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MySQL 8.0.41
Source Code Documentation
►Nacl_table | |
Nanonymous_namespace{acl_table_user.cc} | |
CAcl_table | Base class to handle ACL table manipulation |
CAcl_table_user_reader | Mysql.user table reader |
CAcl_table_user_writer | |
CAcl_table_user_writer_status | Mysql.user table writer |
CAcl_user_attributes | Class to handle information stored in mysql.user.user_attributes |
CPassword_lock | |
CPod_user_what_to_update | |
NAdaptive_flush | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{access_path.cc} | |
CIteratorToBeCreated | |
Nanonymous_namespace{arg_handler.cc} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{audit_api_message_emit.cc} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{binlog.cc} | |
CRow_data_memory | Class to handle temporary allocation of memory for row data |
Nanonymous_namespace{bootstrapper.cc} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{certificate_generator.cc} | |
COsslDeleter | |
COsslDeleter< BIO > | |
COsslDeleter< OSSL_DECODER_CTX > | |
COsslDeleter< OSSL_ENCODER_CTX > | |
COsslDeleter< X509_EXTENSION > | |
Nanonymous_namespace{check_stack.cc} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{classic_connect.cc} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{clone0api.cc} | |
CFixup_data | Fix schema, table and tablespace |
Nanonymous_namespace{cluster_metadata_dynamic_state.cc} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{cluster_metadata_gr.cc} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{columns_extensions.cc} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{common_subexpression_elimination.cc} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{config_generator.cc} | |
Caccount_exists | |
CChangeRouterAccountPlugin | |
CConfigSectionPrinter | |
Cpassword_too_weak | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{cost_model.cc} | |
►CAggregateRowEstimator | This class finds disjoint sets of aggregation terms that form prefixes of some non-hash index, and makes row estimates for those sets based on index metadata |
CPrefix | A prefix of some key where each key_part corresponds to an aggregation term |
►Nanonymous_namespace{ctype-czech.cc} | |
Cwordvalue | |
Nanonymous_namespace{ctype-utf8.cc} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{ctype-win1250ch.cc} | |
Cwordvalue | |
Nanonymous_namespace{dd_tablespace.cc} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{decimal.cc} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{dest_metadata_cache.cc} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{dh_ecdh_config.h} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{dictionary_client.cc} | |
CMDL_checker | Helper class providing overloaded functions asserting that we have proper MDL locks in place |
CSPI_lru_cache_templ | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{dynamic_state.cc} | |
CSchemaVersion | |
Nanonymous_namespace{explain_access_path.cc} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{field.cc} | Function to compare two unsigned integers for their relative order |
►Nanonymous_namespace{filesort.cc} | |
CMem_compare_queue_key | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{filesort_utils.cc} | |
CEquality_from_less | |
CMem_compare | |
CMem_compare_longkey | |
CMem_compare_varlen_key | |
Nanonymous_namespace{filesystem-posix.cc} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{filesystem-windows.cc} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{finalize_plan.cc} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{gr_notifications_listener.cc} | |
CNodeId | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{graph_simplification.cc} | |
CJoinStatus | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{ha_mock.cc} | |
CLoadedTables | |
CMock_execution_context | Execution context class for the MOCK engine |
CMockShare | |
Nanonymous_namespace{ha_myisammrg.cc} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{handler.cc} | |
CStorage_engine_identifier | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{http_auth_backend_plugin.cc} | |
CHtpasswdPluginConfig | |
CHttpAuthBackendFactory | |
CPluginConfig | |
Nanonymous_namespace{init.cc} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{interesting_orders.cc} | |
CDFSMStateEqual | |
CDFSMStateHash | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{item_cmpfunc.cc} | |
CCmp_string | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{item_create.cc} | |
CBin_instantiator | |
CDatediff_instantiator | |
CDayofweek_instantiator | |
CEven_argcount_function_factory | |
CFrom_unixtime_instantiator | |
CFunction_factory | Factory for creating function objects |
CGeometry_instantiator | |
CInstantiator | Instantiates a function class with the list of arguments |
CInstantiator< Function_class, 0 > | Instantiates a function class with no arguments |
CInstantiator< Function_class, 0, 1 > | Instantiates a function class with zero or one arguments |
CInstantiator< Function_class, 1 > | Instantiates a function class with one argument |
CInstantiator< Function_class, 1, 2 > | Instantiates a function class with one or two arguments |
CInstantiator< Function_class, 1, 3 > | Instantiates a function class with between one and three arguments |
CInstantiator< Function_class, 2 > | Instantiates a function class with two arguments |
CInstantiator< Function_class, 2, 3 > | Instantiates a function class with two or three arguments |
CInstantiator< Function_class, 2, 4 > | Instantiates a function class with between two and four arguments |
CInstantiator< Function_class, 2, 6 > | Instantiates a function class with between two and six arguments |
CInstantiator< Function_class, 3 > | Instantiates a function class with three arguments |
CInstantiator< Function_class, 3, 5 > | Instantiates a function class with two or three arguments |
CInstantiator< Function_class, 4 > | Instantiates a function class with four arguments |
CInstantiator< Function_class, 5 > | Instantiates a function class with five arguments |
CInstantiator_with_functype | |
CInstantiator_with_functype< Function_class, Function_type, 1, 1 > | |
CInstantiator_with_functype< Function_class, Function_type, 2, 2 > | |
CInstantiator_with_thd | |
CInstantiator_with_thd< Function_class, 1, 2 > | Instantiates a function class taking a thd and one or two arguments |
CInstantiator_with_thd< Function_class, 1, 3 > | Instantiates a function class taking between one and three arguments |
CInternal_function_factory | Factory for internal functions that should be invoked from the system views only |
CJson_length_instantiator | Instantiates a call to JSON_LENGTH, which may take either one or two arguments |
CLatitude_instantiator | |
CList_instantiator | |
CList_instantiator_with_thd | |
CLocate_instantiator | |
CLongitude_instantiator | |
CMake_set_instantiator | |
COct_instantiator | |
COdd_argcount_function_factory | |
CRound_instantiator | |
CSrid_instantiator | |
CSubtime_instantiator | |
CTime_format_instantiator | |
CWeekday_instantiator | |
CWeekofyear_instantiator | |
CX_instantiator | |
CY_instantiator | |
CYearweek_instantiator | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{item_strfunc.cc} | |
CParse_error_anonymizer | Error handler that wraps parse error messages, removes details and silences warnings |
CThd_parse_modifier | Because it's not possible to disentangle the state of the parser from the THD, we have to destructively modify the current THD object in order to parse |
Nanonymous_namespace{item_sum.cc} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{join_optimizer.cc} | |
►CCostingReceiver | CostingReceiver contains the main join planning logic, selecting access paths based on cost |
CAccessPathSet | Besides the access paths for a set of nodes (see m_access_paths), AccessPathSet contains information that is common between all access paths for that set |
CKeypartForRef | |
CPossibleIndexMerge | Represents a candidate index merge, ie |
CPossibleRangeScan | |
Nanonymous_namespace{json_binary.cc} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{json_dom.cc} | |
CCmp_json | |
CEq_json | |
CJson_child_equal | Functor which compares a child DOM of a JSON array or JSON object for equality |
CJson_seek_params | Input and output parameters to seek_no_dup_elimination that remain constant in recursive calls |
CRapid_json_handler | This class implements rapidjson's Handler concept to make our own handler which will construct our DOM from the parsing of the JSON text |
CWrapper_hash_key | Helper class for building a hash key |
CWrapper_sort_key | Wrapper around a sort key buffer |
►Nanonymous_namespace{json_path.cc} | |
CStream | A simple input stream class for the JSON path parser |
Nanonymous_namespace{keepalive.cc} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{locked_tables_list.cc} | |
CMDL_ticket_same_lock_eq | |
CMDL_ticket_same_lock_hash | |
Nanonymous_namespace{logger_plugin.cc} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{make_join_hypergraph.cc} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{metadata.cc} | |
CUpdate_context | |
CView_metadata_update_ctx | Holds context during I_S table referencing view's status/column metadata update |
►Nanonymous_namespace{mock_server_plugin.cc} | |
CSslModeOption | |
CStringsOption | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{my_file.cc} | |
CFileInfo | Rule of 5 class |
Nanonymous_namespace{my_fopen.cc} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{my_fstream.cc} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{my_getpwnam.cc} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{my_hex_tools.cc} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{my_winfile.cc} | |
CHandleInfo | |
CWindowsErrorGuard | RAII guard which ensures that: |
Nanonymous_namespace{mysql_routing.cc} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{mysql_session.cc} | |
CSSLSessionsCache | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{mysql_string_service.cc} | The string functions as a service to the mysql_server component |
Cst_string_iterator | Mysql_string_itrerator structure to provide service to components |
►Nanonymous_namespace{mysql_thd_store_imp.cc} | |
CThd_store_data_service | |
Nanonymous_namespace{mysqld.cc} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{mysqld_daemon.cc} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{opt_explain.cc} | |
►CExplain | A base for all Explain_* classes |
CLazy_condition | |
CExplain_join | Explain_join class produces EXPLAIN output for JOINs |
CExplain_no_table | Explain_no_table class outputs a trivial EXPLAIN row with "extra" column |
CExplain_secondary_engine | This class outputs an empty plan for queries that use a secondary engine |
CExplain_setop_result | Explain_union_result class outputs EXPLAIN row for UNION |
CExplain_table | Explain_table class produce EXPLAIN output for queries without top-level JOIN |
CExplain_table_base | Common base class for Explain_join and Explain_table |
►Nanonymous_namespace{opt_trace.cc} | |
CBuffer | A wrapper of class String, for storing query or trace |
Nanonymous_namespace{opt_trace2server.cc} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{p_s.cc} | |
Cparsed_table_path | |
Nanonymous_namespace{parse_tree_nodes.cc} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{parser_service.cc} | |
Cthread_args | |
Nanonymous_namespace{persisted_variable.cc} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{recovery.cc} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{registry.cc} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{resource_group_sql_cmd.cc} | |
CMove_thread_to_default_group | This class represents a functional call to move a thread specified by pfs_thread_id to a resource group specified in class' constructor |
►Nanonymous_namespace{rewriter.cc} | |
CRefresh_callback_args | |
Nanonymous_namespace{router_app.cc} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{rpl_group_replication.cc} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{sdi.cc} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{sdi_file.cc} | |
CDir_pat_tuple | |
Nanonymous_namespace{sdi_tablespace.cc} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{signal_handler.cc} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{socket_connection.cc} | |
CFreeAddrInfoDeleter | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{sp.cc} | |
CSilence_deprecated_warning | Silence DEPRECATED SYNTAX warnings when loading a stored procedure into the cache |
►Nanonymous_namespace{sql_base.cc} | |
Cschema_hash | |
Cschema_key_equal | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{sql_delete.cc} | |
CQuery_result_delete | |
Nanonymous_namespace{sql_import.cc} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{sql_load.cc} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{sql_planner.cc} | |
CJoin_tab_compare_embedded_first | |
CJoin_tab_compare_straight | "Less than" comparison function object used to compare two JOIN_TAB objects that are joined using STRAIGHT JOIN |
►Nanonymous_namespace{sql_prepare.cc} | |
CExecute_sql_statement | Execute one SQL statement in an isolated context |
CQuery_fetch_protocol_binary | A result class used to send cursor rows using the binary protocol |
►Nanonymous_namespace{sql_rename.cc} | |
Ctable_list_equal | |
Ctable_list_hash | |
Nanonymous_namespace{sql_rewrite.cc} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{sql_select.cc} | |
Cstore_key_const_item | |
Cstore_key_json_item | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{sql_table.cc} | |
CHandlerton_pair | |
CReplace_field_processor_arg | This class is used as an input argument to Item::walk, and takes care of replacing the field pointer in Item_field with pointers to a Create_field_wrapper |
Csort_keys | |
CViability | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{sql_tablespace.cc} | |
CRollback_guard | |
Nanonymous_namespace{sql_user.cc} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{sql_value.cc} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{sql_xa_commit.cc} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{sql_xa_prepare.cc} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{sys_vars.cc} | |
CGet_csname | |
CGet_locale_name | |
CGet_name | |
Nanonymous_namespace{system_registry.cc} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{table.cc} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{table_constraints_extensions.cc} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{table_keyring_component_status.cc} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{table_keyring_keys.cc} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{table_stats.cc} | |
CUpdate_I_S_statistics_ctx | A RAII to used to allow updates in the DD tables mysql.index_stats and mysql.index_stats |
Nanonymous_namespace{tables_extensions.cc} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{tablespaces_extensions.cc} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{tc_log.cc} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{tls_ciphers.h} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{tls_server_context.cc} | |
COsslDeleter | |
COsslDeleter< BIO > | |
COsslDeleter< EVP_PKEY > | |
COsslDeleter< EVP_PKEY_CTX > | |
COsslDeleter< OSSL_DECODER_CTX > | |
Nanonymous_namespace{tree.cc} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{unhex.cc} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{uniques.cc} | |
CMerge_chunk_compare_context | |
CMerge_chunk_less | |
CUniq_param | |
Nanonymous_namespace{view_impl.cc} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{window_iterators.cc} | |
►Nauth_kerberos_context | |
CKerberos | |
►Nauth_ldap_client_kerberos_context | Kerberos class is built around kerberos library |
CKerberos | |
NBackup_comp_constants | |
►NBase64Alphabet | |
Ndetail | |
CBase64 | |
CBase64Url | |
CBcrypt | |
CCrypt | |
CMcf | Base64 alphabet for MCF |
CUuencode | |
►Nbinary_log | The namespace contains classes representing events that can occur in a replication stream |
►Ncodecs | |
►Nbinary | |
CBase_codec | This is the abstract and base class for binary log BINARY codecs |
CHeartbeat | Binary codec for the heartbeat log event |
CTransaction_payload | Binary codec for the transaction payload log event |
CCodec | This is the abstract and base class for binary log codecs |
CFactory | |
►Ngtids | |
CGno_interval | This class represents a range of transaction identifiers |
CGtid | Represents a MySQL Global Transaction Identifier |
►CGtid_set | This class represents a set of transaction identifiers |
CUuid_comparator | |
►Ntransaction | |
►Ncompression | |
CCompressor | Abstract base class for compressors |
CDecompressor | Abstract base class for decompressors |
CFactory | |
CNone_comp | Compressor subclass that only copies input to output without compressing it |
CNone_dec | Decompressor subclass that only copies input to output without decompressing it |
CPayload_event_buffer_istream | Stream class that yields a stream of byte buffers, each holding the raw decompressed data of one event contained in a Transaction_payload_log_event |
CZstd_comp | Compressor class that uses the ZSTD library |
CZstd_dec | Decompressor class that uses the ZSTD library |
CAppend_block_event | This event is created to contain the file data |
CBegin_load_query_event | Event for the first block of file to be loaded, its only difference from Append_block event is that this event creates or truncates existing file before writing data |
CBinary_log_event | This is the abstract base class for binary log events |
CDelete_file_event | DELETE_FILE_EVENT occurs when the LOAD DATA failed on the master |
CDelete_rows_event | Log row deletions |
CEvent_reader | Event_reader class purpose is to avoid out-of-buffer reads when deserializing binary log events and increase robustness when dealing with corrupted event buffers |
CExecute_load_query_event | Event responsible for LOAD DATA execution, it similar to Query_event but before executing the query it substitutes original filename in LOAD DATA query with name of temporary file |
CFormat_description_event | For binlog version 4 |
CGtid_event | GTID stands for Global Transaction IDentifier It is composed of two parts: |
Cgtid_info | Structure to hold the members declared in the class Gtid_log_event those member are objects of classes defined in server(rpl_gtid.h) |
CHash_Uuid | |
CHeartbeat_event | Replication event to ensure to replica that source is alive |
CHeartbeat_event_v2 | Replication event to ensure to replica that source is alive |
CIgnorable_event | Base class for ignorable log events |
CIncident_event | Class representing an incident, an occurrence out of the ordinary, that happened on the master |
CIntvar_event | An Intvar_event will be created just before a Query_event, if the query uses one of the variables LAST_INSERT_ID or INSERT_ID |
CLog_event_basic_info | Struct to pass basic information about a event: type, query, is it ignorable |
CLog_event_footer | The footer, in the current version of the MySQL server, only contains the checksum algorithm descriptor |
CLog_event_header | The Common-Header always has the same form and length within one version of MySQL |
CLog_event_type_helper | Event type helpers, enclosed in the structure |
CPrevious_gtids_event | |
CQuery_event | A Query_event is created for each query that modifies the database, unless the query is logged row-based |
CRand_event | Logs random seed used by the next RAND(), and by PASSWORD() in 4.1.0 |
CRotate_event | When a binary log file exceeds a size limit, a ROTATE_EVENT is written at the end of the file that points to the next file in the sequence |
►CRows_event | Common base class for all row-containing binary log events |
CExtra_row_info | |
CRows_query_event | Rows query event type, which is a subclass of the Ignorable_event, to record the original query for the rows events in RBR |
CStop_event | A stop event is written to the log files under these circumstances: |
►CTable_map_event | In row-based mode, every row operation event is preceded by a Table_map_event which maps a table definition to a number |
►COptional_metadata_fields | Metadata_fields organizes m_optional_metadata into a structured format which is easy to access |
CDefault_charset | |
CTransaction_context_event | This class is used to combine the information of the ongoing transaction including the write set and other information of the thread executing the transaction |
CTransaction_payload_event | Event that encloses all the events of a transaction |
CUnknown_event | An unknown event should never occur |
CUpdate_rows_event | Log row updates with a before image |
CUser_var_event | Written every time a statement uses a user variable; precedes other events for the statement |
CUuid | This is a POD |
CView_change_event | This class is used to add view change markers in the binary log when a member of the group enters or leaves the group |
CWrite_rows_event | Log row insertions |
►CXA_prepare_event | An XA_prepare event is generated for a XA prepared transaction |
CXid_event | An XID event is generated for a commit of a transaction that modifies one or more tables of an XA-capable storage engine |
Nbinary_log_debug | |
►Nbinlog | |
►Nmonitoring | |
CCompression_stats | This class represents the compression stats collected for a given combination of log type and compression type |
CContext | The global context for binary/relay log monitoring |
CTransaction_compression | |
CAtomicBgcTicket | Implements atomic ops on BgcTicket object |
CAtomicBgcTicketGuard | RAII opaque for AtomicBgcTicket (set in use/set used synchronization operations in constructor/destructor) |
CBgc_ticket_manager | Singleton class that manages the grouping of sessions for the Binlog Group Commit (BGC), using a ticketing system |
CBgcTicket | Represents the Binlog Group Commit Ticket - BGC Ticket |
CBinlog_recovery | Recovers from last crashed binlog at server start |
CContext | Global context for binary logging |
CDecompressing_event_object_istream | Stream class that yields Log_event objects from a source |
►Nboost | Tag dispatch for custom Role_properties |
►Ngeometry | |
Ncs | |
►Ntraits | |
Caccess< gis::Cartesian_point, Dimension > | |
Caccess< gis::Geographic_point, Dimension > | |
Caccess< Gis_point, Dimension > | |
Cclosure< gis::Cartesian_linearring > | |
Cclosure< gis::Geographic_linearring > | |
Cclosure< Gis_polygon_ring > | |
Ccoordinate_system< gis::Cartesian_point > | |
Ccoordinate_system< gis::Geographic_point > | |
Ccoordinate_system< Gis_point > | |
Ccoordinate_type< gis::Cartesian_point > | |
Ccoordinate_type< gis::Geographic_point > | |
Ccoordinate_type< Gis_point > | |
Cdimension< gis::Cartesian_point > | |
Cdimension< gis::Geographic_point > | |
Cdimension< Gis_point > | |
Cexterior_ring< gis::Cartesian_polygon > | |
Cexterior_ring< gis::Geographic_polygon > | |
Cexterior_ring< Gis_polygon > | |
Cindexed_access< gis::Cartesian_box, max_corner, Dimension > | |
Cindexed_access< gis::Cartesian_box, min_corner, Dimension > | |
Cindexed_access< gis::Geographic_box, max_corner, Dimension > | |
Cindexed_access< gis::Geographic_box, min_corner, Dimension > | |
Cinterior_const_type< gis::Cartesian_polygon > | |
Cinterior_const_type< gis::Geographic_polygon > | |
Cinterior_const_type< Gis_polygon > | |
Cinterior_mutable_type< gis::Cartesian_polygon > | |
Cinterior_mutable_type< gis::Geographic_polygon > | |
Cinterior_mutable_type< Gis_polygon > | |
Cinterior_rings< gis::Cartesian_polygon > | |
Cinterior_rings< gis::Geographic_polygon > | |
Cinterior_rings< Gis_polygon > | |
Cpoint_order< gis::Cartesian_linearring > | |
Cpoint_order< gis::Geographic_linearring > | |
Cpoint_order< Gis_polygon_ring > | |
Cpoint_type< gis::Cartesian_box > | |
Cpoint_type< gis::Geographic_box > | |
Cring_const_type< gis::Cartesian_polygon > | |
Cring_const_type< gis::Geographic_polygon > | |
Cring_const_type< Gis_polygon > | |
Cring_mutable_type< gis::Cartesian_polygon > | |
Cring_mutable_type< gis::Geographic_polygon > | |
Cring_mutable_type< Gis_polygon > | |
Ctag< gis::Cartesian_box > | |
Ctag< gis::Cartesian_linearring > | |
Ctag< gis::Cartesian_linestring > | |
Ctag< gis::Cartesian_multilinestring > | |
Ctag< gis::Cartesian_multipoint > | |
Ctag< gis::Cartesian_multipolygon > | |
Ctag< gis::Cartesian_point > | |
Ctag< gis::Cartesian_polygon > | |
Ctag< gis::Geographic_box > | |
Ctag< gis::Geographic_linearring > | |
Ctag< gis::Geographic_linestring > | |
Ctag< gis::Geographic_multilinestring > | |
Ctag< gis::Geographic_multipoint > | |
Ctag< gis::Geographic_multipolygon > | |
Ctag< gis::Geographic_point > | |
Ctag< gis::Geographic_polygon > | |
Ctag< Gis_line_string > | |
Ctag< Gis_multi_line_string > | |
Ctag< Gis_multi_point > | |
Ctag< Gis_multi_polygon > | |
Ctag< Gis_point > | |
Ctag< Gis_polygon > | |
Ctag< Gis_polygon_ring > | |
►Nbootstrap | |
CCommand_iterator | Abstract interface to reading bootstrap commands |
CFile_command_iterator | File bootstrap command reader |
Chandle_bootstrap_args | |
►Nbuf | |
CBlock_hint | |
►Nclassic_protocol | |
Nbinary | |
►Nborrowable | |
►Nbinary | |
CBit | |
CBlob | |
CDate | |
CDateTime | |
CDatetimeBase | POD base-type for Datetime, Timestamp, Date |
CDecimal | |
CDouble | |
CEnum | |
CFloat | |
CGeometry | |
CInt24 | |
CJson | |
CLong | |
CLongBlob | |
CLongLong | |
CMediumBlob | |
CNewDecimal | |
CNull | |
CSet | |
CShort | |
CString | |
CTime | |
CTimestamp | |
CTiny | |
CTinyBlob | |
CTypeBase | Base type of all binary scalar value types |
CVarchar | |
CVarString | |
CYear | |
►Nmessage | |
►Nclient | |
CAuthMethodData | |
CBinlogDump | |
CBinlogDumpGtid | |
CChangeUser | |
CClone | |
CGreeting | |
CInitSchema | |
CKill | |
CListFields | |
CPing | |
►CQuery | |
CParam | |
CQuit | |
CRegisterReplica | |
CReload | |
CResetConnection | |
CSendFile | |
CSetOption | Set options on the current connection |
CStatistics | |
CStmtClose | Close a prepared statement |
►CStmtExecute | Execute a prepared statement |
CParamDef | |
CStmtFetch | Fetch rows from an executed statement |
CStmtParamAppendData | Append data to a parameter of a prepared statement |
CStmtPrepare | |
CStmtReset | Reset a prepared statement |
►Nserver | |
CAuthMethodData | Opaque auth-method-data message |
CAuthMethodSwitch | |
CColumnCount | ColumnCount message |
CColumnMeta | |
CEof | End of Resultset message |
CError | Error message |
CGreeting | |
COk | Ok message |
CResultSet | |
CRow | Row in a resultset |
CSendFileRequest | |
CStatistics | |
CStmtPrepareOk | StmtPrepareOk message |
CStmtRow | StmtRow message |
►Nsession_track | |
CField | Field of a session-track array |
CGtid | Gtid changed |
CSchema | Schema changed |
CState | State changed |
CSystemVariable | System-variable changed |
CTransactionCharacteristics | TransactionCharacteristics changed |
CTransactionState | TransactionState changed |
►Nwire | |
CBasicInt | |
CFixedInt | |
CFixedInt< 1 > | |
CFixedInt< 2 > | |
CFixedInt< 3 > | |
CFixedInt< 4 > | |
CFixedInt< 8 > | |
CNull | |
CNulTermString | |
CString | |
CVarInt | |
CVarString | |
CAuthMethod | AuthMethod of classic protocol |
►Nborrowed | |
Nbinary | |
►Nmessage | |
Nclient | |
Nserver | |
Nsession_track | |
Nwire | |
►Ncapabilities | |
Npos | |
►Nclone | |
►Nclient | |
CAck | |
CAttach | |
CExecute | |
CExit | |
CInit | |
CReinit | |
►Nserver | |
CComplete | |
CData | |
CDataDescriptor | |
CError | |
CLocators | |
CLocator | |
Ncollation | |
►Ncolumn_def | |
Npos | |
►Ncursor | |
Npos | |
Nfield_type | |
►Nframe | |
CCompressedHeader | Header of a compressed frame |
CFrame | |
CHeader | |
►Nimpl | |
CBinaryTypeBase | |
CBinaryTypeBase< borrowable::binary::Bit< Borrowed > > | |
CBinaryTypeBase< borrowable::binary::Blob< Borrowed > > | |
CBinaryTypeBase< borrowable::binary::Date > | |
CBinaryTypeBase< borrowable::binary::DateTime > | |
CBinaryTypeBase< borrowable::binary::Decimal< Borrowed > > | |
CBinaryTypeBase< borrowable::binary::Double > | |
CBinaryTypeBase< borrowable::binary::Enum< Borrowed > > | |
CBinaryTypeBase< borrowable::binary::Float > | |
CBinaryTypeBase< borrowable::binary::Geometry< Borrowed > > | |
CBinaryTypeBase< borrowable::binary::Int24 > | |
CBinaryTypeBase< borrowable::binary::Json< Borrowed > > | |
CBinaryTypeBase< borrowable::binary::Long > | |
CBinaryTypeBase< borrowable::binary::LongBlob< Borrowed > > | |
CBinaryTypeBase< borrowable::binary::LongLong > | |
CBinaryTypeBase< borrowable::binary::MediumBlob< Borrowed > > | |
CBinaryTypeBase< borrowable::binary::NewDecimal< Borrowed > > | |
CBinaryTypeBase< borrowable::binary::Null > | |
CBinaryTypeBase< borrowable::binary::Set< Borrowed > > | |
CBinaryTypeBase< borrowable::binary::Short > | |
CBinaryTypeBase< borrowable::binary::String< Borrowed > > | |
CBinaryTypeBase< borrowable::binary::Time > | |
CBinaryTypeBase< borrowable::binary::Timestamp > | |
CBinaryTypeBase< borrowable::binary::Tiny > | |
CBinaryTypeBase< borrowable::binary::TinyBlob< Borrowed > > | |
CBinaryTypeBase< borrowable::binary::Varchar< Borrowed > > | |
CBinaryTypeBase< borrowable::binary::VarString< Borrowed > > | |
CBinaryTypeBase< borrowable::binary::Year > | |
CDatetimeCodec | |
CDecodeBufferAccumulator | Generator of decoded Types of a buffer |
CEncodeBase | CRTP base for the Codec's encode part |
CEncodeBufferAccumulator | Accumulator of encoded buffers |
CEncodeSizeAccumulator | Accumulates the sizes of encoded T's |
CFixedIntCodec | |
CFloatCodec | |
CStringCodec | |
CTimeCodec | |
►Nmessage | |
►Nclient | |
►Nimpl | |
CBinlogDump | |
CBinlogDumpGtid | |
Nserver | |
►Nreload_cmds | |
Npos | |
Nsession_track | |
►Nstatus | |
Npos | |
Nwire | |
CCodec | Codec for a type |
CCodec< borrowable::binary::Bit< Borrowed > > | |
CCodec< borrowable::binary::Blob< Borrowed > > | |
CCodec< borrowable::binary::Date > | |
CCodec< borrowable::binary::DateTime > | |
CCodec< borrowable::binary::Decimal< Borrowed > > | |
CCodec< borrowable::binary::Double > | |
CCodec< borrowable::binary::Enum< Borrowed > > | |
CCodec< borrowable::binary::Float > | |
CCodec< borrowable::binary::Geometry< Borrowed > > | |
CCodec< borrowable::binary::Int24 > | |
CCodec< borrowable::binary::Json< Borrowed > > | |
CCodec< borrowable::binary::Long > | |
CCodec< borrowable::binary::LongBlob< Borrowed > > | |
CCodec< borrowable::binary::LongLong > | |
CCodec< borrowable::binary::MediumBlob< Borrowed > > | |
CCodec< borrowable::binary::NewDecimal< Borrowed > > | |
CCodec< borrowable::binary::Null > | |
CCodec< borrowable::binary::Set< Borrowed > > | |
CCodec< borrowable::binary::Short > | |
CCodec< borrowable::binary::String< Borrowed > > | |
CCodec< borrowable::binary::Time > | |
CCodec< borrowable::binary::Timestamp > | |
CCodec< borrowable::binary::Tiny > | |
CCodec< borrowable::binary::TinyBlob< Borrowed > > | |
CCodec< borrowable::binary::Varchar< Borrowed > > | |
CCodec< borrowable::binary::VarString< Borrowed > > | |
CCodec< borrowable::binary::Year > | |
CCodec< borrowable::message::client::AuthMethodData< Borrowed > > | Codec for client::AuthMethodData message |
CCodec< borrowable::message::client::BinlogDump< Borrowed > > | Codec for client side dump-binlog message |
CCodec< borrowable::message::client::BinlogDumpGtid< Borrowed > > | Codec for client side dump-binlog-with-gtid message |
CCodec< borrowable::message::client::ChangeUser< Borrowed > > | Codec for client side change-user message |
CCodec< borrowable::message::client::Clone > | Codec for client's Clone command |
CCodec< borrowable::message::client::Greeting< Borrowed > > | Codec for client side greeting message |
CCodec< borrowable::message::client::InitSchema< Borrowed > > | Codec for client's InitSchema command |
CCodec< borrowable::message::client::Kill > | Codec for client's Kill command |
CCodec< borrowable::message::client::ListFields< Borrowed > > | Codec for client's ListFields command |
CCodec< borrowable::message::client::Ping > | Codec for client's Ping command |
CCodec< borrowable::message::client::Query< Borrowed > > | Codec for client's Query command |
CCodec< borrowable::message::client::Quit > | Codec for client's Quit command |
CCodec< borrowable::message::client::RegisterReplica< Borrowed > > | Codec for client side register-replica message |
CCodec< borrowable::message::client::Reload > | Codec for client's Reload command |
CCodec< borrowable::message::client::ResetConnection > | Codec for client's ResetConnection command |
CCodec< borrowable::message::client::SendFile< Borrowed > > | Codec for client::SendFile message |
CCodec< borrowable::message::client::SetOption > | Codec for client's SetOption command |
CCodec< borrowable::message::client::Statistics > | Codec for client's Statistics command |
CCodec< borrowable::message::client::StmtClose > | Codec for client's Close Statement command |
CCodec< borrowable::message::client::StmtExecute< Borrowed > > | Codec for client's Execute Statement command |
CCodec< borrowable::message::client::StmtFetch > | Codec for client's Fetch Cursor command |
CCodec< borrowable::message::client::StmtParamAppendData< Borrowed > > | Codec for client's append data Statement command |
CCodec< borrowable::message::client::StmtPrepare< Borrowed > > | Codec for client's Prepared Statement command |
CCodec< borrowable::message::client::StmtReset > | Codec for client's Reset Statement command |
CCodec< borrowable::message::server::AuthMethodData< Borrowed > > | Codec for server::AuthMethodData message |
CCodec< borrowable::message::server::AuthMethodSwitch< Borrowed > > | Codec for server::AuthMethodSwitch message |
CCodec< borrowable::message::server::ColumnCount > | Codec for ColumnCount message |
CCodec< borrowable::message::server::ColumnMeta< Borrowed > > | Codec of ColumnMeta |
CCodec< borrowable::message::server::Eof< Borrowed > > | Codec for server-side Eof message |
CCodec< borrowable::message::server::Error< Borrowed > > | Codec for Error message |
CCodec< borrowable::message::server::Greeting< Borrowed > > | Codec for server Greeting message |
CCodec< borrowable::message::server::Ok< Borrowed > > | Codec for server-side Ok message |
CCodec< borrowable::message::server::Row< Borrowed > > | Codec for a Row from the server |
CCodec< borrowable::message::server::SendFileRequest< Borrowed > > | Codec for server's SendFileRequest response |
CCodec< borrowable::message::server::Statistics< Borrowed > > | Codec for server::Statistics message |
CCodec< borrowable::message::server::StmtPrepareOk > | Codec for server::StmtPrepareOk message |
CCodec< borrowable::message::server::StmtRow< Borrowed > > | Codec for a StmtRow from the server |
CCodec< borrowable::session_track::Field< Borrowed > > | Codec for session-track's Field |
CCodec< borrowable::session_track::Gtid< Borrowed > > | Codec for session_track::Gtid |
CCodec< borrowable::session_track::Schema< Borrowed > > | Codec for session_track::Schema |
CCodec< borrowable::session_track::SystemVariable< Borrowed > > | Codec for session_track::SystemVariable |
CCodec< borrowable::session_track::TransactionCharacteristics< Borrowed > > | Codec for session_track::TransactionCharacteristics |
CCodec< borrowable::session_track::TransactionState > | Codec for session_track::TransactionState |
CCodec< borrowable::wire::FixedInt< IntSize > > | Codec of a FixedInt |
CCodec< borrowable::wire::Null > | Codec for a NULL value in the Resultset |
CCodec< borrowable::wire::NulTermString< Borrowed > > | Codec for 0-terminated string |
CCodec< borrowable::wire::String< Borrowed > > | Codec for wire::String |
CCodec< borrowable::wire::VarInt > | Codec for variable length integers |
CCodec< borrowable::wire::VarString< Borrowed > > | Codec for string with known length |
CCodec< clone::client::Ack > | |
CCodec< clone::client::Attach > | |
CCodec< clone::client::Execute > | |
CCodec< clone::client::Exit > | |
CCodec< clone::client::Init > | Codec for clone::client::Init message |
CCodec< clone::client::Reinit > | |
CCodec< clone::server::Complete > | |
CCodec< clone::server::Error > | |
CCodec< frame::CompressedHeader > | Codec of Compressed Header |
CCodec< frame::Frame< PayloadType > > | Codec for a Frame |
CCodec< frame::Header > | Codec of a Frame Header |
CCodec< session_track::State > | Codec for session_track::State |
CCodec< void > | Codec for ignorable bytes |
CCodecSimpleCommand | CRTP base for client-side commands that are encoded as a single byte |
►Ncomponents | |
CDestination_keyring_services | |
CKeyring_component_load | |
CKeyring_migrate | |
CKeyring_services | |
CSource_keyring_services | |
Nconsts | |
►Ncontainer | |
►CAtomics_array | Array of std::atomic elements of type T |
CIterator | Iterator helper class to iterate over the array, from 0 to the array size |
►CIntegrals_lockfree_queue | Lock-free, fixed-size bounded, multiple-producer (MP), multiple-consumer (MC), circular FIFO queue for integral elements |
CIterator | Iterator helper class to iterate over the queue staring at the virtual index pointed to by the head, up until the virtual index pointed to by the tail |
CInterleaved_indexing | Indexing provider that interleaves sequentially stored array elements in order to keep them from being pulled to the same cache line, in order to avoid false sharing and cache misses |
CPadded_indexing | Indexing provider that pads each of the array elements to the size of the CPU cache line, in order to avoid false sharing and cache misses |
►NCounter | Sharded atomic counter |
CShard | Counter shard |
CShards | |
►Ncs | |
►Napply | |
►CCommit_order_queue | Queue to maintain the ordered sequence of workers waiting for commit |
CIterator | Iterator helper class to iterate over the Commit_order_queue following the underlying commit order |
CNode | Queue element, holding the needed information to manage the commit ordering |
►Nutil | |
CColumnFilter | When iterating the table fields for sometimes you want to skip some columns |
CColumnFilterFactory | This class allows the developer to create a filter instance given a type |
CColumnFilterInboundFunctionalIndexes | One use case for filtering relates to hidden generated columns |
CColumnFilterInboundGipk | Class used when we want a column view over a table in a context where the replicated table contains a GIPK on the replica, but not on the source |
CColumnFilterOutboundFunctionalIndexes | |
CReplicatedColumnsView | Since it's not mandatory that all fields in a TABLE object are replicated, this class extends Table_columns_view container and adds logic to filter out not needed columns |
CReplicatedColumnsViewFactory | This class allows the creation of different types of column view instances and also adds different filters depending on context |
CReplicatedColumnsViewWithGipkOnSource | Class used when we want a column view over a table in a context where the replicated table contains a GIPK on the source, but not on the replica |
►Ndblwr | |
►Nrecv | |
CDBLWR | Redo recovery configuration |
CPage | Page recovered from the doublewrite buffer |
CPage_entry | A record from reduced doublewrite buffer |
CPages | Pages recovered from the doublewrite buffer |
Nv1 | |
CBuffer | IO buffer in UNIV_PAGE_SIZE units and aligned on UNIV_PAGE_SIZE |
CFile | |
CMode | |
CReduced_entry | When –innodb-doublewrite=DETECT_ONLY, page contents are not written to the dblwr buffer |
►Ndd | The version of the current data dictionary table definitions |
Nanonymous_namespace{dd.cc} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{sdi.cc} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{tablespace_impl.cc} | |
►Nbootstrap | |
CDD_bootstrap_ctx | |
►Ncache | |
►CCache_element | Implementation of a dictionary client |
CKey_wrapper | Helper class to represent a key instance |
CType_selector | |
►CDictionary_client | |
CAuto_releaser | Class to help releasing and deleting objects |
CElement_map | Implementation of a map between a key type and an element type |
CFree_list | Template for management of a free list based on a std::vector |
CLocal_multi_map | Implementation of a local set of maps for a given object type |
►CMulti_map_base | Implementation of a set of maps for a given object type |
CType_selector | |
►CObject_registry | Object registry containing several maps |
CType_selector | |
COpen_dictionary_tables_error_handler | |
►CShared_dictionary_cache | |
CType_selector | |
►CShared_multi_map | Implementation of a shared set of maps for a given object type |
CAutolocker | |
CSPI_lru_cache | Inherit from an instantiation of the template to allow forward-declaring in Dictionary_client |
CSPI_lru_cache_owner_ptr | A smart-pointer for managing an SPI_lru_cache even when it is only forward declared |
CStorage_adapter | Handling of access to persistent storage |
CTimestamp_timezone_guard | Class to fetch dd::Objects with GMT time |
►Ninfo_schema | |
CSelect_lex_builder | This class provide framework to build a Query_block using ParseTree nodes |
CTable_statistics | The class hold dynamic table statistics for a table |
CTablespace_statistics | The class hold dynamic table statistics for a table |
Nndbinfo | |
Nperformance_schema | |
►Nsdi | |
Nanonymous_namespace{sdi.cc} | |
CImport_target | State and operations for importing an sdi file into the DD |
Nsdi_file | |
Nsdi_tablespace | |
►Nsdi_utils | |
CClosure_error_handler | Class template which derives from Internal_error_handler and overrides handle_condition with the CONDITION_HANDLER_CLOS template parameter |
►Nsystem_views | |
CAdministrable_role_authorizations | |
CApplicable_roles | |
CCharacter_sets | |
CCheck_constraints | |
CCollation_charset_applicability | |
CCollations | |
CColumn_statistics | |
CColumns | |
CColumns_extensions | The class representing INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS_EXTENSIONS system view definition |
CEnabled_roles | |
CEvents | |
CFiles | |
CInnodb_datafiles | |
CInnodb_fields | |
CInnodb_foreign | |
CInnodb_foreign_cols | |
CInnodb_tablespaces_brief | |
CKey_column_usage | |
CKeywords | |
CParameters | |
CPartitions | |
CReferential_constraints | |
CResource_groups | The class representing INFORMATION_SCHEMA.RESOURCEGROUPS system view definition |
CRole_column_grants | |
CRole_routine_grants | |
CRole_table_grants | |
CRoutines | |
CSchemata | |
CSchemata_extensions | |
CShow_statistics | |
CSt_geometry_columns | |
CSt_spatial_reference_systems | |
CSt_units_of_measure | |
CStatistics | |
CStatistics_base | |
CSystem_view | This class represents base class for all INFORMATION_SCHEMA system views defined in sql/dd/impl/system_views/ headers |
CSystem_view_definition | |
CSystem_view_definition_impl | |
CSystem_view_impl | |
CSystem_view_select_definition_impl | |
CSystem_view_union_definition_impl | |
CTable_constraints | |
CTable_constraints_extensions | The class representing INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS_EXTENSIONS system view definition |
CTables | |
CTables_base | |
CTables_extensions | The class representing INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES_EXTENSIONS system view definition |
CTablespaces_extensions | The class representing INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLESPACES_EXTENSIONS system view definition |
CTriggers | |
CUser_attributes | |
CView_routine_usage | |
CView_table_usage | |
CViews | |
►Ntables | |
CCatalogs | |
CCharacter_sets | |
CCheck_constraints | |
CCollations | |
CColumn_statistics | |
CColumn_type_elements | |
CColumns | |
CDD_properties | |
CEvents | |
CForeign_key_column_usage | |
CForeign_keys | |
CIndex_column_usage | |
CIndex_partitions | |
CIndex_stats | |
CIndexes | |
CParameter_type_elements | |
CParameters | |
CResource_groups | |
CRoutines | |
CSchemata | |
CSpatial_reference_systems | |
CTable_partition_values | |
CTable_partition_values_pk | |
CTable_partitions | |
CTable_stats | |
CTables | |
CTablespace_files | |
CTablespaces | |
CTriggers | |
CView_routine_usage | |
CView_table_usage | |
►Nupgrade | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{server.cc} | |
CMySQL_check | |
CServer_option_guard | |
CBootstrap_error_handler | Bootstrap thread executes SQL statements |
CRoutine_event_context_guard | RAII for handling creation context of Events and Stored routines |
CSyntax_error_handler | This class keeps a count of all the syntax errors that occurred while parsing views, routines, events or triggers |
CUpgrade_error_counter | Class to keep track of upgrade errors during upgrade after 8.0 GA |
►Nupgrade_57 | |
CCheck_table_intact | Class to check the system tables we are using from 5.7 are not corrupted before migrating the information to new DD |
CHandle_old_incorrect_sql_modes_hook | |
CSystem_table_close_guard | RAII for handling open and close of event and proc tables |
CTable_upgrade_guard | RAII to handle cleanup after table upgrading |
CThd_mem_root_guard | THD::mem_root is only switched with the given mem_root and switched back on destruction |
CTrg_file_data | Structure representing contents of .TRG file |
CTrigger_loader | Class to handle loading and parsing of Triggers |
CUpgrade_MDL_guard | RAII to handle MDL locks while upgrading |
CUpgrade_status | Class to manage a temporary file to maintain the progress of the upgrade |
CAbstract_table | Abstract base class for tables and views |
CAbstract_table_impl | |
CCharset | |
CCharset_impl | |
CCheck_constraint | |
CCheck_constraint_impl | |
CCheck_constraint_name_error_handler | Error handler to convert ER_DUP_ENTRY error to more user friendly error ER_CHECK_CONSTRAINT_DUP_NAME |
CCheck_constraint_order_comparator | Class used to sort check constraints by name for the same table |
CCollation | |
CCollation_impl | |
►CCollection | |
CCollection_const_iterator | |
CCollection_iterator | |
CColumn | |
CColumn_impl | |
CColumn_statistics | |
CColumn_statistics_impl | |
CColumn_type_element | |
CColumn_type_element_impl | |
CComposite_4char_key | |
CComposite_char_key | |
CComposite_obj_id_3char_key | |
CComposite_pk | |
CDD_kill_immunizer | RAII class for immunizing the THD from kill operations |
CDefiner_reference_range_key | |
CDictionary | Main interface class enabling users to operate on data dictionary |
CDictionary_impl | |
CEntity_element | Class to wrap an entity object |
CEntity_object | Base class for dictionary objects which has single column integer primary key |
CEntity_object_impl | |
CEntity_object_table | This class represents DD table like mysql.schemata, mysql.tables, mysql.tablespaces and more |
CEntity_object_table_impl | |
CEntity_registry | Class to represent collections of meta data for entities |
CEvent | |
CEvent_impl | |
CForeign_key | |
CForeign_key_element | |
CForeign_key_element_impl | |
CForeign_key_impl | |
CForeign_key_name_error_handler | |
CForeign_key_order_comparator | Class used to sort Foreign key's by name for the same table |
CForeign_key_parent | |
CFunction | |
CFunction_impl | |
CGlobal_name_key | |
CIndex | |
CIndex_element | |
CIndex_element_impl | |
CIndex_impl | |
CIndex_stat | |
CIndex_stat_impl | |
CIndex_stat_range_key | |
CItem_name_key | |
CObject_key | |
CObject_table | This class represents all data dictionary table like mysql.tables, mysql.columns and more |
CObject_table_definition | The purpose of this interface is to enable retrieving the SQL statements necessary to create and populate a DD table |
CObject_table_definition_impl | |
CObject_table_impl | |
COpen_dictionary_tables_ctx | Auxiliary class for opening dictionary tables |
CParameter | |
CParameter_impl | |
CParameter_type_element | |
CParameter_type_element_impl | |
CParent_id_range_key | |
CPartition | |
CPartition_impl | |
CPartition_index | |
CPartition_index_impl | |
CPartition_index_order_comparator | Used to sort Partition_index objects for the same partition in the same order as Index objects for the table |
CPartition_order_comparator | Used to compare two partition elements |
CPartition_value | |
CPartition_value_impl | |
CPartition_value_order_comparator | Used to sort Partition_value objects for the same partition first according to list number and then according to the column number |
CPrimary_id_key | |
CProcedure | |
CProcedure_impl | |
CProperties | Defines an interface for storing key=value pairs, where both key and value may be UTF-8 strings |
CProperties_impl | Implements the Properties interface |
CRaw_key | |
CRaw_new_record | |
CRaw_record | |
CRaw_record_set | |
CRaw_table | |
CResource_group | |
CResource_group_impl | |
CResultType | Template for structs to hold results from functions |
CRoutine | Abstract base class for functions and procedures |
CRoutine_impl | |
CRoutine_name_key | |
CSchema | |
CSchema_impl | |
CSchema_MDL_locker | RAII based class to acquire and release schema meta data locks |
CSdi_rcontext | Opaque context which keeps reusable resoureces needed during deserialization |
CSdi_wcontext | Opaque context which keeps reusable resources needed during serialization |
CSe_private_id_key | |
CSpatial_reference_system | |
CSpatial_reference_system_impl | |
CString_type_alloc | Functor class which allocates memory for String_type |
CSub_partition_range_key | |
CSystem_tables | Class used to represent the dictionary tables |
CSystem_tablespaces | Class used to represent the system tablespaces |
CSystem_views | Class used to represent the system views |
CTable | |
CTable_impl | |
CTable_reference_range_key | |
CTable_stat | |
CTable_stat_impl | |
CTablespace | |
CTablespace_file | |
CTablespace_file_impl | |
CTablespace_filename_error_handler | |
CTablespace_impl | |
CTablespace_table_ref | Represents tables with their id, name, schema id and schema name |
CTransaction_ro | Implementation of read-only data-dictionary transaction |
CTrigger | Class representing a Trigger in DD framework |
CTrigger_impl | |
CTrigger_order_comparator | Used to sort Triggers of the same table by action timing, event type and action order |
CUpdate_dictionary_tables_ctx | Class for storing/restoring state during dictionary update operations |
CView | |
CView_definer_reference_range_key | |
CView_impl | |
CView_routine | |
CView_routine_impl | |
CView_table | |
CView_table_impl | |
CVoid_key | |
CWeak_object | Base class for all data dictionary objects |
CWeak_object_impl_ | |
Ndd_cache_unittest | |
►Ndd_column_statistics_unittest | |
CColumnStatisticsTest | |
►Ndd_fil | Used for collecting the data in boot_tablespaces() |
CMoved | |
Ndd_schema_unittest | |
►Nddl | The general architecture is that the work is done in two phases, roughly the read and write phase |
►CBuilder | For loading indexes |
CThread_ctx | State of a cluster index reader thread |
CCompare_key | Compare the keys of an index |
►CContext | DDL context/configuration |
►CFTS | Full text search context information and state |
CSequence | Document ID sequence |
CCopy_ctx | Context for copying cluster index row for the index to being created |
CCursor | Cursor for reading the data |
CDup | Structure for reporting duplicate records |
CFetch_sequence | Fetch the document ID from the table |
CFile_cursor | For loading a Btree index from a file |
CFile_reader | Read rows from the temporary file |
Cfile_t | Information about temporary files used in merge sort |
►CFTS | Full text search index builder |
CDoc_item | Information about temporary files used in merge sort |
►CInserter | |
CHandler | Data structures for building an index |
►CParser | For parsing and sorting the documents |
CHandler | Data structures for building an index |
CGen_sequence | Generate the next document ID using a monotonic sequence |
CIndex_defn | Definition of an index being created |
CIndex_field | Index field definition |
CInsert | Structure stores information needed for the insertion phase of FTS parallel sort |
CKey_sort_buffer | Buffer for sorting in main memory |
CKey_sort_buffer_cursor | For loading an index from a sorted buffer |
CLoad_cursor | |
►CLoader | Build indexes on a table by reading a clustered index, creating a temporary file containing index entries, merge sorting these index entries and inserting sorted index entries to indexes |
CTask | Builder task |
CTask_queue | Unbounded task queue |
►CMerge_cursor | Merge the sorted files |
CCompare | Comparator |
►CMerge_file_sort | Merge the blocks in the file |
CContext | Context to use for merging the files/runs |
CCursor | Cursor for merging blocks from the same file |
COutput_file | For writing out the merged rows |
CParallel_cursor | Cursor used for parallel reads |
CRow | Physical row context |
CRTree_inserter | Class that caches RTree index tuples made from a single cluster index page scan, and then insert into corresponding index tree |
CSequence | Generate the next autoinc based on a snapshot of the session auto_increment_increment and auto_increment_offset variables |
CToken | Row fts token for plugin parser |
CTokenize_ctx | Structure stores information from string tokenization operation |
CUnique_os_file_descriptor | Captures ownership and manages lifetime of an already opened OS file descriptor |
Ndetail | |
Ndict_name | Innodb data dictionary name |
►NEventBufferOptionsFlags | Flags that represents different bufferevent options |
NPos | |
►NEventFlags | Flags that represents which I/O events should be monitored |
NPos | |
►Nfil | |
►Ndetail | |
►COpen_files_limit | |
CDynamic_procedures | |
►Nfile | |
CBlock | Blocks for doing IO, used in the transparent compression and encryption code |
Nfile_info | |
►Ngis | |
►Nsrs | |
►Nwkt_parser | |
CAuthority | |
CAxis | |
CDatum | |
CGeographic_cs | |
CPrime_meridian | |
CProjected_cs | |
CProjection | |
CProjection_parameter | |
CSpheroid | |
CTowgs84 | |
CTwin_axes | |
CUnit | |
CAlbers_equal_area_srs | An Albers Equal Area projection, alias Albers (EPSG 9822) |
CAmerican_polyconic_srs | An American Polyconic projection, alias Polyconic (EPSG 9818) |
CBonne_south_orientated_srs | A Bonne (South Orientated) projection (EPSG 9828) |
CCassini_soldner_srs | A Cassini-Soldner projection, alias Cassini (EPSG 9806) |
CColombia_urban_srs | A Colombia Urban projection(EPSG 1052) |
CEquidistant_cylindrical_spherical_srs | An Equidistant Cylindrical (Spherical) projection (EPSG 1029) |
CEquidistant_cylindrical_srs | An Equidistant Cylindrical projection (EPSG 1028) |
CGeographic_srs | A geographic (longitude-latitude) spatial reference system |
CGuam_projection_srs | A Guam Projection projection (EPSG 9831) |
CHotine_oblique_mercator_variant_a_srs | A Hotine Oblique Mercator (variant A) projection, alias Rectified skew orthomorphic (EPSG 9812) |
CHotine_oblique_mercator_variant_b_srs | A Hotine Oblique Mercator (variant B) projection, alias Rectified skew orthomorphic (EPSG 9815) |
CHyperbolic_cassini_soldner_srs | A Hyperbolic Cassini-Soldner projection (EPSG 9833) |
CKrovak_modified_north_orientated_srs | A Krovak Modified (North Orientated) projection (EPSG 1043) |
CKrovak_modified_srs | A Krovak Modified projection (EPSG 1042) |
CKrovak_north_orientated_srs | A Krovak (North Orientated) projection (EPSG 1041) |
CKrovak_srs | A Krovak projection (EPSG 9819) |
CLaborde_oblique_mercator_srs | A Laborde Oblique Mercator projection (EPSG 9813) |
CLambert_azimuthal_equal_area_spherical_srs | A Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area (Spherical) projection (EPSG 1027) |
CLambert_azimuthal_equal_area_srs | A Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area projection, alias Lambert Equal Area or LAEA (EPSG 9820) |
CLambert_conic_conformal_1sp_srs | A Lambert Conic Conformal (1SP) projection, alias Lambert Conic Conformal or LCC (EPSG 9801) |
CLambert_conic_conformal_2sp_belgium_srs | A Lambert Conic Conformal (2SP Belgium) projection (EPSG 9803) |
CLambert_conic_conformal_2sp_michigan_srs | A Lambert Conic Conformal (2SP Michigan) projection (EPSG 1051) |
CLambert_conic_conformal_2sp_srs | A Lambert Conic Conformal (2SP) projection, alias Lambert Conic Conformal or LCC (EPSG 9802) |
CLambert_conic_conformal_west_orientated_srs | A Lambert Conic Conformal (West Orientated) projection (EPSG 9826) |
CLambert_conic_near_conformal_srs | A Lambert Conic Near-Conformal projection (EPSG 9817) |
CLambert_cylindrical_equal_area_spherical_srs | A Lambert Cylindrical Equal Area (Spherical) projection (EPSG 9834) |
CLambert_cylindrical_equal_area_srs | A Lambert Cylindrical Equal Area projection (EPSG 9835) |
CMercator_variant_a_srs | A Mercator (variant A) projection, alias Mercator (EPSG 9804) |
CMercator_variant_b_srs | A Mercator (variant B) projection, alias Mercator (EPSG 9805) |
CModified_azimuthal_equidistant_srs | A Modified Azimuthal Equidistant projection (EPSG 9832) |
CNew_zealand_map_grid_srs | A New Zealand Map Grid projection (EPSG 9811) |
COblique_stereographic_srs | An Oblique stereographic projection, alias Double stereographic (EPSG 9809) |
CPolar_stereographic_variant_a_srs | A Polar Stereographic (variant A) projection (EPSG 9810) |
CPolar_stereographic_variant_b_srs | A Polar Stereographic (variant B) projection (EPSG 9829) |
CPolar_stereographic_variant_c_srs | A Polar Stereographic (variant C) projection (EPSG 9830) |
CPopular_visualisation_pseudo_mercator_srs | A Popular Visualisation Pseudo Mercator projection (EPSG 1024) |
CProjected_srs | A projected spatial reference system |
CSpatial_reference_system | Superclass for all spatial reference systems |
CTransverse_mercator_south_orientated_srs | A Transverse Mercator (South Orientated) projection, alias Gauss-Conform (EPSG 9808) |
CTransverse_mercator_srs | A Transverse Mercator projection, alias Gauss-Boaga, Gauss-Krüger or TM (EPSG 9807) |
CTransverse_mercator_zoned_grid_system_srs | A Transverse Mercator Zoned Grid System projection (EPSG 9824) |
CTunisia_mining_grid_srs | A Tunisia Mining Grid projection (EPSG 9816) |
CUnknown_projected_srs | A projected SRS of an unknown projection type |
CArea | Area functor that calls boost::geometry::area with the correct parameter types |
CBox | A 2d box with sides parallel to the coordinate system grid |
CBuffer | Buffer functor that calls boost::geometry::buffer with correct geometry type and strategy combination |
CBufferStrategies | |
CCartesian_box | A Cartesian 2d box |
CCartesian_geometrycollection | A Cartesian 2d geometry collection |
CCartesian_linearring | A Cartesian 2d linear ring |
CCartesian_linestring | A Cartesian 2d linestring |
CCartesian_multilinestring | A Cartesian 2d multilinestring |
CCartesian_multipoint | A Cartesian 2d multipoint |
CCartesian_multipolygon | A Cartesian 2d multipolygon |
CCartesian_point | A Cartesian 2d point |
CCartesian_polygon | A Cartesian 2d polygon |
CCoordinate_range_visitor | A visitor that checks if coordinates are within range for a spatial reference system |
CCovered_by | Covered_by functor that calls Boost.Geometry with the correct parameter types |
CCrosses | Crosses functor that calls Boost.Geometry with the correct parameter types |
CCurve | An abstract 2d curve |
CDifference | Difference functor that calls Boost.Geometry with the correct parameter types |
CDisjoint | Disjoint functor that calls Boost.Geometry with the correct parameter types |
CDistance | Distance functor that calls Boost.Geometry with the correct parameter types |
CDistance_sphere | Functor that calls Boost.Geometry with the correct parameter types |
CEquals | Equals functor that calls Boost.Geometry with the correct parameter types |
CFrechet_distance | Frechet_distance functor that calls Boost.Geometry with the correct parameter types |
CFunctor | The base class of all functors that takes two geometry arguments |
CGeographic_box | A Geographic 2d box |
CGeographic_geometrycollection | A geographic (ellipsoidal) 2d geometry collection |
CGeographic_linearring | A geographic (ellipsoidal) 2d linear ring |
CGeographic_linestring | A geographic (ellipsoidal) 2d linestring |
CGeographic_multilinestring | A geographic (ellipsoidal) 2d multilinestring |
CGeographic_multipoint | A geographic (ellipsoidal) 2d multipoint |
CGeographic_multipolygon | A geographic (ellipsoidal) 2d multipolygon |
CGeographic_point | A geographic (ellipsoidal) 2d point |
CGeographic_polygon | A geographic (ellipsoidal) 2d polygon |
CGeometry | Abstract superclass for all geometric objects |
CGeometry_visitor | Abstract visitor class to be used on class Geometry and descendants |
CGeometrycollection | A collection of geometries |
CHausdorff_distance | HausdorffDistance functor that calls Boost.Geometry with the correct parameter types |
CIntersection | Intersection functor that calls Boost.Geometry with the correct parameter types |
CIntersects | Intersects functor that calls Boost.Geometry with the correct parameter types |
Cinvalid_buffer_argument_exception | Invalid buffer strategies exception |
Cinvalid_buffer_result_exception | Invalid buffer result exception |
Cinvalid_geometry_exception | Invalid geometry exception |
CIs_simple | Is_simple functor calls boost::geometry::is_simple with the correct parameter types |
CIs_valid | |
Clatitude_out_of_range_exception | Latitude out of range exception |
CLength | Length functor that calls Boost.Geometry with the correct parameter types |
CLine_interpolate_point | Line interpolate functor that calls boost::geometry::line_interpolate with the correct parameter types |
CLinearring | A ring-shaped linestring |
CLinestring | A string of connected line segments |
Clongitude_out_of_range_exception | Longitude out of range exception |
CLongitude_range_normalizer | |
CMulticurve | An abstract collection of curves |
CMultilinestring | A collection of linestrings |
CMultipoint | A collection of points |
CMultipolygon | A collection of polygons |
CMultisurface | An abstract collection of surfaces |
CNop_visitor | A visitor that implements the entire interface and does nothing |
Cnot_implemented_exception | Function/parameter combination not implemented exception |
Cnull_value_exception | NULL value exception |
COverlaps | Overlaps functor that calls Boost.Geometry with the correct parameter types |
CPoint | A 2d point |
CPolygon | A polygon consisting of an outer ring and zero or more interior rings defining holes in the polygon |
CRing_flip_visitor | A visitor that flips polygon rings so that exterior rings are in a counter-clockwise direction and interior rings in a clockwise direction |
CSimplify | Simplify functor that calls Boost.Geometry with the correct parameter types |
CSurface | An abstract 2d surface |
CSymDifference | SymDifference functor that calls Boost.Geometry with the correct parameter types |
Ctoo_large_polygon_exception | Too large polygon exception |
CTouches | Touches functor that calls Boost.Geometry with the correct parameter types |
CTransform | Transform functor that calls Boost.Geometry with the correct parameter types |
CUnary_functor | The base class of all functors that take one geometry argument |
CUnion | Union functor that calls Boost.Geometry with the correct parameter types |
CUnit | |
CWithin | Within functor that calls Boost.Geometry with the correct parameter types |
CWkb_parser | |
CWkb_size_visitor | A visitor that computes the size of a WKB representation of a geometry |
CWkb_visitor | A visitor that serializes the geometry to little-endian WKB and appends it to a string |
►Ngr | |
►Nperfschema | |
CAbstract_Pfs_table | |
CPerfschema_module | |
CPfs_table_communication_information | |
CPfs_table_replication_group_configuration_version | |
CPfs_table_replication_group_member_actions | |
CPosition | |
CRegistry_guard | |
CReplication_group_communication_information | A row in the replication_group_communication_information table |
CReplication_group_communication_information_table_handle | A structure to define a handle for table in plugin/component code |
CReplication_group_configuration_version | A row in the replication_group_configuration_version table |
CReplication_group_configuration_version_table_handle | A structure to define a handle for table in plugin/component code |
CReplication_group_member_actions | A row in the replication_group_member_actions table |
CReplication_group_member_actions_table_handle | A structure to define a handle for table in plugin/component code |
Nstatus_service | |
►Nhardware | |
CCombination_step_executor | The body of unrolled loop used to combine partial results from each slice into the final hash of whole chunk, which in i-th iteration takes the crc of i-th slice and "rolls it forward" by virtually processing as many zeros as there are from the end of the i-th slice to the end of the chunk |
Ccrc32_impl | The collection of functions implementing hardware accelerated updating of CRC32-C hash by processing a few (1,2,4 or 8) bytes of input |
CLoop | A helper template to statically unroll a loop with a fixed number of iterations, where the iteration number itself is constexpr |
CLoop< 0 > | |
CUpdate_step_executor | The body of unrolled loop used to process slices in parallel, which in i-th iteration processes 8 bytes from the i-th slice of data, where each slice has slice_len bytes |
Cuse_pclmul | Implementation of polynomial_mul_rev<w>(rev_u) function which uses hardware accelerated polynomial multiplication to compute rev(w*u), where rev_u=rev(u) |
►Cuse_unrolled_loop_poly_mul | Implementation of polynomial_mul_rev<w>(rev_u) function which uses a simple loop over i: if(w>>i&1)result^=rev_u<<(32-i), which is equivalent to w * flip_at_32(rev_u), which in turn is equivalent to rev(rev(w) * rev_u), |
CPolynomial_mul_rev_step_executor | |
►Nhash_join_buffer | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{hash_join_buffer.cc} | |
CKeyEquals | |
CKeyHasher | |
►CHashJoinRowBuffer | |
CHashMap | |
►Nhistograms | |
►Nequi_height | |
CBucket | Equi-height bucket |
CEqui_height | |
CError_context | Error context to validate given JSON object which represents a histogram |
CHistogram | Histogram base class |
CHistogram_comparator | Histogram comparator |
CHistogram_error_handler | RAII class to trap lower-level errors |
CHistogram_psi_key_alloc | |
CSingleton | |
CSingletonBucket | |
CValue_map | Value_map class |
CValue_map_base | The abstract base class for all Value_map types |
►NHttpMethod | |
NPos | |
NHttpStatusCode | |
►Nhypergraph | |
CHyperedge | |
CHypergraph | |
CNeighborhoodCache | |
CNode | |
►Nib | |
Cerror | The class error is used to emit error messages |
Cerror_or_warn | Emit an error message if the given predicate is true, otherwise emit a warning message |
Cfatal | The class fatal is used to emit an error message and stop the server by crashing it |
Cfatal_or_error | Emit a fatal message if the given predicate is true, otherwise emit a error message |
Chex | This is a wrapper class, used to print any unsigned integer type in hexadecimal format |
Cinfo | The class info is used to emit informational log messages |
Clogger | The class logger is the base class of all the error log related classes |
CTester | This class contains implementations of the commands that can be executed at server side by passing them via the innodb_interpreter system variable |
CThrottler | Allows to monitor an event processing times, allowing to throttle the processing to one per THROTTLE_DELAY_SEC |
CTimer | For measuring time elapsed |
Cwarn | The class warn is used to emit warnings |
►Nibt | |
CTablespace | Session Temporary tablespace |
CTablespace_pool | Pool of session temporary tablespaces |
Nimpl | |
►Ninnobase | |
Ncomponent_services | |
Nencryption | |
►Njson_binary | |
CValue | Class used for reading JSON values that are stored in the binary format |
►Nkeyring_common | |
►Naes_encryption | |
CAes_operation_context | |
►Ncache | |
CDatacache | |
►Nconfig | |
CConfig_reader | |
►Ndata | |
CData | Sensitive data storage |
CData_extension | Data wrapper to include backend specific extensions |
►Ndata_file | |
CFile_reader | |
CFile_writer | |
►Niterator | |
CIterator | |
►Njson_data | |
CJson_data_extension | |
CJson_reader | Base Json_reader |
CJson_writer | |
►Nmeta | |
►CMetadata | Common metadata |
CHash | |
►Noperations | |
CKeyring_operations | Keyring operations A class to perform operations on keyring |
►Nservice_definition | |
CKeyring_aes_service_impl | |
CKeyring_generator_service_impl | |
CKeyring_keys_metadata_iterator_service_impl | |
CKeyring_load_service_impl | |
CKeyring_metadata_query_service_impl | |
CKeyring_reader_service_impl | |
CKeyring_writer_service_impl | |
CLog_builtins_keyring | |
►Nservice_implementation | |
CComponent_callbacks | |
Nutils | |
►Nkeyring_file | |
►Nbackend | |
CKeyring_file_backend | |
►Nconfig | |
CConfig_pod | |
►Nkeyring_lockable | |
►Nkeyring_common | |
Nservice_definition | |
Cmy_h_keyring_keys_metadata_iterator_server | Wrapper over my_h_keyring_keys_metadata_iterator to associate RWlock |
Cmy_h_keyring_reader_object_server | Error messages |
Nkeyring_operations_helper | |
►Nkeyring_proxy | |
CCallback | Class that stores callback function reference as well as the result of the callback function call (invoke method) |
CKeyring_proxy_imp | A class that implements proxy keyring component services and calls keyring plugin APIs underneath |
►Nlob | Provides the large objects (LOB) module |
CBaseInserter | This struct can hold BLOB routines/functions, and state variables, that are common for compressed and uncompressed BLOB |
Cbasic_page_t | |
CBeing_modified | This is used to take action when we enter and exit a scope |
Cblob_dir_t | The in-memory blob directory |
Cblob_page_info_t | Information about data stored in one BLOB page |
CBtrContext | The B-tree context under which the LOB operation is done |
Cdata_page_t | The LOB data page carrying the user data |
CDeleteContext | The context information when the delete operation on LOB is taking place |
CDeleter | |
Cfirst_page_t | The first page of an uncompressed LOB |
Cfrag_node_t | The fragment node represents one fragment |
Cindex_entry_mem_t | An in-memory copy of an index_entry_t data |
Cindex_entry_t | An index entry pointing to an LOB page |
CInsertContext | The context for a LOB operation |
CInserter | Insert or write an uncompressed BLOB |
Cnode_page_t | The node page (also can be called as the index page) contains a list of index_entry_t objects |
Cplist_base_node_t | The base node of page list |
Cplist_node_t | The node of page list |
CReadContext | The context information for reading a single BLOB |
CReader | Fetch uncompressed BLOB |
Cref_mem_t | In memory representation of the LOB reference |
Cref_t | The struct 'lob::ref_t' represents an external field reference |
Cundo_data_t | Undo information about LOB data alone without including LOB index |
Cundo_seq_t | Container to hold a sequence of undo log records containing modification of BLOBs |
Cundo_vers_t | The list of modifications to be applied on LOBs to get older versions |
Cz_data_page_t | The data page holding the zlob |
Cz_first_page_t | The first page of an zlob |
Cz_frag_entry_t | An entry representing one fragment page |
Cz_frag_node_page_t | A frag nodes page containing an array of z_frag_entry_t objects |
Cz_frag_page_t | The fragment page |
Cz_index_entry_mem_t | In-memory copy of the information from z_index_entry_t |
Cz_index_entry_t | An index entry pointing to one zlib stream |
Cz_index_page_t | An index page containing an array of z_index_entry_t objects |
CzInserter | Insert or write the compressed BLOB as a single zlib stream |
CzReader | Fetch compressed BLOB |
►Nlocal | |
Nsocket_option | |
Cbasic_endpoint | Endpoint of Unix domain sockets (AF_UNIX) |
Cdatagram_protocol | |
Cseqpacket_protocol | |
Cstream_protocol | |
►Nlock | Provides atomic access in shared-exclusive modes |
►CShared_spin_lock | |
CGuard | Sentry class for Shared_spin_lock to deliver RAII pattern usability |
►Nlocksys | |
CConflicting | |
CGlobal_exclusive_latch_guard | A RAII helper which latches global_latch in exclusive mode during constructor, and unlatches it during destruction, preventing any other threads from activity within lock_sys for it's entire scope |
CGlobal_exclusive_try_latch | A RAII helper which tries to exclusively latch the global_lach in constructor and unlatches it, if needed, during destruction, preventing any other threads from activity within lock_sys for it's entire scope, if owns_lock() |
CGlobal_shared_latch_guard | A RAII helper which latches global_latch in shared mode during constructor, and unlatches it during destruction, preventing any other thread from acquiring exclusive latch |
►CLatches | The class which handles the logic of latching of lock_sys queues themselves |
CPage_shards | |
CTable_shards | |
CUnique_sharded_rw_lock | A helper wrapper around Shared_rw_lock which simplifies: |
CShard_latch_guard | A RAII wrapper class which combines Global_shared_latch_guard and Shard_naked_latch_guard to s-latch the global lock_sys latch and latch the mutex protecting the specified shard for the duration of its scope |
CShard_latches_guard | A RAII wrapper class which s-latches the global lock_sys shard, and mutexes protecting specified shards for the duration of its scope |
CShard_naked_latch_guard | A RAII helper which latches the mutex protecting given shard during constructor, and unlatches it during destruction |
CShard_naked_latches_guard | A RAII helper which latches the mutexes protecting specified shards for the duration of its scope |
CTrx_locks_cache | An object which can be passed to consecutive calls to rec_lock_has_to_wait(trx, mode, lock, is_supremum, trx_locks_cache) for the same trx and heap_no (which is implicitly the bit common to all lock objects passed) which can be used by this function to cache some partial results |
CUnsafe_global_latch_manipulator | |
Nlog_files | |
NLog_files_write_impl | |
►Nlog_pre_8_0_30 | |
CCheckpoint_header | Meta data stored in one of two checkpoint headers |
►Nmanifest | |
CManifest_reader | |
►NMatcher | |
COne | Matches one character in a list of possible candidates |
COne< Arg > | |
CRange | Matches a Range of characters |
CSor | Matches Rules left-to-right with OR |
CSor<> | |
►Nmaterialize_iterator | |
CQueryBlock | A query block to be materialized by MaterializeIterator |
Nmdl_unittest | |
►Nmeb | |
CBlock | Encapsulates a log block of size QUEUE_BLOCK_SIZE, enqueued by the producer, dequeued by the consumer and written into the redo log archive file |
CDynamic_procedures | This component's UDFs.mysql |
CGuardian | |
CQueue | This template class implements a queue that, |
►Nmemory | |
Ntraits | |
CAligned_atomic | Templated class that encapsulates an std::atomic within a byte buffer that is padded to the processor cache-line size |
Cis_allocator | Struct that allows for checking if T fulfills the Allocator named requirements |
CPFS_allocator | Allocator class for instrumenting allocated memory with Performance Schema keys |
CRef_ptr | Class that holds the pointer to a variable in a static and non-destructible way |
CUnique_ptr | Smart pointer to hold a unique pointer to a heap allocated memory of type T , constructed using a specific allocator |
►Nmetadata_cache | |
CAcceptorUpdateHandlerInterface | Abstract class that provides interface for listener on whether the listening sockets acceptors state should be updated |
CClusterStateListenerInterface | Abstract class that provides interface for listener on cluster status changes |
CClusterStateNotifierInterface | Abstract class that provides interface for adding and removing observers on cluster status changes |
CClusterTopology | Represents a cluster (a GR group or AR members) and its metadata servers |
CManagedCluster | Represents a cluster (a GR group or AR members) |
CManagedInstance | Class ManagedInstance represents a server managed by the topology |
Cmetadata_error | Class that represents all the exceptions that are thrown while fetching the metadata |
►CMetadataCacheAPI | |
CInstData | |
►CMetadataCacheAPIBase | |
CRefreshStatus | |
CMetadataCacheMySQLSessionConfig | Metadata MySQL session configuration |
CMetadataCacheTTLConfig | Metadata TTL configuration |
CMetadataRefreshListenerInterface | Abstract class that provides interface for listener on metadata refresh |
CRouterAttributes | |
Nmfa_consts | |
►Nminimal_chassis | |
Crwlock_scoped_lock | Locks RW-lock and releases lock on scope exit |
►Nmock | |
Cha_mock | The MOCK storage engine is used for testing MySQL server functionality related to secondary storage engines |
►Nmy_boost | |
►Cthread | |
Ccontext | |
Cthread_group | |
Nmy_testing | |
Nmycrc32 | |
►Nmysql | |
Ccondition_variable | Condition_variable is a C++ STL conditional variable (std::condition_variable) implementation using the instrumented MySQL conditional variable component API |
Cmutex | Mutex is a C++ STL mutex (std::mutex) implementation using the instrumented MySQL mutex component API |
►NMysql | |
►NTools | |
►NBase | |
►NOptions | |
CAbstract_enum_option | Abstract option to handle enum option values |
CAbstract_integer_number_option | Abstract option to handle integer number option values |
CAbstract_number_option | Abstract option to handle numeric option values |
CAbstract_option | Abstract base with common option functionalities |
CAbstract_options_provider | Common abstract class for options providers |
CAbstract_string_option | Abstract option to handle options accepting string value argument |
CAbstract_value_option | Abstract option to handle options accepting value argument |
CBool_option | Boolean option with value specified as argument |
CChar_array_option | Option class to get string parameter value and set to char* type object |
CComposite_options_provider | Provider that aggregates options from other providers |
CDebug_options | Options provider providing debugging options |
CDisabled_option | Disabled option |
CEnum_option | Enum value option |
CHelp_options | Options provider providing –help option and handling usage printing |
CI_option | Common interface for all program option objects |
CI_option_changed_listener | Interface for listeners on some of option changes |
CI_options_provider | Interface for basic options providers functionality |
►CMysql_connection_options | Options provider providing options to specify connection to MySQL server |
CSsl_options | Options provider enclosing options related to SSL settings of connection to MySQL server |
CNumber_option | Template class for all number options |
CNumber_option< double > | Double precision floating-point number option |
CNumber_option< int32 > | 32-bit signed number option |
CNumber_option< int64 > | 64-bit signed number option |
CNumber_option< uint32 > | 32-bit unsigned number option |
CNumber_option< uint64 > | 64-bit unsigned number option |
CPassword_option | String value option to handle passwords |
CSimple_option | Simple boolean option |
CString_option | String value option |
CAbstract_connection_program | Base class for all programs that use connection to MySQL database server |
CAbstract_program | Base class for all MySQL client tools |
CI_connection_factory | Interface for classes that are capable of creating connection to MySQL database server |
CMessage_data | Structure to represent message from server sent after executing query |
►CMysql_query_runner | Helper class to run SQL query on existing MySQL database server connection, receive all data and all errors, warnings and notes returned during query execution |
►CRow | |
CIterator | |
CStore_result_helper | |
CShow_variable_query_extractor | Extracts the value of server variable |
CWarning_data | |
►NCheck | |
CProgram | This class is object wrapper to mysql_check function |
►NDump | |
►NDetail | |
CPattern_matcher | |
CAbstract_chain_element | |
►CAbstract_connection_provider | |
CMessage_handler_wrapper | |
CAbstract_crawler | |
CAbstract_data_formatter_wrapper | Implementation of common logic for classes that directs execution of dump tasks to Data Formatters |
CAbstract_data_object | Base class for all main DB objects |
CAbstract_database_dump_task | Abstract class for defining single database definition dump task |
CAbstract_dump_task | Base class for most individual dump process tasks, not suitable for lightweight dump tasks (e.g |
CAbstract_mysql_chain_element_extension | |
CAbstract_object_reader_wrapper | Implementation of common logic for classes that directs execution of dump tasks to Object Readers |
CAbstract_output_writer_wrapper | Implementation of common logic for classes that directs execution of dump tasks to Data Formatters |
CAbstract_plain_sql_object | Abstract object carrying its definition in SQL formatted string only |
CAbstract_plain_sql_object_dump_task | Abstract task for dumping object carrying its definition in SQL formatted string only |
CAbstract_progress_reporter | |
►CAbstract_progress_watcher | Gathers information about progress of current dump progress and format messages on progress.Also it should expose API for receiving processed progress information: collected objects and rows information along with time elapsed, ETA |
CProgress_data | |
CAbstract_simple_dump_task | Base class for all individual dump process tasks |
CAbstract_table_dump_task | Abstract class for defining single DB table dump task |
CChain_data | |
CColumn_statistic | |
CComposite_message_handler | |
CCompression_lz4_writer | Wrapper to another Output Writer, compresses formatted data stream with LZ4 |
CCompression_zlib_writer | Wrapper to another Output Writer, compresses formatted data stream with zlib |
CDatabase | |
CDatabase_end_dump_task | |
CDatabase_start_dump_task | |
CDump_end_dump_task | |
CDump_start_dump_task | |
CEvent_scheduler_event | |
CField | |
CFile_writer | Writes formatted data to specified file |
CI_chain_element | Interface for all objects that can process data in any part of dump process |
CI_chain_maker | |
CI_connection_provider | |
CI_crawler | |
CI_data_formatter | |
CI_data_formatter_wrapper | Represents class that directs execution of dump tasks to Data Formatters |
CI_data_object | |
CI_dump_task | Interface for all individual dump process tasks |
CI_object_reader | |
CI_object_reader_wrapper | Represents class that directs execution of dump tasks to Object Readers |
CI_output_writer | |
CI_output_writer_wrapper | Represents class that directs execution of dump tasks to Output Writers |
CI_progress_reporter | |
CI_progress_watcher | |
CItem_processing_data | Data structure for objects that are processed in any chain |
CMysql_chain_element_options | |
CMysql_crawler | Searches DB objects using connection to MYSQL server |
CMysql_field | |
CMysql_function | |
►CMysql_object_reader | Parses any DB object(excluding rows and privileges for DB objects) data using connection to MySQL server |
CRows_fetching_context | |
CMysql_object_reader_options | |
CMysqldump_tool_chain_maker | Chain maker implemented in Mysql_dump application, constructs chain based on command line options that are compatible with these available in previous implementation |
CMysqldump_tool_chain_maker_options | |
CObject_filter | |
CObject_queue | Wrapper to another Object Reader, adds all objects to read on queue |
CPrivilege | |
CProgram | |
CRow | Represents single data row |
CRow_group_dump_task | Represents single data row |
CSimple_id_generator | |
CSingle_transaction_connection_provider | |
CSql_formatter | Prints object data in SQL format |
CSql_formatter_options | |
CStandard_progress_watcher | |
CStandard_writer | Writes formatted data to standard output or error stream |
CStored_procedure | |
CTable | |
CTable_deferred_indexes_dump_task | Represents task for deferred creation secondary indexes for single DB table |
CTable_definition_dump_task | Represents single DB table DDL creation task |
CTable_rows_dump_task | Represents task for extracting rows of single DB table |
CTables_definition_ready_dump_task | Represents task for additional work once all Table_definition_dump_task are processed |
CThread_specific_connection_provider | |
CTrigger | |
CView | |
►NUpgrade | |
CProgram | |
Nmysql_cond_v1_native | |
►Nmysql_harness | |
Nanonymous_namespace{random_generator.cc} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{string_utils.cc} | |
►Ndetail | |
CJoin | |
CJoin< Container, const char * > | |
CJoin< Container, std::string > | |
►Nimpl | |
CDeleter_SSL | |
►Nlogging | |
CFileHandler | Handler that writes to a file |
CHandler | Base class for log message handler |
CLogger | Logger class |
CNullHandler | Handler to write to a null device such as /dev/null (unix) or NUL (windows) |
CRecord | Log record containing information collected by the logging system |
CRegistry | |
CStreamHandler | Handler to write to an output stream |
►Nposix | |
►Naccess_rights | |
CAllowPermissionVerifier | Allows permissions |
CDenyPermissionVerifier | Denies permissions |
►Nutility | |
►CRange | Class to turn C array into range |
Citerator | |
CRangeReverse | Class for creating a reverse range from another range |
Cbad_option | Exception thrown for option problems |
Cbad_option_value | Exception thrown for option value problems |
Cbad_section | Exception thrown for section problems |
CBasePluginConfig | Retrieve and manage plugin configuration |
CBoolOption | |
►CBuiltinPlugins | Singleton class implementing registry of the built-in MySQLRouter plugins |
CPluginInfo | Stores the information about a single built-in plugin |
CConfig | Configuration |
CConfigBuilder | Builder for MySQL Router config files |
CConfigSection | Configuration section |
Cdecryption_error | |
CDIM | |
►CDirectory | Class representing a directory in a file system |
►CDirectoryIterator | Directory iterator for iterating over directory entries |
►CState | |
Cfree_dealloc | |
CDurationOption | |
CDynamicLibrary | A DynamicLibrary |
CDynamicLoader | Loader for DynamicLibrary |
►CDynamicState | DynamicState represents a MySQLRouter dynamic state object |
CPimpl | |
CEventStateTracker | EventStateTracker singleton object keeps track of the current known state of selected event |
CFakeRandomGenerator | |
CFloatingPointOption | |
CIntOption | |
Cinvalid_master_keyfile | |
CKeyring | Keyring interface |
CKeyringFile | KeyringFile class |
CKeyringMemory | KeyringMemory class |
►CLoader | |
CPluginInfo | Holds plugin's API call information |
CLoaderConfig | Configuration file handler for the loader |
►CLogReopen | |
CThreadState | |
CLogReopenComponent | Component that manages the reopening of logfiles |
CMasterKeyFile | |
►CMPMCQueueMS2Lock | Unbounded multi-producer multi-consumer queue |
CNode | |
►CMPSCQueueDV | Unbounded multi-producer single-consumer queue |
CNode | |
Cmysql_router_thread_handle | |
CMySQLRouterThread | MySQLRouterThread provides higher level interface to managing threads |
Coption_empty | Exception that gets thrown when the configuration option is present but it is empty value |
Coption_not_present | Exception that gets thrown when the configuration option is missing |
CPath | Class representing a path in a file system |
CPluginFuncEnv | PluginFuncEnv object |
CPluginThreads | |
CProcessLauncher | |
CProcessStateComponent | Manages the state of the process |
CRandomGenerator | |
CRandomGeneratorInterface | |
CRange | Convenience class for handling iterator range |
CShutdownPending | |
CSignalHandler | |
CSocketOperations | This class provides a "real" (not mock) implementation |
►CSocketOperationsBase | Base class to allow multiple SocketOperations implementations (at least one "real" and one mock for testing purposes) |
CLocalHostnameResolutionError | Exception thrown by get_local_hostname() on error |
CSpawnedProcess | Alive, spawned process |
CStringOption | |
Csyntax_error | Exception thrown for syntax errors |
CTCPAddress | Defines an IP address with port number |
CUniquePtr | |
CWaitingQueueAdaptor | Provide waiting pop and push operator to thread-safe queues |
Nmysql_mutex_v1_native | |
►Nmysql_query_attributes | |
Citerator | Iterator over the THD::bind_parameter_values collection |
Nmysql_service_simple_error_log_spc | |
►Nmysqld | |
Nruntime | |
Nmysqld_funcs_unit_test | |
►Nmysqlns | |
►Nbuffer | |
►Nmanaged_buffer_sequence | |
►Nunittest | |
CAccessor | |
CBuffer_sequence_view | Sequence of memory buffers |
CBuffer_view | Non-owning view of a memory buffer with a fixed size |
CGrow_calculator | Description of a heuristic to determine how much memory to allocate |
CGrow_constraint | Description of a heuristic to determine how much memory to allocate |
CManaged_buffer | Owned, growable, contiguous memory buffer |
CManaged_buffer_sequence | Owned, non-contiguous, growable memory buffer |
CPreallocated_managed_buffer | |
CRw_buffer | Non-owning read/write memory buffer manager with a fixed size |
CRw_buffer_sequence | Non-owning manager for a fixed sequence of memory buffers, which is split into a read part and a write part, with a movable split position |
Nmath | |
►Nresource | |
CAllocator | Allocator using a Memory_resource to do the allocator |
CMemory_resource | Polymorphism-free memory resource class with custom allocator and deallocator functions |
►Nstring | |
Ninternal | |
►Nmysqlrouter | |
Nanonymous_namespace{cluster_metadata.cc} | |
►Nimpl | |
COption | Gettable, settable option for mysql_option's |
COption< Opt, const char * > | Gettable, settable option for 'const char *' based mysql_option's |
COption< Opt, std::nullptr_t > | |
CAutoCleaner | Automatic cleanup on scope exit utility class |
CClusterInfo | |
CClusterMetadata | |
CClusterMetadataAR | |
CClusterMetadataGR | |
CClusterMetadataGRInClusterSet | |
CClusterMetadataGRV1 | |
CClusterMetadataGRV2 | |
►CConfigGenerator | |
CExistingConfigOptions | |
►COptions | |
CEndpoint | |
CTLS_filenames | |
CUndoCreateAccountList | |
CLogFilter | |
CMetadataSchemaVersion | |
CMetadataUpgradeInProgressException | |
CMySQLClientThreadToken | Thread Token for libmysqlclient API users |
CMysqlError | |
►CMySQLSession | |
CError | |
CLoggingStrategy | |
CLoggingStrategyDebugLogger | |
CLoggingStrategyNone | |
CMYSQL_RES_Deleter | |
CResultRow | |
CTransaction | |
CSQLLogFilter | A SQLLogFilter allows to replace substrings defined by a set of hardcoded regular expressions with '***' |
►Csqlstring | |
Csqlstringformat | |
CSSLOptions | SSL connection related options |
CSysUserOperations | This class provides implementations of SysUserOperationsBase methods |
CSysUserOperationsBase | Base class to allow multiple SysUserOperations implementations |
CTargetCluster | |
CURI | Parse and create URIs according to RFC3986 |
CURIError | Exception when URI was not valid |
CURIParser | |
CUserCredentials | |
►NMysqlx | |
►NConnection | |
CCapabilities | Capabilities |
CCapabilitiesGet | Get supported connection capabilities and their current state |
CCapabilitiesSet | Set connection capabilities atomically |
CCapability | Capability |
CClose | Announce to the server that the client wants to close the connection |
CCompression | |
►NCrud | Basic CRUD operations |
CCollection | |
CColumn | |
CCreateView | CreateView create view based on indicated Mysqlx::Crud::Find message |
CDelete | Delete documents/rows from a Collection/Table |
CDropView | DropView removing existing view |
CFind | Find Documents/Rows in a Collection/Table |
►CInsert | Insert documents/rows into a collection/table |
CTypedRow | Set of fields to insert as a one row |
CLimit | |
CLimitExpr | LimitExpr, in comparison to Limit, is able to specify that row_count and offset are placeholders |
CModifyView | ModifyView modify existing view based on indicated Mysqlx::Crud::Find message |
COrder | Sort order |
CProjection | |
CUpdate | Update documents/rows in a collection/table |
CUpdateOperation | |
►NCursor | Handling of Cursors |
CClose | Close cursor |
CFetch | Fetch next portion of data from a cursor |
►COpen | Open a cursor |
COneOfMessage | |
►NDatatypes | Data types |
CAny | A helper to allow all field types |
CArray | An Array |
►CObject | An object |
CObjectField | |
►CScalar | |
COctets | Opaque octet sequence, with an optional content_type See Mysqlx::Resultset::ContentType_BYTES for list of known values |
CString | String with a charset/collation |
►NExpect | Expect operations |
CClose | Close a Expect block |
►COpen | Open an Expect block and set/unset the conditions that have to be fulfilled |
CCondition | |
►NExpr | Expressions |
CArray | An array of expressions |
CColumnIdentifier | Column identifier |
CDocumentPathItem | Document path item |
CExpr | The "root" of the expression tree |
CFunctionCall | Function call: func(a, b, "1", 3) |
CIdentifier | Identifier: name, schame.name |
►CObject | An object (with expression values) |
CObjectField | |
COperator | Operator: <<(a, b) |
►NNotice | A notice |
CFrame | Common frame for all notices |
CGroupReplicationStateChanged | Notify clients about group replication state changes |
CServerHello | Notify clients about connection to X Protocol server |
CSessionStateChanged | Notify clients about changes to the internal session state |
CSessionVariableChanged | Notify clients about changes to the current session variables |
CWarning | Server-side warnings and notes |
►NPrepare | Handling of prepared statments |
CDeallocate | Deallocate already-prepared statement |
CExecute | Execute already-prepared statement |
►CPrepare | Prepare a new statement |
COneOfMessage | |
►NResultset | Resultsets |
CColumnMetaData | Meta data of a column |
CFetchDone | All resultsets are finished |
CFetchDoneMoreOutParams | Resultsets are finished, OUT paramset is next: |
CFetchDoneMoreResultsets | Resultset and out-params are finished, but more resultsets available |
CFetchSuspended | Cursor is opened; still, the execution of PrepFetch or PrepExecute ended |
CRow | Row in a Resultset |
►NSession | Messages to manage sessions |
CAuthenticateContinue | Send by client or server after an Mysqlx::Session::AuthenticateStart to exchange more authentication data |
CAuthenticateOk | Sent by the server after successful authentication |
CAuthenticateStart | The initial message send from the client to the server to start the authentication process |
CClose | Close the current session |
CReset | Reset the current session |
►NSql | Messages of the MySQL Package |
CStmtExecute | |
CStmtExecuteOk | Statement executed successfully |
CClientMessages | IDs of messages that can be sent from client to the server |
CError | Generic Error message |
COk | Generic Ok message |
Coption | |
CServerMessages | IDs of messages that can be sent from server to client |
Nmysys_my_time | (end of defgroup MY_TIME) |
Nmysys_priv | |
Nmyu | |
►Nnet | |
►Nimpl | |
Nepoll | |
►Nfile | |
Cfile_control_option | |
Cfile_control_option< Name, void > | |
Npoll | |
Nresolver | |
►Nsocket | |
CSocketService | |
CSocketServiceBase | |
►CCallstack | Callstack of a thread |
CContext | |
CIterator | Forward-iterator over stack frames |
CDispatcher | Function object for net::dispatch(), net::post(), net::defer() |
Cdynamic_buffer_base | |
Cis_buffer_sequence | |
Cis_buffer_sequence< T, BufferType, std::void_t< buffer_sequence_requirements< T, BufferType > > > | |
Cis_const_buffer_sequence | |
Cis_dynamic_buffer | |
Cis_dynamic_buffer< T, decltype(dynamic_buffer_requirements< T >())> | |
Cis_executor | |
Cis_executor< T, decltype(executor_requirements< T >())> | |
Cis_mutable_buffer_sequence | |
Cuses_executor | |
Cuses_executor< T, Executor, std::void_t< typename T::executor_type > > | |
►Nip | |
Caddress | |
►Caddress_v4 | |
Cbytes_type | |
►Caddress_v6 | IPv6 address with scope_id |
Cbytes_type | |
Cbad_address_cast | |
Cbasic_address_iterator | |
Cbasic_address_iterator< address_v4 > | |
Cbasic_address_iterator< address_v6 > | |
Cbasic_address_range | |
Cbasic_address_range< address_v4 > | |
Cbasic_address_range< address_v6 > | |
Cbasic_endpoint | |
Cbasic_resolver | |
Cbasic_resolver_entry | Endpoint of IPv4/IPv6 based connection |
Cbasic_resolver_results | |
Cnetwork_v4 | |
Cnetwork_v6 | |
Cresolver_base | |
Ctcp | TCP protocol |
Cudp | |
►Nsocket_option | |
Coption_base | Base-class of socket options |
Cassociated_allocator | |
Cassociated_allocator_impl | |
Cassociated_allocator_impl< T, ProtoAllocator, std::void_t< typename T::allocator_type > > | |
Cassociated_executor | |
Cassociated_executor_impl | |
Cassociated_executor_impl< T, Executor, std::void_t< typename T::executor_type > > | |
Casync_completion | |
Casync_result | |
Cbasic_datagram_socket | |
Cbasic_socket | |
Cbasic_socket_acceptor | |
►Cbasic_socket_impl | |
CIoControl | |
Cbasic_socket_impl_base | Template-less base-class of basic_socket_impl |
Cbasic_stream_socket | |
►Cbasic_waitable_timer | |
CId | |
Cconst_buffer | |
Cconsuming_buffers | |
Cdynamic_string_buffer | |
Cdynamic_vector_buffer | |
►Cexecution_context | |
Cservice | |
CServicePtr | |
Cexecutor_arg_t | |
Cexecutor_binder | |
Cexecutor_work_guard | |
Cfd_event | |
CInterfaceFlag | Flags of the network interface |
►Cio_context | |
Casync_op | Base class of async operation |
Casync_op_impl | Async operation with callback |
CAsyncOps | |
►CDeferredWork | Queued work from io_context::executor_type::dispatch()/post()/defer() |
CBasicCallable | |
CCallable | |
Cexecutor_type | |
Cmonitor | |
►Ctimer_queue | |
Cpending_timer | |
Cpending_timer_op | |
Ctimer_queue_base | |
CIoServiceBase | |
Cis_const_buffer_sequence | |
Cis_dynamic_buffer | |
Cis_executor | |
Cis_executor< io_context::executor_type > | |
Cis_mutable_buffer_sequence | |
►Clinux_epoll_io_service | |
►CFdInterest | |
Clocked_bucket | |
Cmutable_buffer | |
CNetworkInterfaceEntry | Entry in the network interface result |
CNetworkInterfaceNetworks | Networks of a network interface |
CNetworkInterfaceResolver | |
CNetworkInterfaceResults | Results of a NetworkInterfaceResolver::query() |
►Cpoll_io_service | Io_service based on the poll() system-call |
CFdInterests | |
Cprepared_buffers | |
Cservice_already_exists | |
►Csocket_base | |
Clinger | Socket option for SO_LINGER |
Cmsg_hdr | |
Cstrand | |
►Csystem_context | |
C__tag | |
Csystem_executor | |
Ctransfer_all | |
Ctransfer_at_least | |
Ctransfer_exactly | |
Cuses_executor | |
Cwait_traits | |
►Noci | |
►Nssl | |
CASN1_TIME_deleter | |
CBIO_deleter | |
CEVP_MD_CTX_deleter | |
CEVP_PKEY_deleter | |
CKey_Content | |
CX509_deleter | |
COCI_config_file | |
CSigning_Key | |
►Nopenssl | |
►CDigestCtx | |
CDeleter | |
CDigestFunc | |
►Nopt_explain_json_namespace | |
Ccontext | Base class for all intermediate tree nodes |
Cduplication_weedout_ctx | Context class to represent JOIN_TABs in duplication weedout sequence |
Cjoin_ctx | Node class for the CTX_JOIN context |
Cjoin_tab_ctx | Node class for the CTX_QEP_TAB context |
Cmaterialize_ctx | Context class to group materialized JOIN_TABs to "materialized" array |
Cmessage_ctx | Node class for CTX_MESSAGE |
Csetop_ctx | Node class for UNION, EXCEPT, INTERSECT, UNARY (query expression) |
Csetop_result_ctx | Node class for the CTX_UNION_RESULT |
Csimple_sort_ctx | Base class for CTX_ORDER_BY, CTX_GROUP_BY and node class for CTX_DISTINCT |
Csimple_sort_with_subqueries_ctx | Node class for "simple" CTX_ORDER_BY and CTX_GROUP_BY |
Csort_with_subqueries_ctx | |
Csubquery_ctx | Node class to wrap a subquery node tree |
Ctable_base_ctx | |
Ctable_with_where_and_derived | Common part of CTX_QEP_TAB and CTX_MESSAGE nodes |
Cunit_ctx | Helper base class to host HAVING, ORDER BY and GROUP BY subquery nodes |
Cwindow_ctx | When the query has window functions, an outer node named "windowing" is added: query_block: { select_id: 1, windowing: { windows: [ ... list of all windows' details ... ], nested_loop: [ ... ] |
Nopt_range | Shared sentinel node for all trees |
►Noptions | |
CMysql_connection | |
COptions | Command line options container |
►Noptions_parser | |
Cresult | Struct for storing the parsing result |
►Npack_rows | |
CColumn | A class that represents a field, which also holds a cached value of the field's data type |
CTable | This struct is primarily used for holding the extracted columns in a hash join or BKA join, or the input columns in a streaming aggregation operation |
CTableCollection | A structure that contains a list of input tables for a hash join operation, BKA join operation or a streaming aggregation operation, and some pre-computed properties for the tables |
Npfs_plugin_column_bigint_v1_all_empty | |
Npfs_plugin_column_string_v2_all_empty | |
Npfs_plugin_table_v1_all_empty | |
Nportable | |
Npriority_queue_unittest | |
Nprotobuf_replication_asynchronous_connection_failover | |
Npsi_memory_v2_empty | |
►Nraii | |
CSentry | Generic sentry class that invokes some callable object of type F upon disposal of an instance of this class |
CTargeted_stringstream | Like std::stringstream, copying to a given target string at destruction |
CThread_stage_guard | RAII guard that sets a thread stage, and restores the previous stage when going out of scope |
Nrapidjson | |
►Nreference_caching | |
Ncache | |
Nchannel | |
Nchannel_ignore_list | |
Ccache_imp | |
CCache_malloced | |
Cchannel_imp | |
Cservice_names_set | |
►Nregexp | |
CRegexp_engine | This class exposes high-level regular expression operations to the facade |
CRegexp_facade | This class handles |
CUErrorCodeHash | |
Nregexp_engine_unittest | |
►Nresource_blocker | |
CBlocker | |
CResource | Represents a "Resource" which can be either "used" by a number of threads, or "blocked" by a number of threads |
CUser | |
►Nresourcegroups | |
Nplatform | |
CRange | |
CResource_group | Class that represents an abstraction of the Resource Group |
CResource_group_ctx | |
CResource_group_mgr | This is a singleton class that provides various functionalities related to Resource group management, more importantly the managing and the mapping of resource group names to the corresponding in-memory resource group object |
CSql_cmd_alter_resource_group | Sql_cmd_alter_resource_group represents ALTER RESOURCE GROUP statement |
CSql_cmd_create_resource_group | Sql_cmd_create_resource_group represents CREATE RESOURCE GROUP statement |
CSql_cmd_drop_resource_group | Sql_cmd_drop_resource_group represents DROP RESOURCE GROUP statement |
CSql_cmd_set_resource_group | Sql_cmd_set_resource_group represents SET RESOURCE GROUP statement |
CThread_resource_control | Class that abstracts the resource control that can be applied to threads |
Nrewriter_messages | |
►NRoles | |
CRole_activation | |
►Nrouting | |
Nimpl | |
►Nrules_table_service | |
CCursor | Writable cursor that allows reading and updating of rows in a persistent table |
Nsdi_unittest | Namespace from dd_sdi-t unit-test |
►Nserver_mock | |
CAcceptor | |
CAsyncNotice | |
►CDukHeap | Memory heap of duk contexts |
CHeapDeleter | |
CDukHeapPool | |
CDuktapeRuntimeError | |
►CDuktapeStatementReader | |
CPimpl | |
►CDuktapeStatementReaderFactory | |
CFailedStatementReader | |
CMySQLClassicProtocol | |
CMySQLServerMock | Main class |
CMySQLServerMockSession | |
CMySQLServerMockSessionClassic | |
CMySQLServerMockSessionX | |
CMySQLXProtocol | |
►CProtocolBase | |
CSSL_Deleter | |
CResultsetResponse | Keeps result data for single SQL statement that returns resultset |
►CStatementReaderBase | |
Chandshake_data | |
CXProtocolDecoder | |
CXProtocolEncoder | |
►Nservices | |
CArray_ptr | A very limited smart pointer to protect against stack unwinding in case an STL class throws an exception |
CCondition_handler | This class may inherited and passed to parse() in order to handle conditions raised by the server |
CDigest | |
CLex_str | A very limited smart pointer to protect against stack unwinding in case an STL class throws an exception |
CLiteral_visitor | |
CSession | |
►Nsha2_password | |
CCaching_sha2_password | Class to handle caching_sha2_authentication Provides methods for: |
CGenerate_digest | Interface for cryptographic digest generation |
CGenerate_scramble | Scramble generator Responsible for generating scramble of following format: XOR(SHA2(m_src), SHA2(SHA2(SHA2(m_src)), m_rnd)) |
CSHA256_digest | SHA256 digest generator |
Csha2_cache_entry | |
CSHA2_password_cache | Password cache used for caching_sha2_authentication |
CValidate_scramble | Scramble validator Expects scramble to be: XOR(SHA2(m_src), SHA2(SHA2(SHA2(m_src)), m_rnd)) Validates it against: SHA2(SHA2(m_src)) and random string |
Nsoftware | |
►Nsrv | |
Cdynamic_procedure_data_t | Type and data for tracking registered UDFs |
CDynamic_procedures | |
Nssl_wrapper_service | |
►Nstd | |
Chash< dd::String_type > | Specialize std::hash for dd::String_type so that it can be used with unordered_ containers |
Chash< Gcs_xcom_synode > | |
Cis_default_constructible< std::unique_ptr< T, void(*)(T *)> > | |
Cis_error_code_enum< cert_errc > | |
Cis_error_code_enum< classic_protocol::codec_errc > | |
Cis_error_code_enum< ConfigFilePathValidatorErrc > | |
Cis_error_code_enum< DestinationsErrc > | |
Cis_error_code_enum< HttpAuthErrc > | |
Cis_error_code_enum< McfErrc > | |
Cis_error_code_enum< metadata_cache::metadata_errc > | |
Cis_error_code_enum< mysql_harness::DynamicLoaderErrc > | |
Cis_error_code_enum< net::io_service_errc > | |
Cis_error_code_enum< net::ip::resolver_errc > | |
Cis_error_code_enum< net::socket_errc > | |
Cis_error_code_enum< net::stream_errc > | |
Cis_error_code_enum< TlsCertErrc > | |
Cis_error_code_enum< TlsErrc > | |
►Nstdx | |
►Nbase | |
Cassign_base | |
Cassign_base< member_policy::copy > | |
Cassign_base< member_policy::copy|member_policy::move > | |
Cassign_base< member_policy::move > | |
Cassign_base< member_policy::none > | |
Cctor_base | |
Cctor_base< member_policy::copy > | |
Cctor_base< member_policy::move > | |
Cctor_base< member_policy::move|member_policy::copy > | |
Cctor_base< member_policy::none > | |
Cdefault_ctor_base | |
Cdefault_ctor_base< false > | |
Cstorage_t | |
Cstorage_t< void, E > | Specialized storage for <void, E> |
►Ndetail | |
Cextent_size | |
Cextent_size< Extent, Offset, dynamic_extent > | |
Chas_data | |
Chas_data< C, std::void_t< decltype(std::data(std::declval< C >()))> > | |
Chas_size | |
Chas_size< C, std::void_t< decltype(std::size(std::declval< C >()))> > | |
Cis_array_convertible | |
Cis_compatible_element | |
Cis_compatible_element< C, E, std::void_t< decltype(std::data(std::declval< C >()))> > | |
Cis_compatible_range | |
Cis_contiguous_range | |
Cis_sized_range | |
Cis_span | |
Cis_span_impl | |
Cis_span_impl< span< T, Extend > > | |
Cis_std_array | |
Cis_std_array_impl | |
Cis_std_array_impl< std::array< T, Extend > > | |
Citerator | |
Cspan_size | |
Cspan_size< T, dynamic_extent > | |
►Nfilesystem | |
Nimpl | |
Cpath | |
►Nimpl | |
Chas_element_type | |
Chas_element_type< T, std::void_t< typename T::element_type > > | |
Chas_reference | |
Chas_reference< T, std::void_t< typename T::reference > > | |
Chas_value_type | |
Chas_value_type< T, std::void_t< typename stdx::remove_cvref_t< T >::value_type > > | |
Cindirectly_readable_traits_array | |
Cindirectly_readable_traits_array< T, true > | |
Cindirectly_readable_traits_member_element_type | |
Cindirectly_readable_traits_member_element_type< T, true > | |
Cindirectly_readable_traits_member_value_type | |
Cindirectly_readable_traits_member_value_type< T, true > | |
Cindirectly_readable_traits_pointer | |
Cindirectly_readable_traits_pointer< T, true > | |
Cis_to_stream_writable | |
Cis_to_stream_writable< S, T, std::void_t< decltype(std::declval< S & >()<< std::declval< T >())> > | |
Citer_reference | |
Citer_reference< T, false > | |
Citer_reference< T, true > | |
►Nio | |
Nimpl | |
Cfile_handle | |
Cflag | |
Cpath_handle | |
►Nranges | |
Nviews | |
►Cenumerate_view | Enumerate_view over a range |
Citerator | |
Nthis_process | |
C__is_scoped_enum_helper | |
C__is_scoped_enum_helper< T, true > | |
Cexpected | |
CExpectedImpl | |
CExpectedImpl< void, E > | |
CExpectedImplBase | |
Cflags | Type-safe flags type |
Cindirectly_readable_traits | |
Cindirectly_readable_traits< const T > | |
Cindirectly_readable_traits< T *, std::enable_if_t< std::is_object_v< T > > > | |
Cindirectly_readable_traits< T, std::enable_if_t< impl::has_element_type< T >::value > > | |
Cindirectly_readable_traits< T, std::enable_if_t< impl::has_value_type< T >::value > > | |
Cindirectly_readable_traits< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_array_v< T > > > | |
Cis_expected_impl | |
Cis_expected_impl< expected< T, E > > | |
Cis_flags | |
Cis_flags< classic_protocol::message::client::impl::BinlogDump::Flags > | |
Cis_flags< classic_protocol::message::client::impl::BinlogDumpGtid::Flags > | |
Cis_flags< StmtClassifier > | |
Cis_scoped_enum | |
Cremove_cvref | |
Cspan | |
Ctype_identity | |
Cunexpect_t | |
Cunexpected | |
►Nsysd | |
CNotifyGlobals | Class wrapping the "globals" as static members so that they can only be accessed from the friend-declared notify functions |
►Ntemptable | |
CAllocation_scheme | |
►CAllocator | Custom memory allocator |
Crebind | |
CAllocatorState | Shared state between all instances of a given allocator |
CBlock | Memory-block abstraction whose purpose is to serve as a building block for custom memory-allocator implementations |
CCell | A cell is the intersection of a row and a column |
CCell_calculator | Utility to perform calculations for a cell |
CChunk | Chunk is an abstraction with the purpose of representing a smallest logical memory-unit within the Block |
CColumn | A column class that describes the metadata of a column |
CCursor | A cursor for iterating over an Index |
CExponential_policy | |
CHandler | Temptable engine handler |
CHash_duplicates | |
CHash_unique | |
CHeader | Header is an abstraction with the purpose of holding and maintaining the Block metadata |
CIndex | Index interface |
CIndexed_cells | Indexed cells represent one or more cells that are covered by an index |
CIndexed_cells_equal_to | Indexed cells comparator (a == b) |
CIndexed_cells_hash | Indexed cells hasher |
CIndexed_cells_less | Indexed cells comparator (a < b) |
CIndexed_column | |
CKey_value_store | Key-value store, a convenience wrapper class which models a thread-safe dictionary type |
CKey_value_store_logger | Default Key_value_store logging facility which turns to no-op in non-debug builds |
CKey_value_store_logger< T, true > | Key_value_store logging facility debug builds only |
CKey_value_store_stats | This is a small convenience POD-like type which describes what kind of details we are interested in when monitoring the behavior of Key_value_store |
CLargest_lock_free_type_selector | Largest lock-free type selector, a helper utility very much similar to Lock_free_type_selector with the difference being that it tries hard not to fail |
CLargest_lock_free_type_selector< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_integral< T >::value >::type > | Template-specialization for integral types |
CLargest_lock_free_type_selector< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_pointer< T >::value >::type > | Template-specialization for pointer types |
CLock_free_pool | Lock-free pool which consists of POOL_SIZE Lock_free_type elements |
►CLock_free_shared_block_pool | Lock-free pool of POOL_SIZE Block elements |
CL1_dcache_aligned_block | In the event of inability to express ourselves with something like std::array<alignas<N> Block> we have to fallback to this method |
CLock_free_type | Representation of an atomic type which is guaranteed to be always-lock-free |
CLock_free_type< T, Alignment::L1_DCACHE_SIZE, TypeSelector > | |
CLock_free_type_selector | Lock-free type selector, a helper utility which evaluates during the compile-time whether the given type T has a property of being always-lock-free for given platform |
CLock_free_type_selector< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_class< T >::value and std::is_trivially_copyable< T >::value >::type > | Template-specialization for trivially-copyable classes/structs |
CLock_free_type_selector< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_pointer< T >::value >::type > | Template-specialization for pointer types |
CLock_free_type_selector< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< T, bool >::value >::type > | Template-specialization for boolean types |
CLock_free_type_selector< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< T, char >::value or std::is_same< T, unsigned char >::value >::type > | Template-specialization for char types |
CLock_free_type_selector< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< T, int >::value or std::is_same< T, unsigned int >::value >::type > | Template-specialization for int types |
CLock_free_type_selector< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< T, long >::value or std::is_same< T, unsigned long >::value >::type > | Template-specialization for long types |
CLock_free_type_selector< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< T, long long >::value or std::is_same< T, unsigned long long >::value >::type > | Template-specialization for long long types |
CLock_free_type_selector< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< T, short >::value or std::is_same< T, unsigned short >::value >::type > | Template-specialization for short types |
CMemory | Primary-template (functor) class for memory-utils |
CMemory< Source::MMAP_FILE > | Template specialization for MMAP-based allocation/deallocation |
CMemory< Source::RAM > | Template specialization for RAM-based allocation/deallocation |
►CMemoryMonitor | |
CRAM | |
CPrefer_RAM_over_MMAP_policy | |
CPrefer_RAM_over_MMAP_policy_obeying_per_table_limit | |
CRow | A row representation |
►CSharded_key_value_store | Sharded key-value store, a convenience wrapper class around Key_value_store that creates N_SHARDS instances of Key_value_store and exposes a simple interface to further manipulate with them |
CL1_dcache_aligned_kv_store | In the event of inability to express ourselves with something like std::array<alignas<N> Key_value_store<...>> we have to fallback to this method |
CSharded_key_value_store_logger | Default Sharded_key_value_store logging facility which turns to no-op in non-debug builds |
CSharded_key_value_store_logger< T, true > | Sharded_key_value_store logging facility debug builds only |
►CStorage | Storage container |
CIterator | Iterator over a Storage object |
►CTable | |
CIndex_entry | Index entry for storing index pointer as well as allocated memory size |
CTableResourceMonitor | |
CTree | |
Ntemptable_aggregate_iterator | |
►Nterminology_use_previous | In respect to the organization of modules, this really belongs in terminology_use_previous.h |
Ccompatible_name_t | Encapsulates a <name, version> pair, holding an instrumentation name, and the version before which it was in use by the server |
►Ntest_trace | |
CLogger | |
Cst_trace_data | State information maintained by the test trace plugin for each traced connection |
NTlsVerifyOpts | |
Ntrx_coordinator | |
►Nundo | |
CInject_failure_once | Inject a failure in the undo truncation debug compiled code at various places so that it fails the first time it hits and succeeds after that |
Cspace_id_account | The currently used undo space IDs for an undo space number along with a boolean showing whether the undo space number is in use |
CTablespace | An undo::Tablespace object is used to easily convert between undo_space_id and undo_space_num and to create the automatic file_name and space name |
CTablespaces | List of undo tablespaces, each containing a list of rollback segments |
CTruncate | Track an UNDO tablespace marked for truncate |
►Nut | This file contains a set of libraries providing overloads for regular dynamic allocation routines which allow for opt-in memory instrumentation through performance schema memory engine (PFS) |
►Ndetail | |
CAligned_alloc | Aligned allocation routines |
CAligned_alloc_ | Small wrapper which utilizes SFINAE to dispatch the call to appropriate aligned allocator implementation |
CAligned_alloc_impl | |
CAligned_alloc_metadata | Memory layout representation of metadata segment guaranteed by the inner workings of Aligned_alloc_impl |
CAligned_alloc_pfs | Aligned allocation routines which are instrumented through PFS (performance-schema) |
CAligned_array_deleter | |
CAligned_deleter | |
CAlloc | Allocation routines for non-extended alignment types, as opposed to Aligned_alloc for example |
CAlloc_ | Small wrapper which utilizes SFINAE to dispatch the call to appropriate allocator implementation |
CAlloc_arr | Specialization of allocation routines for non-extended alignment types but which in comparison to Alloc are providing support for arrays |
CAlloc_fn | Simple wrapping type around malloc, calloc and friends |
CAlloc_pfs | Allocation routines for non-extended alignment types, as opposed to Aligned_alloc_pfs for example, but which are instrumented through PFS (performance-schema) |
Callocator_base | |
Callocator_base_pfs | |
Callocator_traits | Simple allocator traits |
CArray_deleter | |
CDeleter | |
CLarge_alloc_ | Small wrapper which utilizes SFINAE to dispatch the call to appropriate aligned allocator implementation |
CLarge_page_alloc | Allocation routines which are purposed for allocating memory through the means of what is known as large (huge) pages |
CLarge_page_alloc_pfs | Allocation routines which are purposed for allocating memory through the means of what is known as large (huge) pages |
CPage_alloc | Allocation routines which are purposed for allocating system page-aligned memory |
CPage_alloc_ | Small wrapper which utilizes SFINAE to dispatch the call to appropriate aligned allocator implementation |
CPage_alloc_metadata | Helper struct implementing the type which represents the metadata for all types of page-aligned allocations, be it regular pages or huge-pages |
CPage_alloc_metadata_pfs | Helper struct implementing the type which represents the metadata for all types of PFS-aware page-aligned allocations, be it regular pages or huge-pages |
CPage_alloc_pfs | Allocation routines which are purposed for allocating system page-aligned memory |
CPFS_metadata | Memory layout representation of PFS metadata segment that is used by the allocator variants which also want to trace the memory consumption through PFS (PSI) interface |
Cselect_alloc_impl | Simple utility metafunction which selects appropriate allocator variant (implementation) depending on the input parameter(s) |
Cselect_alloc_impl< true > | |
Cselect_large_page_alloc_impl | Simple utility metafunction which selects appropriate allocator variant (implementation) depending on the input parameter(s) |
Cselect_large_page_alloc_impl< true > | |
Cselect_malloc_impl | Simple utility metafunction which selects appropriate allocator variant (implementation) depending on the input parameter(s) |
Cselect_malloc_impl< false, false > | |
Cselect_malloc_impl< false, true > | |
Cselect_malloc_impl< true, Array_specialization > | |
Cselect_page_alloc_impl | Simple utility meta-function which selects appropriate allocator variant (implementation) depending on the input parameter(s) |
Cselect_page_alloc_impl< true > | |
Caligned_array_pointer | Lightweight convenience wrapper which manages a dynamically allocated array of over-aligned types |
Caligned_pointer | Lightweight convenience wrapper which manages dynamically allocated over-aligned type |
Callocation_low_level_info | Can be used to extract pointer and size of the allocation provided by the OS |
►Callocator | Allocator that allows std::* containers to manage their memory through ut::malloc* and ut::free library functions |
Crebind | |
Cbool_scope_guard_t | A RAII-style class, which sets a given boolean to true in constructor, and to false in destructor, effectively making sure that it is true for the duration of the object lifetime/scope |
CCacheline_aligned | A utility wrapper class, which aligns T to cacheline boundary |
CCacheline_padded | A utility wrapper class, which adds padding at the end of the wrapped structure, so that the next object after it is guaranteed to be in the next cache line |
CCount | Light-weight and type-safe wrapper which serves a purpose of being able to select proper ut::new_arr* overload |
Cfallback_to_normal_page_t | |
Cfast_modulo_t | Allows to execute x % mod for a specified mod in a fast way, without using a slow operation of division |
CGuarded | |
CLocation | |
►Cmt_fast_modulo_t | A class that allows to atomically set new modulo value for fast modulo computations |
Cdata_t | |
CNon_copyable | A utility class which, if inherited from, prevents the descendant class from being copied, moved, or assigned |
CPSI_memory_key_t | Light-weight and type-safe wrapper around the PSI_memory_key that eliminates the possibility of introducing silent bugs through the course of implicit conversions and makes them show up as compile-time errors |
CSeq_lock | A class that allows to read value of variable of some type T atomically and allows the value to be changed, all using lock-free operations |
CSharded_bitset | A Sharded_bitset<SHARDS_COUNT>(n) is like a bitset<n> in that it represents a vector of n bits, which can be set(pos) or reset(pos) for 0<=pos<n |
►CStateful_latching_rules | This is a generic mechanism for verifying correctness of latching rules for state transitions and querying for state of a system |
Cedge_t | The type for a possible transition from one state to another while holding at least a given set of latches |
►NVt100 | |
Nanonymous_namespace{vt100.h} | |
►Nxa | |
Nextractor | |
Nrecovery | |
CTransaction_cache | Class responsible for managing a cache of Transaction_ctx objects associated with XA transactions |
CXID_extractor | Processes a string and extracts XIDs of the form X'...',X'...',0-9 |
Nxcl |