Collections =========== Documents of the same type are grouped together and stored in the database as collections. The X DevAPI uses Collection objects to store and retrieve documents. Creating collections -------------------- In order to create a new collection call the :func:`mysqlx.Schema.create_collection()` function from a :class:`mysqlx.Schema` object. It returns a Collection object that can be used right away, for example to insert documents into the collection. Optionally, the argument ``reuse_existing`` can be set to ``True`` to prevent an error being generated if a collection with the same name already exists. .. code-block:: python import mysqlx # Connect to server on localhost session = mysqlx.get_session({ 'host': 'localhost', 'port': 33060, 'user': 'mike', 'password': 's3cr3t!' }) schema = session.get_schema('test') # Create 'my_collection' in schema schema.create_collection('my_collection', reuse_existing=True) Schema validation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Optionally, the argument ``validation`` can be set to create a server-side document validation schema. This argument should be a :class:`dict`, which includes a ``schema`` key matching a valid `JSON schema `_ definition. You should also include the ``level`` key to effectively enable (`STRICT`) or disable (`OFF`) it. .. code-block:: python validation = { "level": "STRICT", "schema": { "id": "", "$schema": "", "title": "Longitude and Latitude Values", "description": "A geographical coordinate", "required": ["latitude", "longitude"], "type": "object", "properties": { "latitude": { "type": "number", "minimum": -90, "maximum": 90 }, "longitude": { "type": "number", "minimum": -180, "maximum": 180 } }, } } # Create 'my_collection' in schema with a schema validation schema.create_collection('my_collection', validation=validation) When trying to insert a document that violates the schema definition for the collection, an error is thrown. Modifying collections --------------------- To enable a JSON schema validation on an existing collection (or to update it if already exists), you can use :func:`mysqlx.Schema.modify_collection()` function. .. code-block:: python # Using the same 'validation' dictionary used above, we can # modify 'my_collection' to include a schema validation schema.modify_collection('my_collection', validation=validation) Using Collection patch (:func:`mysqlx.ModifyStatement.patch()`) --------------------------------------------------------------- First we need to get a session and a schema. .. code-block:: python import mysqlx # Connect to server on localhost session = mysqlx.get_session({ 'host': 'localhost', 'port': 33060, 'user': 'mike', 'password': 's3cr3t!' }) schema = session.get_schema('test') Next step is create a sample collection and add some sample data. .. code-block:: python # Create 'collection_GOT' in schema schema.create_collection('collection_GOT') # Get 'collection_GOT' from schema collection = schema.get_collection('collection_GOT') collection.add( {"name": "Bran", "family_name": "Stark", "age": 18, "parents": ["Eddard Stark", "Catelyn Stark"]}, {"name": "Sansa", "family_name": "Stark", "age": 21, "parents": ["Eddard Stark", "Catelyn Stark"]}, {"name": "Arya", "family_name": "Stark", "age": 20, "parents": ["Eddard Stark", "Catelyn Stark"]}, {"name": "Jon", "family_name": "Snow", "age": 30}, {"name": "Daenerys", "family_name": "Targaryen", "age": 30}, {"name": "Margaery", "family_name": "Tyrell", "age": 35}, {"name": "Cersei", "family_name": "Lannister", "age": 44, "parents": ["Tywin Lannister, Joanna Lannister"]}, {"name": "Tyrion", "family_name": "Lannister", "age": 48, "parents": ["Tywin Lannister, Joanna Lannister"]}, ).execute() This example shows how to add a new field to a matching documents in a collection, in this case the new field name will be ``_is`` with the value of ``young`` for those documents with ``age`` field equal or smaller than 21 and the value ``old`` for documents with ``age`` field value greater than 21. .. code-block:: python collection.modify("age <= 21").patch( '{"_is": "young"}').execute() collection.modify("age > 21").patch( '{"_is": "old"}').execute() for doc in mys.collection.find().execute().fetch_all(): if doc.age <= 21: assert(doc._is == "young") else: assert(doc._is == "old") This example shows how to add a new field with an array value. The code will add the field "parents" with the value of ``["Mace Tyrell", "Alerie Tyrell"]`` to documents whose ``family_name`` field has value ``Tyrell``. .. code-block:: python collection.modify('family_name == "Tyrell"').patch( {"parents": ["Mace Tyrell", "Alerie Tyrell"]}).execute() doc = collection.find("name = 'Margaery'").execute().fetch_all()[0] assert(doc.parents == ["Mace Tyrell", "Alerie Tyrell"]) This example shows how to add a new field ``dragons`` with a JSON document as value. .. code-block:: python collection.modify('name == "Daenerys"').patch(''' {"dragons":{"drogon": "dark grayish with red markings", "Rhaegal": "green with bronze markings", "Viserion": "creamy white, with gold markings", "count": 3}} ''').execute() doc = collection.find("name = 'Daenerys'").execute().fetch_all()[0] assert(doc.dragons == {"count": 3, "drogon": "dark grayish with red markings", "Rhaegal": "green with bronze markings", "Viserion": "creamy white, with gold markings"}) This example uses the previews one to show how to remove of the nested field ``Viserion`` on ``dragons`` field and at the same time how to update the value of the ``count`` field with a new value based in the current one. .. note:: In the :func:`mysqlx.ModifyStatement.patch()` all strings are considered literals, for expressions the usage of the :func:`mysqlx.expr()` is required. .. code-block:: python collection.modify('name == "Daenerys"').patch(mysqlx.expr(''' JSON_OBJECT("dragons", JSON_OBJECT("count", $.dragons.count -1, "Viserion", Null)) ''')).execute() doc = mys.collection.find("name = 'Daenerys'").execute().fetch_all()[0] assert(doc.dragons == {'count': 2, 'Rhaegal': 'green with bronze markings',