MySQL 9.1.0
Source Code Documentation
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1// Copyright (c) 2023, 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
3// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
4// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0,
5// as published by the Free Software Foundation.
7// This program is designed to work with certain software (including
8// but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms,
9// as designated in a particular file or component or in included license
10// documentation. The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional
11// permission to link the program and your derivative works with the
12// separately licensed software that they have either included with
13// the program or referenced in the documentation.
15// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18// GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details.
20// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
21// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
22// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
29#include "mysql/gtid/tag.h"
30#include "mysql/gtid/uuid.h"
32/// @addtogroup GroupLibsMysqlGtid
33/// @{
35namespace mysql::gtid {
37/// @brief Maximum TSID text length (without null character)
38inline constexpr auto tsid_max_length = Uuid::TEXT_LENGTH + 1 + tag_max_length;
40struct Tsid_plain;
42/// @brief Represents Transaction Source Identifier which is composed of source
43/// UUID and transaction tag. Transaction tag may be empty.
44class Tsid {
45 public:
46 /// @brief Constructs TSID from a given uuid and a tag
47 /// @param[in] uuid UUID component
48 /// @param[in] tag Tag component
49 Tsid(const Uuid &uuid, const Tag &tag);
51 /// @brief Constructs TSID from a given uuid, tag is empty
52 /// @param[in] uuid UUID component
53 Tsid(const Uuid &uuid);
55 /// @brief Construct from Tsid_plain object
56 /// @param arg Source to copy from
57 explicit Tsid(const Tsid_plain &arg);
59 /// @brief Constructs empty TSID
60 Tsid() = default;
61 Tsid(Tsid const &) = default;
62 Tsid(Tsid &&) = default;
63 Tsid &operator=(Tsid const &) = default;
64 Tsid &operator=(Tsid &&) = default;
66 /// @brief Returns textual representation of Transaction Source Identifier
67 std::string to_string() const;
69 /// @brief Obtains textual representation of TSID and writes it to out
70 /// @param [out] out Output string
71 /// @returns Number of characters written to out
72 std::size_t to_string(char *out) const;
74 /// @brief Obtains textual representation of TSID and writes it to out
75 /// @details version with a custom tag-sid separator
76 /// @param [out] out Output string
77 /// @param [in] tag_sid_separator Tag-sid separator
78 /// @returns Number of characters written to out
79 std::size_t to_string(char *out, const char *tag_sid_separator) const;
81 /// @brief Fills Tsid with data from text
82 /// @param[in] text Encoded TSID representation terminated with null sign,
83 /// GTID separator or UUID set separator if part of the GTID set encoding
84 /// @return The number of bytes read, or 0 on error
85 [[NODISCARD]] std::size_t from_cstring(const char *text);
87 /// @brief Default TSID separator
88 static constexpr auto tsid_separator = ":";
90 /// @brief Operator ==
91 /// @param other pattern to compare against
92 /// @return Result of comparison ==
93 bool operator==(const Tsid &other) const;
95 /// @brief Operator !=
96 /// @param other pattern to compare against
97 /// @return Result of comparison !=
98 bool operator!=(const Tsid &other) const;
100 /// @brief Operator <
101 /// @details Compares uuid first. If uuids are equal, compares tags
102 /// @param other pattern to compare against
103 /// @return Result of comparison this < other
104 bool operator<(const Tsid &other) const;
106 /// @brief Tag accessor
107 /// @return Const reference to Tag object
108 const Tag &get_tag() const { return m_tag; }
110 /// @brief Tag accessor, non const (serialization)
111 /// @return Non-const Reference to Tag object
112 Tag &get_tag_ref() { return m_tag; }
114 /// @brief Sets internal tag to a given tag object
115 /// @param tag Source to copy from
116 void set_tag(const Tag &tag) { m_tag = tag; }
118 /// @brief UUID accessor
119 /// @return Const reference to UUID component of TSID
120 const Uuid &get_uuid() const { return m_uuid; }
122 /// @brief Non const getter is needed in some functions (copy data)
123 /// @returns Reference to internal UUID
124 Uuid &get_uuid() { return m_uuid; }
126 /// @brief Checks whether this TSID contains tag
127 /// @retval true This TSID contains tag
128 /// @retval false This TSID contains empty tag
129 bool is_tagged() const { return m_tag.is_defined(); }
131 /// @brief Structure to compute hash function of a given Tag object
132 struct Hash {
133 /// @brief Computes hash of a given Tsid object
134 /// @param arg Object handle for which hash will be calculated
135 size_t operator()(const Tsid &arg) const {
136 return Uuid_hash{}(arg.m_uuid) ^ Tag::Hash{}(arg.m_tag);
137 }
138 };
139 friend struct Hash;
141 /// @brief Clears data - uuid and tag
142 void clear();
144 /// @brief Obtains maximum length of encoded TSID (compile time)
145 /// @return Maximum length of encoded tag in bytes
146 static constexpr std::size_t get_max_encoded_length() {
148 }
150 /// @brief stores TSID in buffer
151 /// @param buf Buffer to store bytes
152 /// @return the number of bytes written into the buf
153 /// @param gtid_format Format of encoded GTID. If tag is not defined for this
154 /// GTID and tagged format is used, 0 will be encoded as length of the string.
155 /// In case "untagged" format is requested, function won't encode additional
156 /// tag information for untagged GTIDs. When using
157 /// untagged, tag is required to be empty.
158 std::size_t encode_tsid(unsigned char *buf,
159 const Gtid_format &gtid_format) const;
161 /// @brief reads TSID from the buffer
162 /// @param stream Stream to read tsid from
163 /// @param stream_len Length of the stream
164 /// @param gtid_format Gtid format expected in the stream
165 /// @return The number of bytes read or 0. 0 means that an error occurred
166 /// (e.g. not enough bytes in the buffer to read the
167 /// tsid - corrupted bytes in the buffer).
168 [[NODISCARD]] std::size_t decode_tsid(const unsigned char *stream,
169 std::size_t stream_len,
170 const Gtid_format &gtid_format);
172 private:
173 Uuid m_uuid = {0}; ///< GTID UUID
174 Tag m_tag; ///< GTID Tag
177} // namespace mysql::gtid
179/// @}
181#endif // MYSQL_GTID_TSID_H
Representation of the GTID tag.
Definition: tag.h:50
bool is_defined() const
Indicates whether transaction tag is defined (is not empty)
Definition: tag.h:98
static constexpr std::size_t get_max_encoded_length()
Obtains maximum length of encoded tag (compile time)
Definition: tag.h:146
Represents Transaction Source Identifier which is composed of source UUID and transaction tag.
Definition: tsid.h:44
const Tag & get_tag() const
Tag accessor.
Definition: tsid.h:108
bool is_tagged() const
Checks whether this TSID contains tag.
Definition: tsid.h:129
Tsid(Tsid const &)=default
std::string to_string() const
Returns textual representation of Transaction Source Identifier.
Definition: tsid.cpp:34
static constexpr std::size_t get_max_encoded_length()
Obtains maximum length of encoded TSID (compile time)
Definition: tsid.h:146
Uuid m_uuid
Definition: tsid.h:173
bool operator!=(const Tsid &other) const
Operator !=.
Definition: tsid.cpp:62
Tsid & operator=(Tsid &&)=default
void clear()
Clears data - uuid and tag.
Definition: tsid.cpp:127
bool operator==(const Tsid &other) const
Operator ==.
Definition: tsid.cpp:58
Tag & get_tag_ref()
Tag accessor, non const (serialization)
Definition: tsid.h:112
Tsid & operator=(Tsid const &)=default
Uuid & get_uuid()
Non const getter is needed in some functions (copy data)
Definition: tsid.h:124
std::size_t encode_tsid(unsigned char *buf, const Gtid_format &gtid_format) const
stores TSID in buffer
Definition: tsid.cpp:97
Constructs empty TSID.
const Uuid & get_uuid() const
UUID accessor.
Definition: tsid.h:120
std::size_t from_cstring(const char *text)
Fills Tsid with data from text.
Definition: tsid.cpp:69
void set_tag(const Tag &tag)
Sets internal tag to a given tag object.
Definition: tsid.h:116
Tsid(Tsid &&)=default
Tag m_tag
Definition: tsid.h:174
std::size_t decode_tsid(const unsigned char *stream, std::size_t stream_len, const Gtid_format &gtid_format)
reads TSID from the buffer
Definition: tsid.cpp:105
bool operator<(const Tsid &other) const
Operator <.
Definition: tsid.cpp:64
static constexpr auto tsid_separator
Default TSID separator.
Definition: tsid.h:88
Definition: global.h:35
constexpr auto tsid_max_length
Maximum TSID text length (without null character)
Definition: tsid.h:38
Gtid binary format indicator.
Definition: gtid_format.h:38
constexpr std::size_t tag_max_length
Maximal number of characters in a tag.
Definition: gtid_constants.h:44
The function attribute [[NODISCARD]] is a replacement for [[nodiscard]] to workaround a gcc bug.
Definition: nodiscard.h:47
Structure to compute hash function of a given Tag object.
Definition: tag.h:166
Structure to compute hash function of a given Tag object.
Definition: tsid.h:132
size_t operator()(const Tsid &arg) const
Computes hash of a given Tsid object.
Definition: tsid.h:135
TSID representation so that:
Definition: tsid_plain.h:40
Definition: uuid.h:195
Uuid is a trivial and of standard layout The structure contains the following components.
Definition: uuid.h:64
static const size_t TEXT_LENGTH
The number of bytes in the textual representation of a Uuid.
Definition: uuid.h:168
static constexpr std::size_t BYTE_LENGTH
The number of bytes in the data of a Uuid.
Definition: uuid.h:143