MySQL 8.0.37
Source Code Documentation
stdx::expected< T, E > Member List

This is the complete list of members for stdx::expected< T, E >, including all inherited members.

and_then(Func &&func) &stdx::expected< T, E >inline
and_then(Func &&func) &&stdx::expected< T, E >inline
and_then(Func &&func) const &stdx::expected< T, E >inline
and_then(Func &&func) const &&stdx::expected< T, E >inline
can_construct_from_value_type typedefstdx::ExpectedImpl< T, E >
can_construct_from_value_type_explicit typedefstdx::ExpectedImpl< T, E >
can_value_convert_construct typedefstdx::ExpectedImpl< T, E >
constructor_is_explicit typedefstdx::ExpectedImpl< T, E >
error() const &stdx::ExpectedImpl< T, E >inline
error() const &&stdx::ExpectedImpl< T, E >inline
error() &stdx::ExpectedImpl< T, E >inline
error() &&stdx::ExpectedImpl< T, E >inline
error_type typedefstdx::ExpectedImpl< T, E >
ExpectedImpl()stdx::ExpectedImpl< T, E >inline
ExpectedImpl(const ExpectedImpl< U, G > &rhs)stdx::ExpectedImpl< T, E >inline
ExpectedImpl(const ExpectedImpl< U, G > &rhs)stdx::ExpectedImpl< T, E >inlineexplicit
ExpectedImpl(ExpectedImpl< U, G > &&rhs)stdx::ExpectedImpl< T, E >inline
ExpectedImpl(ExpectedImpl< U, G > &&rhs)stdx::ExpectedImpl< T, E >inlineexplicit
ExpectedImpl(U &&v)stdx::ExpectedImpl< T, E >inline
ExpectedImpl(U &&v)stdx::ExpectedImpl< T, E >inlineexplicit
ExpectedImpl(std::in_place_t, Args &&... args)stdx::ExpectedImpl< T, E >inline
ExpectedImpl(stdx::unexpect_t, Args &&... args)stdx::ExpectedImpl< T, E >inline
ExpectedImpl(const ExpectedImpl &other)stdx::ExpectedImpl< T, E >inline
ExpectedImpl(ExpectedImpl &&other) noexcept(std::is_nothrow_move_constructible< E >::value &&std::is_nothrow_move_constructible< T >::value)stdx::ExpectedImpl< T, E >inline
ExpectedImpl(const unexpected< G > &e)stdx::ExpectedImpl< T, E >inline
ExpectedImpl(unexpected< G > &&e)stdx::ExpectedImpl< T, E >inline
ExpectedImplBase(bool has_value) noexceptstdx::ExpectedImplBaseinlineexplicit
get_unexpected() conststdx::ExpectedImpl< T, E >inline
has_value() conststdx::ExpectedImplBaseinline
operator bool() const noexceptstdx::ExpectedImplBaseinlineexplicit
operator*() &stdx::ExpectedImpl< T, E >inline
operator*() const &stdx::ExpectedImpl< T, E >inline
operator->()stdx::ExpectedImpl< T, E >inline
operator->() conststdx::ExpectedImpl< T, E >inline
operator=(ExpectedImpl const &other)stdx::ExpectedImpl< T, E >inline
operator=(ExpectedImpl &&other)stdx::ExpectedImpl< T, E >inline
operator=(U &&v)stdx::ExpectedImpl< T, E >inline
or_else(Func &&func) &stdx::expected< T, E >inline
or_else(Func &&func) &&stdx::expected< T, E >inline
or_else(Func &&func) const &stdx::expected< T, E >inline
or_else(Func &&func) const &&stdx::expected< T, E >inline
storage_stdx::ExpectedImpl< T, E >private
swap(ExpectedImpl &other) noexcept(std::is_nothrow_move_constructible< T >::value &&std::is_nothrow_move_constructible< E >::value)stdx::ExpectedImpl< T, E >inline
stdx::ExpectedImplBase::swap(ExpectedImplBase &other) noexceptstdx::ExpectedImplBaseinline
transform(Func &&func) &stdx::expected< T, E >inline
transform(Func &&func) &&stdx::expected< T, E >inline
transform(Func &&func) const &stdx::expected< T, E >inline
transform(Func &&func) const &&stdx::expected< T, E >inline
unexpected_type typedefstdx::ExpectedImpl< T, E >
value() const &stdx::ExpectedImpl< T, E >inline
value() const &&stdx::ExpectedImpl< T, E >inline
value() &stdx::ExpectedImpl< T, E >inline
value() &&stdx::ExpectedImpl< T, E >inline
value_or(U &&v) const &stdx::ExpectedImpl< T, E >inline
value_or(U &&v) &&stdx::ExpectedImpl< T, E >inline
value_type typedefstdx::ExpectedImpl< T, E >
~ExpectedImpl()stdx::ExpectedImpl< T, E >inline