file | client_authentication.h [code] |
file | client_plugin.h [code] |
| MySQL Client Plugin API.
file | com_data.h [code] |
| Definition of COM_DATA to be used with the Command service as data input structure.
file | group_replication_priv.h [code] |
file | mysql_lex_string.h [code] |
file | plugin.h [code] |
file | plugin_audit.h [code] |
file | plugin_audit_message_types.h [code] |
file | plugin_auth.h [code] |
| Authentication Plugin API.
file | plugin_auth_common.h [code] |
| This file defines constants and data structures that are the same for both client- and server-side authentication plugins.
file | plugin_clone.h [code] |
| API for clone plugin.
file | plugin_ftparser.h [code] |
file | plugin_group_replication.h [code] |
| API for Group Replication plugin.
file | plugin_keyring.h [code] |
file | plugin_query_rewrite.h [code] |
file | plugin_trace.h [code] |
| Declarations for client-side plugins of type MYSQL_CLIENT_TRACE_PLUGIN.
file | plugin_validate_password.h [code] |
| API for validate_password plugin.
file | service_command.h [code] |
| Header file for the Command service.
file | service_locking.h [code] |
| Implements mysql_locking_service_st.
file | service_my_plugin_log.h [code] |
| This service provides functions to report error conditions and log to mysql error log.
file | service_mysql_alloc.h [code] |
file | service_mysql_keyring.h [code] |
file | service_mysql_password_policy.h [code] |
| Definitions for the password validation service.
file | service_mysql_string.h [code] |
| This service provides functions to parse mysql String.
file | service_parser.h [code] |
| Plugin service that provides access to the parser and some operations on the parse tree.
file | service_plugin_registry.h [code] |
| Declaration of the registry plugin service.
file | service_rpl_transaction_ctx.h [code] |
| This service provides a function for plugins to report if a transaction of a given THD should continue or be aborted.
file | service_rpl_transaction_write_set.h [code] |
| This service provides a function for plugins to get the write set of a given transaction.
file | service_rules_table.h [code] |
| Plugin service that provides access to the rewrite rules table that is used by the Rewriter plugin.
file | service_security_context.h [code] |
| Definitions for the password validation service.
file | service_srv_session.h [code] |
| Header file for the Server session service.
file | service_srv_session_bits.h [code] |
| These are the common definitions between the plugin service for sessions and the component service extension for sessions.
file | service_srv_session_info.h [code] |
| Service providing setters and getters for some properties of a session.
file | service_ssl_wrapper.h [code] |
file | service_thd_alloc.h [code] |
| This service provides functions to allocate memory in a connection local memory pool.
file | service_thd_engine_lock.h [code] |
| This service provides functions for storage engines to report lock related activities.
file | service_thd_wait.h [code] |
| This service provides functions for plugins and storage engines to report when they are going to sleep/stall.
file | service_thread_scheduler.h [code] |
file | services.h [code] |
file | status_var.h [code] |
file | thread_pool_priv.h [code] |
| All accesses to THD variables and functions are defined in this header file.
file | thread_type.h [code] |
file | udf_registration_types.h [code] |