Enum MySqlErrorCode
Provides a reference to error codes returned by MySQL.
Namespace: MySql.Data.MySqlClient
Assembly: MySql.Data.dll
Version: 9.2.0
public enum MySqlErrorCode
Name | Description |
AbortingConnection | |
AccessDenied | Normally returned when an incorrect password is given |
AddPartitionNoNewPartition | |
AddPartitionSubPartition | |
AdminWrongMergeTable | |
AlterFileGroupFailed | |
AlterInfo | Information returned by an UPDATE statement. |
AmbiguousFieldTerm | |
AnonymousUser | The anonymous user is not allowed to connect |
AutoConvert | |
AutoIncrementReadFailed | |
BadFieldError | The specified columns is unknown. |
BadFullTextColumn | |
BadLogStatement | |
BadReplica | |
BadReplicaUntilCondition | |
BadTable | The specified table is unknown. |
Base64DecodeError | |
BinLogCreateRoutineNeedSuper | |
BinLogLoggingImpossible | |
BinLogPurgeEMFile | |
BinLogPurgeFatalError | |
BinLogPurgeProhibited | |
BinLogRowLogginFailed | |
BinLogRowRBRToSBR | |
BinLogRowWrongTableDefinition | |
BinLogUnsafeRoutine | |
BinLogUnsafeStatement | |
BlobCannotHaveDefault | BLOB and Text columns cannot have a default value. |
BlobFieldInPartitionFunction | |
BlobKeyWithoutLength | |
BlobsAndNoTerminated | The BLOB columns must terminated, fixed row lengths cannot be used. |
BlobUsedAsKey | The BLOB column was used as a key, this can't be done. |
CannoCreateSubRoutine | |
CannotActivateLog | |
CannotAddForeignConstraint | |
CannotAggregateNCollations | |
CannotAggregateThreeCollations | |
CannotAggregateTwoCollations | |
CannotChangeTransactionIsolation | |
CannotCreateDatabase | The database couldn't be created. |
CannotCreateFederatedTable | |
CannotCreateFile | The file couldn't be created. |
CannotCreateGeometryObject | |
CannotCreateHandlerFile | |
CannotCreateTable | The table couldn't be created. |
CannotCreateThread | A new thread couldn't be created. |
CannotCreateUserWithGrant | |
CannotDeleteFile | The file couldn't be deleted. |
CannotDoThisDuringATransaction | |
CannotDropFieldOrKey | Cannot DROP, check that the column or key exists. |
CannotFindDLEntry | The specified symbol cannot be found in the library. |
CannotFindSystemRecord | The record couldn't be read from the system table. |
CannotFindUDF | The specified user defined function cannot be loaded. |
CannotGetStatus | The status couldn't be retrieved. |
CannotGetWorkingDirectory | The working directory couldn't be retrieved. |
CannotInitializeUDF | The specified user defined function cannot be initialised. |
CannotLoadFromTable | |
CannotLock | The file couldn't be locked. |
CannotLockLogTable | |
CannotOpenFile | The file couldn't be opened. |
CannotOpenLibrary | The specified shared library cannot be opened. |
CannotReadDirectory | The directory couldn't be read. |
CannotRemoveAllFields | All columns cannot be removed from a table, use DROP TABLE instead. |
CannotRenameLogTable | |
CannotReopenTable | The specified table can't be re-opened. |
CannotSetWorkingDirectory | The working directory couldn't be entered. |
CannotUpdateUsedTableInStoredFunctionOrTrigger | |
CannotUpdateWithReadLock | |
CannotUseOptionHere | |
CannotUser | |
CannotWriteLockLogTable | |
CheckNoSuchTable | |
CheckNotImplemented | |
CheckRead | The record changed since it was last read. |
CoalesceOnlyOnHashPartition | |
CoalescePartitionNoPartition | |
CollationCharsetMismatch | |
ColumnAccessDenied | |
ColumnCannotBeNull | The specified column cannot be NULL. |
ColumnCountDoesNotMatchCorrupted | |
ColumnCountDoesNotMatchPleaseUpdate | |
CommitNotAllowedIfStoredFunctionOrTrigger | |
ConflictFunctionParseError | |
ConflictingDeclarations | |
ConnectionCountError | Too many connections are open. |
ConnectToForeignDataSource | |
ConnectToSource | |
ConsecutiveReorganizePartitions | |
CorruptHelpDatabase | |
CrashedOnRepair | |
CrashedOnUsage | |
CreateDatabaseWithReadLock | |
CreateFileGroupFailed | |
CutValueGroupConcat | |
CyclicReference | |
DatabaseAccessDenied | Access was denied for the specified user using the specified database. |
DatabaseCreateExists | The database couldn't be created, it already exists. |
DatabaseDropDelete | The database couldn't be dropped, the file can't be deleted. |
DatabaseDropExists | The database couldn't be dropped, it doesn't exist. |
DatabaseDropRemoveDir | The database couldn't be dropped, the directory can't be deleted. |
DatabaseNameError | |
DataTooLong | |
DateTimeFunctionOverflow | |
DDLLogError | |
DebugSyncHitLimit | |
DebugSyncTimeout | |
DelayedCannotChangeLock | |
DelayedInsertTableLocked | |
DelayedNotSupported | |
DerivedMustHaveAlias | |
DifferentGroupsProcedure | |
DiskFull | The disk is full. |
DivisionByZero | |
DropDatabaseWithReadLock | |
DropFileGroupFailed | |
DropIndexForeignKey | |
DropLastPartition | |
DropPartitionNonExistent | |
DropUserError | |
DumpNotImplemented | |
DuplicateArgument | |
DuplicatedValueInType | |
DuplicateEntryAutoIncrementCase | |
DuplicateEntryWithKeyName | |
DuplicateFieldName | The column name is duplicated. |
DuplicateKey | There is already a key with the given values. |
DuplicateKeyEntry | Duplicate Key Entry |
DuplicateKeyName | Duplicate Key Name |
DuplicateUnique | |
EmptyQuery | The statement is empty. |
ErrorClientInteractionTimeout | |
ErrorDuringCheckpoint | |
ErrorDuringCommit | |
ErrorDuringFlushLogs | |
ErrorDuringRollback | |
ErrorLast | |
ErrorOnClose | An error occurred when closing the file. |
ErrorOnRead | An error occurred when reading from the file. |
ErrorOnRename | An error occurred when renaming then file. |
ErrorOnWrite | An error occurred when writing to the file. |
ErrorUntilConditionIgnored | |
ErrorWhenExecutingCommand | |
EventAlreadyExists | |
EventCannotAlter | |
EventCannotAlterInThePast | |
EventCannotCreateInThePast | |
EventCannotDelete | |
EventCompileError | |
EventDataTooLong | |
EventDoesNotExist | |
EventDropFailed | |
EventEndsBeforeStarts | |
EventExecTimeInThePast | |
EventIntervalNotPositiveOrTooBig | |
EventInvalidCreationContext | |
EventModifyQueueError | |
EventNeitherMExpresssionNorMAt | |
EventOpenTableFailed | |
EventRecursionForbidden | |
EventSameName | |
EventsDatabaseError | |
EventSetVariableError | |
EventStoreFailed | |
ExcepionsWriteError | |
ExecuteStatementWithOpenCursor | |
FailedRoutineBreaksBinLog | |
FeatureDisabled | |
FieldNotFoundPartitionErrror | |
FieldSpecifiedTwice | The specified column has been specified twice. |
FileExists | The specified file already exists. |
FileGroupOptionOnlyOnce | |
FileNotFound | The file couldn't be found. |
FileParserBadHeader | |
FileParserEOFInComment | |
FileParserEOFInUnknownParameter | |
FileParserErrorInParameter | |
FileParserTooBigFile | |
FileSortAborted | Sorting has been aborted. |
FileUsed | The file is in use. |
FlushSourceBinLogClosed | |
ForbidSchemaChange | |
ForcingClose | The server is forcing close of the specified thread. |
ForeignDataSourceDoesNotExist | |
ForeignDataStringInvalid | |
ForeignDataStringInvalidCannotCreate | |
ForeignDuplicateKey | |
ForeignKeyOnPartitioned | |
ForeignServerDoesNotExist | |
ForeignServerExists | |
FormNotFound | The view doesn't exist. |
FrmUnknownType | |
FSeekFail | |
FullTextMatchingKeyNotFound | |
FunctionInExistentNameCollision | |
FunctionNotDefined | The specified function is not defined. |
GetErroMessage | |
GetErrorNumber | Got the specified error from the table storage engine. |
GetTemporaryErrorMessage | |
GlobalVariableError | |
GotSignal | The server received the specified signal and is aborting. |
GrantWrongHostOrUser | |
HandshakeError | The handshake was invalid. |
HashCheck | |
HostIsBlocked | The specified host is blocked because of too many connection errors, unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'. |
HostNameError | |
HostNotPrivileged | The given host is not allowed to connect |
IllegalGrantForTable | |
IllegalHA | The table storage engine doesn't support the specified option. |
IllegalHACreateOption | |
IllegalReference | |
IllegalValueForType | |
InconsistentPartitionInfo | |
InconsistentTypeOfFunctions | |
IncorrectGlobalLocalVariable | |
IndexRebuild | |
InsertInfo | Information returned by an INSERT statement. |
InvalidCharacterString | |
InvalidDefault | The default value is invalid for the specified field. |
InvalidGroupFunctionUse | The group function has been incorrectly used. |
InvalidOnUpdate | |
InvalidUseOfNull | The NULL value has been used incorrectly. |
IOErrorLogIndexRead | |
IPSocketError | An error occurred when creating the IP socket. |
ISAMCheck | |
KeyColumnDoesNotExist | The specified key column doesn't exist in the table. |
KeyDoesNotExist | |
KeyNotFound | The specified key was not found. |
KeyPartZero | |
KeyReferenceDoesNotMatchTableReference | |
KillDenied | The thread cannot be killed, the current user is not the owner. |
LimitedPartitionRange | |
ListOfFieldsOnlyInHash | |
LoadDataInvalidColumn | |
LoadFromFixedSizeRowsToVariable | |
LoadInfo | Information returned by the LOAD statement. |
LocalVariableError | |
LockDeadlock | |
LockOrActiveTransaction | |
LockTableFull | |
LockWaitTimeout | |
LoggingProhibitsChangingOf | |
LogInUse | |
LogPurgeNoFile | |
LogPurgeUnknownError | |
MalformedDefiner | |
MaxPreparedStatementCountReached | |
MBiggerThanD | |
MissingSkipReplica | |
MixHandlerError | |
MixingNotAllowed | |
MixOfGroupFunctionAndFields | GROUP columns (MIN(), MAX(), COUNT(), ...) cannot be mixes with no GROUP columns if there is not GROUP BY clause. |
MultipleDefinitionsConstantInListPartition | |
MultiplePrimaryKey | The table has multiple primary keys defined. |
NameBecomesEmpty | |
NativeFCTNameCollision | |
NDBCannotSwitchBinLogFormat | |
NDBReplicationSchemaError | |
NeedRePrepare | |
NetErrorOnWrite | |
NetFCntlError | |
NetPacketsOutOfOrder | |
NetReadError | |
NetReadErrorFromPipe | |
NetReadInterrupted | |
NetUncompressError | |
NetWriteInterrupted | |
NewAbortingConnection | |
No | |
NoBinaryLogging | |
NoBinLog | |
NoConstantExpressionInRangeOrListError | |
NoDatabaseSelected | No database has been selected. |
NoDefaultForField | |
NoDefaultForViewField | |
NoFileMapping | |
NoFormatDescriptionEventBeforeBinLogStatement | |
NoGroupForProcedure | |
None | |
NonExistingGrant | |
NonExistingProcedureGrant | |
NonExistingTableGrant | |
NonGroupingFieldUsed | |
NonInsertableTable | |
NonUnique | The specified column is ambiguous. |
NonUniqueTable | The table alias isn't unique. |
NonUpdateableColumn | |
NonUpdateableTable | |
NoPartitionForGivenValue | |
NoPartitionForGivenValueSilent | |
NoPartitions | |
NoPermissionToCreateUser | |
NoRAIDCompiled | |
NoReferencedRow | |
NoReferencedRow2 | |
NormalShutdown | |
NoSuchIndex | The table has no index like the one used in CREATE INDEX. |
NoSuchTable | |
NoSuchThread | The specified thread ID is unknown. |
NoSuchUser | |
NoTablesUsed | No tables used in the statement. |
NotAllowedCommand | |
NotDefaultError | |
NotFormFile | The file contains incorrect information. |
NotKeyFile | The key file is incorrect for the table, it should be repaired. |
NoTriggersOnSystemSchema | |
NotSupportedAuthMode | |
NotSupportedYet | |
NoUniqueLogFile | A unique filename couldn't be generated. |
NullColumnInIndex | The table handler doesn't support NULL in the given index, change specified column to be NOT NULL or use another handler. |
NullInValuesLessThan | |
OldFileFormat | |
OldKeyFile | The key file is old for the table, it should be repaired. |
OnlyIntegersAllowed | |
OnlyOnRangeListPartition | |
OpearnColumnsError | |
OpenAsReadOnly | The table is read-only |
OptionPreventsStatement | |
OrderWithProcedure | |
OutOfMemory | The server is out of memory, it should be restarted. |
OutOfResources | The server is out of resources, check if MySql or some other process is using all available memory. |
OutOfSortMemory | The server is out of sort-memory, the sort buffer size should be increased. |
PacketTooLarge | An attempt was made to send or receive a packet larger than max_allowed_packet_size |
ParseError | An error occurred when parsing the statement. |
PartitionConstantDomain | |
PartitionEntryError | |
PartitionFunctionFailure | |
PartitionFunctionIsNotAllowed | |
PartitionFunctionNotAllowed | |
PartitionManagementOnNoPartitioned | |
PartitionMaxValue | |
PartitionMergeError | |
PartitionNameError | |
PartitionNotDefined | |
PartitionNoTemporary | |
PartitionRequiresValues | |
PartitionsMustBeDefined | |
PartitionStateError | |
PartitionSubPartition | |
PartitionSubPartMix | |
PartitionWrongNoPart | |
PartitionWrongNoSubPart | |
PartitionWrongValues | |
PasswordLength | |
PasswordNoMatch | The given password does not match |
PasswordNotAllowed | The given password is not allowed |
PluginIsNotLoaded | |
PrecedureAccessDenied | |
PreparedStatementManyParameters | |
PreparedStatementNoRecursion | |
PrimaryCannotHaveNull | |
ProcedureAutoGrantFail | |
ProcedureAutoRevokeFail | |
QueryInterrupted | |
QueryOnForeignDataSource | |
QueryOnSource | |
RangeNotIncreasing | |
RBRNotAvailable | |
ReadOnlyTransaction | |
Ready | The server is ready to accept connections. |
RecordFileFull | The specified table is full. |
RegExpError | The regular expression contains an error. |
RelayLogFail | |
RelayLogInit | |
RemovedSpaces | |
RenamedNameError | |
ReorganizeHashOnlyOnSameNumber | |
ReorganizeNoParameter | |
ReorganizeOutsideRange | |
ReorganizePartitionNotExist | |
ReplicaAmbiguousExecMode | |
ReplicaCorruptEvent | |
ReplicaCreateEventFailure | |
ReplicaFatalError | |
ReplicaHeartbeatFailure | |
ReplicaHeartbeatValueOutOfRange | |
ReplicaIgnoredTable | |
ReplicaIgnoreSSLParameters | |
ReplicaIncident | |
ReplicaMustStop | |
ReplicaNotRunning | |
ReplicaRelayLogReadFailure | |
ReplicaRelayLogWriteFailure | |
ReplicaSourceComFailure | |
ReplicaThread | |
ReplicaWasNotRunning | |
ReplicaWasRunning | |
RequiresPrimaryKey | |
ReservedSyntax | |
RevokeGrantsError | |
RowIsReferenced | |
RowIsReferenced2 | |
SameNamePartition | |
SelectReduced | |
ServerIsInSecureAuthMode | |
ServerShutdown | The server is currently being shutdown. |
SetConstantsOnly | |
ShutdownComplete | The server shutdown is complete. |
SizeOverflow | |
SourceError | |
SourceFatalErrorReadingBinLog | |
SourceInfo | |
SourceNetRead | |
SourceNetWrite | |
SpatialCannotHaveNull | |
SpecifiedAccessDeniedError | |
StackOverrun | A thread stack overrun occurred. Stack statistics are specified. |
StackOverrunNeedMore | |
StartupError | |
StatementHasNoOpenCursor | |
StatementNotAllowedInStoredFunctionOrTrigger | |
StoredFunctionPreventsSwitchBinLogFormat | |
StoredProcedureAlreadyExists | |
StoredProcedureAlreadyOpen | |
StoredProcedureBadCursorQuery | |
StoredProcedureBadCursorSelect | |
StoredProcedureBadReturn | |
StoredProcedureBadSelect | |
StoredProcedureBadStatement | |
StoredProcedureBadVariableShadow | |
StoredProcedureCannotAlter | |
StoredProcedureCannotSetAutoCommit | |
StoredProcedureCaseNotFound | |
StoredProcedureConditionMismatch | |
StoredProcedureCursorAfterHandler | |
StoredProcedureCursorMismatch | |
StoredProcedureCursorNotOpen | |
StoredProcedureDoesNotExist | |
StoredProcedureDropFailed | |
StoredProcedureDuplicateCondition | |
StoredProcedureDuplicateCursor | |
StoredProcedureDuplicateHandler | |
StoredProcedureDuplicateParameter | |
StoredProcedureDuplicateVariable | |
StoredProcedureFetchNoData | |
StoredProcedureGotoInHandler | |
StoredProcedureLabelMismatch | |
StoredProcedureLabelRedefine | |
StoredProcedureLiLabelMismatch | |
StoredProcedureNoAggregate | |
StoredProcedureNoDropStoredProcedure | |
StoredProcedureNoRecursion | |
StoredProcedureNoRecursiveCreate | |
StoredProcedureNoReturn | |
StoredProcedureNoReturnEnd | |
StoredProcedureNoReturnSet | |
StoredProcedureNotVariableArgument | |
StoredProcedureNumberOfArguments | |
StoredProcedureRecursionLimit | |
StoredProcedureSQLState | |
StoredProcedureStoreFailed | |
StoredProcedureSubSelectNYI | |
StoredProcedureTableCorrupt | |
StoredProcedureUndeclaredVariabel | |
StoredProcedureUninitializedVariable | |
StoredProcedureVariableConditionAfterCursorHandler | |
StoredProcedureWrongName | |
StoredProcedureWrongNumberOfFetchArguments | |
StoredRoutineInvalidCreateionContext | |
SubPartitionError | |
SubPartitionNameError | |
SubQueryNoOneRow | |
SyntaxError | |
TableAccessDenied | |
TableCannotHandleAutoIncrement | |
TableCannotHandleBlob | |
TableCannotHandleFullText | |
TableCannotHandleSpatialKeys | |
TableDefinitionChanged | |
TableExists | The specified table already exists. |
TableMustHaveColumns | The table must have at least one column. |
TableNameErrror | |
TableNameNotAllowedHere | |
TableNeedsUpgrade | |
TableNotLocked | The specified table was not locked with LOCK TABLES. |
TableNotLockedForWrite | The specified table was locked with a READ lock, and can't be updated. |
TableSpaceAutoExtend | |
TemoraryTablePreventSwitchOutOfRBR | |
TemporaryNameError | |
TextFileNotReadable | The text file cannot be read. |
TiggerCorruptedFile | |
TooBigDisplayWidth | |
TooBigFieldLength | The column length is too big for the specified column type. |
TooBigForUncompress | |
TooBigPrecision | |
TooBigRowSize | The row size is too large, the maximum row size for the used tables (not counting BLOBS) is specified, change some columns or BLOBS. |
TooBigScale | |
TooBigSelect | The SELECT command would examine more than MAX_JOIN_SIZE rows, check the WHERE clause and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET SQL_MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is ok. |
TooBigSet | Too many string have been used for the specified column and SET. |
TooHighLevelOfNestingForSelect | |
TooLongBody | |
TooLongFieldComment | |
TooLongIdentifier | The identifier name is too long. |
TooLongKey | The specified key is too long |
TooLongString | |
TooLongTableComment | |
TooManyConcurrentTransactions | |
TooManyDelayedThreads | |
TooManyFields | Too many columns |
TooManyKeys | Too many keys were defined for the table. |
TooManyKeysParts | Too many parts to the keys were defined for the table. |
TooManyPartitions | |
TooManyRows | |
TooManyTables | Too many tables, MySQL can only use the specified number of tables in a JOIN. |
TooManyUserConnections | |
TooMuchAutoTimestampColumns | |
TransactionCacheFull | |
TriggerAlreadyExists | |
TriggerCannotChangeRow | |
TriggerCannotOpenTable | |
TriggerDoesNotExist | |
TriggerInvalidCreationContext | |
TriggerInWrongSchema | |
TriggerNoCreationContext | |
TriggerNoDefiner | |
TriggerNoSuchRowInTrigger | |
TriggerOnViewOrTempTable | |
TruncatedWrongValue | |
TruncatedWrongValueForField | |
UDFExists | The specified user defined function already exists. |
UDFNoPaths | No paths are allowed for the shared library. |
UnableToConnectToHost | Given when the connection is unable to successfully connect to host. |
UnexepectedEOF | An unexpected EOF was found when reading from the file. |
UnionTablesInDifferentDirectory | |
UniqueKeyNeedAllFieldsInPartitioningFunction | |
UnknownCharacterSet | The specified character set is unknown. |
UnknownCollation | |
UnknownCommand | The command is unknown. |
UnknownDatabase | The specified database is not known. |
UnknownError | An unknown error occurred. |
UnknownKeyCache | |
UnknownProcedure | The specified procedure is unknown. |
UnknownStatementHandler | |
UnknownStorageEngine | |
UnknownSystemVariable | |
UnknownTable | The specified table is unknown. |
UnknownTargetBinLog | |
UnknownTimeZone | |
UnsupportedExtenstion | The specified table uses an extension that doesn't exist in this MySQL version. |
UnsupportedLogEngine | |
UnsupportedPreparedStatement | |
UpdateInfo | Information returned by an UPDATE statement. |
UpdateLogDeprecatedIgnored | |
UpdateLogDeprecatedTranslated | |
UpdateTableUsed | The target table cannot be specified for update in FROM clause. |
UpdateWithoutKeysInSafeMode | |
UserLimitReached | |
UserNameError | |
VariableCannotBeRead | |
VariableIsNotStructure | |
VariableIsReadonly | |
ViewCheckFailed | |
ViewChecksum | |
ViewDeleteMergeView | |
ViewFrmNoUser | |
ViewInvalid | |
ViewInvalidCreationContext | |
ViewMultiUpdate | |
ViewNoCreationContext | |
ViewNoExplain | |
ViewNoInsertFieldList | |
ViewNonUpdatableCheck | |
ViewOtherUser | |
ViewPreventUpdate | |
ViewRecursive | |
ViewSelectClause | |
ViewSelectDerived | |
ViewSelectTempTable | |
ViewSelectVariable | |
ViewWrongList | |
WaningDataTruncated | |
WaningDeprecatedSyntax | |
WaningFieldResolved | |
WaningUsingOtherHandler | |
WarningAllowedPacketOverflowed | |
WarningCannotDropDefaultKeyCache | |
WarningDataOutOfRange | |
WarningDeprecatedSyntaxWithVersion | |
WarningEngineTransactionRollback | |
WarningHostnameWillNotWork | |
WarningInvalidTimestamp | |
WarningNonASCIISeparatorNotImplemented | |
WarningNoSourceInfo | |
WarningNotCompleteRollback | |
WarningNullToNotNull | |
WarningOptionIgnored | |
WarningPluginBusy | |
WarningPluginDeleteBuiltIn | |
WarningQueryCacheResize | |
WarningTooFewRecords | |
WarningTooManyRecords | |
WarningViewMerge | |
WarningViewWithoutKey | |
WrongArguments | |
WrongAutoKey | There can only be one auto-column, and it must be defined as a PK. |
WrongColumnName | |
WrongDatabaseName | The specified database name is incorrect. |
WrongExpressionInParitionFunction | |
WrongFieldSpecifier | The column specifier is incorrect. |
WrongFieldTerminators | The field separator argument is not what is expected, check the manual. |
WrongFieldWithGroup | The specified column isn't in GROUP BY. |
WrongForeignKeyDefinition | |
WrongGroupField | The specified columns cannot be grouped on. |
WrongKeyColumn | |
WrongLockOfSystemTable | |
WrongMagic | |
WrongMergeTable | |
WrongNameForCatalog | |
WrongNameForIndex | |
WrongNumberOfColumnsInSelect | |
WrongObject | |
WrongOuterJoin | A cross dependency was found in the OUTER JOIN, examine the ON conditions. |
WrongParameterCountToNativeFCT | |
WrongParameterCountToProcedure | The number of parameters provided for the specified procedure is incorrect. |
WrongParametersToNativeFCT | |
WrongParametersToProcedure | The parameters provided for the specified procedure are incorrect. |
WrongParametersToStoredFCT | |
WrongPartitionName | |
WrongSizeNumber | |
WrongStringLength | |
WrongSubKey | The prefix key is incorrect. |
WrongSumSelected | There are sum functions and columns in the same statement. |
WrongTableName | The specified table name is incorrect. |
WrongTypeForVariable | |
WrongUsage | |
WrongValue | |
WrongValueCount | The column count doesn't match the value count. |
WrongValueCountOnRow | The column count doesn't match the value count. |
WrongValueForType | |
WrongValueForVariable | |
WSAStartupFailed | |
XAERDuplicateID | |
XAERInvalid | |
XAERNotA | |
XAEROutside | |
XAERRemoveError | |
XAERRemoveFail | |
XARBDeadlock | |
XARBRollback | |
XARBTimeout | |
Yes | |
ZipLibBufferError | |
ZipLibDataError | |
ZipLibMemoryError |