MySQL Connector/NET Release Notes  /  Changes in MySQL Connector/Net 7.0  /  Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 7.0.7 (2017-03-16, Milestone 6)

Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 7.0.7 (2017-03-16, Milestone 6)

Functionality Added or Changed

  • Document Store: Added support for Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) addresses. Host names can now resolve as IPv4 or IPv6 addresses. (WL #10080)

  • Document Store: Connection string syntax is now identical to the URI scheme, which provides a cross-product syntax for defining the connection data to establish a session. See Connecting to the Server Using URI-Like Strings or Key-Value Pairs. (WL #10136)

  • Document Store: Added new methods to the Schema class to create, alter, and drop views. Usage notes include:

    • Views created with the Schema.CreateView().DefinedAs() method chain are supported for use with the table Select method, but are not supported with the collection Find method.

    • A collection view created in the database by some mechanism other than the CreateView method is not defined as a view by Table.IsView.

    • Query objects assigned to a view with the CreateView method are static, even when the underlying query changes.

    (WL #10034, WL #10427)