MySQL 8.0.40
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http_request.h File Reference
#include "mysqlrouter/http_common_export.h"
#include <bitset>
#include <ctime>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <system_error>
#include <vector>
#include "mysql/harness/net_ts/impl/socket_constants.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


class  EventHttpBoundSocket
 Http bound socket. More...
class  HttpHeaders
 headers of a HTTP response/request. More...
class  HttpHeaders::Iterator
class  HttpBuffer
 a Buffer to send/read from network. More...
class  HttpUri
 representation of HTTP URI. More...
class  HttpRequest
 a HTTP request and response. More...
class  EventHttp
 Http server build on top of EventBase. More...


namespace  HttpStatusCode
namespace  HttpMethod
namespace  HttpMethod::Pos


using HttpStatusCode::name_type = const char *
using HttpStatusCode::key_type = int
using HttpMethod::type = int
using HttpMethod::pos_type = unsigned
using HttpMethod::Bitset = std::bitset< Pos::_LAST+1 >


name_type HttpStatusCode::get_default_status_text (key_type key)
HTTP_COMMON_EXPORT std::string http_uri_path_canonicalize (const std::string &uri_path)
 canonicalize a URI path. More...
HTTP_COMMON_EXPORT time_t time_from_rfc5322_fixdate (const char *date_buf)
 convert a Date: header into a time_t. More...
HTTP_COMMON_EXPORT int time_to_rfc5322_fixdate (time_t ts, char *date_buf, size_t date_buf_len)
 convert time_t into a Date: header value. More...


constexpr key_type HttpStatusCode::Continue = 100
constexpr key_type HttpStatusCode::SwitchingProtocols = 101
constexpr key_type HttpStatusCode::Processing = 102
constexpr key_type HttpStatusCode::EarlyHints = 103
constexpr key_type HttpStatusCode::Ok = 200
constexpr key_type HttpStatusCode::Created = 201
constexpr key_type HttpStatusCode::Accepted = 202
constexpr key_type HttpStatusCode::NonAuthoritiveInformation = 203
constexpr key_type HttpStatusCode::NoContent = 204
constexpr key_type HttpStatusCode::ResetContent = 205
constexpr key_type HttpStatusCode::PartialContent = 206
constexpr key_type HttpStatusCode::MultiStatus = 207
constexpr key_type HttpStatusCode::AlreadyReported = 208
constexpr key_type HttpStatusCode::InstanceManipulationUsed = 226
constexpr key_type HttpStatusCode::MultipleChoices = 300
constexpr key_type HttpStatusCode::MovedPermanently = 301
constexpr key_type HttpStatusCode::Found = 302
constexpr key_type HttpStatusCode::SeeOther = 303
constexpr key_type HttpStatusCode::NotModified = 304
constexpr key_type HttpStatusCode::UseProxy = 305
constexpr key_type HttpStatusCode::TemporaryRedirect = 307
constexpr key_type HttpStatusCode::PermanentRedirect = 308
constexpr key_type HttpStatusCode::BadRequest = 400
constexpr key_type HttpStatusCode::Unauthorized = 401
constexpr key_type HttpStatusCode::PaymentRequired = 402
constexpr key_type HttpStatusCode::Forbidden = 403
constexpr key_type HttpStatusCode::NotFound = 404
constexpr key_type HttpStatusCode::MethodNotAllowed = 405
constexpr key_type HttpStatusCode::NotAcceptable = 406
constexpr key_type HttpStatusCode::ProxyAuthenticationRequired = 407
constexpr key_type HttpStatusCode::RequestTimeout = 408
constexpr key_type HttpStatusCode::Conflicts = 409
constexpr key_type HttpStatusCode::Gone = 410
constexpr key_type HttpStatusCode::LengthRequired = 411
constexpr key_type HttpStatusCode::PreconditionFailed = 412
constexpr key_type HttpStatusCode::PayloadTooLarge = 413
constexpr key_type HttpStatusCode::URITooLarge = 414
constexpr key_type HttpStatusCode::UnsupportedMediaType = 415
constexpr key_type HttpStatusCode::RangeNotSatisfiable = 416
constexpr key_type HttpStatusCode::ExpectationFailed = 417
constexpr key_type HttpStatusCode::IamaTeapot = 418
constexpr key_type HttpStatusCode::MisdirectedRequest = 421
constexpr key_type HttpStatusCode::UnprocessableEntity = 422
constexpr key_type HttpStatusCode::Locked = 423
constexpr key_type HttpStatusCode::FailedDependency = 424
constexpr key_type HttpStatusCode::UpgradeRequired = 426
constexpr key_type HttpStatusCode::PreconditionRequired = 428
constexpr key_type HttpStatusCode::TooManyRequests = 429
constexpr key_type HttpStatusCode::RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge = 431
constexpr key_type HttpStatusCode::UnavailableForLegalReasons = 451
constexpr key_type HttpStatusCode::InternalError = 500
constexpr key_type HttpStatusCode::NotImplemented = 501
constexpr key_type HttpStatusCode::BadGateway = 502
constexpr key_type HttpStatusCode::ServiceUnavailable = 503
constexpr key_type HttpStatusCode::GatewayTimeout = 504
constexpr key_type HttpStatusCode::HTTPVersionNotSupported = 505
constexpr key_type HttpStatusCode::VariantAlsoNegotiates = 506
constexpr key_type HttpStatusCode::InsufficientStorage = 507
constexpr key_type HttpStatusCode::LoopDetected = 508
constexpr key_type HttpStatusCode::NotExtended = 510
constexpr key_type HttpStatusCode::NetworkAuthorizationRequired = 511
constexpr pos_type HttpMethod::Pos::Get = 0
constexpr pos_type HttpMethod::Pos::Post = 1
constexpr pos_type HttpMethod::Pos::Head = 2
constexpr pos_type HttpMethod::Pos::Put = 3
constexpr pos_type HttpMethod::Pos::Delete = 4
constexpr pos_type HttpMethod::Pos::Options = 5
constexpr pos_type HttpMethod::Pos::Trace = 6
constexpr pos_type HttpMethod::Pos::Connect = 7
constexpr pos_type HttpMethod::Pos::Patch = 8
constexpr pos_type HttpMethod::Pos::_LAST = Patch
constexpr type HttpMethod::Get {1 << Pos::Get}
constexpr type HttpMethod::Post {1 << Pos::Post}
constexpr type HttpMethod::Head {1 << Pos::Head}
constexpr type HttpMethod::Put {1 << Pos::Put}
constexpr type HttpMethod::Delete {1 << Pos::Delete}
constexpr type HttpMethod::Options {1 << Pos::Options}
constexpr type HttpMethod::Trace {1 << Pos::Trace}
constexpr type HttpMethod::Connect {1 << Pos::Connect}
constexpr type HttpMethod::Patch {1 << Pos::Patch}

Function Documentation

◆ http_uri_path_canonicalize()

HTTP_COMMON_EXPORT std::string http_uri_path_canonicalize ( const std::string &  uri_path)

canonicalize a URI path.

input output
/ /
/./ /
// /
/../ /
/a/../ /
/../a/ /a/
/../a /a

◆ time_from_rfc5322_fixdate()

HTTP_COMMON_EXPORT time_t time_from_rfc5322_fixdate ( const char *  date_buf)

convert a Date: header into a time_t.

a time_t representation of Date: header value
std::out_of_rangeon invalid formats

◆ time_to_rfc5322_fixdate()

HTTP_COMMON_EXPORT int time_to_rfc5322_fixdate ( time_t  ts,
char *  date_buf,
size_t  date_buf_len 

convert time_t into a Date: header value.