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Important Server autogeneration and mysql_ssl_rsa_setup help lower the barrier to using SSL by making it easier to generate the required files. However, certificates generated by these methods are self-signed, which may not be very secure. There is ...For some distribution types, such as RPM and DEB packages, mysql_ssl_rsa_setup invocation occurs during data directory ...
The INNODB_SYS_VIRTUAL table provides metadata about InnoDB virtual generated columns and columns upon which virtual generated columns are based, equivalent to information in the SYS_VIRTUAL table in the InnoDB data dictionary. A row appears in the ...The INNODB_SYS_VIRTUAL table has these columns: TABLE_ID An identifier representing the table associated with the virtual column; the same value as ...
LAST_INSERT_ID(), LAST_INSERT_ID(expr) With no argument, LAST_INSERT_ID() returns a BIGINT UNSIGNED (64-bit) value representing the first automatically generated value successfully inserted for an AUTO_INCREMENT column as a result of the most ...It ...
SET @ciphertext = asymmetric_encrypt(@algo, 'My secret text', @pub); SET @plaintext = asymmetric_decrypt(@algo, @ciphertext, @priv); In either case, the algorithm specified for the encryption and decryption functions must match that used to generate ... To use MySQL Enterprise Encryption in applications, invoke the functions that are appropriate for the operations you wish to ...
Index Operations Primary Key Operations Column Operations Generated Column Operations Foreign Key Operations Table Operations Tablespace Operations Partitioning Operations Index Operations The following table provides an overview of online DDL ...
See also Indexing a Generated Column to Provide a JSON Column Index. MySQL now supports the specification of generated columns in CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE statements. Values of a generated column are computed from an expression specified at ...
This tool can be used to check for and remove orphaned BLOB column parts from NDB tables, as well as to generate a file listing any orphaned parts. It is sometimes useful in diagnosing and repairing corrupted or damaged NDB tables containing BLOB ...You must also specify the name of a table when invoking ...
TcpBind_INADDR_ANY Setting this parameter to TRUE or 1 binds IP_ADDR_ANY so that connections can be made from anywhere (for autogenerated connections). Unique hash indexes are updated only when the unique index columns are updated, in which case a ... The [ndbd] and [ndbd default] sections are used to configure the behavior of the cluster's data ...
Because gtid_next is set to the GTID already assigned by the source, the replica does not attempt to generate a new GTID for this transaction, but instead uses the GTID stored in gtid_next. What changes are assigned a GTID? The typical scenario is ... The life cycle of a GTID consists of the following steps: A transaction is executed and committed on the replication source ...
For information about generated columns, see Section, “ALTER TABLE and Generated Columns”. The WITHOUT VALIDATION and WITH VALIDATION clauses affect whether ALTER TABLE performs an in-place operation for virtual generated column ...| ...