MySQL 9.1.0
Source Code Documentation
MySQL Server Mock

The MySQL Server Mock

  • speaks (a subset of) the MySQL Client/Server protocol
  • knows how to
    • authenticate
    • respond to statements send by the client with
      • resultsets
      • status (Ok, last-insert-id, ...)
      • Error

It reads the protocol trace from a JSON file which contains:

  • sequence of statements to expect
  • responses to send
  • extra context information like execution-times


Testing in isolation

Testing MySQL InnoDB Cluster components like

  • MySQL Shell
  • MySQL Router
  • Connectors


  1. initialize a MySQL Server via the MySQL Shell dba.deploySandboxInstance
    • which runs mysqld --initialize
  2. use the MySQL Shell to

    • builds a cluster with dba.createCluster
    • add more nodes with cluster.addInstance

    (10-20 seconds).

  3. execute the statements to test the right behaviour (100ms)
  4. shut down the whole setup again (1s)

The setup and shutdown costs (20s) outscale the actual test runtime (100ms) by a great margin.

Mocking the MySQL Server

On the other side all the components speak to the MySQL Server over the MySQL Protocol only. Statements are sent, responses are received. What the MySQL Server did inbetween to generate the response isn't visible from the outside.

There is no difference from the point of view of the clients if the response comes from a genuine MySQL Server or from another program that returns the same bytes over the wire.

Simple Demo

A simple trace-file:

{"stmts": [
"stmt": "select @@version_comment limit 1",
"result": {
"columns": [{
"type": "STRING",
"name": "@@version_comment"
"rows": [
"stmt": "select USER()",
"result": {
"columns": [{
"type": "STRING",
"name": "USER()"
"rows": [

Starting the mock:

$ ./mysql_server_mock ./simple.json 5500

Use a client to talk to the mock:

$ mysql --port=5500
Server version: 8.0.0-mock ImAMock
mock@localhost:5500 (none)>

Design Goals

Allow Faster Testing

When using a MySQL Server the execution time of a statement is driven by the system that is used (storage-io, network-io, cpu speed, ...).

In cases where the execution time doesn't affect the behaviour (timeout testing, ...) the test setup could pretend the system has zero latency (storage in RAM, super fast CPUs, local networks).

It would be required to:

  • capture the statement exchanged between client and server
  • provide a MySQL Server mock which
    • speaks the MySQL Protocol
    • listens on a TCP port
    • returns the predefined results depending on the statement as a MySQL Server would.

More Error Cases

By using the Server Mock it is easier to create error-cases that are hard to create in real setups:

  • disk full
  • server dead
  • nodes out of sync
  • ...

Less options for failure

By using the MySQL Server Mock in the Router tests, the tests don't need the rely on installing

  • MySQL Shell
  • MySQL Server

which involves:

  • ensure the right version
  • check they actually work on the target
  • using the right paths

MySQL Router Demo

Bootstrapping a router

To bootstrap a router, the router expects to talk to a MySQL Server. It:

  • logs in with root and some password
  • executes 15 statements
  • writes mysqlrouter.conf

Start the "MySQL Server" mock on port 5050 with the bootstrapper.yaml

$ ./mysql_server_mock --mysqld-port=5050 --stmt-file=./bootstrapper.yaml

Let the router do the bootstrap

$ mysqlrouter --bootstrap localhost:5050 -d router-conf
Bootstrapping MySQL Router instance at <stripped>/rounter-conf...
MySQL Router  has now been configured for the InnoDB cluster 'test'.

The following connection information can be used to connect to the cluster.

Classic MySQL protocol connections to cluster 'test':
- Read/Write Connections: localhost:6446
- Read/Only Connections: localhost:6447

X protocol connections to cluster 'test':
- Read/Write Connections: localhost:64460
- Read/Only Connections: localhost:64470

The mock will log:

2017-01-24 12:24:11,551 MAIN INFO: listening on 5050
2017-01-24 12:24:23,357 MAIN INFO: accepted connection from ('', 38684)
2017-01-24 12:24:23,358 MAIN DEBUG: received: SELECT * FROM mysql_innodb_cluster_metadata.schema_version
2017-01-24 12:24:23,358 MAIN DEBUG: sending Result
2017-01-24 12:24:23,395 MAIN DEBUG: received: SELECT  ((SELECT count(*) FROM ...

After the bootstrap is finished the bootstrap-mysql-server-mock can be stopped.

Running the router

Using the bootstrapped config:

  • the metadata store is expected on port 5500
  • the data store is expected on port 5100

Start the metadata-store

$ ./mysql_server_mock --mysqld-port=5500 --stmt-file=./metadata-store.yaml

Start the data-store

$ ./mysql_server_mock --mysqld-port=5100 --stmt-file=./group-replication.yaml

Start the router

$ mysqlrouter --config router-conf/mysqlrouter.conf

The router log file says:

2017-01-24 12:28:30 INFO    [7fc57d7eb700] [routing:test_default_ro] started: listening on; read-only
2017-01-24 12:28:30 INFO    [7fc57dfec700] Starting Metadata Cache
2017-01-24 12:28:30 INFO    [7fc57cfea700] [routing:test_default_rw] started: listening on; read-write
2017-01-24 12:28:30 INFO    [7fc577fff700] [routing:test_default_x_rw] started: listening on; read-write
2017-01-24 12:28:30 INFO    [7fc5747e9700] [routing:test_default_x_ro] started: listening on; read-only
2017-01-24 12:28:30 INFO    [7fc57dfec700] Connected with metadata server running on
2017-01-24 12:28:30 INFO    [7fc57dfec700] Changes detected in cluster 'test' after metadata refresh
2017-01-24 12:28:30 INFO    [7fc57dfec700] Metadata for cluster 'test' has 1 replicasets:
2017-01-24 12:28:30 INFO    [7fc57dfec700] 'default' (3 members, single-primary)
2017-01-24 12:28:30 INFO    [7fc57dfec700]     localhost:5100 / 50000 - role=HA mode=RW
2017-01-24 12:28:30 INFO    [7fc57dfec700]     localhost:5110 / 50100 - role=HA mode=RO
2017-01-24 12:28:30 INFO    [7fc57dfec700]     localhost:5120 / 50200 - role=HA mode=RO
2017-01-24 12:28:30 INFO    [7fc5757fa700] Connected with metadata server running on

The metadata-store mock outputs:

2017-01-24 12:28:10,322 MAIN INFO: listening on 5500
2017-01-24 12:28:20,774 MAIN INFO: accepted connection from ('', 53278)
2017-01-24 12:28:20,775 MAIN DEBUG: received: SELECT R.replicaset_name, I.mysql_server_uuid, H.location, I.addresses->>'$.mysqlClassic', I.addresses->>'$.mysqlX' FROM mysql_innodb_cluster_metadata.clusters AS F JOIN mysql_innodb_cluster_metadata.replicasets AS R ON F.cluster_id = R.cluster_id JOIN mysql_innodb_cluster_metadata.instances AS I ON R.replicaset_id = I.replicaset_id JOIN mysql_innodb_cluster_metadata.hosts AS H ON I.host_id = H.host_id WHERE F.cluster_name = 'test';
2017-01-24 12:28:20,775 MAIN DEBUG: sending Result

The group-replication mock outputs:

2017-01-24 12:28:27,851 MAIN INFO: listening on 5100
2017-01-24 12:28:30,755 MAIN INFO: accepted connection from ('', 41520)
2017-01-24 12:28:30,755 MAIN DEBUG: received: show status like 'group_replication_primary_member'
2017-01-24 12:28:30,755 MAIN DEBUG: sending Result
2017-01-24 12:28:30,795 MAIN DEBUG: received: SELECT member_id, member_host, member_port, member_state, @@group_replication_single_primary_mode FROM performance_schema.replication_group_members WHERE channel_name = 'group_replication_applier'
2017-01-24 12:28:30,795 MAIN DEBUG: sending Result
2017-01-24 12:28:30,835 MAIN INFO: closed connection to ('', 41520)

Mock Configuration

The behaviour of the mysql_server_mock is driven by

  • JSON Tracefiles
  • Javascript files

They describe what the mock shall respond with when it receives:

  • a handshake
  • a sequence of statements

JSON Tracefiles

The structure of the JSON Tracefiles is defined in JSON-schema and can be seen in the source at src/mock_server/src/mysql_server_mock_schema.js


The Javascript backed files for the mock are more powerful then the static JSON Tracefiles as it:

  • allows to interface with the REST API of the mysql_server_mock
  • allows "stmts" to be handled at runtime via javascript functions