WL#5652: InnoDB: Use HW CRC32

Status: Complete

The overhead of existing checksum in InnoDB is too high, according to:
http://mysqlha.blogspot.com/2009/05/innodb-checksum-performance.html. Another
related article is http://dammit.lt/2008/05/29/on-checksums/

Facebook has already provided the new checksum code under BSD license that
includes hardware-based implementation if it is supported by the CPU.
There are two 4-byte fields for checksums in each database page, lets call them
to the disk those two fields get:

* InnoDB versions < 4.0.14 and < 4.1.1: always store 0
* InnoDB versions newer than the above store buf_calc_page_new_checksum()
* Any InnoDB versions with innodb_checksums=OFF would store a constant magic number

* Very old InnoDB stores LSN
* Newer InnoDB stores buf_calc_page_old_checksum()
* Any InnoDB versions with innodb_checksums=OFF would store a constant magic number

Both buf_calc_page_old_checksum() and buf_calc_page_new_checksum() use the same
algorithm, but the _old version calculates the checksum only on the first 26
bytes of the page.

This WorkLog adds a new boolean parameter innodb_use_crc32 (OFF by default).
When that option is turned ON (and innodb_checksums=ON) then
buf_calc_page_crc32() will be stored in *both* checksum fields. This function
uses CPU instructions to calculate CRC32 if the CPU supports them and falls back
to a manual CRC32 calculation if the CPU does not have support for it.

When checking whether a page is corrupted the value of the stored checksum for
both fields will also be allowed to match buf_calc_page_crc32() in addition to
what it is allowed before this WL. Before this WL the stored value is allowed to
be anything if innodb_checksums=OFF during the check and if innodb_checksums=ON
then the stored value is allowed to be one of:

* 0
* buf_calc_page_new_checksum()
* the constant magic number

* the LSN
* buf_calc_page_old_checksum()
* the constant magic number

Additionally if any of the two fields contains buf_calc_page_crc32() then the
other field must also contain the same. 


Ideas from Marko (notice that innodb_checksums is a boolean parameter, so it
would not be a good idea to upgrade it to an integer because this will break
existing configuration files that may have innodb_checksums=ON or
This is straightforward, except for the configuration of the selected checksum
algorithm. We already have a read-only (static) configuration parameter,
innodb_use_checksum, which allows the use of two algorithms:

innodb_use_checksum=0 (no checksum, write a 0xdeadbeef magic value)
innodb_use_checksum=1 (the default algorithm)

There are two cases where checksums are being calculated. One is when writing a
page to disk. Another is when reading a page, checking that the page matches the
checksum written on it.

When reading the page, InnoDB currently allows any checksum algorithm to match.
This increases the probability that a corrupted page is mistaken for a good one,
especially when a checksum algorithm happens to produce a 0xdeadbeef magic value.

It could be useful to extend the configuration parameter as follows:

innodb_use_checksum=2 (write crc32, but allow any algorithm to match on read)
innodb_use_checksum=3 (write crc32, and require crc32 match on read)

The default value could remain innodb_use_checksum=1. When creating a new
database from the scratch, recommended practice would be to add
innodb_use_checksum=3 to the MySQL configuration. This parameter should not be
made dynamic, because innodb_use_checksum=3 can only work if there exist no
pages containing a different checksum from crc32.
* Link extra/innochecksum with storage/innobase/libinnobase.a and remove
copy-pasted InnoDB functions from it
* Support the new CRC32 algo in innochecksum.c
* Move functions that are to be used in innochecksum from buf0buf.c into a
separate file buf0checksum.c so that linking works