MySQL 8.0.37
Source Code Documentation
control_events.h File Reference

Contains the classes representing events operating in the replication stream properties. More...

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include "binlog_event.h"
#include "buffer/buffer_sequence_view.h"
#include "compression/base.h"
#include "template_utils.h"
#include "uuid.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


class  binary_log::Rotate_event
 When a binary log file exceeds a size limit, a ROTATE_EVENT is written at the end of the file that points to the next file in the sequence. More...
class  binary_log::Format_description_event
 For binlog version 4. More...
class  binary_log::Stop_event
 A stop event is written to the log files under these circumstances: More...
class  binary_log::Incident_event
 Class representing an incident, an occurrence out of the ordinary, that happened on the master. More...
class  binary_log::Xid_event
 An XID event is generated for a commit of a transaction that modifies one or more tables of an XA-capable storage engine. More...
class  binary_log::XA_prepare_event
 An XA_prepare event is generated for a XA prepared transaction. More...
struct  binary_log::XA_prepare_event::MY_XID
class  binary_log::Ignorable_event
 Base class for ignorable log events. More...
struct  binary_log::gtid_info
 Structure to hold the members declared in the class Gtid_log_event those member are objects of classes defined in server(rpl_gtid.h). More...
class  binary_log::Transaction_payload_event
 Event that encloses all the events of a transaction. More...
class  binary_log::Gtid_event
 GTID stands for Global Transaction IDentifier It is composed of two parts: More...
class  binary_log::Previous_gtids_event
class  binary_log::Transaction_context_event
 This class is used to combine the information of the ongoing transaction including the write set and other information of the thread executing the transaction. More...
class  binary_log::View_change_event
 This class is used to add view change markers in the binary log when a member of the group enters or leaves the group. More...
class  binary_log::Heartbeat_event_v2
 Replication event to ensure to replica that source is alive. More...
class  binary_log::Heartbeat_event
 Replication event to ensure to replica that source is alive. More...


namespace  binary_log
 The namespace contains classes representing events that can occur in a replication stream.

Detailed Description

Contains the classes representing events operating in the replication stream properties.

Each event is represented as a byte sequence with logical divisions as event header, event specific data and event footer. The header and footer are common to all the events and are represented as two different subclasses.