MySQL 8.4.3
Source Code Documentation
net::strand< Executor > Member List

This is the complete list of members for net::strand< Executor >, including all inherited members.

context() const noexceptnet::strand< Executor >inline
defer(Func &&f, const ProtoAllocator &a) constnet::strand< Executor >
dispatch(Func &&f, const ProtoAllocator &) constnet::strand< Executor >inline
get_inner_executor() const noexceptnet::strand< Executor >inline
inner_ex_net::strand< Executor >private
inner_executor_type typedefnet::strand< Executor >
jobs_net::strand< Executor >private
on_work_finished() const noexceptnet::strand< Executor >inline
on_work_started() const noexceptnet::strand< Executor >inline
operator=(const strand &other) noexceptnet::strand< Executor >inline
operator=(strand &&other) noexceptnet::strand< Executor >inline
operator=(const strand< OtherExecutor > &other) noexceptnet::strand< Executor >inline
operator=(strand< OtherExecutor > &&other) noexceptnet::strand< Executor >inline
post(Func &&f, const ProtoAllocator &a) constnet::strand< Executor >
running_net::strand< Executor >private
running_in_this_thread() const noexceptnet::strand< Executor >inline
strand()=defaultnet::strand< Executor >
strand(Executor ex)net::strand< Executor >inlineexplicit
strand(std::allocator_arg_t, const ProtoAllocator &, Executor ex)net::strand< Executor >inline
strand(const strand &other) noexceptnet::strand< Executor >inline
strand(strand &&other) noexceptnet::strand< Executor >inline
strand(const strand< OtherExecutor > &other) noexceptnet::strand< Executor >inline
strand(strand< OtherExecutor > &&other) noexceptnet::strand< Executor >inline
~strand()net::strand< Executor >