class | PFS_key_error_log_logged |
| Key for the LOGGED (timestamp/primary key) column. More...
class | PFS_index_error_log_by_logged |
| index on the LOGGED (timestamp/primary key) column More...
class | PFS_key_error_log_thread_id |
| key for the THREAD_ID column More...
class | PFS_index_error_log_by_thread_id |
| index on the THREAD_ID column More...
class | PFS_key_error_log_prio |
| key for the PRIO column More...
class | PFS_index_error_log_by_prio |
| index on the PRIO column More...
class | PFS_index_error_log_by_error_code |
| key for the ERROR_CODE column More...
class | PFS_index_error_log_by_subsys |
| index on the ERROR_CODE column More...
class | table_error_log |