void | carry_global_memory_stat_alloc_delta (PFS_memory_stat_alloc_delta *delta, uint index) |
void | carry_global_memory_stat_free_delta (PFS_memory_stat_free_delta *delta, uint index) |
PFS_mutex * | sanitize_mutex (PFS_mutex *unsafe) |
PFS_rwlock * | sanitize_rwlock (PFS_rwlock *unsafe) |
PFS_cond * | sanitize_cond (PFS_cond *unsafe) |
PFS_thread * | sanitize_thread (PFS_thread *unsafe) |
| Sanitize a PFS_thread pointer. More...
PFS_file * | sanitize_file (PFS_file *unsafe) |
PFS_socket * | sanitize_socket (PFS_socket *unsafe) |
PFS_metadata_lock * | sanitize_metadata_lock (PFS_metadata_lock *unsafe) |
int | init_instruments (const PFS_global_param *param) |
| Initialize all the instruments instance buffers. More...
void | cleanup_instruments () |
| Cleanup all the instruments buffers. More...
int | init_file_hash (const PFS_global_param *param) |
| Initialize the file name hash. More...
void | cleanup_file_hash () |
| Cleanup the file name hash. More...
PFS_mutex * | create_mutex (PFS_mutex_class *klass, const void *identity) |
| Create instrumentation for a mutex instance. More...
void | destroy_mutex (PFS_mutex *pfs) |
| Destroy instrumentation for a mutex instance. More...
PFS_rwlock * | create_rwlock (PFS_rwlock_class *klass, const void *identity) |
| Create instrumentation for a rwlock instance. More...
void | destroy_rwlock (PFS_rwlock *pfs) |
| Destroy instrumentation for a rwlock instance. More...
PFS_cond * | create_cond (PFS_cond_class *klass, const void *identity) |
| Create instrumentation for a condition instance. More...
void | destroy_cond (PFS_cond *pfs) |
| Destroy instrumentation for a condition instance. More...
PFS_thread * | create_thread (PFS_thread_class *klass, PSI_thread_seqnum seqnum, const void *identity, ulonglong processlist_id) |
| Create instrumentation for a thread instance. More...
PFS_thread * | find_thread_by_processlist_id (ulonglong processlist_id) |
| Find a PFS thread given a processlist id. More...
PFS_thread * | find_thread_by_internal_id (ulonglong thread_id) |
| Find a PFS thread given an internal thread id. More...
void | destroy_thread (PFS_thread *pfs) |
| Destroy instrumentation for a thread instance. More...
PFS_file * | find_or_create_file (PFS_thread *thread, PFS_file_class *klass, const char *filename, uint len, bool create) |
| Find or create instrumentation for a file instance by file name. More...
PFS_file * | start_file_rename (PFS_thread *thread, const char *old_name) |
| Before the rename operation: Find the file instrumentation by name, then delete the filename from the filename hash. More...
int | end_file_rename (PFS_thread *thread, PFS_file *pfs, const char *new_name, int rename_result) |
| After the rename operation: Assign the new filename to the file instrumentation instance, then add to the filename hash. More...
PFS_file * | find_file (PFS_thread *thread, PFS_file_class *klass, const char *filename, uint len) |
| Find a file instrumentation instance by name. More...
void | release_file (PFS_file *pfs) |
| Release instrumentation for a file instance. More...
void | delete_file_name (PFS_thread *thread, PFS_file *pfs) |
| Delete file name from the hash table. More...
void | destroy_file (PFS_thread *thread, PFS_file *pfs, bool delete_name) |
| Destroy instrumentation for a file instance. More...
PFS_table * | create_table (PFS_table_share *share, PFS_thread *opening_thread, const void *identity) |
| Create instrumentation for a table instance. More...
void | destroy_table (PFS_table *pfs) |
| Destroy instrumentation for a table instance. More...
PFS_socket * | create_socket (PFS_socket_class *klass, const my_socket *fd, const struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t addr_len) |
| Create instrumentation for a socket instance. More...
void | destroy_socket (PFS_socket *pfs) |
| Destroy instrumentation for a socket instance. More...
PFS_metadata_lock * | create_metadata_lock (void *identity, const MDL_key *mdl_key, opaque_mdl_type mdl_type, opaque_mdl_duration mdl_duration, opaque_mdl_status mdl_status, const char *src_file, uint src_line) |
void | destroy_metadata_lock (PFS_metadata_lock *pfs) |
void | reset_events_waits_by_instance () |
| Reset the wait statistics per object instance. More...
void | reset_file_instance_io () |
| Reset the I/O statistics per file instance. More...
void | reset_socket_instance_io () |
| Reset the I/O statistics per socket instance. More...
void | reset_histogram_global () |
void | aggregate_all_event_names (PFS_single_stat *from_array, PFS_single_stat *to_array) |
void | aggregate_all_event_names (PFS_single_stat *from_array, PFS_single_stat *to_array_1, PFS_single_stat *to_array_2) |
void | aggregate_all_stages (PFS_stage_stat *from_array, PFS_stage_stat *to_array) |
void | aggregate_all_stages (PFS_stage_stat *from_array, PFS_stage_stat *to_array_1, PFS_stage_stat *to_array_2) |
void | aggregate_all_statements (PFS_statement_stat *from_array, PFS_statement_stat *to_array) |
void | aggregate_all_statements (PFS_statement_stat *from_array, PFS_statement_stat *to_array_1, PFS_statement_stat *to_array_2) |
void | aggregate_all_transactions (PFS_transaction_stat *from_array, PFS_transaction_stat *to_array) |
void | aggregate_all_transactions (PFS_transaction_stat *from_array, PFS_transaction_stat *to_array_1, PFS_transaction_stat *to_array_2) |
void | aggregate_all_errors (PFS_error_stat *from_array, PFS_error_stat *to_array) |
void | aggregate_all_errors (PFS_error_stat *from_array, PFS_error_stat *to_array_1, PFS_error_stat *to_array_2) |
void | aggregate_all_memory_with_reassign (bool alive, PFS_memory_safe_stat *from_array, PFS_memory_shared_stat *to_array, PFS_memory_shared_stat *global_array) |
void | aggregate_all_memory_with_reassign (bool alive, PFS_memory_safe_stat *from_array, PFS_memory_shared_stat *to_array_1, PFS_memory_shared_stat *to_array_2, PFS_memory_shared_stat *global_array) |
void | aggregate_all_memory (bool alive, PFS_memory_safe_stat *from_array, PFS_memory_shared_stat *to_array) |
void | aggregate_all_memory (bool alive, PFS_memory_shared_stat *from_array, PFS_memory_shared_stat *to_array) |
void | aggregate_all_memory (bool alive, PFS_memory_shared_stat *from_array, PFS_memory_shared_stat *to_array_1, PFS_memory_shared_stat *to_array_2) |
void | aggregate_thread (PFS_thread *thread, PFS_account *safe_account, PFS_user *safe_user, PFS_host *safe_host) |
void | aggregate_thread_waits (PFS_thread *thread, PFS_account *safe_account, PFS_user *safe_user, PFS_host *safe_host) |
void | aggregate_thread_stages (PFS_thread *thread, PFS_account *safe_account, PFS_user *safe_user, PFS_host *safe_host) |
void | aggregate_thread_statements (PFS_thread *thread, PFS_account *safe_account, PFS_user *safe_user, PFS_host *safe_host) |
void | aggregate_thread_transactions (PFS_thread *thread, PFS_account *safe_account, PFS_user *safe_user, PFS_host *safe_host) |
void | aggregate_thread_errors (PFS_thread *thread, PFS_account *safe_account, PFS_user *safe_user, PFS_host *safe_host) |
void | aggregate_thread_memory (bool alive, PFS_thread *thread, PFS_account *safe_account, PFS_user *safe_user, PFS_host *safe_host) |
void | aggregate_thread_status (PFS_thread *thread, PFS_account *safe_account, PFS_user *safe_user, PFS_host *safe_host) |
void | clear_thread_account (PFS_thread *thread) |
void | set_thread_account (PFS_thread *thread) |
void | update_mutex_derived_flags () |
| Update derived flags for all mutex instances. More...
void | update_rwlock_derived_flags () |
| Update derived flags for all rwlock instances. More...
void | update_cond_derived_flags () |
| Update derived flags for all condition instances. More...
void | update_file_derived_flags () |
| Update derived flags for all file handles. More...
void | update_table_derived_flags () |
| Update derived flags for all table handles. More...
void | update_socket_derived_flags () |
| Update derived flags for all socket instances. More...
void | update_metadata_derived_flags () |
| Update derived flags for all metadata instances. More...
void | update_thread_derived_flags () |
| Update derived flags for all thread instances. More...
void | update_instruments_derived_flags () |
| Update derived flags for all instruments. More...
void | reset_source_file_pointers () |
| Clear the source file pointers from all waits, stages, statements and transaction events. More...