBootstrapSectionType : routing
- RoutingMode : routing
- RoutingStrategy : routing
- Row : classic_protocol::borrowed::message::server, classic_protocol::message::server
- row_count() : binlog::service::iterators::tests
- rows_from_warnings() : anonymous_namespace{}
- ROWS_QUERY_LOG_EVENT : mysql::binlog::event
- RowValueType : server_mock
- rpl_sidno : cs::index
- rpl_slave_tblsp : ibt
- rsa_key_sizes : anonymous_namespace{}
- run_bootstrap_thread() : bootstrap
- run_if_waiting() : locksys